[gnu.gcc.bug] GCC on Alliant FX8

rich@eddie.MIT.EDU (Richard Caloggero) (04/26/89)

     I'm trying to install gcc on an Alliant FX8.  When I do the
initial 'make', the Alliant C compiler complains about "enum type
clash -- op =".  It seems to be complaining about constructs like
"enum enum_type var = macro(...)".  This kind of thing appears in many
files of gcc.  Seems to me its not much of a problem (the compiler
just issues warning messages), however, after 'make stage2...' and the
compares, almost all the object modules differed from the stage2 ones.
How should I go about tracking down this problem?  I must admit that
I've not much experience with compilers as yet, so be patient with me
if my questions seem trivial!  :-) :-)
Thanx in advance!!!
						-- Rich (rich@eddie.mit.edu).
	The circle is open, but unbroken.
	Merry meet, merry part,
	and merry meet again.