[gnu.gcc.bug] gcc bug?

wkd@CS.UTEXAS.EDU (Bill Duttweiler) (02/14/89)

Here is what I believe to be a bug in 'gcc':

---File that may be compiled to exhibit the problem:
----cut here-----
typedef struct none_of_my_business *Widget;

extern void i_need_a_widget(Widget);

why_does_this_work(Widget W)

Widget W;
---cut here ---

---Command executed was 'gcc -v -c gcc-bug.c'. here is the output:

gcc version 1.32
 /uhe2/src/gcc-sun4/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix -DUNIX -D__sparc__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ -D__UNIX__ gcc-bug.c /tmp/cca01334.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.32
 /uhe2/src/gcc-sun4/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca01334.cpp -quiet -dumpbase gcc-bug.c -version -o /tmp/cca01334.s
GNU C version 1.32 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.32.
gcc-bug.c:3: warning: parameter points to incomplete type
gcc-bug.c:7: warning: parameter `W' points to incomplete type
gcc-bug.c: In function why_doesnt_this_work:
gcc-bug.c:15: incompatible types in argument passing

---The machine I'm using is a SUN4/150, running SunOs4.0.1. tm.h is tm-sparc.h
and md is sparc.md.

--I believe SOMETHING is wrong in handling the opaque pointer. The function
that declares 'W' in the parameter list doesn't get an error in calling
'i_need_a_widget()', while the other one does. The warnings about incomplete
types are also a nusiance...the X Window stuff uses a bunch of opaque handles
on things, which, of course, is how I encountered this in the first place.

partain@CS.UNC.EDU (William D. Partain, msl) (07/17/89)

   From: poirier@unc (Dan Poirier)
   Date: Sat, 15 Jul 89 17:47:28 EDT
   Subject: gcc bug?

   Try compiling this with gcc (I did it on a Sun-3):

     int *foo = {
       { 1,2 },


   (I know it's not valid C, but the compiler dies with a "fatal
   signal 11", which is a segmentation fault.)


It compiled (with errors) on a VAX.  Here are my sun3 results [gcc set
up to generate mc68010 code] (same thing on a SunOS 3.5 Sun4 [sparc]):

Script started on Sun Jul 16 13:30:51 1989
% gcc -v -c temp.c
gcc version 1.35
 /usr/local/contrib/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dmc68000 -Dsun -Dunix -D__mc68000__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ -Dmc68010 temp.c /tmp/cca04817.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.35
 /usr/local/contrib/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca04817.cpp -quiet -dumpbase temp.c -version -o /tmp/cca04817.s
GNU C version 1.35 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.35.
gcc: Program cc1 got fatal signal 11.
% cat /etc/motd
Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 3.5 (SUN3CLIENT) #2: Wed May 10 12:32:05 EDT 1989
script done on Sun Jul 16 13:31:43 1989

Will Partain