[gnu.gcc.bug] Not actually bug. But inconvenience anyway

jnp@mjolner.tele.nokia.fi (J|rgen N|rgaard) (09/09/89)

gcc version 1.34

Compiling with "-Wall" and "-pedantic" like
       gcc -Wall  -ansi -pedantic -g  -c xxx.c

does give warnings if you try to use return-values from void-functions.
(void yyy() {};)

But not AT ALL if you ignore a returned value, as in
(char *do_something() { ... return( some pointer ); }; )

It appears somewhat beside what you would expect from those flags. Though
the man does specifically mention that case. In any case it (to me)
seems inconsistent (either warn for both ignored return-value and trying
to use a void-value or not for any)

--                                                                           --
| Regards, J|rgen N|rgaard ('|' is '\o{}' in \LaTeX{})                        |
|    e-mail: jnp@tele.nokia.fi or pedersen%tnclus.dnet@tele.nokia.fi          |
--                telephone: <..>-358-0-511-5671                             --
--                                                                           --
| Regards, J|rgen N|rgaard ('|' is '\o{}' in \LaTeX{})                        |
|    e-mail: jnp@tele.nokia.fi or pedersen%tnclus.dnet@tele.nokia.fi          |
--                telephone: <..>-358-0-511-5671                             --