[gnu.gcc.bug] register numbers on the sun386i

daemon@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Admin) (04/17/89)

There is a funny bug about register numbers on the sun386i: sun's
first register in the reg structure is GS whereas EAX is # 11, which
is the opposite order from the other 386 systems. GCC uses the
standard 386 notation wired into tm-i386.h. The funny part is that dbx
understands the standard numbering so it handles gcc registers
definitions in stabs perfectly and not /bin/cc's which uses sun's
numbers. I have modified gdb to understand the ``bsd within coff but
without line numbers'' a.out format and to use the sun's register
numbering scheme (which is the one returned by ptrace GETREGS call) so
for now:

	dbx handles gcc perfeclty
	gdb handles /bin/cc perfectly

I will modify gdb to understand both (thanks to the gcc_compiled. flag).