[comp.sources.x] v02i034: set the root background, Patch1

mikew@wyse.wyse.com (Mike Wexler) (12/07/88)

Submitted-by: Bob Sutterfield <bob@cis.ohio-state.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 34
Archive-name: xsetroot/patch1

Long ago, Mark Baushke (mdb@silvlis.com) posted changes for the X11R2
xsetroot so that it could use Sun rasterfile format bitmaps as its
input.  I simply merged those changes back into the X11R3 xsetroot.	--Bob

diff -rc2 X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.c.dist X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.c
*** X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.c.dist	Tue Nov 29 23:29:55 1988
--- X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.c	Wed Nov 30 00:22:17 1988
*** 7,10 ****
--- 7,14 ----
  #include "X11/bitmaps/gray"
+ #ifdef sun
+ #include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>
+ #endif /* sun */
   * xsetroot.c 	MIT Project Athena, X Window system root window 
*** 14,17 ****
--- 18,26 ----
   *  Author:	Mark Lillibridge, MIT Project Athena
   *		11-Jun-87
+  *  Modified: Mark Baushke <mdb@silvlis.com>, to add -rast option
+  *            2-Jun-88
+  *            Bob Sutterfield <bob@cis.ohio-state.edu>, re-merged
+  *            mdb's -rast changes into X11R3.
+  *            30-Nov-88
*** 46,49 ****
--- 55,59 ----
      fprintf(stderr, "  -gray   or   -grey\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "  -bitmap <filename>\n");
+     fprintf(stderr, "  -rast <filename>\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "  -mod <x> <y>\n");
*** 52,55 ****
--- 62,68 ----
  Pixmap MakeModulaBitmap(), ReadBitmapFile();
+ #ifdef sun
+ Pixmap  ReadSunRasterFile(), XCreateBitmapFromSunPixrectData();
+ #endif /* sun */
  XColor NameToXColor();
  unsigned long NameToPixel();
*** 70,73 ****
--- 83,89 ----
      int gray = 0;
      char *bitmap_file = NULL;
+ #ifdef sun
+     char *rast_file = NULL;
+ #endif /* sun */
      int mod_x = 0;
      int mod_y = 0;
*** 132,135 ****
--- 148,164 ----
+ 	if (!strcmp("-rast", argv[i])) {
+ #ifdef sun
+ 	     if (++i>=argc) usage();
+ 	     rast_file = argv[i];
+ 	     excl++;
+ 	     continue;
+ #else /* sun */
+ 	     fprintf(stderr, "%s: "-rast" option not implemented.\n",
+ 		     program_name);
+ 	     if (++i>=argc) usage();
+ 	     continue;
+ #endif /* sun */
+ 	}
  	if (!strcmp("-mod", argv[i])) {
  	    if (++i>=argc) usage();
*** 151,157 ****
      /* Check for multiple use of exclusive options */
      if (excl > 1) {
! 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: choose only one of {solid, gray, bitmap, mod}\n",
! 		program_name);
! 	usage();
--- 180,192 ----
      /* Check for multiple use of exclusive options */
      if (excl > 1) {
! #ifdef sun
! 	 fprintf(stderr,
! 		 "%s: choose only one of {solid, gray, bitmap, rast, mod}\n",
! 		 program_name);
! #else /* sun */
! 	 fprintf(stderr, "%s: choose only one of {solid, gray, bitmap, mod}\n",
! 		 program_name);
! #endif /* sun */
! 	 usage();
*** 196,200 ****
  	SetBackgroundToBitmap(bitmap, ww, hh);
      /* Handle set background to a modula pattern */
      if (mod_x) {
--- 231,243 ----
  	SetBackgroundToBitmap(bitmap, ww, hh);
! #ifdef sun
!     /* Handle -rast option */
!     if (rast_file) {
! 	 bitmap = ReadSunRasterFile(rast_file, &ww, &hh);
! 	 SetBackgroundToBitmap(bitmap, ww, hh);
!     }
! #endif /* sun */
      /* Handle set background to a modula pattern */
      if (mod_x) {
*** 441,442 ****
--- 484,618 ----
+ #ifdef sun
+ char *malloc();
+ Pixmap ReadSunRasterFile(filename, width, height)
+     char *filename;
+     unsigned int *width, *height;
+ {
+     Pixmap bitmap;
+     int status;
+     int rows, cols, linebytes;
+     short *data;
+     FILE *file;
+     struct rasterfile header;
+     struct pixrect *pr, *pr_load_image();
+     int firsttime, value, i, data_length;
+     file = fopen(filename, "r");
+     if (file == NULL) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open file: %s\n", program_name,
+ 		filename);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     cols = rows = -1;
+     /* Get the raster file's header. */
+     if (pr_load_header(file, &header) != 0) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to read in raster file header.\n",
+ 		filename);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     /* can only handle monochrome bitmaps. */
+     if (header.ras_depth != 1) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid depth.\n", filename);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     cols = header.ras_width;
+     rows = header.ras_height;
+     if (cols <= 0) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid width: %d.\n", filename, cols);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     if (rows <= 0) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid height: %d.\n", filename, rows);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     /* If there is a color map, skip over it. */
+     if (header.ras_maptype != RMT_NONE && header.ras_maplength != 0) {
+ 	if (pr_load_colormap(file, &header, NULL) != 0) {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to skip colormap data.\n", filename);
+ 	    exit(1);
+ 	}
+     }
+     /* Now load the data.  The pixrect returned is a memory pixrect. */
+     if ((pr = pr_load_image(file, &header, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Unable to read in the image from the raster file: %s.\n",
+ 		filename);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     fclose(file);
+     linebytes = ((struct mpr_data *)pr->pr_data)->md_linebytes;
+     data = ((struct mpr_data *)pr->pr_data)->md_image;
+     *width = cols;
+     *height = rows;
+     bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromSunPixrectData(dpy, root, (char *) data,
+ 					    *width, *height, linebytes);
+     if (!bitmap) {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: insufficient memory for bitmap: %s",
+ 		program_name, filename);
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+     return(bitmap);
+ }
+ /*
+  * XCreateBitmapFromSunPixrectData: Routine to make a pixmap of depth 1 from user supplied data.
+  *             D is any drawable on the same screen that the pixmap will be used in.
+  *             Data is a pointer to the bit data, and 
+  *             width & height give the size in bits of the pixmap.
+  *
+  * The following format is assumed for data:
+  *
+  *    format=XYPixmap
+  *    bit_order=MSBFirst
+  *    byte_order=MSBFirst
+  *    padding=8
+  *    bitmap_unit=8
+  *    xoffset=0
+  *    rows are rounded up to 16-bit boundaries
+  */  
+ Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromSunPixrectData(display, d, data, width,
+ 				       height, linebytes)
+      Display *display;
+      Drawable d;
+      char *data;
+      unsigned int width, height;
+      int linebytes;
+ {
+     XImage ximage;
+     GC gc;
+     Pixmap pix;
+     pix = XCreatePixmap(display, d, width, height, 1);
+     if (!pix)
+       return(0);
+     gc = XCreateGC(display, pix, (unsigned long)0, (XGCValues *)0);
+     ximage.height = height;
+     ximage.width = width;
+     ximage.depth = 1;
+     ximage.xoffset = 0;
+     ximage.format = XYPixmap;
+     ximage.data = data;
+     ximage.byte_order = MSBFirst;
+     ximage.bitmap_unit = 8;
+     ximage.bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst;
+     ximage.bitmap_pad = 8;
+     ximage.bytes_per_line = (linebytes == 0) ? (((width+15)>>3) & ~1) : linebytes; 
+     XPutImage(display, pix, gc, &ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
+     XFreeGC(display, gc);
+     return(pix);
+ }
+ #endif /* sun */

diff -rc2 X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.man.dist X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.man
*** X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.man.dist	Tue Nov 29 23:30:08 1988
--- X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/xsetroot.man	Wed Nov 30 00:04:43 1988
*** 6,9 ****
--- 6,10 ----
  [-help] [-def] [-display \fIdisplay\fP]
  [-cursor \fIcursorfile maskfile\fP] [-bitmap \fIfilename\fP]
+ [-rast \fIfilename\fP]
  [-mod \fIx y\fP] [-gray] [-grey] [-fg \fIcolor\fP] [-bg \fIcolor\fP] [-rv]
  [-solid \fIcolor\fP] [-name \fIstring\fP]
*** 26,30 ****
  Only one of the background color/tiling changing options 
! (-solid, -gray, -grey, -bitmap, and -mod) may be specified at a time.
--- 27,31 ----
  Only one of the background color/tiling changing options 
! (-solid, -gray, -grey, -bitmap, -rast, and -mod) may be specified at a time.
*** 48,51 ****
--- 49,58 ----
  program.  The entire background will be made up of repeated "tiles" of
  the bitmap.
+ .IP "\fB-rast\fP \fIfilename\fP"
+ Use the sun raster file specified in the file to set the window
+ pattern.  You can make your own sun raster files (little pictures) using the
+ .I screendump(1)
+ program.  The entire background will be made up of repeated "tiles" of
+ the raster file.
  .IP "\fB-mod\fP \fIx\fP \fIy\fP"
  This is used if you want a plaid-like grid pattern on your screen.
*** 74,78 ****
  Specifies the server to connect to; see \fIX(1)\fP.
! X(1), xset(1), xrdb(1)
  Copyright 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
--- 81,85 ----
  Specifies the server to connect to; see \fIX(1)\fP.
! X(1), xset(1), xrdb(1), screendump(1), screenload(1)
  Copyright 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

diff -rc2 X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/Imakefile.dist X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/Imakefile
*** X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/Imakefile.dist	Tue Nov 29 23:46:29 1988
--- X.V11R3/clients/xsetroot/Imakefile	Tue Nov 29 23:47:15 1988
*** 1,3 ****
             SRCS = xsetroot.c
             OBJS = xsetroot.o
--- 1,3 ----
! LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XLIB) /usr/lib/libpixrect.a
             SRCS = xsetroot.c
             OBJS = xsetroot.o
Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew)    Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
Moderator of comp.sources.x