[gnu.gcc.bug] Program kills gcc 1.31

schmidt%blanche.ics.uci.edu@ORION.CF.UCI.EDU ("Douglas C. Schmidt") (11/24/88)

Bug Report for GCC:
Problem :  The following program causes a fatal signal in gcc 1.31
           running on the sparc.

1.) Version : gcc 1.31

2.) Input Program : 

/* gcc -g -W -I. -v -c sgp.c */
# 1 "sgp.c"
# 1 "./framebuffer.h"
typedef int COLOR;
extern int fb_open(), fb_close(), fb_writePixel(), fb_flush();
extern char *fb_error_message;
# 11 "sgp.c"
# 1 "bresenham.h"
void bresenham(void point_func(int,int),
	       double x0, double y0,
	       double x1, double y1);
# 12 "sgp.c"
# 1 "xform.h"
typedef struct { double d[3]; } point;
typedef struct { double dd[3][3]; } xform;
point dot_p_x(point, xform);
xform dot_x_x(xform, xform);
void rotate(xform *, double radians);
void translate(xform *, double dx, double dy);
void scale(xform *, double sx, double sy);
# 13 "sgp.c"
# 1 "sgp.h"
void sgp_init(void);
void move_abs(double x, double y);
void line_abs(double x, double y);
void move_rel(double dx, double dy);
void line_rel(double dx, double dy);
void set_color(COLOR color);
void set_window(double left, double bottom, double right, double top);
# 14 "sgp.c"
typedef struct {
  xform world2ndc;
  xform ndc2device;
  point cp;		 
  COLOR clr;
} gstate;
static xform hack = { {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}} } ;
static void die(char *s);
static int clip_ndc(point *p1, point *p2);
static void line(point from, point to);
static gstate gs = {{ {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}} } , { {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}} } , { {0.0, 0.0, 1.0} } ,           1 };
void sgp_init(void)
  int minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
  if (fb_open(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY) !=      0 )
  scale(&gs.ndc2device, 1.0, -1.0);
  scale(&gs.ndc2device, (maxY - minY), (maxY - minY));
  translate(&gs.ndc2device, minX, maxY);
  translate(&gs.ndc2device, ((maxX - minX) - (maxY - minY))/2, 0.0);
void set_color(COLOR clr)
  gs.clr = clr;
void set_window(double left, double bottom, double right, double top)
  gs.world2ndc = hack;		        
  scale(&gs.world2ndc, right - left, top - bottom);
  translate(&gs.world2ndc, left, bottom);
void move_abs(double x, double y)
  ((gs.cp).d[0])  = x;
  ((gs.cp).d[1])  = y;
void line_abs(double x, double y)
  point pt = { {0.0, 0.0, 1.0} } ;
  ((pt).d[0])  = x;
  ((pt).d[1])  = y;
  line(gs.cp, pt);
  gs.cp = pt;
void move_rel(double dx, double dy)
  ((gs.cp).d[0])  += dx;
  ((gs.cp).d[1])  += dy;
void line_rel(double dx, double dy)
  point pt = { {0.0, 0.0, 1.0} } ;
  ((pt).d[0])  = ((gs.cp).d[0])  + dx;
  ((pt).d[1])  = ((gs.cp).d[1])  + dy;
  gs.cp = pt;
static void die(char *s)
  printf("sgp: %s\n", s);
static void write_pixel(int x, int y)
  fb_writePixel(x, y, gs.clr);
static void line(point from, point to)
  from = dot_p_x(from, gs.world2ndc);
  to = dot_p_x(to, gs.world2ndc);
  if (clip_ndc(&from, &to))
      from = dot_p_x(from, gs.ndc2device);
      to = dot_p_x(to, gs.ndc2device);
      bresenham(write_pixel, ((from).d[0]) , ((from).d[1]) , ((to).d[0]) , ((to).d[1]) );
static int clip_ndc(point *from, point *to)
  return 1;

3.) Command Used : gcc -g -W -I. -v -c 

4.) Files used :
      tm.h          -> tm-sparc.h
      md            -> sparc.md
      config.h      -> xm-sunos4.h
      aux-output.c  -> output-sparc.c
5.) Machine(s) used :
   Sun 4 running Sun4.0

6.) Compiler diagnostics :

gcc version 1.31
 /usr/public/lib/gcc/gcc-cpp -v -I. -I/cd/ua/schmidt/include/ -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUC__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix cpp-bug.1.30.c /tmp/cca17470.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.31
 /usr/public/lib/gcc/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca17470.cpp -quiet -dumpbase cpp-bug.1.30.c -finline-functions -g -W -version -o /tmp/cca17470.s
GNU C version 1.31 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.31.
/usr/public/gcc: Program cc1 got fatal signal 6.