[gnu.gcc.bug] How do I apply one of the diff files to update gcc?


Trivial question, but I've never had to do it. Can someone please point me
to a document that would tell me how to apply the diff file for gcc-1.33.

Mike Burbidge---

bob@monster.cis.ohio-state.edu (Bob Sutterfield) (02/05/89)

First, you need to get compress (a package of stuff including zcat)
and patch (a thing that inductively figures out what a new version is,
based upon the old version and the differences between the two).

	cd dist-gcc
	zcat gcc.diff-1.32-1.33.Z | patch -p1

and away you go.  Both compress and patch came across
comp.sources.something, and are therefore archived for FTP access on
uunet.uu.net.  They are also both available via anonymous UUCP from
osu-cis - write for directions if you need them.