(Mike Dixon) (10/14/89)
the code generated for lines 1880-1903 of the enclosed source file, which (cleaned up slightly) look like this: if (trans10(X10,X12,&X16[0])) goto L5; { int X19[2],X18,X17; if (X16[0] != 0) goto L6; X17 = S3[0]; X18 = S3[1]; if (((X17==0))) { int X20; union_tset(X16[1],X18,&X20); X19[0] = 0; X19[1] = X20; } else { X19[1] = X16[1]; X19[0] = 0; } S3[0] = X19[0]; S3[1] = X19[1]; } goto L7; is this: 0xc9ee <trans9+182>: pea -40(fp) 0xc9f2 <trans9+186>: movel a1,-(sp) 0xc9f4 <trans9+188>: movel a0,-(sp) 0xc9f6 <trans9+190>: bsr 0xc88e <trans10> 0xc9fa <trans9+194>: addaw #12,sp 0xc9fe <trans9+198>: tstl d0 0xca00 <trans9+200>: bne 0xcad0 <trans9+408> 0xca04 <trans9+204>: tstl -40(fp) 0xca08 <trans9+208>: bne 0xca2c <trans9+244> 0xca0a <trans9+210>: movel a5,d0 0xca0c <trans9+212>: tstl a4 0xca0e <trans9+214>: bne 0xca24 <trans9+236> 0xca10 <trans9+216>: pea -56(fp) 0xca14 <trans9+220>: movel d0,-(sp) 0xca16 <trans9+222>: movel -36(fp),-(sp) 0xca1a <trans9+226>: bsr 0x3fca <union_tset> 0xca20 <trans9+232>: addaw #12,sp 0xca24 <trans9+236>: moveal d0,a4 0xca26 <trans9+238>: moveal d1,a5 0xca28 <trans9+240>: bra 0xcad0 <trans9+408> which stores the wrong values in S3 (a4 & a5) this is NeXT version 16 (GNU version 1.34) of the compiler, with options -g and -O. the program works when compiled without optimization. (in case you hadn't guessed, this code wasn't written by a human) here's the source file: ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "sk.h" /* dynamic PLAN-SEQ-BLK */ struct D21 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic MAP-SEQ-BLK */ struct D20 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic MAP */ struct D19 { int F0,F1,F2[3],F3[6],F4[2];}; /* dynamic SHUFFLE-SEQ-BLK */ struct D17 { int F0[5];}; /* dynamic INST-SEQ-BLK */ struct D16 { int F0[8];}; /* dynamic TEST-BLK */ struct D15 { int F0[6];}; /* dynamic FOR-INFO */ struct D14 { int F0[3],F1,F2,F3,F4[2];}; /* dynamic TRANS */ struct D13 { int F0,F1;}; /* dynamic CACHE-ENTRY */ struct D12 { int F0,F1,F2[2],F3[2];}; /* dynamic PLAN */ struct D11 { int F0[4],F1[2];}; /* dynamic NAME */ struct D10 { int F0,F1,F2[2],F3[2],F4;}; /* dynamic STRING-SEQ-BLK */ struct D7 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic TUPLE-BLK */ struct D6 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic TSET */ struct D5 { int F0,F1,F2[2];}; /* dynamic ID-SEQ-BLK */ struct D4 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic ID */ struct D3 { int F0,F1,F2,F3[2],F4,F5;}; /* dynamic TYPE-SEQ-BLK */ struct D2 { int F0[3];}; /* dynamic TYPE */ struct D1 { int F0[2],F1[2],F2,F3[2],F4[2],F5[2];}; int local_stores[2],all_maps[2],cache[2],next_string_num,all_strings[2],string_id_tset,bool_tset,win_tset,char_tset,nneg_tset,int_tset,tv_in_action_id,true_id,false_id,start_id,win_id,char_id,int_id,truth_value_type,action_type,string_type,character_type,number_type,unnamed,all_named_ids[2],scope_depth,at_eof,next_char,next_token[2]; static struct {int L;char Y[6];} Y5 = {6,"select"}; static struct {int L;char Y[6];} Y4 = {6,"split "}; static struct {int L;char Y[3];} Y3 = {3,"in "}; static struct {int L;char Y[3];} Y2 = {3,"-- "}; static struct {int L;char Y[7];} Y1 = {7,"\nwith:"}; static struct {int L;char Y[14];} Y0 = {14,"can't resolve:"}; static void trans31(int,int,int,int); static void trans30(int,int,int); static void trans29(int,int); static void trans28(int,int); static void trans27(int,int); static void trans26(int,int result[1]); static void trans25(int); void resolve(int); static void trans24(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int result[7]); static void trans23(int,int,int,int,int result[7]); static void trans22(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int result[7]); static int trans21(int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans20(int,int,int,int,int,int result[7]); static void trans19(int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans18(int,int,int,int,int result[7]); static void trans17(int,int,int,int,int,int,int result[4]); static void trans16(int,int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans15(int,int,int result[1]); int translate(int,int,int result[1]); static void trans14(int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans13(int,int result[1]); static void trans12(int,int,int result[4]); static int trans11(int,int,int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static int trans10(int,int,int result[4]); static void trans9(int,int,int result[4]); static void trans8(int,int result[1]); static void trans7(int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans6(int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans5(int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans4(int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans3(int,int result[1]); static void trans2(int,int,int,int,int,int,int result[1]); static void trans1(int,int,int,int,int result[3]); void cons_plan_seq(int,int,int,int result[1]); /* proc print(select(CHOICES),SCOPE-DEPTH) */ static void trans31(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3) { /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y5)); /* print(plans,indent) */ trans28(X0,X3); } /* proc print(split(ID,PLAN-SEQ),SCOPE-DEPTH) */ static void trans30(int X0,int X1,int X2) { /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y4)); /* print(id) */ print_id(X0); /* print(arms,indent) */ trans28(X1,X2); } /* proc print(narrow(TSET),SCOPE-DEPTH) */ static void trans29(int X0,int X1) { /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y3)); /* print(t) */ print_tset(X0); } /* proc print(PLAN-SEQ,SCOPE-DEPTH) */ static void trans28(int X0,int X1) { /* for seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- plans,rest */ { int X2[3]; X2[0] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X2[1] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X2[2] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; L1:; /* print(p,indent) */ trans27(X2[0],X1); /* endfor */ { int X5,X4,X3; if (X2[1] != 0) goto L2; X3 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[0]; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[1]; X5 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[2]; X2[0] = X3; X2[1] = X4; X2[2] = X5; goto L1; } } L2:; } /* proc print(PLAN,SCOPE-DEPTH) */ static void trans27(int X0,int X1) { int X2; /* SCOPE-DEPTH <- +(indent,3) */ X2 = X1+3; if (!(0<=X2)) error(); /* for PLAN <- plan,rest(p) and BOOL <- true,false */ { int X8,X7,X6,X5,X4,X3; X3 = X0; X4 = 1; L1:; /* if first-line */ if (!(X4)) goto L3; /* new-line(indent) */ new_line(X1); /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y2)); goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* new-line(rest-indent) */ new_line(X2); L4:; /* endif */ /* print(first(p),rest-indent) */ X5 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; if (((X5==2))) { trans31(X6,X7,X8,X2); } else { if (((X5==1))) { trans30(X6,X7,X2); } else { if (((X5==3))) { print_map(X6); } else { trans29(X6,X2); } } } /* endfor */ { int X10,X9; X9 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[0]; X10 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[1]; if (X9 != 0) goto L2; X3 = X10; X4 = 0; goto L1; } } L2:; } /* proc resolve-choices(PLAN-SEQ) -> PLAN-SEQ */ static void trans26(int X0,int X1[1]) { int X4,X2; /* if seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ) <- plans */ { int X5,X3; X2 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X3 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; if (X3 != 0) goto L1; /* PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-choices(rest) */ { int X11; trans26(X4,&X5); /* if PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-new-choice(first,domain(first),new-rest) */ { int X10,X9,X8,X7,X6; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[0]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[1]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[2]; X9 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[3]; trans4(X6,X7,X8,X9,&X10); if (trans21(X2,X10,X5,&X11)) goto L2; /* return result */ X1[0] = X11; return; } goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* report-error */ if (!(1)) error(); /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y0)); /* print(first,0) */ trans27(X2,0); /* print(NIL) */ print_string(((int)&Y1)); /* print(rest,0) */ trans28(X4,0); /* abort-compile */ abort_compile(); L3:; /* endif */ } } goto L4; /* else */ L1:; /* return plans */ X1[0] = X0; return; L4:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc resolve(PLAN-SEQ) */ static void trans25(int X0) { /* for seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- plans,rest */ { int X1[3]; X1[0] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X1[1] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X1[2] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; L1:; /* resolve(plan) */ resolve(X1[0]); /* endfor */ { int X4,X3,X2; if (X1[1] != 0) goto L2; X2 = ((struct D21 *)X1[2])->F0[0]; X3 = ((struct D21 *)X1[2])->F0[1]; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X1[2])->F0[2]; X1[0] = X2; X1[1] = X3; X1[2] = X4; goto L1; } } L2:; } /* proc resolve(PLAN) */ void resolve(int X0) { /* for PLAN <- plan,next */ { int X3,X2,X1; X1 = X0; L1:; /* PLAN-OR-NIL <- rest(p) */ { int X7,X6,X5,X4; X2 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0]; X3 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1]; /* ACTION <- first(p) */ X4 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; /* if split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) <- first */ if (X4 != 1) goto L3; /* resolve(arms) */ trans25(X6); goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* if select(CHOICES) <- first */ if (X4 != 2) goto L5; /* CHOICES <- choices */ { int X8; /* resolve(plans) */ trans25(X5); /* if not disjoint */ if (!(X7)) goto L7; goto L6; L7:; /* PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-choices(plans) */ { int X9; trans26(X5,&X8); /* if seq(PLAN,Planseq/nil) <- new-plans */ { int X17,X15,X14,X13,X12,X11,X10; X9 = ((struct D21 *)X8)->F0[0]; X10 = ((struct D21 *)X8)->F0[1]; X11 = ((struct D21 *)X8)->F0[2]; if (X10 != 1) goto L8; /* set(first(p),first(one)) */ X12 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F0[0]; X13 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F0[1]; X14 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F0[2]; X15 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F0[3]; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0] = X12; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1] = X13; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2] = X14; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3] = X15; /* if PLAN <- rest(one) */ { int X18,X16; X16 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F1[0]; X17 = ((struct D11 *)X9)->F1[1]; if (X16 != 0) goto L9; /* set(rest(p),append(rest,next)) */ if (((X2==0))) { trans15(X17,X3,&X18); } else { X18 = X17; } ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0] = 0; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1] = X18; } L9:; /* endif */ } goto L10; /* else */ L8:; /* set(first(p),select(choices(new-plans,t,true))) */ ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0] = 2; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1] = X8; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2] = X6; ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3] = 1; L10:; /* endif */ } L6:; /* endif */ } L5:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ if (X2 != 0) goto L2; X1 = X3; goto L1; } } L2:; } /* proc factor-splits(ID,PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-OR-NIL,PLAN-OR-NIL) -> MERGE-RESULT */ static void trans24(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5,int X6,int X7,int X8[7]) { int X10; /* PLAN <- add-step(make-split(id,x-tails),x-rest) */ { int X12,X9[4]; trans12(X0,X2,&X9[0]); trans2(X9[0],X9[1],X9[2],X9[3],X4,X5,&X10); /* PLAN <- add-step(make-split(id,y-tails),y-rest) */ { int X13[7],X11[4]; trans12(X0,X3,&X11[0]); trans2(X11[0],X11[1],X11[2],X11[3],X6,X7,&X12); /* MERGE-RESULT <- merge-plans(new-x,new-y) */ trans18(0,X10,0,X12,&X13[0]); /* if can't <- merge */ if (X13[0] != 2) goto L1; /* return can't */ X8[0] = 2; return; L1:; /* endif */ /* ACTION <- split(id,prefixes) */ /* if same <- merge */ { int X14; if (X13[0] != 1) goto L2; /* false */ if (!(0)) error(); /* return upto(add-step(prefix,new-x),Plan/nil,Plan/nil) */ X8[0] = 0; trans2(1,X0,X1,NIL,0,X10,&X14); X8[1] = 0; X8[2] = X14; X8[3] = 1; X8[5] = 1; return; } goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* if UPTO <- merge */ { int X15; if (X13[0] != 0) goto L4; /* return upto(add-step(prefix,p1),p2,p3) */ X8[0] = 0; trans2(1,X0,X1,NIL,X13[1],X13[2],&X15); X8[1] = 0; X8[2] = X15; X8[4] = X13[4]; X8[3] = X13[3]; X8[6] = X13[6]; X8[5] = X13[5]; return; } L4:; /* endif */ L3:; /* endif */ error(); } } } /* proc walk-arms(PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-SEQ,BOOL,BOOL) -> WALK-RESULT */ static void trans23(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[7]) { int X7,X6,X5; /* seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- xs */ { int X10,X9,X8; X5 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; /* seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- ys */ { int X11[7]; X8 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[0]; X9 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[1]; X10 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[2]; /* MERGE-RESULT <- merge-plans(x,y) */ trans18(0,X5,0,X8,&X11[0]); { int S6; { int X14[7],S7; /* set(match',match) */ S6 = X2; /* set(factorable',factorable) */ S7 = X3; /* if same <- merge */ if (X11[0] != 1) goto L1; /* set(factorable',true) */ S7 = 1; goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* set(match',false) */ S6 = 0; /* if not can't <- merge */ if (X11[0] != 2) goto L4; goto L3; L4:; /* set(factorable',true) */ S7 = 1; L3:; /* endif */ L2:; /* endif */ /* WALK-RESULT <- walk-arms(x-rest,y-rest,match',factorable') */ { int X13,X12; X12 = S6; X13 = S7; if (((X6==0) && (X9==0))) { trans23(X7,X10,X12,X13,&X14[0]); } else if (((X6==1) && (X9==1))) { if (((X12==0) && (X13==0))) { X14[0] = 0; X14[1] = 1; } else if (((X12==1)) || ((X12==0) && (X13==1))) { if (((X12==0) && (X13==1))) { X14[0] = 1; X14[1] = 1; X14[3] = 1; X14[5] = 1; } else { X14[0] = 0; X14[1] = 0; } } else error(); } else error(); /* if factor(PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- rest */ if (X14[0] != 1) goto L5; /* if same <- merge */ { int X16; if (X11[0] != 1) goto L6; /* PLAN <- one-step(narrow(codomain(x))) */ { int X19,X18,X17,X15; trans3(X5,&X15); trans2(0,X15,NIL,NIL,1,NIL,&X16); /* return factor(seq(x,p1),seq(nothing,p2),seq(nothing,p3)) */ X4[0] = 1; cons_plan_seq(X5,X14[1],X14[2],&X17); X4[1] = 0; X4[2] = X17; cons_plan_seq(X16,X14[3],X14[4],&X18); X4[3] = 0; X4[4] = X18; cons_plan_seq(X16,X14[5],X14[6],&X19); X4[5] = 0; X4[6] = X19; return; } } goto L7; /* else */ L6:; /* if can't <- merge */ { int X31; if (X11[0] != 2) goto L8; /* PLAN <- one-step(narrow(union(domain(x),domain(y)))) */ { int X34,X33,X32,X30,X29,X28,X27,X26,X25,X24,X23,X22,X21,X20; X20 = ((struct D11 *)X5)->F0[0]; X21 = ((struct D11 *)X5)->F0[1]; X22 = ((struct D11 *)X5)->F0[2]; X23 = ((struct D11 *)X5)->F0[3]; trans4(X20,X21,X22,X23,&X24); X25 = ((struct D11 *)X8)->F0[0]; X26 = ((struct D11 *)X8)->F0[1]; X27 = ((struct D11 *)X8)->F0[2]; X28 = ((struct D11 *)X8)->F0[3]; trans4(X25,X26,X27,X28,&X29); union_tset(X24,X29,&X30); trans2(0,X30,NIL,NIL,1,NIL,&X31); /* return factor(seq(nothing,p1),seq(x,p2),seq(y,p3)) */ X4[0] = 1; cons_plan_seq(X31,X14[1],X14[2],&X32); X4[1] = 0; X4[2] = X32; cons_plan_seq(X5,X14[3],X14[4],&X33); X4[3] = 0; X4[4] = X33; cons_plan_seq(X8,X14[5],X14[6],&X34); X4[5] = 0; X4[6] = X34; return; } } goto L9; /* else */ L8:; /* UPTO <- merge */ { int X37,X36,X35; if (X11[0] != 0) error(); /* return factor(seq(q1,p1),seq(q2,p2),seq(q3,p3)) */ X4[0] = 1; if (X11[1] != 0) error(); cons_plan_seq(X11[2],X14[1],X14[2],&X35); X4[1] = 0; X4[2] = X35; if (X11[3] != 0) error(); cons_plan_seq(X11[4],X14[3],X14[4],&X36); X4[3] = 0; X4[4] = X36; if (X11[5] != 0) error(); cons_plan_seq(X11[6],X14[5],X14[6],&X37); X4[5] = 0; X4[6] = X37; return; } L9:; /* endif */ L7:; /* endif */ goto L10; /* else */ L5:; /* return rest */ X4[6] = X14[6]; X4[5] = X14[5]; X4[4] = X14[4]; X4[3] = X14[3]; X4[2] = X14[2]; X4[1] = X14[1]; X4[0] = X14[0]; return; L10:; /* endif */ error(); } } } } } } /* proc merge-splits(split(ID,PLAN-SEQ),split(ID,PLAN-SEQ),PLAN-OR-NIL,PLAN-OR-NIL) -> MERGE-RESULT */ static void trans22(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5,int X6,int X7,int X8[7]) { int X10[7],X9; /* eq(x-id,y-id) */ X9 = X0==X2; if (!(X9)) error(); /* WALK-RESULT <- walk-arms(x-arms,y-arms,true,false) */ trans23(X1,X3,1,0,&X10[0]); /* if same <- walk */ { int X11[7]; if (X10[0] != 0) goto L1; if (X10[1] != 0) goto L1; /* return add(split(x-id,x-arms),merge-plans(x-rest,y-rest)) */ trans18(X4,X5,X6,X7,&X11[0]); if (((X11[0]==2))) { X8[0] = 2; } else { if (((X11[0]==1))) { X8[0] = 1; } else { int X12; X8[0] = 0; trans2(1,X0,X1,NIL,X11[1],X11[2],&X12); X8[1] = 0; X8[2] = X12; X8[3] = X11[3]; X8[4] = X11[4]; X8[5] = X11[5]; X8[6] = X11[6]; } } return; } goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* if can't <- walk */ if (X10[0] != 0) goto L3; if (X10[1] != 1) goto L3; /* false */ if (!(0)) error(); goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* factor(PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-SEQ,PLAN-SEQ) <- walk */ if (X10[0] != 1) error(); if (X10[1] != 0) error(); if (X10[3] != 0) error(); if (X10[5] != 0) error(); /* return factor-splits(x-id,p1,p2,p3,x-rest,y-rest) */ trans24(X0,X10[2],X10[4],X10[6],X4,X5,X6,X7,&X8[0]); return; L4:; /* endif */ L2:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc resolve-new-choice(PLAN,TSET,PLAN-SEQ) -> PLAN-SEQ */ static int trans21(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3[1]) { int X6,X5,X4; /* seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- old */ { int X11; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; /* TSET <- domain(first) */ { int X14[7],X13,X12,X10,X9,X8,X7; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[0]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[1]; X9 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[2]; X10 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[3]; trans4(X7,X8,X9,X10,&X11); /* if disjoint(new-t,first-t) */ disjoint(X1,X11,&X12); if (!(X12)) goto L1; /* if PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-new-choice(new,new-t,rest) */ if (((X5==0))) { if (trans21(X0,X1,X6,&X13)) goto L2; } else { cons_plan_seq(X0,1,NIL,&X13); } /* return seq(first,resolved) */ cons_plan_seq(X4,0,X13,&X3[0]); return 0; goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* fail */ return 1; L3:; /* endif */ goto L4; /* else */ L1:; /* MERGE-RESULT <- merge-plans(new,first) */ { int X15; trans18(0,X0,0,X4,&X14[0]); /* if same <- merge */ if (X14[0] != 1) goto L5; /* return old */ X3[0] = X2; return 0; goto L6; /* else */ L5:; /* if PLAN <- make-plan(merge) and PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-new-choice(new,union(new-t,first-t),rest) */ { int X25; if (((X14[0]==0 && (((X14[1]==0) && (X14[3]==1) && (X14[5]==1)))))) { X15 = X14[2]; } else if (((X14[0]==0 && (((X14[1]==0) && (X14[3]==0) && (X14[5]==0)))))) { int X23,X22[3],X21,X20,X19,X18,X17,X16; cons_plan_seq(X14[6],1,NIL,&X16); X17 = ((struct D11 *)X14[6])->F0[0]; X18 = ((struct D11 *)X14[6])->F0[1]; X19 = ((struct D11 *)X14[6])->F0[2]; X20 = ((struct D11 *)X14[6])->F0[3]; trans4(X17,X18,X19,X20,&X21); trans1(X14[4],X16,X21,1,&X22[0]); trans2(2,X22[0],X22[1],X22[2],1,NIL,&X23); trans15(X14[2],X23,&X15); } else goto L7; { int X24; union_tset(X1,X11,&X24); if (((X5==0))) { if (trans21(X0,X24,X6,&X25)) goto L7; } else { cons_plan_seq(X0,1,NIL,&X25); } /* return resolved */ X3[0] = X25; return 0; } } goto L8; /* else */ L7:; /* fail */ return 1; L8:; /* endif */ L6:; /* endif */ } L4:; /* endif */ error(); } } } /* proc add-to-select(PLAN,choices(PLAN-SEQ,TSET,true),PLAN-OR-NIL) -> MERGE-RESULT */ static void trans20(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5[7]) { int X10; /* TSET <- domain(plan) */ { int X11,X9,X8,X7,X6; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X9 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; trans4(X6,X7,X8,X9,&X10); /* PLAN-SEQ <- append-each(plans,tail) */ { int X15; if (((X3==0))) { int X14,X13,X12; X12 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[0]; X13 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[1]; X14 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[2]; trans19(X12,X13,X14,X4,&X11); } else { X11 = X1; } /* if PLAN-SEQ <- resolve-new-choice(plan,plan-t,old) */ { int X17,X16; if (trans21(X0,X10,X11,&X15)) goto L1; /* return upto(one-step(select(choices(new-plans,union(t,plan-t),true))),Plan/nil,Plan/nil) */ X5[0] = 0; union_tset(X2,X10,&X16); trans2(2,X15,X16,1,1,NIL,&X17); X5[1] = 0; X5[2] = X17; X5[3] = 1; X5[5] = 1; return; } goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* return can't */ X5[0] = 2; return; L2:; /* endif */ error(); } } } /* proc append-each(seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL),PLAN) -> PLAN-SEQ */ static void trans19(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[1]) { int X6[2],X5; /* return seq(append(p,tail),append-each(rest,tail)) */ trans15(X0,X3,&X5); if (((X1==0))) { int X10,X9,X8,X7; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X8 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X9 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans19(X7,X8,X9,X3,&X10); X6[0] = 0; X6[1] = X10; } else { X6[0] = 1; } cons_plan_seq(X5,X6[0],X6[1],&X4[0]); return; error(); } /* proc merge-plans(PLAN-OR-NIL,PLAN-OR-NIL) -> MERGE-RESULT */ static void trans18(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[7]) { int X67,X66,X65,X61,X60,X59,X48,X47,X32,X17; /* if Plan/nil <- x */ if (X0 != 1) goto L1; /* if Plan/nil <- y */ if (X2 != 1) goto L2; /* return same */ X4[0] = 1; return; goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* return upto(Plan/nil,Plan/nil,y) */ X4[0] = 0; X4[1] = 1; X4[3] = 1; X4[6] = X3; X4[5] = X2; return; L3:; /* endif */ goto L4; /* else */ L1:; /* if Plan/nil <- y or disjoint(domain(x),domain(y)) */ if (X2 != 1) goto L6; goto L7; L6:; { int X15,X14,X13,X12,X11,X10,X9,X8,X7,X6,X5; if (X0 != 0) error(); X5 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; trans4(X5,X6,X7,X8,&X9); if (X2 != 0) error(); X10 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X11 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X12 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X13 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; trans4(X10,X11,X12,X13,&X14); disjoint(X9,X14,&X15); if (!(X15)) goto L5; } L7:; /* return upto(Plan/nil,x,y) */ X4[0] = 0; X4[1] = 1; X4[4] = X1; X4[3] = X0; X4[6] = X3; X4[5] = X2; return; goto L8; /* else */ L5:; /* if narrow(TSET) <- first(x) and narrow(TSET) <- first(y) */ { int X21,X19,X18,X16; if (X0 != 0) goto L9; X16 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X17 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X18 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X19 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; if (X16 != 0) goto L9; { int X29[7],X28,X27,X26,X25,X24,X23,X22,X20; if (X2 != 0) goto L9; X20 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X21 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X22 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X23 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; if (X20 != 0) goto L9; /* if eq(x-t,y-t) */ X24 = X17==X21; if (!(X24)) goto L10; /* return add(narrow(x-t),merge-plans(rest(x),rest(y))) */ if (X0 != 0) error(); X25 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0]; X26 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1]; if (X2 != 0) error(); X27 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[0]; X28 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[1]; trans18(X25,X26,X27,X28,&X29[0]); if (((X29[0]==2))) { X4[0] = 2; } else { if (((X29[0]==1))) { X4[0] = 1; } else { int X30; X4[0] = 0; trans2(0,X17,NIL,NIL,X29[1],X29[2],&X30); X4[1] = 0; X4[2] = X30; X4[3] = X29[3]; X4[4] = X29[4]; X4[5] = X29[5]; X4[6] = X29[6]; } } return; goto L11; /* else */ L10:; /* return can't */ X4[0] = 2; return; L11:; /* endif */ } } goto L12; /* else */ L9:; /* if apply(MAP) <- first(x) and apply(MAP) <- first(y) */ { int X36,X34,X33,X31; if (X0 != 0) goto L13; X31 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X32 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X33 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X34 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; if (X31 != 3) goto L13; { int X44[7],X43,X42,X41,X40,X39,X38,X37,X35; if (X2 != 0) goto L13; X35 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X36 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X37 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X38 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; if (X35 != 3) goto L13; /* if eq(x-m,y-m) */ X39 = X32==X36; if (!(X39)) goto L14; /* return add(apply(x-m),merge-plans(rest(x),rest(y))) */ if (X0 != 0) error(); X40 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0]; X41 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1]; if (X2 != 0) error(); X42 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[0]; X43 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[1]; trans18(X40,X41,X42,X43,&X44[0]); if (((X44[0]==2))) { X4[0] = 2; } else { if (((X44[0]==1))) { X4[0] = 1; } else { int X45; X4[0] = 0; trans2(3,X32,NIL,NIL,X44[1],X44[2],&X45); X4[1] = 0; X4[2] = X45; X4[3] = X44[3]; X4[4] = X44[4]; X4[5] = X44[5]; X4[6] = X44[6]; } } return; goto L15; /* else */ L14:; /* return can't */ X4[0] = 2; return; L15:; /* endif */ } } goto L16; /* else */ L13:; /* if split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) <- first(x) and split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) <- first(y) */ { int X52,X51,X49,X46; if (X0 != 0) goto L17; X46 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X47 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X48 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X49 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; if (X46 != 1) goto L17; { int X57,X56,X55,X54,X53,X50; if (X2 != 0) goto L17; X50 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X51 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X52 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X53 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; if (X50 != 1) goto L17; /* return merge-splits(x-s,y-s,rest(x),rest(y)) */ if (X0 != 0) error(); X54 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0]; X55 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1]; if (X2 != 0) error(); X56 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[0]; X57 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[1]; trans22(X47,X48,X51,X52,X54,X55,X56,X57,&X4[0]); return; } } goto L18; /* else */ L17:; /* if select(CHOICES) <- first(x) */ { int X63,X62,X58; if (X0 != 0) goto L19; X58 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X59 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X60 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X61 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; if (X58 != 2) goto L19; /* return add-to-select(y,choices,rest(x)) */ if (X2 != 0) error(); if (X61 != 1) error(); if (X0 != 0) error(); X62 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[0]; X63 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F1[1]; trans20(X3,X59,X60,X62,X63,&X4[0]); return; } goto L20; /* else */ L19:; /* if select(CHOICES) <- first(y) */ { int X69,X68,X64; if (X2 != 0) goto L21; X64 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[0]; X65 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[1]; X66 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[2]; X67 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F0[3]; if (X64 != 2) goto L21; /* return add-to-select(x,choices,rest(y)) */ if (X0 != 0) error(); if (X67 != 1) error(); if (X2 != 0) error(); X68 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[0]; X69 = ((struct D11 *)X3)->F1[1]; trans20(X1,X65,X66,X68,X69,&X4[0]); return; } goto L22; /* else */ L21:; /* return can't */ X4[0] = 2; return; L22:; /* endif */ L20:; /* endif */ L18:; /* endif */ L16:; /* endif */ L12:; /* endif */ L8:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc trans-with-maps(TSET,TSET,CHOICES-OR-NIL) -> CHOICES-OR-NIL */ static void trans17(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5,int X6[4]) { int S5[4]; /* set(result,simple) */ S5[0] = X2; S5[1] = X3; S5[2] = X4; S5[3] = X5; /* for seq(MAP,MAP-SEQ) <- all-maps,rest */ { int X10,X9,X8,X7[3]; X8 = all_maps[0]; X9 = all_maps[1]; if (X8 != 0) goto L2; X7[0] = ((struct D20 *)X9)->F0[0]; X7[1] = ((struct D20 *)X9)->F0[1]; X7[2] = ((struct D20 *)X9)->F0[2]; L1:; /* TSET <- domain(map) */ { int X12[4],X11; X10 = ((struct D19 *)X7[0])->F0; /* if share-ids(map-domain,from) and CHOICES <- simple-translations(from,map-domain) and PLAN <- translate(codomain(map),to) */ share_ids(X10,X0,&X11); if (!(X11)) goto L3; { int X14; trans9(X0,X10,&X12[0]); if (X12[0] != 0) goto L3; { int X21[3],X20,X19,X18,X17,X16,X15,X13; X13 = ((struct D19 *)X7[0])->F1; if (translate(X13,X1,&X14)) goto L3; /* set(result,add-choice(make-select(arg,add-step(apply(map),tail)),result)) */ trans2(3,X7[0],NIL,NIL,0,X14,&X15); trans16(X12[1],X12[2],X12[3],0,X15,&X16); X17 = S5[0]; X18 = S5[1]; X19 = S5[2]; X20 = S5[3]; if (((X17==1))) { int X25,X24,X23,X22; cons_plan_seq(X16,1,NIL,&X21[0]); X22 = ((struct D11 *)X16)->F0[0]; X23 = ((struct D11 *)X16)->F0[1]; X24 = ((struct D11 *)X16)->F0[2]; X25 = ((struct D11 *)X16)->F0[3]; trans4(X22,X23,X24,X25,&X21[1]); X21[2] = 1; } else { trans1(X16,X18,X19,X20,&X21[0]); } S5[0] = 0; S5[1] = X21[0]; S5[2] = X21[1]; S5[3] = X21[2]; } } L3:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ { int X28,X27,X26; if (X7[1] != 0) goto L2; X26 = ((struct D20 *)X7[2])->F0[0]; X27 = ((struct D20 *)X7[2])->F0[1]; X28 = ((struct D20 *)X7[2])->F0[2]; X7[0] = X26; X7[1] = X27; X7[2] = X28; goto L1; } } } L2:; /* return result */ X6[0] = S5[0]; X6[1] = S5[1]; X6[2] = S5[2]; X6[3] = S5[3]; return; error(); } /* proc make-select(CHOICES,PLAN-OR-NIL) -> PLAN */ static void trans16(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5[1]) { /* CHOICES <- choices */ { int X6; /* if seq(PLAN,Planseq/nil) <- plans */ { int X8,X7; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X8 = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; if (X7 != 1) goto L1; /* return append(plan,rest) */ if (((X3==0))) { trans15(X6,X4,&X5[0]); } else { X5[0] = X6; } return; } goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* return add-step(select(choices),rest) */ trans2(2,X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,&X5[0]); return; L2:; /* endif */ error(); } } /* proc append(PLAN,PLAN) -> PLAN */ static void trans15(int X0,int X1,int X2[1]) { int X23,X22,X21,X20,X11,X4; /* if PLAN <- rest(x) */ { int X9,X8,X7,X6,X5,X3; X3 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F1[0]; X4 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F1[1]; if (X3 != 0) goto L1; /* return add-step(first(x),append(rest,y)) */ X5 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; trans15(X4,X1,&X9); trans2(X5,X6,X7,X8,0,X9,&X2[0]); return; } goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* if narrow(TSET) <- first(x) and subset(domain(y),t) */ { int X19,X18,X17,X16,X15,X14,X13,X12,X10; X10 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X11 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X12 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X13 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; if (X10 != 0) goto L3; X14 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[0]; X15 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[1]; X16 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[2]; X17 = ((struct D11 *)X1)->F0[3]; trans4(X14,X15,X16,X17,&X18); subset(X18,X11,&X19); if (!(X19)) goto L3; /* return y */ X2[0] = X1; return; } goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* return add-step(first(x),y) */ X20 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X21 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X22 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X23 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; trans2(X20,X21,X22,X23,0,X1,&X2[0]); return; L4:; /* endif */ L2:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc translate(TSET,TSET) -> PLAN */ int translate(int X0,int X1,int X2[1]) { int X15,X3; /* if subset(x,y) */ subset(X0,X1,&X3); if (!(X3)) goto L1; /* return one-step(narrow(x)) */ trans2(0,X0,NIL,NIL,1,NIL,&X2[0]); return 0; L1:; /* endif */ /* for CACHE-ENTRY <- cache,next(c) */ { int X12,X10,X9,X8,X7,X6,X5,X4; X5 = cache[0]; X6 = cache[1]; if (X5 != 0) goto L3; X4 = X6; L2:; /* if eq(from(c),x) and eq(to(c),y) */ X7 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F0; X8 = X7==X0; if (!(X8)) goto L4; X9 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F1; X10 = X9==X1; if (!(X10)) goto L4; /* if PLAN <- plan(c) */ { int X11; X11 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F2[0]; X12 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F2[1]; if (X11 != 0) goto L5; /* return p */ X2[0] = X12; return 0; } goto L6; /* else */ L5:; /* fail */ return 1; L6:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ { int X14,X13; X13 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F3[0]; X14 = ((struct D12 *)X4)->F3[1]; if (X13 != 0) goto L3; X4 = X14; goto L2; } } L3:; /* CACHE-ENTRY <- new */ { int X17,X16; X15 = (int)malloc(6*sizeof(int)); /* set(from(cache-entry),x) */ ((struct D12 *)X15)->F0 = X0; /* set(to(cache-entry),y) */ ((struct D12 *)X15)->F1 = X1; /* unset(plan(cache-entry)) */ ((struct D12 *)X15)->F2[0] = 1; ((struct D12 *)X15)->F2[1] = NIL; /* set(next(cache-entry),cache) */ X16 = cache[0]; X17 = cache[1]; ((struct D12 *)X15)->F3[0] = X16; ((struct D12 *)X15)->F3[1] = X17; /* set(cache,cache-entry) */ cache[0] = 0; cache[1] = X15; { int X25,X24,X23,S4[4]; /* begin */ { int X18[4]; /* CHOICES-OR-NIL <- simple-translations(x,y) */ { int X21[4]; trans9(X0,X1,&X18[0]); /* if CHOICES <- simple */ { int X19[2]; if (X18[0] != 0) goto L7; /* if TSET <- subtract(x,t) */ { int X20[4]; subtract(X0,X18[2],&X19[0]); if (X19[0] != 0) goto L8; /* set(result,trans-with-maps(r,y,simple)) */ trans17(X19[1],X1,X18[0],X18[1],X18[2],X18[3],&X20[0]); S4[0] = X20[0]; S4[1] = X20[1]; S4[2] = X20[2]; S4[3] = X20[3]; } goto L9; /* else */ L8:; /* set(result,simple) */ S4[0] = X18[0]; S4[1] = X18[1]; S4[2] = X18[2]; S4[3] = X18[3]; L9:; /* endif */ } goto L10; /* else */ L7:; /* set(result,trans-with-maps(x,y,Choices/nil)) */ trans17(X0,X1,1,NIL,NIL,NIL,&X21[0]); S4[0] = X21[0]; S4[1] = X21[1]; S4[2] = X21[2]; S4[3] = X21[3]; L10:; /* endif */ } } /* end */ /* if CHOICES <- result */ { int X26,X22; X22 = S4[0]; X23 = S4[1]; X24 = S4[2]; X25 = S4[3]; if (X22 != 0) goto L11; /* PLAN <- make-select(choices,Plan/nil) */ trans16(X23,X24,X25,1,NIL,&X26); /* set(plan(cache-entry),r) */ ((struct D12 *)X15)->F2[0] = 0; ((struct D12 *)X15)->F2[1] = X26; /* return r */ X2[0] = X26; return 0; } goto L12; /* else */ L11:; /* fail */ return 1; L12:; /* endif */ error(); } } } /* proc narrow-tsets(seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL)) -> TUPLE */ static void trans14(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3[1]) { int X5; /* narrow(TSET) <- first(p) */ { int X8[2],X7,X6,X4; X4 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; if (X4 != 0) error(); /* return seq(t,narrow-tsets(rest)) */ if (((X1==0))) { int X12,X11,X10,X9; X9 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X10 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X11 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans14(X9,X10,X11,&X12); X8[0] = 0; X8[1] = X12; } else { X8[0] = 1; } cons_tuple(X5,X8[0],X8[1],&X3[0]); return; error(); } } /* proc just-narrows(PLAN-SEQ) -> BOOL */ static void trans13(int X0,int X1[1]) { /* for seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- plans,rest */ { int X2[3]; X2[0] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X2[1] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X2[2] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; L1:; /* if not narrow(TSET) <- first(p) and Plan/nil <- rest(p) */ { int X4; { int X6,X5,X3; X3 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F0[0]; X4 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F0[1]; X5 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F0[2]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F0[3]; if (X3 != 0) goto L4; { int X8,X7; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F1[0]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X2[0])->F1[1]; if (X7 != 1) goto L4; } } } goto L3; L4:; /* return false */ X1[0] = 0; return; L3:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ { int X11,X10,X9; if (X2[1] != 0) goto L2; X9 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[0]; X10 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[1]; X11 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[2]; X2[0] = X9; X2[1] = X10; X2[2] = X11; goto L1; } } L2:; /* return true */ X1[0] = 1; return; error(); } /* proc make-split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) -> ACTION */ static void trans12(int X0,int X1,int X2[4]) { int X7,X6,X5,X4,X3; /* if just-narrows(arms) */ trans13(X1,&X3); if (!(X3)) goto L1; /* return narrow(tset(id,narrow-tsets(arms))) */ X2[0] = 0; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X1)->F0[2]; trans14(X4,X5,X6,&X7); cons_tuple_tset(X0,X7,&X2[1]); return; goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* return split(id,arms) */ X2[0] = 1; X2[1] = X0; X2[2] = X1; return; L2:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc trans-tuple(seq(TSET,TUPLE-OR-NIL),seq(TSET,TUPLE-OR-NIL)) -> PLAN-SEQ */ static int trans11(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5,int X6[1]) { int X7; /* if PLAN <- translate(x,y) */ { int X14; if (translate(X0,X3,&X7)) goto L1; /* if Tuple/nil <- x-rest */ if (X1 != 1) goto L2; /* return seq(p,Planseq/nil) */ cons_plan_seq(X7,1,NIL,&X6[0]); return 0; goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* if PLAN-SEQ <- trans-tuple(x-rest,y-rest) */ { int X13,X12,X11,X10,X9,X8; if (X1 != 0) goto L4; X8 = ((struct D6 *)X2)->F0[0]; X9 = ((struct D6 *)X2)->F0[1]; X10 = ((struct D6 *)X2)->F0[2]; if (X4 != 0) goto L4; X11 = ((struct D6 *)X5)->F0[0]; X12 = ((struct D6 *)X5)->F0[1]; X13 = ((struct D6 *)X5)->F0[2]; if (trans11(X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13,&X14)) goto L4; /* return seq(p,rest) */ cons_plan_seq(X7,0,X14,&X6[0]); return 0; } L4:; /* endif */ L3:; /* endif */ } L1:; /* endif */ /* fail */ return 1; error(); } /* proc trans-id(TSET,TSET) -> ACTION */ static int trans10(int X0,int X1,int X2[4]) { int X13,X3; /* if TUPLE <- first-tuple(from) and TUPLE <- first-tuple(to) */ { int X4; if (first_tuple(X0,&X3)) goto L1; { int X11; if (first_tuple(X1,&X4)) goto L1; /* if PLAN-SEQ <- trans-tuple(x,y) */ { int X12,X10,X9,X8,X7,X6,X5; X5 = ((struct D6 *)X3)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D6 *)X3)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D6 *)X3)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D6 *)X4)->F0[0]; X9 = ((struct D6 *)X4)->F0[1]; X10 = ((struct D6 *)X4)->F0[2]; if (trans11(X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,&X11)) goto L2; /* return make-split(id(from),arms) */ X12 = ((struct D5 *)X0)->F0; trans12(X12,X11,&X2[0]); return 0; } goto L3; /* else */ L2:; /* fail */ return 1; L3:; /* endif */ } } goto L4; /* else */ L1:; /* if TSET <- intersect-id(from,to) */ if (intersect_id(X0,X1,&X13)) goto L5; /* return narrow(t) */ X2[0] = 0; X2[1] = X13; return 0; goto L6; /* else */ L5:; /* fail */ return 1; L6:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc simple-translations(TSET,TSET) -> CHOICES-OR-NIL */ static void trans9(int X0,int X1,int X2[4]) { int X8,X7,X6,X5,X4,X3; /* if subset(from,to) */ subset(X0,X1,&X3); if (!(X3)) goto L1; /* return one-choice(one-step(narrow(from))) */ trans2(0,X0,NIL,NIL,1,NIL,&X4); X2[0] = 0; cons_plan_seq(X4,1,NIL,&X2[1]); X5 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X4)->F0[3]; trans4(X5,X6,X7,X8,&X2[2]); X2[3] = 1; return; L1:; /* endif */ { int S0[2]; { int S1[2]; { int S2[4]; { int X45,X10,S3[2]; /* set(from',from) */ S0[0] = 0; S0[1] = X0; /* set(to',to) */ S1[0] = 0; S1[1] = X1; /* set(result,Choices/nil) */ S2[0] = 1; S2[1] = NIL; S2[2] = NIL; S2[3] = NIL; /* set(narrow,Tset/nil) */ S3[0] = 1; S3[1] = NIL; /* while TSET <- from' and TSET <- to' */ L2:; { int X12,X9; X9 = S0[0]; X10 = S0[1]; if (X9 != 0) goto L3; { int X43,X42,X41,X40,X39,X38,X37,X36,X35,X34,X33,X32,X31,X16[4],X15,X14,X13,X11; X11 = S1[0]; X12 = S1[1]; if (X11 != 0) goto L3; /* if eq(id(from-t),id(to-t)) */ X13 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F0; X14 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F0; X15 = X13==X14; if (!(X15)) goto L4; /* if ACTION <- trans-id(from-t,to-t) */ { int X26[3],X25,X24,X23,X22,X21; if (trans10(X10,X12,&X16[0])) goto L5; /* if narrow(TSET) <- a */ { int X19[2],X18,X17; if (X16[0] != 0) goto L6; /* set(narrow,union(t,narrow)) */ X17 = S3[0]; X18 = S3[1]; if (((X17==0))) { int X20; union_tset(X16[1],X18,&X20); X19[0] = 0; X19[1] = X20; } else { X19[1] = X16[1]; X19[0] = 0; } S3[0] = X19[0]; S3[1] = X19[1]; } goto L7; /* else */ L6:; /* set(result,add-choice(one-step(a),result)) */ trans2(X16[0],X16[1],X16[2],X16[3],1,NIL,&X21); X22 = S2[0]; X23 = S2[1]; X24 = S2[2]; X25 = S2[3]; if (((X22==1))) { int X30,X29,X28,X27; cons_plan_seq(X21,1,NIL,&X26[0]); X27 = ((struct D11 *)X21)->F0[0]; X28 = ((struct D11 *)X21)->F0[1]; X29 = ((struct D11 *)X21)->F0[2]; X30 = ((struct D11 *)X21)->F0[3]; trans4(X27,X28,X29,X30,&X26[1]); X26[2] = 1; } else { trans1(X21,X23,X24,X25,&X26[0]); } S2[0] = 0; S2[1] = X26[0]; S2[2] = X26[1]; S2[3] = X26[2]; L7:; /* endif */ } L5:; /* endif */ /* set(from',rest(from-t)) */ X31 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F2[0]; X32 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F2[1]; S0[0] = X31; S0[1] = X32; /* set(to',rest(to-t)) */ X33 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F2[0]; X34 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F2[1]; S1[0] = X33; S1[1] = X34; goto L8; /* else */ L4:; /* if lt(id(from-t),id(to-t)) */ X35 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F0; X36 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F0; X37 = ((struct D3 *)X35)->F1; X38 = ((struct D3 *)X36)->F1; X39 = X37<X38; if (!(X39)) goto L9; /* set(from',rest(from-t)) */ X40 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F2[0]; X41 = ((struct D5 *)X10)->F2[1]; S0[0] = X40; S0[1] = X41; goto L10; /* else */ L9:; /* set(to',rest(to-t)) */ X42 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F2[0]; X43 = ((struct D5 *)X12)->F2[1]; S1[0] = X42; S1[1] = X43; L10:; /* endif */ L8:; /* endif */ } } /* endwhile */ goto L2; L3:; /* if TSET <- narrow */ { int X50,X49,X48,X47,X46,X44; X44 = S3[0]; X45 = S3[1]; if (X44 != 0) goto L11; /* return add-choice(one-step(narrow(t)),result) */ trans2(0,X45,NIL,NIL,1,NIL,&X46); X47 = S2[0]; X48 = S2[1]; X49 = S2[2]; X50 = S2[3]; if (((X47==1))) { int X54,X53,X52,X51; X2[0] = 0; cons_plan_seq(X46,1,NIL,&X2[1]); X51 = ((struct D11 *)X46)->F0[0]; X52 = ((struct D11 *)X46)->F0[1]; X53 = ((struct D11 *)X46)->F0[2]; X54 = ((struct D11 *)X46)->F0[3]; trans4(X51,X52,X53,X54,&X2[2]); X2[3] = 1; } else { int X55[3]; trans1(X46,X48,X49,X50,&X55[0]); X2[0] = 0; X2[1] = X55[0]; X2[2] = X55[1]; X2[3] = X55[2]; } return; } goto L12; /* else */ L11:; /* return result */ X2[0] = S2[0]; X2[1] = S2[1]; X2[2] = S2[2]; X2[3] = S2[3]; return; L12:; /* endif */ error(); } } } } } /* proc unioned-codomains(PLAN-SEQ) -> TSET */ static void trans8(int X0,int X1[1]) { /* for seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) <- plans,rest and TSET <- codomain(p),union(result,codomain(p)) */ { int X3,X2[3]; X2[0] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[0]; X2[1] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[1]; X2[2] = ((struct D21 *)X0)->F0[2]; trans3(X2[0],&X3); L1:; /* if Planseq/nil <- rest */ if (X2[1] != 1) goto L3; /* return result */ X1[0] = X3; return; L3:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ { int X8,X7,X6,X5,X4; if (X2[1] != 0) goto L2; X4 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X2[2])->F0[2]; X2[0] = X4; X2[1] = X5; X2[2] = X6; trans3(X2[0],&X7); union_tset(X3,X7,&X8); X3 = X8; goto L1; } } L2:; error(); } /* proc codomains(seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL)) -> TUPLE */ static void trans7(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3[1]) { int X5[2],X4; /* return seq(codomain(p),codomains(rest)) */ trans3(X0,&X4); if (((X1==0))) { int X9,X8,X7,X6; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X8 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans7(X6,X7,X8,&X9); X5[0] = 0; X5[1] = X9; } else { X5[0] = 1; } cons_tuple(X4,X5[0],X5[1],&X3[0]); return; error(); } /* proc domains(seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL)) -> TUPLE */ static void trans6(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3[1]) { int X9[2],X8,X7,X6,X5,X4; /* return seq(domain(p),domains(rest)) */ X4 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X5 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; trans4(X4,X5,X6,X7,&X8); if (((X1==0))) { int X13,X12,X11,X10; X10 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X11 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X12 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans6(X10,X11,X12,&X13); X9[0] = 0; X9[1] = X13; } else { X9[0] = 1; } cons_tuple(X8,X9[0],X9[1],&X3[0]); return; error(); } /* proc codomain(ACTION) -> TSET */ static void trans5(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[1]) { /* if narrow(TSET) <- a */ if (X0 != 0) goto L1; /* return t */ X4[0] = X1; return; goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* if select(CHOICES) <- a */ if (X0 != 2) goto L3; /* return unioned-codomains(plans) */ trans8(X1,&X4[0]); return; goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* if apply(MAP) <- a */ if (X0 != 3) goto L5; /* return codomain(map) */ X4[0] = ((struct D19 *)X1)->F1; return; goto L6; /* else */ L5:; /* split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) <- a */ { int X8,X7,X6,X5; if (X0 != 1) error(); /* return tset(id,codomains(plans)) */ X5 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans7(X5,X6,X7,&X8); cons_tuple_tset(X1,X8,&X4[0]); return; } L6:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ L2:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc domain(ACTION) -> TSET */ static void trans4(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[1]) { /* if narrow(TSET) <- a */ if (X0 != 0) goto L1; /* return t */ X4[0] = X1; return; goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* if select(CHOICES) <- a */ if (X0 != 2) goto L3; /* return t */ X4[0] = X2; return; goto L4; /* else */ L3:; /* if apply(MAP) <- a */ if (X0 != 3) goto L5; /* return domain(map) */ X4[0] = ((struct D19 *)X1)->F0; return; goto L6; /* else */ L5:; /* split(ID,PLAN-SEQ) <- a */ { int X8,X7,X6,X5; if (X0 != 1) error(); /* return tset(id,domains(plans)) */ X5 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D21 *)X2)->F0[2]; trans6(X5,X6,X7,&X8); cons_tuple_tset(X1,X8,&X4[0]); return; } L6:; /* endif */ L4:; /* endif */ L2:; /* endif */ error(); } /* proc codomain(PLAN) -> TSET */ static void trans3(int X0,int X1[1]) { /* for PLAN <- plan,rest(p) */ { int X2; X2 = X0; L1:; /* if Plan/nil <- rest(p) */ { int X8,X7,X6,X5,X4,X3; X3 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F1[0]; X4 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F1[1]; if (X3 != 1) goto L3; /* return codomain(first(p)) */ X5 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F0[3]; trans5(X5,X6,X7,X8,&X1[0]); return; } L3:; /* endif */ /* endfor */ { int X10,X9; X9 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F1[0]; X10 = ((struct D11 *)X2)->F1[1]; if (X9 != 0) goto L2; X2 = X10; goto L1; } } L2:; error(); } /* proc add-step(ACTION,PLAN-OR-NIL) -> PLAN */ static void trans2(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4,int X5,int X6[1]) { int X7; /* PLAN <- new */ X7 = (int)malloc(6*sizeof(int)); /* set(rest(plan),rest) */ ((struct D11 *)X7)->F1[0] = X4; ((struct D11 *)X7)->F1[1] = X5; /* set(first(plan),first) */ ((struct D11 *)X7)->F0[0] = X0; ((struct D11 *)X7)->F0[1] = X1; ((struct D11 *)X7)->F0[2] = X2; ((struct D11 *)X7)->F0[3] = X3; /* return plan */ X6[0] = X7; return; error(); } /* proc add-choice(PLAN,CHOICES) -> CHOICES */ static void trans1(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3,int X4[3]) { int X9; /* TSET <- domain(plan) */ { int X10,X8,X7,X6,X5; X5 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[0]; X6 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[1]; X7 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[2]; X8 = ((struct D11 *)X0)->F0[3]; trans4(X5,X6,X7,X8,&X9); /* PLAN-SEQ <- seq(plan,plans) */ { int X11; cons_plan_seq(X0,0,X1,&X10); /* TSET <- union(t,plan-t) */ union_tset(X2,X9,&X11); /* if disjoint */ if (!(X3)) goto L1; /* return choices(new-plans,new-t,disjoint(t,plan-t)) */ X4[0] = X10; X4[1] = X11; disjoint(X2,X9,&X4[2]); return; goto L2; /* else */ L1:; /* return choices(new-plans,new-t,false) */ X4[0] = X10; X4[1] = X11; X4[2] = 0; return; L2:; /* endif */ error(); } } } /* proc seq(PLAN,PLAN-SEQ-OR-NIL) -> PLAN-SEQ */ void cons_plan_seq(int X0,int X1,int X2,int X3[1]) { int X4; /* PLAN-SEQ-BLK <- new */ X4 = (int)malloc(3*sizeof(int)); /* set(contents(b),d) */ ((struct D21 *)X4)->F0[0] = X0; ((struct D21 *)X4)->F0[1] = X1; ((struct D21 *)X4)->F0[2] = X2; /* return b */ X3[0] = X4; return; error(); } ------------------------------------------------------------ and the include file: ------------------------------------------------------------ #include <limits.h> #define NIL 0 volatile void error (void); ------------------------------------------------------------