[comp.sources.x] v03i065: Patches to xdbx, Part01/03

argv@island.uu.net (Dan Heller) (04/06/89)

Submitted-by: Ps Cheung <po@volta.ece.utexas.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 65
Archive-name: xdbx.patch/part01

echo x - CHANGES
sed 's/^X//' > CHANGES <<'+END+OF+CHANGES'
XThis is patch #1 to vanilla xdbx posted to comp.sources.x.  There are three
Xparts.  The first part consists of two files, CHANGES and filemenu.c, and
Xsome initial patches.  The other files contain patches only.
X1. Changes
X   This is patch #1, upgrading xdbx version 1.0 to 1.1.  Included in this
X   patch is a context diff file, plus two new files: CHANGES and filemenu.c.
X   The following changes have been made to this directory since version 1.0.
X   o  Xdbx now works under SunOS 4.0.  To compile the program, edit the
X      Imakefile to include -DSUNOS4_0 flag.
X   o  Terminal interrupt (^C) to dbx is fixed.
X   o  Xdbx now handles the 'use' command.  It keeps track of a list of
X      directories for searching source files.  This is especially useful 
X      for debugging programs with source files residing in multiple 
X      directories.
X   o  The file menu is extended into a directory browser.  The user can
X      traverse up and down the directory tree, display source files,
X      and debug executable files (Sun dbx).
X   o  For Berkeley dbx, the 'status' button is replaced by the 'return'
X      button.
X   o  Lots of small changes to the source code.
X2. Bugs
X   o  Xdbx exercises some bugs in the Athena list widget.  Creating a 
X      file menu could cause segmentation violation.
X3. Acknowledgements
X      I must thank Guy Harris for correcting my misunderstanding of ptys 
X   and getting xdbx to work in SunOS 4.0.  Many thanks go to Duane Voth 
X   for his diffs, and many of his ideas in improving the user interface 
X   of the file menu, and allowing user customization of translation tables.  
X   D'arc Angel came up with the idea of introducing the DEBUGGER environment 
X   variable.  I would also like to thank Joseph Rahmeh, Mike Schoenfelder,
X   Gregory Melancon, and many others for their suggestions and bug fixes.
echo '-rw-rw-r--  1 argv         1849 Apr  5 23:53 CHANGES    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r CHANGES
echo x - filemenu.c
sed 's/^X//' > filemenu.c <<'+END+OF+filemenu.c'
X *
X *  xdbx - X Window System interface to dbx
X *
X *  Copyright 1989 The University of Texas at Austin
X *
X *  Author:	Po Cheung
X *  Date:	March 20, 1989
X *
X *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
X *  its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
X *  provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
X *  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
X *  supporting documentation.  The University of Texas at Austin makes no 
X *  representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  
X *  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
X *
X ******************************************************************************/
X/* Filemenu.c
X *
X *  This file contains routines for manipulation of a file menu.
X *  The file menu is popped up by the 'file' command button.  It allows
X *  a user to go up and down the directory tree, to select text files
X *  to display, and to select executable files to debug.
X *
X *  When xdbx is first started up, SetUpFileMenu() is called to construct
X *  the file menu.  Each time the user changes the current directory,
X *  UpdateFileMenu() is called to destroy the old popupshell and call
X *  SetUpFileMenu() to build a new menu.
X *
X *  Duane Voth contributed to the layout of the file menu, plus some
X *  other code and ideas.
X */
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <X11/Xos.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#ifdef SUNOS4_0
X#include <dirent.h>
X#include <sys/dir.h>
X#include "global.h"
Xstatic char  	**filelist; 		/* list of file names in fileMenu */
Xstatic int	nfiles = 0;		/* number of files in filelist */
Xstatic Widget	popupshell,		/* parent of popup */
X		popup, 			/* vpane widget containing file menu */
X		fileMenu, 		/* list widget as file menu */
X		fileMenuLabel; 		/* label widget as file menu label */
Xstatic char	cwd[MAXPATHLEN];	/* current working directory of dbx */
X/*  Returns the current working directory.
X *  For Berkeley dbx, the current working directory info is stored in
X *  the static variable, cwd.
X *  For Sun dbx, the current working directory can be obtained from dbx.
X */
Xchar *dbxpwd()
X#ifdef BSD
X    if (strcmp(cwd, "") == NULL)
X        getwd(cwd);
X    if (dbxfp == NULL)
X        getwd(cwd);
X    else
X	strcpy(cwd, (char *) strtok(QueryDbx("pwd\n", FALSE), "\n"));
X    return cwd;
X/*  Change working directory to 'dir'.
X *  For Berkeley dbx, modify static global variable, cwd, to keep track of 
X *  current working directory.
X *  For Sun dbx, change working directory of dbx.
X */
Xstatic void changeDir(dir)
Xchar *dir;
X    char command[LINESIZ];
X    int i;
X#ifdef BSD
X    if (strcmp(dir, "./") == NULL) 
X	return;
X    if (dir[0] == '/' || dir[0] == '~') 
X	strcpy(cwd, dir);
X    if (strcmp(dir, "../") == NULL) {
X	for (i=strlen(cwd); cwd[i] != '/' && i > 0; i--);
X	cwd[i] = '\0';
X	if (strcmp(cwd, "") == NULL)
X	    strcpy(cwd, "/");
X    }
X    else {
X	sprintf(cwd, "%s/%s", cwd, dir);
X	LASTCH(cwd) = '\0';
X    }
X    sprintf(command, "cd %s\n", dir);
X    QueryDbx(command, FALSE);
X/*  Determines if a directory entry should appear in the file menu. 
X *  The files included in the menu are :
X *    ..  (parent directory)
X *    directories
X *    text files 
X *    executable files
X */
Xstatic int InList(entry)
XDirectory *entry;
X    char buffer[16], pathname[LINESIZ];
X    struct stat statbuf;
X    int i, n;
X    FILE *fp;
X    if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == NULL || 	/* ignore current directory */
X	LASTCH(entry->d_name) == '~')		/* ignore Emacs backup files */
X	return False;
X    if (entry->d_name[0] == '.' && entry->d_name[1] != '.')
X	return False;				/* ignore hidden files */
X    if (strcmp(cwd, "")) 			/* give full path name */
X    	sprintf(pathname, "%s/%s", cwd, entry->d_name);
X    else
X    	strcpy(pathname, entry->d_name);
X    if (stat(pathname, &statbuf) == -1) 
X	return False;
X    if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {		/* is directory */
X	strcat(entry->d_name, "/");
X	++(entry->d_namlen);
X	return True;
X    }
X    if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IEXEC) {		/* is executable */
X	strcat(entry->d_name, "*");
X	++(entry->d_namlen);
X	return True;
X    }
X    if ((fp = fopen(pathname, "r")) == NULL)
X        return False;
X    if (n = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
X    	fclose(fp);
X    	for (i=0; i<n && (isprint(buffer[i]) || isspace(buffer[i])); i++);
X    	return ((i-sizeof(buffer)) ? False : True);	/* only ascii text */
X    }
X    fclose(fp);
X    return False;
X/*  Scans the working directory for files selected by InList(), sorted
X *  alphabetically, and stored in an array of pointers to directory
X *  entries called namelist.
X *  The names of the selected files are stored in filelist.
X */
Xstatic void ScanDir(dir)
Xchar *dir;
X    extern 	alphasort();
X    Directory   **namelist;
X    int		i, j;
X    nfiles = scandir(dir, &namelist, InList, alphasort);
X    if (nfiles == -1) {
X	UpdateMessageWindow("scandir: cannot open %s", dir);
X	return;
X    }
X    if (filelist) {
X	for (i=0; filelist[i]; i++)
X	    XtFree(filelist[i]);
X	XtFree(filelist);
X    }
X    filelist = (char **) XtMalloc((nfiles+1) * sizeof(char *));
X    i = 0;
X    for (j=0; j<nfiles; j++) {
X	filelist[i++] = XtNewString(namelist[j]->d_name);
X    	free(namelist[j]);
X    }
X    filelist[i++] = NULL;
X    free(namelist);
X    return;
X/*  Callback for the fileMenu list widget.
X *  >  if the selected item is a directory, display contents of that directory.
X *  >  (Sun dbx only) if the selected item is an executable file, issue the 
X *     debug command.
X *  >  if the selected item is a readable file, display the file.
X */
Xstatic void DisplayMenuFile(w, client_data, call_data)
X    Widget w;
X    Widget client_data;
X    XtListReturnStruct *call_data;
X    void UpdateFileMenu(), File();
X    char string[LINESIZ], *filename;
X    XtPopdown(client_data);
X    filename = call_data->string;
X    if (filename == NULL) return;
X    if (LASTCH(filename) == '/') {
X	changeDir(filename);
X	UpdateFileMenu();	/* create new menu */
X	File();			/* pop it up */
X    }
X    else if (LASTCH(filename) == '*') {
X    	UpdateMessageWindow("");
X#ifndef BSD
X	strcpy(string, filename);
X	LASTCH(string) = '\0';
X	sprintf(Command, "debug %s\n", string);
X    	AppendDialogText(Command);
X    	writeDbx(Command);
X    }
X    else {
X    	UpdateMessageWindow("");
X    	LoadFile(filename);
X	sprintf(Command, "file %s\n", filename);
X    	AppendDialogText(Command);
X    	writeDbx(Command);
X    }
X/*  Callback to popdown the file menu
X */
Xstatic void CancelFileMenu(w, client_data, call_data)
X    Widget w;
X    caddr_t client_data;
X    caddr_t call_data;
X    XtPopdown(client_data);
X    UpdateMessageWindow("");
X/*  Creates a popup shell with its child being a vpane widget containing
X *  a file menu label, a file menu containing file names returned from 
X *  ScanDir(), and a cancel command button.
X *  When an item in the list is selected, DisplayMenuFile is called.
X */
Xvoid SetUpFileMenu(dir) 
Xchar *dir;
X    Widget	cancelButton;
X    Arg 	args[MAXARGS];
X    Cardinal	n;
X    char	menulabel[LINESIZ];
X    int		ncolumns;
X    static String translations = "\
X	<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>:	Set() Notify() Unset()";
X    n = 0;
X    popupshell = XtCreatePopupShell("popupshell", overrideShellWidgetClass, 
X				    toplevel, args, n);
X    popup = XtCreateManagedWidget("popup", vPanedWidgetClass, popupshell,
X				  args, n);
X    ScanDir(dir);
X    n = 0;
X    sprintf(menulabel, "   %s   ", dir);
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) menulabel); 			n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNjustify, (XtArgVal) XtJustifyCenter);          n++;
X    fileMenuLabel = XtCreateManagedWidget("fileMenuLabel", labelWidgetClass,
X                                          popup, args, n);
X    n = 0;
X    ncolumns = nfiles/app_resources.filesPerColumn + 1;
X    ncolumns = MIN(ncolumns, MAXCOLUMNS);
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNlist, filelist);				n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNverticalList, True);				n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNcolumnSpacing, app_resources.columnSpacing);	n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNdefaultColumns, (XtArgVal) ncolumns);		n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNtranslations, XtParseTranslationTable(translations));
X    n++;
X    fileMenu = XtCreateManagedWidget("fileMenu", listWidgetClass, 
X				     popup, args, n);
X    XtAddCallback(fileMenu, XtNcallback, DisplayMenuFile, popupshell);
X    n = 0;
X    cancelButton = XtCreateManagedWidget("CANCEL", commandWidgetClass,
X					 popup, args, n);
X    XtAddCallback(cancelButton, XtNcallback, CancelFileMenu, popupshell);
X    DisableWindowResize(fileMenuLabel);
X    DisableWindowResize(cancelButton);
X/*  This routine is called when there is a a change in current directory.
X *  It destroys the existing popup shell and creates a new file menu based
X *  on the new current directory.  A new directory list is created.
X */
Xvoid UpdateFileMenu()
X    XtDestroyWidget(popupshell);
X    SetUpFileMenu(dbxpwd());
X    MakeDirList(QueryDbx("use\n", FALSE));
X/*  File command button callback.
X */
Xvoid File(w, client_data, call_data)
X    Widget w;
X    caddr_t client_data;
X    caddr_t call_data;
X    Arg 	args[MAXARGS];
X    Cardinal	n;
X    Position	x, y, x_offset;
X    Dimension	fileMenu_width, fileMenuLabel_width, border_width,
X		width, dialog_width;
X    /*  Place the file menu relative to the top right corner of dialogWindow */
X    n = 0;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNwidth, &fileMenu_width);			n++;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNborderWidth, &border_width);			n++;
X    XtGetValues(fileMenu, args, n);
X    n = 0;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNwidth, &fileMenuLabel_width);			n++;
X    XtGetValues(fileMenuLabel, args, n);
X    n = 0;
X    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNwidth, &dialog_width);				n++;
X    XtGetValues(dialogWindow, args, n);
X    width = MAX(fileMenu_width, fileMenuLabel_width);
X    x_offset = (Position) (dialog_width - width - border_width);
X    XtTranslateCoords(dialogWindow, x_offset, -1, &x, &y);
X    x = MAX(0, x);
X    y = MAX(0, y);
X    XtMoveWidget(popupshell, x, y);
X    XtPopup(popupshell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
X    UpdateMessageWindow("Select a file or directory");
echo '-rw-rw-r--  1 argv        10219 Apr  5 23:54 filemenu.c    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=r filemenu.c
ls -l filemenu.c
echo x - xdbx.patch.1
sed 's/^X//' > xdbx.patch.1 <<'+END+OF+xdbx.patch.1'
X*** xdbx1.0/source.c	Fri Mar 24 01:18:41 1989
X--- xdbx1.1/source.c	Sun Apr  2 17:48:23 1989
X*** 18,31 ****
X   ******************************************************************************/
X! #include "global.h"
X  #include <X11/Xos.h>
X  #include <sys/stat.h>
X! static FileRec	fileTable[MAXFILES];	/* table of file records */
X  FileRec  	*displayedFile;		/* pointer to table entry of currently
X  					   displayed file */
X  Boolean		Echo = True;		/* to intercept dbx output */
X  void source_init()
X--- 18,48 ----
X   ******************************************************************************/
X! /*  This file contains routines related to the source window.  They include:
X!  *    source_init : 	initialization routine.
X!  *    Update :		action proc to update source window on scrollbar action.
X!  *    UpdateLine :	action proc to update the current line.
X!  *    NotifyResize :	action proc to update source window on resize.
X!  *    CreateSourceWindow :
X!  *    BuildLinePos :	build an array of starting text position of each line.
X!  *    LookUpFileTable :	check out source file info from a file table.
X!  *    QueryFile :	ask dbx for the name of current source file.
X!  *    SaveDisplayedFileInfo : records displayed file info into file table.
X!  *    DisplayFile :	display a file on the source window
X!  *    LoadFile :	search for a file and open it for display.
X!  */
X  #include <X11/Xos.h>
X  #include <sys/stat.h>
X+ #include <pwd.h>
X+ #include "global.h"
X! static FileRec	**fileTable;		/* table of file records */
X! static int	fileTableSize;		/* size of file table */
X  FileRec  	*displayedFile;		/* pointer to table entry of currently
X  					   displayed file */
X  Boolean		Echo = True;		/* to intercept dbx output */
X+ static char 	*dirList[MAXDIRS];	/* list of dirs for searching files */
X  void source_init()
X*** 32,45 ****
X  {
X      int i;
X!     for (i=0; i<MAXFILES; i++) {
X! 	fileTable[i].filename = XtNewString("");
X      }
X  }
X  /*
X   *  Update topline, bottomline, arrow sign, updown sign, stop signs, and
X!  *  line label.  Invoked by scrollbar action.
X   */
X  static XtActionProc Update(w, event, params, num_params)
X--- 49,65 ----
X  {
X      int i;
X!     fileTableSize = FILETABLESIZE;
X!     fileTable = (FileRec **) XtMalloc (fileTableSize * sizeof(FileRec *));
X!     for (i=0; i<fileTableSize; i++) {
X! 	fileTable[i] = NULL;
X      }
X+     dirList[0] = NULL;
X  }
X  /*
X   *  Update topline, bottomline, arrow sign, updown sign, stop signs, and
X!  *  line label.  Invoked by scrolling action.
X   */
X  static XtActionProc Update(w, event, params, num_params)
X*** 70,76 ****
X      }
X  }
X! /*  Invoked by left mouse button down, update the line label. 
X   */
X  static XtActionProc UpdateLine(w, event, params, num_params)
X--- 90,97 ----
X      }
X  }
X! /*  Update the line label, invoked by left mouse button down.
X   */
X  static XtActionProc UpdateLine(w, event, params, num_params)
X*** 88,96 ****
X  }
X  /*
X!  *  Update bottomline, arrow sign, updown sign and stop signs
X   *  Invoked by ConfigureNotify event.
X-  *  Note that topline never changes with resize, only bottomline gets changed.
X   */
X  static XtActionProc NotifyResize(w, event, params, num_params)
X--- 109,116 ----
X  }
X  /*
X!  *  Update bottomline, arrow sign, updown sign and stop signs on resize.
X   *  Invoked by ConfigureNotify event.
X   */
X  static XtActionProc NotifyResize(w, event, params, num_params)
X*** 99,109 ****
X--- 119,132 ----
X      String *params;
X      Cardinal *num_params;
X  {
X+     XtTextPosition pos;
X      TextWidget  ctx = (TextWidget) sourceWindow;
X      FileRec	*file;
X      if (file = displayedFile) {
X  	file->lines = ctx->text.lt.lines;
X+ 	pos = XtTextTopPosition(sourceWindow);
X+ 	file->topline = TextPositionToLine(pos);
X          file->bottomline = MIN (file->topline + file->lines - 1, 
X  				file->lastline);
X          UpdateStops(file);
X*** 112,121 ****
X      }
X  }
X  /* 
X!  *  On top of a form widget, we have a text widget with scrollbar, a label
X!  *  widget for the arrow sign, one for the updown sign and some for stop signs.
X   */
X  void CreateSourceWindow(parent)
X  Widget parent;
X--- 135,143 ----
X      }
X  }
X  /* 
X!  *  On top of a form widget, we have a text widget with scrollbar, label
X!  *  widgets for the stop sign, arrow sign, and updown signs.
X   */
X  void CreateSourceWindow(parent)
X  Widget parent;
X*** 126,138 ****
X      static XtActionsRec actionTable[] = {
X          {"NotifyResize",   (XtActionProc) NotifyResize},
X!         {"MySelectWord", (XtActionProc) MySelectWord},
X!         {"UpdateLine", (XtActionProc) UpdateLine},
X          {"Update", 	   (XtActionProc) Update},
X          {NULL, NULL}
X      };
X!     static String translations = "\
X          <Btn1Down>:     select-start() ClearCutBuffer0() UpdateLine()\n\
X          <Btn1Up>(2):    MySelectWord()";
X--- 148,160 ----
X      static XtActionsRec actionTable[] = {
X          {"NotifyResize",   (XtActionProc) NotifyResize},
X!         {"MySelectWord",   (XtActionProc) MySelectWord},
X!         {"UpdateLine", 	   (XtActionProc) UpdateLine},
X          {"Update", 	   (XtActionProc) Update},
X          {NULL, NULL}
X      };
X!     static String translations = "#replace\
X          <Btn1Down>:     select-start() ClearCutBuffer0() UpdateLine()\n\
X          <Btn1Up>(2):    MySelectWord()";
X*** 150,258 ****
X  					 parent, args, n);
X      n = 0;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNheight, app_resources.sourceHeight); 		n++;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNleftMargin, app_resources.leftMargin);		n++;
X-     XtSetArg(args[n], XtNborderWidth, 0);				n++;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNtextOptions, (XtArgVal) scrollVertical);	n++;
X      sourceWindow = XtCreateManagedWidget("sourceWindow", asciiStringWidgetClass,
X  					  sourceWidget, args, n);
X      ctx = (TextWidget) sourceWindow;
X-     XtOverrideTranslations(sourceWindow, 
X- 			   XtParseTranslationTable(translations));
X      XtOverrideTranslations(ctx->text.sbar, 
X  			   XtParseTranslationTable(sbarTranslations));
X      XtAddActions(actionTable, XtNumber(actionTable));
X  }
X  /*
X!  * Build the array which gives the starting text position of each line
X!  *   look for CR, get the position, add 1, which becomes the starting
X!  *   position of next line.
X   */
X! static void BuildLinePos (file)
X  FileRec *file;
X  {
X!     char *s;
X      Line line, nlines;
X!     nlines = file->filesize/CHARS_PER_LINE;
X!     file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *)XtMalloc(nlines * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X!     s = file->buf;
X      line = 0;
X      file->linepos[line++] = 0;
X      file->linepos[line++] = 0;
X!     while (*s) {
X! 	if (*s++ == '\n') {
X! 	    if (line == nlines) {
X                  file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *) XtRealloc (file->linepos, 
X  			  (nlines + ADD_LINES) * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X  		nlines += ADD_LINES;
X              }
X!             file->linepos[line++] = s - file->buf;
X  	}
X      }
X      file->lastline = line - 2;
X!     file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *) XtRealloc 
X  			(file->linepos, line * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X  }
X- static long GetFileSize(fd)
X- int  fd;
X- {
X-     struct stat fileinfo;
X-     if (fstat(fd, &fileinfo))
X- 	return -1;
X-     return (fileinfo.st_size + 1);
X- }
X  /*
X   * Look up the file table for an entry with "filename"
X   * If not found, create an entry and initialize proper fields,
X   * else, return pointer to entry found.
X   */
X! static FileRec *LookUpFileTable(filename, fd)
X! char *filename;
X! int  fd;
X  {
X!     int i, c1, c2;
X!     char message[LINESIZ];
X!     for (i=0; fileTable[i].filename &&
X! 	      (c1 = strcmp(fileTable[i].filename, "")) && 
X! 	      (c2 = strcmp(fileTable[i].filename, filename)) &&
X! 	      i < MAXFILES; i++);
X!     if (i >= MAXFILES) {		/* too many files */
X! 	i = 0;
X! 	c1 = 0;
X! 	XtFree(fileTable[i].buf);
X      }
X!     if (c1 == 0) {			/* file does not exist in table */
X! 	if ((fileTable[i].filesize = GetFileSize(fd)) == -1)
X! 	    return NULL ;
X! 	fileTable[i].buf = XtMalloc(fileTable[i].filesize);
X! 	if (read(fd, fileTable[i].buf, fileTable[i].filesize) == -1) {
X! 	    sprintf(message, "Can't read %s: read error\n", filename);
X! 	    UpdateMessageWindow(message);
X! 	    XtFree(fileTable[i].buf);
X! 	    return NULL;
X!         }
X! 	fileTable[i].filename = XtNewString(filename);
X! 	strcpy(fileTable[i].funcname, "");
X! 	fileTable[i].currentline = 1;
X! 	fileTable[i].topline = 1;
X! 	fileTable[i].bottomline = 0;
X! 	fileTable[i].topPosition = 0;
X! 	BuildLinePos(&fileTable[i]);
X! 	return &fileTable[i];
X      }
X!     if (c2 == 0) {			/* file exists in table */
X!     	return &fileTable[i];
X      }
X  }
X--- 172,294 ----
X  					 parent, args, n);
X      n = 0;
X+     XtSetArg(args[n], XtNtranslations,
X+ 	     XtParseTranslationTable(translations));  			n++;
X+     XtSetArg(args[n], XtNborderWidth, 0);				n++;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNheight, app_resources.sourceHeight); 		n++;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNleftMargin, app_resources.leftMargin);		n++;
X      XtSetArg(args[n], XtNtextOptions, (XtArgVal) scrollVertical);	n++;
X      sourceWindow = XtCreateManagedWidget("sourceWindow", asciiStringWidgetClass,
X  					  sourceWidget, args, n);
X+     if (app_resources.sourceTranslTable) {
X+ 	n = 0;
X+ 	XtSetArg(args[n], XtNtranslations, app_resources.sourceTranslTable);
X+ 	n++;
X+ 	XtSetValues(sourceWindow, args, n);
X+     }
X      ctx = (TextWidget) sourceWindow;
X      XtOverrideTranslations(ctx->text.sbar, 
X  			   XtParseTranslationTable(sbarTranslations));
X+     if (app_resources.sbarTranslTable)
X+     	XtOverrideTranslations(ctx->text.sbar, app_resources.sbarTranslTable);
X      XtAddActions(actionTable, XtNumber(actionTable));
X  }
X  /*
X!  *  Build the array which gives the starting text position of each line.
X!  *  > Estimate the number of lines in the file and allocate memory buffer.
X!  *  > Starting position of line #1 is 0, and is stored in linepos[1].
X!  *  > Search for \n till end of buffer.
X   */
X! static void BuildLinePos(file)
X  FileRec *file;
X  {
X!     char *p;
X      Line line, nlines;
X!     nlines = MAX(1, file->filesize/CHARS_PER_LINE);
X!     file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *)
X! 		    XtMalloc ((nlines+2) * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X!     p = file->buf;
X      line = 0;
X      file->linepos[line++] = 0;
X      file->linepos[line++] = 0;
X!     while (*p) {
X! 	if (*p++ == '\n') {
X! 	    if (line == nlines) { 	/* buffer full, need more memory */
X                  file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *) XtRealloc (file->linepos, 
X  			  (nlines + ADD_LINES) * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X  		nlines += ADD_LINES;
X              }
X!             file->linepos[line++] = p - file->buf;
X  	}
X      }
X      file->lastline = line - 2;
X!     file->linepos = (XtTextPosition *) XtRealloc 	/* shrink to min size */
X  			(file->linepos, line * sizeof(XtTextPosition));
X  }
X  /*
X   * Look up the file table for an entry with "filename"
X   * If not found, create an entry and initialize proper fields,
X   * else, return pointer to entry found.
X   */
X! static FileRec *LookUpFileTable(pathname, filename)
X! char *pathname, *filename;
X  {
X!     struct stat fileinfo;
X!     int  	fd;
X!     int 	i, j, n;
X!     for (i=0; fileTable[i] && i<fileTableSize; i++) {
X! 	if (strcmp(fileTable[i]->pathname, pathname) == NULL)
X! 	    return fileTable[i];	/* file found */
X!     }
X!     /* file not found, add into file table */
X!     if (i == fileTableSize) {		/* file table full, enlarge it */
X! 	fileTableSize += ADD_FILES;
X! 	fileTable = (FileRec **) 
X! 		     XtRealloc (fileTable, fileTableSize * sizeof(FileRec *));
X! 	for (j=i; j<fileTableSize; j++)
X! 	    fileTable[j] = NULL;
X      }
X!     if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
X! 	UpdateMessageWindow("Error: cannot open file %s", pathname);
X! 	return NULL;
X      }
X!     if (fstat(fd, &fileinfo) == -1) {
X! 	UpdateMessageWindow("Error: cannot fstat file %s", pathname);
X! 	close(fd);
X! 	return NULL;
X      }
X+     fileTable[i] = (FileRec *) XtMalloc (sizeof(FileRec));
X+     fileTable[i]->filesize = fileinfo.st_size + 1;
X+     fileTable[i]->buf = XtMalloc(fileTable[i]->filesize);
X+     if ((n = read(fd, fileTable[i]->buf, fileTable[i]->filesize)) == -1) {
X+ 	UpdateMessageWindow("Error: cannot read file %s", pathname);
X+ 	XtFree(fileTable[i]->buf);
X+ 	XtFree(fileTable[i]);
X+ 	fileTable[i] = NULL;
X+ 	close(fd);
X+ 	return NULL;
X+     }
X+     fileTable[i]->buf[n] = '\0';
X+     fileTable[i]->pathname = XtNewString(pathname);
X+     fileTable[i]->filename = XtNewString(filename);
X+     strcpy(fileTable[i]->funcname, "");
X+     fileTable[i]->currentline = 1;
X+     fileTable[i]->topline = 1;
X+     fileTable[i]->bottomline = 0;
X+     fileTable[i]->topPosition = 0;
X+     BuildLinePos(fileTable[i]);
X+     close(fd);
X+     return fileTable[i];
X  }
X*** 281,287 ****
X  /*  
X   *  Remember file position before closing.
X!  *  Clear field funcname for proper operation of parse() & UpdateFuncLabel()
X   */
X  static void SaveDisplayedFileInfo()
X  {
X--- 317,323 ----
X  /*  
X   *  Remember file position before closing.
X!  *  Clear field funcname for parse().
X   */
X  static void SaveDisplayedFileInfo()
X  {
X*** 296,301 ****
X--- 332,342 ----
X  }
X+ /*   DisplayFile() displays the file onto the source window.  It
X+  *     uses topPosition to remember where it was last opened.  But it
X+  *     must recalculate bottomline because the window size might be
X+  *     different.
X+  */
X  static void DisplayFile(file)
X  FileRec *file;
X  {
X*** 316,383 ****
X  }
X! static void FullPath(filename, path)
X! char *filename, *path;
X  {
X!     char *dir;
X!     dir = dbxpwd();
X!     if (dir) {
X!     	strcpy(path, dir);
X!     	strcat(path, "/");
X!     	strcat(path, filename);
X!     	XtFree(dir);
X      }
X!     else 
X! 	strcpy(path, filename);
X  }
X  /*
X   * Given a file name, LoadFile attempts to open it and displays it onto
X!  * the source window.  
X!  *   LookUpFileTable checks if the file is already in the file table.
X!  *     if it exists, a pointer to the file structure is retured;
X!  *     otherwise, an entry is created and its info initialized;
X!  *     returns NULL only if file table full.
X!  *   SaveDisplayedFileInfo saves important information about the file
X!  *     back in the file table; they include: topPosition, breakpoints.
X!  *   DisplayFile displays the file onto the source window.  It
X!  *     uses topPosition to remember where it was last opened.  But it
X!  *     must recalculate bottomline because the window size might be
X!  *     different.
X   */
X! FileRec *LoadFile(filename)
X  char *filename;
X  {
X      FileRec 	*file;
X!     int 	fd;
X!     char	message[LINESIZ];
X!     char	pathname[LINESIZ];
X!     if (filename == NULL)
X! 	return displayedFile;
X!     if (displayedFile && strcmp(filename, displayedFile->filename) == 0)
X! 	return displayedFile;
X!     FullPath(filename, pathname);
X!     if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
X! 	sprintf(message, "open: file not found : %s", pathname);
X! 	UpdateMessageWindow(message);
X! 	return displayedFile;
X      }
X!     else if (file = LookUpFileTable(filename, fd)) {
X      	SaveDisplayedFileInfo();
X      	DisplayFile(file);
X! 	UpdateFileLabel(file->filename);
X  	XtTextSetInsertionPoint(sourceWindow, file->linepos[file->currentline]);
X  	UpdateLineLabel(file->currentline);
X  	UpdateStops(file);
X  	UpdateArrow(file);
X  	UpdateUpdown(file);
X!     	close(fd);
X!     	return file;
X      }
X!     else {
X!     	close(fd);
X!     	return displayedFile;
X      }
X  }
X--- 357,499 ----
X  }
X! /*  Given a filename starting with a tilde (`~'), it expands ~[user] to
X!  *  the home directory of that user, or to the login home directory if user
X!  *  is not specified.
X!  */
X! static char *expand(filename)
X! char *filename;
X  {
X!     struct passwd *pwd;
X!     char 	  *string, *name, newfile[MAXNAME];
X!     string = XtNewString(filename+1);
X!     if (*string == '\0' || *string == '/')
X! 	name = (char *) getlogin();
X!     else
X!     	name = (char *) strtok(string, "/");
X!     if (name == NULL)
X! 	return filename;
X!     pwd = (struct passwd *) getpwnam(name);
X!     if (pwd && pwd->pw_dir) {
X!     	sprintf(newfile, "%s%s", pwd->pw_dir, filename+strlen(name)+1);
X!     	return XtNewString(newfile);
X      }
X!     else
X! 	return filename;
X  }
X+ /*  Create a list of directories for searching source files.
X+  *  It reads the list of directories specified by the user, adding
X+  *  the current directory into the list if it is not already there.
X+  */
X+ void MakeDirList(output)
X+ char *output;
X+ {
X+     char *s, list[BUFSIZ], command[LINESIZ];
X+     int  i, use_cwd;
X+     struct passwd *pwd;
X+     for (i=0; dirList[i]; i++)			/* remove old list */
X+ 	XtFree(dirList[i]);
X+     i = 0;
X+     if (output == NULL || strcmp(output, "") == NULL) {	/* add "." */
X+ 	use_cwd = TRUE;
X+     }
X+     else { 					/* create list */
X+ 	dirList[i++] = (char *) strtok(output, " \n");
X+ 	while (s = (char *) strtok(NULL, " \n")) {
X+ 	    dirList[i++] = XtNewString(s);
X+ 	}
X+ 	dirList[i++] = NULL;
X+ 	use_cwd = TRUE;
X+ 	for (i=0; dirList[i]; i++) {		
X+ 	    if (dirList[i][0] == '~')			/* expand '~' */
X+ 		dirList[i] = expand(dirList[i]);
X+ 	    if (LASTCH(dirList[i]) == '/')		/* remove last '/' */
X+ 	    	LASTCH(dirList[i]) = '\0';	
X+ 	    if (strcmp(dirList[i], ".") == NULL)	/* watch for "." */
X+ 		use_cwd = FALSE;
X+ 	}
X+     }
X+     if (use_cwd) {				/* include current dir */
X+ 	dirList[i++] = XtNewString(".");		
X+     	dirList[i] = NULL;
X+     }
X+     strcpy(list, "");				/* tell dbx our new list */
X+     for (i=0; dirList[i]; i++) {
X+ 	strcat(list, dirList[i]);
X+ 	strcat(list, " ");
X+     }
X+     sprintf(command, "use %s\n", list);
X+     QueryDbx(command, FALSE);
X+ }
X+ /*  Returns the full pathname of a given file.
X+  *  It searches for the file from a list of directories.
X+  */
X+ char *GetPathname(filename)
X+ char *filename;
X+ {
X+     char	pathname[LINESIZ];
X+     int 	i;
X+     if (filename == NULL || strcmp(filename, "") == NULL)
X+ 	return NULL;
X+     for (i=0; dirList[i]; i++) {
X+ 	if (*filename == '/' || *filename == '~')
X+ 	     strcpy(pathname, filename);
X+ 	else if (*dirList[i] == '/' || *dirList[i] == '~')
X+ 	     sprintf(pathname, "%s/%s", dirList[i], filename);
X+ 	else if (strcmp(dirList[i], ".") == NULL)
X+ 	     sprintf(pathname, "%s/%s", dbxpwd(), filename);
X+ 	else
X+ 	     sprintf(pathname, "%s/%s/%s", dbxpwd(), dirList[i], filename);
X+ 	if (access(pathname, R_OK) == 0)
X+ 	    return XtNewString(pathname);
X+     }
X+     UpdateMessageWindow("File not found: %s", filename);
X+     return NULL;
X+ }
X  /*
X   * Given a file name, LoadFile attempts to open it and displays it onto
X!  * the source window:
X!  *   1. get the full pathname of the file
X!  *   2. LookUpFileTable() returns a pointer to the file's entry if it's
X!  *      already in the table; else, creates an entry and return a pointer.
X!  *   3. save the current displayedFile info
X!  *   4. display the file
X!  *   5. update the file label and the various signs on the source window.
X!  *  LoadFile returns 0 upon successful completion, -1 otherwise.
X   */
X! int LoadFile(filename)
X  char *filename;
X  {
X      FileRec 	*file;
X!     char	*pathname;
X!     pathname = GetPathname(filename);
X!     if (pathname == NULL) { 
X! 	return -1;
X      }
X!     if (displayedFile && strcmp(pathname, displayedFile->pathname) == 0)
X! 	return -1;
X!     else if (file = LookUpFileTable(pathname, filename)) {
X      	SaveDisplayedFileInfo();
X      	DisplayFile(file);
X! 	UpdateFileLabel(pathname);
X  	XtTextSetInsertionPoint(sourceWindow, file->linepos[file->currentline]);
X  	UpdateLineLabel(file->currentline);
X  	UpdateStops(file);
X  	UpdateArrow(file);
X  	UpdateUpdown(file);
X! 	displayedFile = file;
X!     	return 0;
X      }
X!     else {		/* LookUpFileTable() fails */
X!     	return -1;
X      }
X  }
X*** xdbx1.0/xdbx.c	Fri Mar 24 01:18:44 1989
X--- xdbx1.1/xdbx.c	Sun Apr  2 16:53:19 1989
X*** 18,23 ****
X--- 18,24 ----
X   ******************************************************************************/
X+ #include "errno.h"
X  #include "global.h"
X  #define Offset(field) (XtOffset(XdbxResources *, field))
X*** 35,42 ****
X  	dialogWindow;		/* dialog window, asciiString widget    */
X  XdbxResources 	app_resources;	/* application resources of xdbx 	*/
X! char 		*xdbxinit = "xdbx.XXXXXX";
X! Boolean		Homedir;
X  static XtResource resources[] = {
X--- 36,43 ----
X  	dialogWindow;		/* dialog window, asciiString widget    */
X  XdbxResources 	app_resources;	/* application resources of xdbx 	*/
X! char 		*xdbxinit = "/tmp/xdbx.XXXXXX";	/* temp file for .dbxinit */
X! int		Homedir;			/* .dbxinit or ~/.dbxinit */
X  static XtResource resources[] = {
X*** 76,83 ****
X--- 77,112 ----
X  	Offset(arrowForeground), XtRString, "Blue"},
X      {"updownForeground", "UpdownForeground", XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), 
X  	Offset(updownForeground), XtRString, "Blue"},
X+     {"sourceTranslTable", "SourceTranslTable", 
X+ 	XtRTranslationTable, sizeof(XtTranslations),
X+ 	Offset(sourceTranslTable), XtRString, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"dialogTranslTable", "DialogTranslTable", 
X+ 	XtRTranslationTable, sizeof(XtTranslations),
X+ 	Offset(dialogTranslTable), XtRTranslationTable, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"sbarTranslTable", "SbarTranslTable", 
X+ 	XtRTranslationTable, sizeof(XtTranslations),
X+ 	Offset(sbarTranslTable), XtRString, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"dbxopt_r", "Dbxoptions", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), 
X+ 	Offset(dbxopt_r), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)False},
X+     {"dbxopt_i", "Dbxoptions", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), 
X+ 	Offset(dbxopt_i), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)False},
X+     {"includeDir", "Dbxoptions", XtRString, sizeof(char *), 
X+ 	Offset(includeDir), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"dbxopt_k", "Dbxoptions", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), 
X+ 	Offset(dbxopt_k), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)False},
X+     {"cfile", "Dbxoptions", XtRString, sizeof(char *), 
X+ 	Offset(cfile), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"dbxopt_kbd", "Dbxoptions", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), 
X+ 	Offset(dbxopt_kbd), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)False},
X+     {"fcount", "Dbxoptions", XtRString, sizeof(char *), 
X+ 	Offset(fcount), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"startup", "Dbxoptions", XtRString, sizeof(char *), 
X+ 	Offset(startup), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)NULL},
X+     {"tstartup", "Dbxoptions", XtRString, sizeof(char *), 
X+ 	Offset(tstartup), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)NULL},
X  };
X  static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = {
X      {"-r",	"dbxopt_r",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X      {"-i",	"dbxopt_i",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X*** 85,94 ****
X      {"-k",	"dbxopt_k",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X  #ifdef BSD   /* Berkeley dbx */
X      {"-c",	"cfile",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X! #else	     /* Sun Release 3.2 or 3.4 dbx */
X      {"-kbd",	"dbxopt_kbd",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X  #endif
X! #ifdef sparc /* SunOS 4.0 dbx */
X      {"-f",	"fcount",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X      {"-s",	"startup",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X      {"-sr",	"tstartup",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X--- 114,123 ----
X      {"-k",	"dbxopt_k",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X  #ifdef BSD   /* Berkeley dbx */
X      {"-c",	"cfile",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X! #else	     /* Sun dbx */
X      {"-kbd",	"dbxopt_kbd",	XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
X  #endif
X! #ifdef SUNOS4_0 /* SunOS 4.0 dbx */
X      {"-f",	"fcount",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X      {"-s",	"startup",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X      {"-sr",	"tstartup",	XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
X*** 105,111 ****
X  }
X! static void Initialize()
X  {
X      source_init();
X      signs_init();
X--- 134,152 ----
X  }
X! /*  Initialize routines in source.c, signs.c and parser.c.
X!  *  Disable window resize of titleBar and fileWindow.
X!  *  Dbx reads .dbxinit or ~/.dbxinit only once during invocation.
X!  *  (a) creates a temporary file /tmp/xdbx.XXXXXX 
X!  *  (b) attempts to rename .dbxinit to the temp file.
X!  *  (c) if rename fails because .dbxinit does not exist, xdbx attempts to
X!  *      rename ~/.dbxinit to the temp file.
X!  *  (d) if rename fails for other reasons, xdbx creates another temporary file
X!  *	xdbx.XXXXXX and repeat steps (b) and (c).
X!  *  The Homedir flag is set to 1 if ~/.dbxinit is found, 0 if .dbxinit is
X!  *  found, -1 if none of both is found.
X!  */
X! static void main_init()
X  {
X      source_init();
X      signs_init();
X*** 113,161 ****
X      if (!app_resources.noTitleBar) DisableWindowResize(titleBar);
X      DisableWindowResize(fileWindow);
X      mktemp(xdbxinit);
X!     Homedir = False;
X!     if (rename(".dbxinit", xdbxinit) == -1) {
X! 	rename("~/.dbxinit", xdbxinit);
X! 	Homedir = True;
X      }
X  }
X! int dbxoptions(argc, argv, app_resources)
X!     int  argc;
X      char **argv;
X!     XdbxResources app_resources;
X  {
X!     if (app_resources.dbxopt_r)
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-r";
X!     if (app_resources.dbxopt_i)
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-i";
X!     if (app_resources.includeDir) {
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-I";
X! 	strcpy(argv[argc++], app_resources.includeDir);
X      }
X!     if (app_resources.dbxopt_k)
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-k";
X!     if (app_resources.cfile) {
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-c";
X! 	strcpy(argv[argc++], app_resources.cfile);
X      }
X!     if (app_resources.dbxopt_kbd)
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-kbd";
X!     if (app_resources.fcount) {
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-f";
X! 	strcpy(argv[argc++], app_resources.fcount);
X      }
X!     if (app_resources.startup) {
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-s";
X! 	strcpy(argv[argc++], app_resources.startup);
X      }
X!     if (app_resources.tstartup) {
X! 	argv[argc++] = "-sr";
X! 	strcpy(argv[argc++], app_resources.tstartup);
X      }
X!     argv[argc] = NULL;
X!     return argc;
X  }
X--- 154,225 ----
X      if (!app_resources.noTitleBar) DisableWindowResize(titleBar);
X      DisableWindowResize(fileWindow);
X      mktemp(xdbxinit);
X!     Homedir = -1;
X!     if (rename(".dbxinit", xdbxinit) == 0)
X! 	Homedir = 0;
X!     else if (errno == ENOENT) {
X! 	if (rename("~/.dbxinit", xdbxinit) == 0)
X! 	    Homedir = 1;
X      }
X+     else {
X+ 	strcpy(xdbxinit, "xdbx.XXXXXX");
X+ 	mktemp(xdbxinit);
X+ 	if (rename(".dbxinit", xdbxinit) == 0)
X+ 	    Homedir = 0;
X+ 	else if (errno == ENOENT) {
X+ 	    if (rename("~/.dbxinit", xdbxinit) == 0)
X+ 		Homedir = 1;
X+ 	}
X+     }
X  }
X! /*  Reconstruct command line arguments for calling dbx.
X!  *  Return the argument list for dbx and new value of argc.
X!  */
X! char **dbxoptions(argc, argv, app_resources)
X!     int  *argc;
X      char **argv;
X!     XdbxResources *app_resources;
X  {
X!     char **dbxargv;
X!     int  i=0;
X!     dbxargv = (char **) XtMalloc (MAXARGS * sizeof(char *));
X!     for (i=0; i < *argc; i++)
X! 	dbxargv[i] = argv[i];
X!     if (app_resources->dbxopt_r)
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-r";
X!     if (app_resources->dbxopt_i)
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-i";
X!     if (app_resources->includeDir) {
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-I";
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = app_resources->includeDir;
X      }
X!     if (app_resources->dbxopt_k)
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-k";
X!     if (app_resources->cfile) {
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-c";
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = app_resources->cfile;
X      }
X!     if (app_resources->dbxopt_kbd)
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-kbd";
X!     if (app_resources->fcount) {
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-f";
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = app_resources->fcount;
X      }
X!     if (app_resources->startup) {
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-s";
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = app_resources->startup;
X      }
X!     if (app_resources->tstartup) {
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = "-sr";
X! 	dbxargv[i++] = app_resources->tstartup;
X      }
X!     dbxargv[i] = NULL;
X!     *argc = i;
X!     return dbxargv;
X  }
X*** 163,168 ****
X--- 227,234 ----
X  unsigned int argc;
X  char **argv;
X  {
X+     char **dbxargv;
X      trap_signals();
X      toplevel = XtInitialize("toplevel", "XDbx", options, XtNumber(options), 
X*** 177,185 ****
X      XtRealizeWidget(toplevel);
X!     Initialize();
X!     argc = dbxoptions(argc, argv, app_resources);
X!     calldbx(argc, argv);
X      XtMainLoop();
X  }
X--- 243,251 ----
X      XtRealizeWidget(toplevel);
X!     main_init();
X!     dbxargv = dbxoptions(&argc, argv, &app_resources);
X!     calldbx(argc, dbxargv);
X      XtMainLoop();
X  }
Xdiff -c xdbx1.0/xdbx.man xdbx1.1/xdbx.man
X*** xdbx1.0/xdbx.man	Fri Mar 24 01:18:41 1989
X--- xdbx1.1/xdbx.man	Sun Apr  2 18:01:39 1989
X*** 29,34 ****
X--- 29,37 ----
X  If a file named \fIcore\fP exists in the current directory or a
X  \fIcorefile\fP is specified, \fIxdbx\fP can be used to examine the 
X  state of the program when the core dump occurred.
X+ .LP
X+ The name of the debugger invoked by \fIxdbx\fP is, by default, dbx, 
X+ but it can be overridden with the environment variable DEBUGGER.
X  \fIXdbx\fP accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options 
X  (see \fIX\fP(1)), and all the dbx options (see \fIdbx\fP(1)).  
X*** 83,88 ****
X--- 86,94 ----
X  contains a function call.
X  .IP "\fBnext\fP"
X  Execute one source line, without stepping into any function call.
X+ .IP "\fBreturn\fP"
X+ Continue execution until the selected procedure returns; the current
X+ procedure is used if none is selected (only in Berkeley dbx).
X  .LP 
X  .SS "Breakpoint Commands"
X*** 99,105 ****
X  Remove the breakpoint on the source line selected.  The stop sign will 
X  disappear.
X  .IP "\fBstatus\fP"
X! Show the current breakpoints and traces.
X  .LP 
X  .SS "Stack Commands"
X--- 105,111 ----
X  Remove the breakpoint on the source line selected.  The stop sign will 
X  disappear.
X  .IP "\fBstatus\fP"
X! Show the current breakpoints and traces (only in Sun dbx).
X  .LP 
X  .SS "Stack Commands"
X*** 121,128 ****
X  variable name resolution to the selected function.  The file scope is changed 
X  to the file containing the function.
X  .IP "\fBfile\fP"
X! Pop up a file menu to select a source file to be displayed, and
X! change the file scope to the selected file.
X  .IP "\fBquit\fP"
X  Exit \fIxdbx\fP.
X--- 127,138 ----
X  variable name resolution to the selected function.  The file scope is changed 
X  to the file containing the function.
X  .IP "\fBfile\fP"
X! Pop up a file menu that allows the user to move up and down in the 
X! directory tree, to select a text file to be displayed, or (in Sun dbx) 
X! to select an executable file to debug.  Directory entries are marked
X! with a trailing slash (`/') and executables with a trailing asterisk (`*').
X! Filenames beginning with a dot (`.') or ending with a tilde (`~') are not 
X! included in the menu.  
X  .IP "\fBquit\fP"
X  Exit \fIxdbx\fP.
X*** 187,192 ****
X--- 197,208 ----
X  Foreground color of the arrow sign.
X  .IP \fBupdownForeground\fP
X  Foreground color of the updown sign.
X+ .IP \fBsourceTranslTable\fP
X+ Translation table for the sourceWindow text widget.
X+ .IP \fBsbarTranslTable\fP
X+ Translation table for the sourceWindow scrollbar widget.
X+ .IP \fBdialogTranslTable\fP
X+ Translation table for the dialogWindow text widget.
X  .LP
X*** 201,220 ****
X  \fIXdbx\fP is developed primarily for C program debugging.  Other languages are 
X  not fully supported.
X! Typing control-C in the dialog window fails to interrupt dbx.
X  .LP
X  The \fBfile\fP button command does not unhighlight the button border.
X  .LP
X  Stuffing text to a window outside the \fIxdbx\fP window will sometimes give
X! such message: 
X! .ce
X  "X Toolkit Error: AtomPtr was not initialized"
X- .LP
X- \fIXdbx\fP does not work under SunOS 4.0 due to a problem in disabling the 
X- packet mode (TIOCPKT) of the pseudo-terminal.  If the packet mode is not 
X- disabled, each read from the master will return data written previously to 
X- the slave (dbx commands entered would reappear), and each newline character 
X- is incorrectly mapped to a carriage return and a newline during text display.
X  .LP
X  Copyright 1989 The University of Texas at Austin
X--- 217,231 ----
X  \fIXdbx\fP is developed primarily for C program debugging.  Other languages are 
X  not fully supported.
X! \fIXdbx\fP exercises some bugs in the Athena list widget.  Creating a file
X! menu could cause segmentation violation.
X  .LP
X  The \fBfile\fP button command does not unhighlight the button border.
X  .LP
X  Stuffing text to a window outside the \fIxdbx\fP window will sometimes give
X! an error message: 
X! .in 10
X  "X Toolkit Error: AtomPtr was not initialized"
X  .LP
X  Copyright 1989 The University of Texas at Austin
echo '-rw-r--r--  1 argv        32685 Apr  5 23:56 xdbx.patch.1    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r xdbx.patch.1
ls -l xdbx.patch.1
exit 0