[gnu.gcc.bug] gcc-1.37 -fstrength-reduce bug

lazlor@ucscl.ucsc.EDU (Allen) (02/22/90)

In article <9002202328.AA19650@PTT.LCS.MIT.EDU> shep@ALLSPICE.LCS.MIT.EDU (Tim Shepard) writes:

   I am using gcc-1.37 on a vax running 4.3 BSD.

   The output below demonstrates a bug in gcc-1.37.  

< a description of the bug follows, and has been deleted >

   If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd appreciate a patch to fix this.


I would also be interested in a patch.

Allen Smith


* lazlor@ucscl.UCSC.EDU - INTERNET    | 'The land divided, the world united' *
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