amigo2@ihuxq.UUCP (John Hobson) (02/25/84)
I have just gotten someting calling itself Rogue 7.7, unlike any other rogue I have played before (monsters shoot arrows at you for instance). Can someone send me some documentation on it please? I have all sorts of stuff on 5.2 and some things on 9.0, but I don't know about this one. John Hobson AT&T Bell Labs--Naperville, IL ihnp4!ihuxq!amigo2
bbanerje@sjuvax.UUCP (02/27/84)
>> I have just gotten someting calling itself Rogue 7.7, unlike any >> other rogue I have played before (monsters shoot arrows at you for >> instance). Can someone send me some documentation on it please? >> I have all sorts of stuff on 5.2 and some things on 9.0, but I don't >> know about this one. >> This is probably of interest to everyone in this newsgroup. Where does one get all these new and improved versions of rogue. I know the follow- ing - a. Rogue 3.4 (?) Came with the 4.1 BSD tapes (At least it did with ours). b. Rogue 5.3 Comes with the 4.2 BSD distribution. What on earth is Rogue 7.7 and 9.0 ? Perhaps some one in the know could post a) A family tree of rogue versions, and some indication of their distinguishing features. b) Some indication of who to contact for a distribution of these new versions. -- Binayak Banerjee {allegra | astrovax | bpa | burdvax}!sjuvax!bbanerje
amigo2@ihuxq.UUCP (John Hobson) (03/01/84)
I have been getting a ton of mail asking for source, etc. on Rogue 7.7. Sorry, people, all I have is an object file that runs on a VAX 11/780 under UNIX. I have some documentation, but not much. John Hobson AT&T Bell Labs--Naperville, IL ihnp4!ihuxq!amigo2
clardy@smu.UUCP (03/02/84)
#R:ihuxq:-70900:smu:25400005:000:527 smu!clardy Feb 29 21:48:00 1984 We have just gotten something calling itself AD_D version DEW 3.89. It seems to be rather ridiculously hard, in over 300 games played (among people who were VERY experienced at Rougue 5.3) no one has gotten above exp. level 3, or farther down than 3. Is this how the game is supposed to work? Does anyone out there know this version? It seems to follow the Ad_d books by TSR much more closely than other versions. I would appreciate any information. Thanx. jim ...allegra!smu!clardy
clardy@smu.UUCP (03/02/84)
#R:ihuxq:-70900:smu:25400007:000:132 smu!clardy Mar 1 02:48:00 1984 corrections to last message: max. experience level: 5 max. dungeon depth: 7 address: ...allegra!parsec!smu!clardy