[gnu.gcc.bug] local variables

karl@mote.umb.edu ("Karl Berry.") (04/18/89)

This is on a Sun 3/60 running 3.4. gcc 1.34.

The contents of variables declared inside a block get clobbered when I
compile normally, but are all right when I compile with -O. (Apparently they 
get put in registers.)

In particular, the variable `the_fontname' is all right before line 156, which 
is a call to realloc, but it is garbage afterwards. Other local variables
(`was_one') also get clobbered. 

Following is the compilation, the debugging run showing the problem, and the 
debugging run showing it working with -O, and the code. 

Here is the compilation:

gcc -g -v -Wall -I../include   -c commandline.c -o commandline.o
gcc version 1.34
 /usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-cpp -v -I../include -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dmc68000 -Dsun -Dunix -D__mc68000__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ -Wall -D__HAVE_68881__ -Dmc68020 commandline.c /tmp/cca10662.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.34
 /usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca10662.cpp -quiet -dumpbase commandline.c -g -Wall -version -o /tmp/cca10662.s
GNU C version 1.34 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.34.
 as -mc68020 /tmp/cca10662.s -o commandline.o
gcc -o spectrum -L../lib bitmap.o commandline.o dump.o filter.o histogram.o image.o main.o normal.o polar.o postscript.o statistics.o text.o transform.o -lgf -lfont_io -lfft -lkbase -lm
mv spectrum ../bin

And the debugging run (gdb 3.1):
(Actually, I just realized I'm calling realloc with a null pointer. But that 
does not affect the problem; a call to malloc will cause the same problems.
(I am actually calling a routine of my own that calls realloc/malloc and checks 
the return value, etc., but I thought it would cloud the issue somewhat to 
keep that call. This is the standard Sun realloc, etc.)

(gdb) b commandline.c:156
Breakpoint 1 at 0x377c: file commandline.c, line 156.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /u/ra/zapf/karl/research/bin/spectrum -font hello goodbye

Bpt 1, parse_commandline (argc=4, argv=(char **) 0xefff960) (commandline.c line 157)
157		                    ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(text_type));
(gdb) p the_fontname
$1 = (char *) 0x26a98 "hello"
(gdb) n
159		       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].fontname = the_fontname;
(gdb) p the_fontname
$2 = (char *) 0x3798 "#\300"
(gdb) p &the_fontname
$3 = (char **) 0xefff900
(gdb) q

Now, when I compile with -O, I get the following under gdb. Apparently those 
local variables have been put in registers.

Reading symbol data from /u/ra/zapf/karl/research/bin/spectrum...done.
(gdb) b commandline.c:156
Breakpoint 1 at 0x333e: file commandline.c, line 156.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /u/ra/zapf/karl/research/bin/spectrum -font hello goodbye

Bpt 1, parse_commandline (argc=4, argv=(char **) 0xefff960) (commandline.c line 157)
157		                    ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(text_type));
(gdb) p the_fontname
$1 = (char *) 0x26a98 "hello"
(gdb) p &$
Attempt to take address of value not located in memory.
(gdb) n
159		       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].fontname = the_fontname;
(gdb) p the_fontname
$2 = (char *) 0x26a98 "hello"
(gdb) q

And here is the (somewhat lengthy) procedure.
The problem line is around line 1320 of this file (after gcc -E).

# 1 "commandline.c"

# 1 "bitmap.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"


typedef unsigned char one_byte;
typedef char signed_byte;
typedef unsigned short two_bytes;
typedef short signed_2_bytes;
typedef unsigned int four_bytes;
typedef int signed_4_bytes;
typedef int byte_count_type;

typedef double real;
typedef long int scaled;
typedef long int fix_word;

typedef struct 	{ 
	real real, imag;
} complex;

typedef int file_descriptor_type;
typedef void* address;
typedef char* string;

typedef enum {false=0, true=1} boolean;

typedef struct {
  	unsigned height, width;
} dimensions_type;

typedef struct {
   	unsigned x, y;
} coordinate_type;

typedef enum { first_complex_part, second_complex_part } complex_part_type;
typedef enum { polar_rep, rectangular_rep } complex_rep_type;

# 7 "bitmap.h"

typedef struct {
	dimensions_type dimensions;
	one_byte* bitmap;
} bitmap_type;

extern unsigned total_bitmap_count;
extern bitmap_type new_bitmap(dimensions_type dimensions);

# 4 "commandline.c"

# 1 "commandline.h"

extern void parse_commandline(int, char**);

# 5 "commandline.c"

# 1 "dump.h"

# 1 "statistics.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 4 "statistics.h"

typedef struct{
   	real mean, variance;
} statistics_type;

extern boolean wants_statistics;

extern statistics_type statistics(real*, dimensions_type);

# 7 "dump.h"

# 1 "text.h"

# 1 "bitmap.h"

# 43 "bitmap.h"

# 7 "text.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 8 "text.h"

typedef struct {
	string text;
        string fontname;
} text_type;

extern text_type* text_list;
extern boolean wants_guillotining;
extern unsigned random_string_length;
extern char* random_text_file;

extern void add_text(text_type text);
extern text_type get_text(unsigned index);
extern bitmap_type text_to_bitmap(text_type, dimensions_type max_dimensions);

# 8 "dump.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 9 "dump.h"

extern boolean wants_dump;  

extern string dump_font;
extern string dump_text_filename;
extern unsigned dump_text_length;

extern void dump(real*, statistics_type, text_type, complex_part_type);

# 6 "commandline.c"

# 1 "filter.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 4 "filter.h"

typedef enum { none, any, low_pass, high_pass, band_pass,
	       low_pass_cross, high_pass_cross } filter_class;

typedef struct {
	filter_class class;
           unsigned cutoff;		 

           struct {			 
              unsigned cutoff;
              unsigned width;
           } cross;

           struct {			 
              unsigned outer, inner;
           } band;
        } data;
} filter_type;

extern filter_type the_filter;		 
extern boolean wants_filter;

extern unsigned filter( );
extern filter_type opposite_filter( );

# 7 "commandline.c"

# 1 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-include/assert.h"

void __eprintf ();		 

# 7 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/ctype.h"

extern	char	_ctype_[];

# 8 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/math.h"

extern int errno, signgam;


extern double fmod(), gamma();
extern int matherr();


extern double asinh(), acosh(), atanh();
extern double erf(), erfc();
extern double exp(), expm1(), log(), log10(), log1p(), pow();
extern double fabs(), floor(), ceil(), rint();
extern double lgamma();
extern double hypot(), cabs();
extern double copysign(), drem(), logb(), scalb();
extern int finite();
extern double j0(), j1(), jn(), y0(), y1(), yn();
extern double sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2();
extern double sinh(), cosh(), tanh();
extern double cbrt(), sqrt();
extern double modf(), ldexp(), frexp(), atof();


# 55 "/usr/include/math.h"

struct exception {
	int type;
	char *name;
	double arg1;
	double arg2;
	double retval;

# 9 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h"

extern	struct	_iobuf {
	int	_cnt;
	unsigned char *_ptr;
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_bufsiz;
	short	_flag;
	char	_file;		 
} _iob[];

extern struct _iobuf 	*fopen();
extern struct _iobuf 	*fdopen();
extern struct _iobuf 	*freopen();
extern struct _iobuf 	*popen();
extern struct _iobuf 	*tmpfile();
extern long	ftell();
extern char	*fgets();
extern char	*gets();

extern char	*ctermid();
extern char	*cuserid();
extern char	*tempnam();
extern char	*tmpnam();

# 10 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/file.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/fcntl.h"







struct flock {
        short   l_type;		 
        short   l_whence;	 
        long    l_start;	 
        long    l_len;           
        short   l_pid;		 
        short   l_xxx;		 

# 9 "/usr/include/sys/file.h"

# 37 "/usr/include/sys/file.h"






# 84 "/usr/include/sys/file.h"

# 11 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "/usr/include/strings.h"


char	*strcat();
char	*strncat();
int	strcmp();
int	strncmp();
char	*strcpy();
char	*strncpy();
int	strlen();
char	*index();
char	*rindex();
# 12 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "../include/kbase.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 7 "../include/kbase.h"

extern address allocate(unsigned size);
extern address reallocate(address p, unsigned new_size);
extern address allocate_array(unsigned width, unsigned height);

extern void safe_free(address*);


extern void find_bounds(real* values, unsigned value_count,
                          real* the_min, real* the_max); 

extern real* map_to_unit(real* values, unsigned value_count);


extern string substring( );

extern boolean contains( );

extern int pos( );

extern string concat( );

extern string string_copy(string);

extern string init_string();


extern void set_string_element( );


extern string *break_string( );

# 1 "../include/bounding_box.h"

# 1 "../include/generic.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 4 "../include/generic.h"



typedef struct {
	signed_4_bytes max_row, min_row;
	signed_4_bytes max_col, min_col;
}  bounding_box_type;


typedef struct {
   one_byte char_code;
   signed_4_bytes h_escapement;
   fix_word tfm_width;
} character_locator;

typedef unsigned char matrix_element_type; 	 
typedef matrix_element_type ** matrix_type;
typedef unsigned matrix_index_type;


typedef struct {
   four_bytes char_code;
   matrix_type bitmap;
   signed_4_bytes h_escapement;
   fix_word tfm_width;
   bounding_box_type char_bb;
   string string_special;		 
   scaled * numeric_special;		 
} generic_char_type;

# 11 "../include/bounding_box.h"

extern bounding_box_type font_bounding_box;

extern bounding_box_type find_cartesian_letter_bounding_box();
extern bounding_box_type cartesian_to_matrix_bounding_box();

extern void init_font_bounding_box();
extern void update_font_bounding_box();
extern bounding_box_type get_font_bounding_box();


# 56 "../include/kbase.h"


extern void put_byte( );
extern void put_two( );
extern void put_four( );
extern void put_signed_four( );
extern void put_n_bytes( );

extern one_byte get_byte();
extern two_bytes get_two();
extern four_bytes get_four();
extern signed_4_bytes get_signed_four();
extern address get_n_bytes( );  
extern four_bytes get_n_byte_value( );  

extern one_byte get_previous_byte();
extern two_bytes get_previous_two();
extern four_bytes get_previous_four();

extern void match_byte( );
extern void match_previous_byte( );

extern void move_to_byte( );  

extern four_bytes cur_pos();



extern real fix_to_real( );
extern fix_word real_to_fix( );


extern void print_scaled( );
extern real scaled_to_real( );
extern scaled real_to_scaled( );

# 14 "../include/global.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 15 "../include/global.h"

extern int write(), read(), open(), lseek(), tell(), abs(), fprintf(), atoi();
extern int fread(), fwrite(), fseek(), fclose(), rename(), _filbuf();
extern int fscanf();
extern long time();
extern void close(), fflush(), perror();
extern void sprintf(), printf(), ungetc(), sscanf();
extern void free(), malloc_debug(int);
extern address malloc(unsigned size), realloc(address, unsigned);
extern string strchr(), strrchr(), ctime();
extern double atof();

extern volatile void exit(), abort();









typedef char allocated_string[ 128 ];


typedef short side_bearings_value_type;

typedef struct side_bearings_structure{
        side_bearings_value_type left;	 
        side_bearings_value_type right;	 
        } side_bearings_type;

typedef unsigned char ascii_value_type;
typedef unsigned char direction_and_degree_type;
typedef unsigned short direction_and_length_type;        

typedef short segment_point_value_type;
typedef struct {
        segment_point_value_type x;
        segment_point_value_type y;
} segment_point_type;

typedef struct {
	int x;
        int y;
} change_in_type;

typedef double scale_factor_type;

# 8 "commandline.c"

# 1 "histogram.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 4 "histogram.h"

typedef struct {
	unsigned bucket_count;
        real* data;
} histogram_type;

extern unsigned percent_to_truncate;		 
extern unsigned bucket_count;			 
extern boolean wants_equalization;		 

extern histogram_type histogram( );

# 9 "commandline.c"

# 1 "image.h"

# 1 "bitmap.h"

# 43 "bitmap.h"

# 7 "image.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 8 "image.h"

extern boolean wants_image;      
extern string* image_filename;  

extern bitmap_type image(string filename, dimensions_type);

# 10 "commandline.c"

# 1 "main.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 7 "main.h"

extern boolean verbose;
extern boolean wants_first_part;
extern boolean wants_second_part;
extern boolean saving_for_later;
extern boolean wants_both_parts;

extern dimensions_type sample_dimensions;

# 11 "commandline.c"

# 1 "polar.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 7 "polar.h"

# 1 "transform.h"

# 1 "bitmap.h"

# 43 "bitmap.h"

# 7 "transform.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 8 "transform.h"

typedef struct {
	unsigned pertinent_count;  
        dimensions_type dimensions;
        complex_rep_type complex_rep;
        real* the_first_part;
        real* the_second_part;
} transform_type;










extern boolean wants_rectangular;
extern boolean wants_back_transform;

extern transform_type new_transform( );
extern transform_type forward_transform( );
extern bitmap_type back_transform( );
extern string part_name(transform_type transform, complex_part_type part);

# 8 "polar.h"

extern boolean wants_polar;
extern real highest_amplitude_mark;
extern real highest_phase_mark;

extern void polarize(transform_type*);
extern void init_marks(real* highest_amplitude_mark, real* 
	    highest_phase_mark, filter_type the_filter, unsigned bucket_count);

# 12 "commandline.c"

# 1 "postscript.h"

# 1 "bitmap.h"

# 43 "bitmap.h"

# 7 "postscript.h"

# 1 "histogram.h"
# 17 "histogram.h"

# 8 "postscript.h"

# 1 "statistics.h"
# 14 "statistics.h"

# 9 "postscript.h"

# 1 "text.h"

# 27 "text.h"

# 10 "postscript.h"

# 1 "../include/types.h"
# 45 "../include/types.h"

# 11 "postscript.h"

extern boolean wants_postscript;
extern boolean prepend_prologue;
extern string page_title;
extern boolean wants_grayscale;

extern void start_postscript_output();
extern void post_it(real*, dimensions_type, statistics_type, string);
extern void post_histogram(histogram_type, real high_mark, unsigned cutoff);
extern void post_legends(text_type, bitmap_type, dimensions_type);
extern void finish_postscript_output(boolean wants_grayscale);

# 13 "commandline.c"

# 1 "text.h"

# 27 "text.h"

# 14 "commandline.c"

# 52 "commandline.c"


parse_commandline(int argc, string argv[])
  static int this_arg; 

  if (argc <= 1 ) {
    fprintf((&_iob[2]) ,"Usage: %s <arguments>.\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "Input text string is on standard input by default.\nOther options:\n\t-H <size> set the number of samples in horizontal window to <size>.\n\t-W <size> set the number of samples in vertical window to <size>.\n\t-bitmap <font><text
>  (can specify more than one pair) use these pairs.\n\t-dump <integer><font> use <integer> random strings ``set'' in font <font>.\n\t-dump-text <filename> use random strings from file <filename>. \n\t-dump-text-length <integer> make the random strings <i
nteger> long. \n\t-f-lowpass <integer> do a low pass filter; <integer> is taken as the\n\t   percentage of samples in each direction above which to zero.\n\t-f-highpass <integer> is like -f-lowpass, but does a high pass filter.\n\t-f-lowcross <integer> <i
nteger> does a low pass cross filter; the first\n\t   <integer> is taken as the percentage of samples in each direction\n\t   that are within the crossbar lengths; the second <integer> is the\n\t   percentage of samples that are within the crossbar widths

  for (this_arg = 1; this_arg < argc; this_arg++) {
     if (*argv[this_arg] == '-') {

         if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "H")) ) {
	    sample_dimensions.height = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "W")) ) {
            sample_dimensions.width = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;}
 )) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "bitmap")) ) {
            boolean was_one = false;

   	    for (this_arg++; this_arg < argc && *argv[this_arg] != '-'; 
                 this_arg++) {
               was_one = true;
               text_list = (text_type*) reallocate(text_list, 
	                 ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(text_type));
	       text_list[total_bitmap_count - 1] = 
                      ((text_type) {string_copy(argv[this_arg]) ,
             			    (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (string) 0 ; })
) }  );
            if (! was_one) {
                fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nWarning: %s.\n", "You're missing the arguments to the -bitmap command."); ;
            if (this_arg != argc) this_arg--;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "dump")) ) {
            wants_dump = true;
            total_bitmap_count = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) ;

            dump_font = (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (string) 0 
; })) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "dump-text")) ) {
            dump_text_filename = (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (s
tring) 0 ; })) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "dump-text-length")) ) {
            dump_text_length = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "f-lowpass")) ) {
            wants_filter = true;
            the_filter.class = low_pass;
            the_filter.data.cutoff = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} 
)) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "f-highpass")) ) {
            wants_filter = true;
            the_filter.class = high_pass;
            the_filter.data.cutoff = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} 
)) ;

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "f-lowcross")) ) {
            wants_filter = true;
            the_filter.class = low_pass_cross;
            the_filter.data.cross.cutoff = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } 
; 0;} )) ;
            the_filter.data.cross.width = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ;
 0;} )) ;            

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "f-highcross")) ) {
            wants_filter = true;
            the_filter.class = high_pass_cross;
            the_filter.data.cross.cutoff = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } 
; 0;} )) ;
            the_filter.data.cross.width = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ;
 0;} )) ;            

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "font")) ) {
            boolean was_one = false;
  	    string the_fontname = (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (strin
g) 0 ; })) ;
   	    for (this_arg++; this_arg < argc && *argv[this_arg] != '-'; 
                 this_arg++) {
               was_one = true;
               text_list = (text_type*) realloc(text_list,
	                    ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(text_type));
	       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].fontname = the_fontname;
	       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].text = string_copy(argv[this_arg]) ;

	    if (! was_one) {
                fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nWarning: %s.\n", "You're missing the text argument(s) to -font"); ;
            if (this_arg != argc) this_arg--;            

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "h-amplitude-mark")) ) {
            highest_amplitude_mark = (this_arg < argc ? atof(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected real)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) 
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "h-buckets")) ) {
            bucket_count = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "h-truncate")) ) {
            percent_to_truncate = (this_arg < argc ? atoi(argv[++this_arg]) : ( { { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected integer)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; 0;} )) 
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "image")) ) {
	    boolean was_one = false;
            wants_image = true;
   	    for (this_arg++; this_arg < argc && *argv[this_arg] != '-'; 
                 this_arg++) {
               was_one = true;
               image_filename = (string*) reallocate(image_filename, 
		                 ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(string));
	       image_filename[total_bitmap_count - 1] = string_copy(argv[this_arg]) ;
	    if (! was_one) {
                fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nWarning: %s.\n", "You're missing the filename(s) for -image."); ;
            if (this_arg != argc) this_arg--;

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "no-first")) ) {
            wants_first_part = false;
            wants_both_parts = false;

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "no-grayscale")) ) {
            wants_grayscale = false;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "no-postscript")) ) {
            wants_postscript = false;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "no-second")) ) {
            wants_second_part = false;
            wants_both_parts = false;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "rectangular")) ) {
            wants_rectangular = true;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "text")) ) {
            boolean was_one = false;
  	    string the_text = (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (string) 0
 ; })) ;
   	    for (this_arg++; this_arg < argc && *argv[this_arg] != '-'; 
                 this_arg++) {
               was_one = true;
               text_list = (text_type*) reallocate(text_list, 
	                 ++total_bitmap_count * sizeof(text_type));
	       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].fontname = string_copy(argv[this_arg]) ;
	       text_list[total_bitmap_count-1].text = the_text;

	    if (! was_one) {
                fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nWarning: %s.\n", "You're missing the font argument(s) to the -text command."); ;
            if (this_arg != argc) this_arg--;

         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "title")) ) {
            page_title = (this_arg < argc ? string_copy(argv[++this_arg]) : ({  { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "Can't find another argument (expected string)");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ; (string) 0
 ; })) ;
         } else if ((!strcmp(argv[this_arg], "verbose")) ) {
            verbose = true;
      } else {
         {fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nWarning: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "Ignoring unknown argument `%s'",  argv[this_arg]);   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); } ; } ;

  if (total_bitmap_count == 0 && ! wants_image)
      { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "No image or bitmap to work on");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ;

  if (text_list != 0  && wants_image) {
      { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "\nPanic: ") ; fprintf((&_iob[2]) , "%s", "The bitmaps have to come from either images or fonts, not both");   { fprintf((&_iob[2]) , ".\n"); exit(1); } ; } ;