[gnu.gcc.bug] Source for gcc bug

jay@bagel.key.com (Jay Pattin) (03/11/89)

This is the source for the previous bug report. The source will come
in two pieces, as it is too large for a single message.

-- Jay Pattin

# 1 "design_bug.c"
# 1 "/usr2/k1/cpu/sim/sim.release/simtype.h"
typedef		unsigned	bits;
typedef		struct
	bits		h;	
	bits		l;	
}		word;

struct pin
	unsigned short	p_size;
	unsigned short	p_type;
	unsigned short	p_act_low;
	word		p_value;

struct symbol_table_entry
	char		*signal_name;
	char		*var_adr;
	int		size;
	int		low;

enum special_symbol_type {

struct special_symbol {
	enum special_symbol_type type;
	char *spec_adr;
	int width;
	int mem_depth;
	int total_depth;
	char *pointer;
# 1 "design_bug.c"

# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h"

extern	struct	_iobuf {
	int	_cnt;
	unsigned char *_ptr;
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_bufsiz;
	short	_flag;
	char	_file;		
} _iob[];

extern struct _iobuf	*fopen();
extern struct _iobuf	*fdopen();
extern struct _iobuf	*freopen();
extern struct _iobuf	*popen();
extern struct _iobuf	*tmpfile();
extern long	ftell();
extern char	*fgets();
extern char	*gets();

extern char	*ctermid();
extern char	*cuserid();
extern char	*tempnam();
extern char	*tmpnam();

# 2 "design_bug.c"

# 1 "/usr2/k1/cpu/sim/sim.release/design.h"

# 3 "design_bug.c"

extern bits	t[];	
static bits	t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10;
static bits	u1,v1,q1;
static bits	last_clock = 0;
extern struct pin	Pin_DESIGN[1][2];

# 28 "design_bug.c"

static bits	IC_ERR_FROM_ISC;
static bits	LOAD_ADR_TC_XD11;
static bits	IO_ERR_FROM_DSC;
static bits	PORT4_CONSEL_D4;
static bits	I0OPA_ADR_TC_XD4;
static bits	I1OPA_ADR_TC_XD4;
static bits	I0OPB_ADR_TC_XD4;
static bits	IC_TAG_PARITY_X;
static bits	I1OPB_ADR_TC_XD4;
static bits	FDIV_EXCEP_CODE;
static bits	nIC_PPC_TAG_XMI4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_FETCH_OP_D4;
static bits	IDIV_EXCEP_CODE;
static bits	FMULT_TRAP_XD12;
static bits	NM_INTERRUPT_X;
static bits	REAL_EXEC_DIS_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_FETCH_OP_D4;
static bits	IC_TAG_VALID_MI4;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC_TO_MIC_VADR_L2;
static bits	RP_INTERRUPT_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V0_TCTC_XD1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V1_TCTC_XD1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V2_TCTC_XD1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V3_TCTC_XD1;
static bits	WP_INTERRUPT_X;
static bits	TRACE_PENDING_X;
static bits	nISTACHE_ADR_XF1;
static bits	LSC_FEC_CONTROL;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_FU0OPCTL_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_FU1OPCTL_D4;
static bits	INSTR_PARITY_F2;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_FU2OPCTL_D4;
static bits	nPORT4_CONSEL_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_FU3OPCTL_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_FU0OPCTL_D4;
static bits	nFDIV_EXCEP_CODE;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_FU1OPCTL_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_FU2OPCTL_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_FU3OPCTL_D4;
static bits	nIDIV_EXCEP_CODE;
static bits	nFMULT_TRAP_XD12;
static bits	L_S_USED_CMD_XD10;
static bits	IC_MISS_MONITOR;
static bits	IFT_TRAP_TYPE_F2;
static bits	INTVL_TIMER_INT;
static bits	UN_2_4_MERGE_53P_Y;
static bits	UN_2_4_MERGE_54P_Y;
static bits	LOAD_PREC_TC_XD11;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB0;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1;
static bits	IO_DATA_PARITY_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB2;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB3;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB0;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB5;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB0;
static bits	MEM_ADR_PARITY_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB6;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB2;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB7;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB2;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB3;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB3;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB5;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB5;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB6;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB6;
static bits	PORT4_CONSEL_XD4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB7;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB7;
static bits	L_S_TRAP_TYPE_D12;
static bits	nINSTR_PARITY_F2;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP0;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP2;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP3;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP4;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP0;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP5;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP0;
static bits	MCHK_ERR_TO_FEC_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP1;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP6;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1;
static bits	INT_EXCEP_CODE_D7;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP2;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP7;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP2;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP3;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP3;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP4;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP4;
static bits	REAL_EXEC_DIS_XD4;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP5;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP5;
static bits	IC_TAG_VALID_XMI4;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP6;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP6;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP7;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP7;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC_TO_MIC_VADR_XL2;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$DONE;
static bits	nL_S_USED_CMD_XD10;
static bits	IC_ERR_FROM_ISC_X;
static bits	nIFT_TRAP_TYPE_F2;
static bits	CC_ADR_PARITY_XD1;
static bits	nUN_3_INTEGER_UNIT_1P_XO_INT_OUT;
static bits	IO_ERR_FROM_DSC_X;
static bits	IC_TAG_PARITY_MI4;
static bits	I0_WRITES_RDST_D4;
static bits	I1_WRITES_RDST_D4;
static bits	UN_7_3_MERGE_108P_Y;
static bits	FDIV_EXCEP_CODE_X;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_A_SEL_WRAP_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_B_SEL_WRAP_D4;
static bits	IDIV_EXCEP_CODE_X;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_A_SEL_WRAP_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_B_SEL_WRAP_D4;
static bits	INSTR_PARITY_XF2;
static bits	nPORT4_CONSEL_XD4;
static bits	FADD_EXCEP_CODE_D9;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$DONE;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_WE;
static bits	IFT_TRAP_TYPE_XF2;
static bits	MIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0;
static bits	MIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1;
static bits	nCC_ADR_PARITY_XD1;
static bits	LSC_FEC_CONTROL_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_1__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_VIS_OUT;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_2_DECODE_UNIT_22P_XO_I1_I0_ISSUE_D4;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_2__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_VIS_OUT;
static bits	nFDIV_EXCEP_CODE_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_VIS_OUT;
static bits	I0CON_LADJ_SEXT_D4;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_VIS_OUT;
static bits	nIDIV_EXCEP_CODE_X;
static bits	ISC_CHOOSE_FC_DATA;
static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_I1_I0_ISSUE_D4;
static bits	L_S_TRAP_TYPE_XD12;
static bits	nINSTR_PARITY_XF2;
static bits	IC_MISS_MONITOR_X;
static bits	nFADD_EXCEP_CODE_D9;
static bits	INT_EXCEP_CODE_XD7;
static bits	CC_ADR_PARITY_XDL1;
static bits	BOARD_LEVEL_RESET;
static bits	INTVL_TIMER_INT_X;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_WE;
static bits	nIFT_TRAP_TYPE_XF2;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB0_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_RDEST_L6;
static bits	nMIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_X;
static bits	nMIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB2_X;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_WE;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB3_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB4_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB0_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB5_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB0_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB1_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB6_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_2__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB2_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB7_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB2_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB3_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB3_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB4_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB4_X;
static bits	IC_TAG_PARITY_XMI4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB5_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB5_X;
static bits	I0_WRITES_RDST_XD4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB6_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB6_X;
static bits	I1_WRITES_RDST_XD4;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB7_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB7_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP0_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP2_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP3_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP4_X;
static bits	nI0CON_LADJ_SEXT_D4;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP0_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP5_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP0_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP1_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP6_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP2_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP7_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP2_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP3_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP3_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP4_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP4_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP5_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP5_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP6_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP6_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICP7_X;
static bits	$CPU_7DIC107P$CIP7_X;
static bits	FADD_EXCEP_CODE_XD9;
static bits	USED_INSTR_WORD_D4;
static bits	LOAD_SIGN_TCTC_XD11;
static bits	nBOARD_LEVEL_RESET;
static bits	INSTR_TRAP_TYPE_D4;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_IO_EN_WR;
static bits	MIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_IO_EN_WR;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_CC;
static bits	MIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_CC;
static bits	NXT_INT_REG_DEST_D6;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6;
static bits	FLAG_MODS_ISSUED_D4;
static bits	I0CON_LADJ_SEXT_XD4;
static bits	NXT_L_S_REG_DEST_D11;
static bits	nDIVIDE_ENGINE_DONE;
static bits	nFADD_EXCEP_CODE_XD9;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CCR_ADR;
static bits	IDLE;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_DATA;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_DATA;
static bits	nINSTR_TRAP_TYPE_D4;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_2__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_DSC_CTL_L2;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_1__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_DSC_CTL_L3;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_MIC_CTL_L3;
static bits	ISSUE_NEXT_INSTR_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_DSC_CTL_L2;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_DSC_CTL_L3;
static bits	nMIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0;
static bits	NXT_FADD_REG_DEST_D8;
static bits	nMIC_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1;
static bits	nNXT_INT_REG_DEST_D6;
static bits	MIC_FATAL_ERR_TO_FEC;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_V0;
static bits	ISC_CHOOSE_FC_DATA_X;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_V1;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_V2;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_V3;
static bits	FMULT_EXCEP_CODE_D12;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0_L2;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1_L2;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0_L3;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1_L3;
static bits	nI0CON_LADJ_SEXT_XD4;
static bits	PS_D6;
static bits	nNXT_L_S_REG_DEST_D11;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB0_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB2_WE;
static bits	USED_INSTR_WORD_XD4;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB3_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB4_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_WE_X;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB5_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB6_WE;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB7_WE;
static bits	IO_EN;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_WE_X;
static bits	RF_STORE_PREC_TC_XD4;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT0_DATA;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT1_DATA;
static bits	INSTR_TRAP_TYPE_XD4;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT2_DATA;
static bits	NON_FATAL_ERR_TO_FEC;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM0_DATA;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM1_DATA;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM2_DATA;
static bits	nNXT_FADD_REG_DEST_D8;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_IO_EN_WR_53;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_IO_EN_WR_53;
static bits	NXT_INT_REG_DEST_XD6;
static bits	NXT_INT_OUT_VALID_D6;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CCR_DATA;
static bits	IO_WR;
static word	WDAT2;
static bits	FLAG_MODS_ISSUED_XD4;
static word	WDAT3;
static word	WDAT4;
static bits	nFMULT_EXCEP_CODE_D12;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0_L2;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1_L2;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V0_L3;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_V1_L3;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_3__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6_57;
static bits	nPS_D6;
static bits	NXT_L_S_REG_DEST_XD11;
static bits	NXT_L_S_OUT_VALID_D11;
static bits	NXT_FDIV_REG_DEST_D11;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_CC_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_CC_X;
static bits	nIO_EN;
static bits	nINSTR_TRAP_TYPE_XD4;
static bits	NXT_FADD_REG_DEST_XD8;
static bits	NXT_FADD_OUT_VALID_D8;
static bits	NXT_MULT_REG_DEST_D11;
static bits	nNXT_INT_REG_DEST_XD6;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_RDEST_L6_62;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_XV0;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_XV1;
static bits	nNXT_INT_OUT_VALID_D6;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_XV2;
static bits	MEM_CC_ADR_PARITY_XV3;
static bits	nIO_WR;
static bits	nDIVIDE_ENGINE_DONE_X;
static bits	MIC_FC;
static bits	FMULT_EXCEP_CODE_XD12;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0_L2;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1_L2;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0_L3;
static bits	L_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1_L3;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_2__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6_56;
static bits	PS_XD6;
static bits	CPU_ID;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_4__LOAD_STORE_UNIT__1P_XO_L_S_WE_L6_56;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CCR_ADR_X;
static bits	IDLE_X;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_DATA_X;
static bits	nNXT_L_S_REG_DEST_XD11;
static bits	nNXT_L_S_OUT_VALID_D11;
static bits	nNXT_FDIV_REG_DEST_D11;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_DATA_X;
static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$VADR_XL2;
static bits	I0RA_D4;
static bits	nFATAL_ERROR_FROM_MIC;
static bits	I1RA_D4;
static bits	I0RB_D4;
static bits	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_30P_A;
static bits	I1RB_D4;
static bits	I0RC_D4;
static bits	I1RC_D4;
static bits	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_35P_A;
static bits	MIC_FATAL_ERR_TO_FEC_X;
static bits	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_36P_A;
static bits	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_37P_A;
static word	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_29P_A;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_PE_L5;
static bits	nUN_4_TERMINATOR_39P_A;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_PE_L5;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_CT_L5;
static bits	I0OP_D4;
static bits	nNXT_FADD_REG_DEST_XD8;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_CT_L5;
static bits	I1OP_D4;
static bits	nNXT_FADD_OUT_VALID_D8;
static bits	nNXT_MULT_REG_DEST_D11;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_PM_L5;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_PM_L5;
static bits	NXT_INT_OUT_VALID_XD6;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB0_WE_X;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_WE_X;
static bits	nFMULT_EXCEP_CODE_XD12;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB2_WE_X;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0_L2;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB3_WE_X;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1_L2;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV0_L3;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB4_WE_X;
static bits	nL_S_TO_DSC_CNTL_XV1_L3;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB5_WE_X;
static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB6_WE_X;
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static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB7_WE_X;
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static word	MEM_IN2;
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static word	MEM_IN5;
static word	MEM_IN6;
static word	MEM_IN7;
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static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM1_DATA_X;
static word	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM2_DATA_X;
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static bits	nI1RB_D4;
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static word	WDAT3_X;
static word	WDAT4_X;
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static bits	nNXT_FDIV_OUT_VALID_D11;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC1_PM_XL5;
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static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_WE_V1_D1;
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static bits	n$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_WE_V3_D1;
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static bits	X3_CLOCK;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_ADR_SET1;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_ADR_SET2;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_ADR_SET1;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_ADR_SET2;
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static word	MEM_OUT2;
static word	MEM_OUT3;
static word	MEM_OUT4;
static word	MEM_OUT5;
static word	MEM_OUT6;
static word	MEM_OUT7;
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static word	MEM_IN1_X;
static word	MEM_IN2_X;
static word	MEM_IN3_X;
static word	MEM_IN4_X;
static bits	MEM_BUSY;
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static word	MEM_IN5_X;
static word	MEM_IN6_X;
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static word	FU0OPB_D5;
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static word	FU2OPA_D5;
static word	FU1OPB_D5;
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static word	FU3OPA_D5;
static word	FU2OPB_D5;
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static word	FU3OPB_D5;
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static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$PM_ADR_SET2;
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static word	nFU1OPA_D5;
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static word	nFU1OPB_D5;
static word	nFU3OPA_D5;
static word	nFU3OPB_D5;
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static word	MAC_CTL_V2;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_ADR_SET1_X;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_ADR_SET2_X;
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static word	nCC_ADR_XD1;
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static bits	MEM_CPU_V2;
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static word	FU0OPB_XD5;
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static word	FU2OPA_XD5;
static word	FU1OPB_XD5;
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static word	FU2OPB_XD5;
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static word	FU3OPB_XD5;
static word	MEM_OUT2_X;
static word	MEM_OUT3_X;
static word	MEM_OUT4_X;
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static word	MEM_OUT6_X;
static word	MEM_OUT7_X;
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static word	nMAC_CTL_V1;
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static word	nMAC_CTL_V2;
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static bits	PC_CODE_XF2;
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static bits	n$CPU_6LSM56P$CT_ADR_SET2_X;
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static word	nFU1OPA_XD5;
static word	nFU0OPB_XD5;
static word	nFU1OPB_XD5;
static word	nFU3OPA_XD5;
static bits	INTERRUPT;
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static word	MAC_CTL_XV1;
static word	MAC_CTL_XV2;
static word	MAC_CTL_XV3;
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static bits	MULT_OPCODE_LOW_BIT_V1_XD4;
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static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB2_ADDR_TCTC;
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static bits	FU3OPCTL_D4;
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static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_I1OP_D4;
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static bits	MEM_CPU_XV3;
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static word	nMAC_CTL_XV1;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$MIC0_CUR_CC_XL5;
static word	nMAC_CTL_XV2;
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static word	nMAC_CTL_XV3;
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static word	MEM_CC_ADR_V1;
static word	MEM_CC_ADR_V2;
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static word	MEM_CC_ADR_V3;
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static bits	n$CPU_DUP61P$UN_1_DECODE_UNIT_29P_XO_I1CON_D4;
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static bits	FU1OPBITS_D5;
static bits	FU2OPBITS_D5;
static bits	A_SEL_WRAP_D4;
static bits	FU3OPBITS_D5;
static bits	B_SEL_WRAP_D4;
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static bits	I1OPBITS_XD4;
static bits	nL_S_ISSUE_D4;
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static bits	FU1OPCTL_XD4;
static bits	FU2OPCTL_XD4;
static bits	FU3OPCTL_XD4;
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static bits	INTERRUPT_X;
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static bits	LOAD_SIGN2_TC;
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static bits	LOAD_SIGN3_TC;
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static bits	LOAD_SIGN4_TC;
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static bits	LOAD_SIGN5_TC;
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static bits	LOAD_SIGN6_TC;
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static bits	PORT4_ADR_XD4;
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static bits	nFU3OPBITS_D5;
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static bits	LSC2_CK_B0_OUT;
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static bits	nINT_CK_B0_OUT;
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static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$UN_7_2_MERGE_28P_A;
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static word	MEM_CC_ADR_XV1;
static word	MEM_CC_ADR_XV2;
static bits	DC_0_TD_NEG_NF;
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static word	MEM_CC_ADR_XV3;
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static bits	nINT_TD_NEG_NF;
static bits	ISC_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	IC_TAG_PARITY;
static bits	nFADD_TRAP_XD9;
static word	CC_ADR_PTY_DL1;
static bits	TSC_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	nMEM_CPU_AND_X;
static bits	INT_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	FU0OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	nPORT4_ADR_XD4;
static bits	FU1OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	nMIC0_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC_TO_MIC_CTL_L3;
static bits	LSC_FEC_DATA_X;
static bits	ISTACHE_ADR_F1;
static bits	FU2OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	A_SEL_WRAP_XD4;
static bits	IC_TAG_VALID_X;
static bits	FU3OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	B_SEL_WRAP_XD4;
static bits	INSTR_QMT_XD4;
static bits	nDIVIDE_OP_XD5;
static bits	TRACE_PENDING;
static bits	DC_0_TD_POS_NF;
static bits	nL_S_ISSUE_XD4;
static word	TSC_MIC_PC_XF2;
static bits	DC_1_TD_POS_NF;
static bits	SINGLE_STEP_X;
static word	FETCH_TO_MAC_X;
static bits	nLSC0_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	nLSC1_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	nLSC2_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	I0CON_SIGN_XD4;
static bits	nLSC3_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	I1CON_SIGN_XD4;
static bits	nDC_0_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	nSTORE_PREC_D4;
static bits	nDC_1_CK_B0_OUT;
static bits	nBOARD_LEVEL_F;
static bits	nIC_PPC_TAG_MI4;
static bits	FMULT_TRAP_D12;
static bits	nDSC_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	nIC_TAG_PARITY;
static bits	FP_COMPARE_XD7;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V0_TCTC_D1;
static bits	nLSC_VIS_OUT_X;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V1_TCTC_D1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V2_TCTC_D1;
static word	$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V3_TCTC_D1;
static word	nCC_ADR_PTY_DL1;
static word	STORE_DATA_XD6;
static bits	nTSC_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	nINT_VIS_OUT_X;
static bits	nFU1OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	nISTACHE_ADR_F1;
static bits	nFU3OPBITS_XD5;
static bits	nI0CON_SIGN_XD4;
static bits	IC_MISS_ADR_MI3;
static bits	nI1CON_SIGN_XD4;
static bits	IO_ERR_TO_FEC_X;
static bits	IO_DATA_PARITY;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC0_DWP_CLK_STOP;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC1_DWP_CLK_STOP;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC2_DWP_CLK_STOP;
static bits	nUN_3_INTEGER_UNIT_1P_XO_FLAGS;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC3_DWP_CLK_STOP;
static bits	MEM_ADR_PARITY;
static bits	nFMULT_TRAP_D12;
static bits	MCHK_ERR_TO_FEC;
static bits	$CPU_6LSM56P$LSC_TO_MIC_CTL_XL3;
static bits	ISTACHE_ADR_XF1;
extern LSC0();
extern struct pin Pin_LSC[4][62];
extern LSC1();
extern LSC2();
extern LSC3();
extern MIC0();
extern struct pin Pin_MIC[2][68];
extern MIC1();
extern WISC();
extern struct pin Pin_WISC[1][81];
extern HCG();
extern struct pin Pin_HCG[1][8];
extern HD();
extern struct pin Pin_HD[1][9];
extern HM();
extern struct pin Pin_HM[1][18];
extern WDSC();
extern struct pin Pin_WDSC[1][101];
extern FC();
extern struct pin Pin_FC[1][59];
extern CTB2();
extern struct pin Pin_CTB[4][14];
extern CTB1();
extern INT();
extern struct pin Pin_INT[1][35];
extern CTB0();
extern HFA();
extern struct pin Pin_HFA[1][18];
extern HFD();
extern struct pin Pin_HFD[1][23];
extern WRF();
extern struct pin Pin_WRF[1][70];
extern TSC();
extern struct pin Pin_TSC[1][63];
extern DC0();
extern struct pin Pin_DC[2][98];
extern CB0();
extern struct pin Pin_CB[16][12];
extern CB1();
extern DC1();
extern CB2();
extern CB3();
extern CB6();
extern CB7();
extern CB4();
extern CB5();
extern CTB3();
extern CMI();
extern struct pin Pin_CMI[1][48];
extern CB8();
extern CB9();
extern CB10();
extern CB11();
extern CB14();
extern CB15();
extern CB12();
extern CB13();

# 3259 "design_bug.c"

static design_flops_1(cur_time,fpout,fperr)
int cur_time;
struct _iobuf *fpout;
struct _iobuf *fperr;

	Pin_CB[2][0].p_value.l=(($CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_ADDR_TCTC_X.h & 0x7FFE000) >> 13);
	Pin_CB[2][1].p_value.l=(($CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_ADDR_TCTC_X.l & 0xC0000000) >> 30) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_ADDR_TCTC_X.h & 0xFFF) << 2);
	Pin_CB[2][2].p_value.l=(($CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_ADDR_TCTC_X.h & 0x8000000) >> 27);
	Pin_CB[2][3].p_value.l=(($CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_ADDR_TCTC_X.h & 0x1000) >> 12);
	Pin_CB[2][4].p_value.l=(n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_WE_X & 0x3);
	Pin_CB[2][5].p_value.l=((n$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1_WE_X & 0xC) >> 2);
	Pin_CB[2][6].p_value.l=(($CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V0_TCTC_XD1.l & 0xF0000000) >> 28) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$IC_ADDR_V0_TCTC_XD1.h & 0x3FF) << 4);
	Pin_CB[2][7].p_value.l=((n$CPU_7DIC107P$IC_WE_V0_XD1 & 0x30) >> 4);
	Pin_CB[2][8].p_value.l=($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x100) >> 4) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF0) << 1) | ($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x200) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF00) << 2) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x400) << 4) | ((

$CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF000) << 3) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x800) << 8) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF0000) << 4) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x1000) << 12) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF00000) << 5) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x2000) << 16) | (

($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0x3000000) << 6);
	Pin_CB[2][8].p_value.h=(($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xC000000) >> 26) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x4000) >> 12) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIB1_X.h & 0xF0000000) >> 25) | (($CPU_7DIC107P$CIP1_X & 0x8000) >> 8);
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0xF;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x100;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x10) << 4;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF0;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x1E0) >> 1;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x200;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x200;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF00;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x3C00) >> 2;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x400;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x4000) >> 4;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x78000) >> 3;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x800;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x80000) >> 8;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF0000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0xF00000) >> 4;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x1000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x1000000) >> 12;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF00000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x1E000000) >> 5;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x2000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0x20000000) >> 16;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0x3000000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.l & 0xC0000000) >> 6;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xC000000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.h & 0x3) << 26;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x4000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.h & 0x4) << 12;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h &= ~0xF0000000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCB1.h |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.h & 0x78) << 25;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 &= ~0x8000;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$DCP1 |= (Pin_CB[2][9].p_value.h & 0x80) << 8;
	$CPU_7DIC107P$ICB1.h &= ~0xF;