[gnu.gcc.bug] Fix for sequent symmetry -p option

schmidt@BONNIE.ICS.UCI.EDU ("Douglas C. Schmidt") (11/26/88)


   It was correctly pointed out to me that my sloppy bug report
regarding the Sequent Symmetry -p profiling problem wasn't
particularly helpful.  Therefore, to atone for this I am submitting a
fix that works for our 386 Sequent:

----- ( tm-i386.h ) -----
/* Output assembler code to FILE to increment profiler label # LABELNO
   for profiling a function entry. */

   fprintf (FILE, "\tmovl $LP%d,%%eax\n\tcall mcount\n", (LABELNO));

This probably should be migrated into the tm-seq386.h file, since the
previous macro appears to work fine for the other 386's ( at least
that's what I've been told ).
