[comp.sources.x] v03i072: xgraph -- graph points and functions, Part03/06

argv@island.uu.net (Dan Heller) (04/11/89)

Submitted-by: David Harrison <davidh@ic.berkeley.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 72
Archive-name: xgraph/part03

if `test ! -s ./xgraph-11/xtb/xtb.c`
echo "writing ./xgraph-11/xtb/xtb.c"
cat > ./xgraph-11/xtb/xtb.c << '\End\Of\Shar\'
 * Mini-Toolbox
 * David Harrison
 * University of California, Berkeley
 * 1988, 1989
 * This file contains routines which implement simple display widgets
 * which can be used to construct simple dialog boxes.
 * A mini-toolbox has been written here (overkill but I didn't 
 * want to use any of the standards yet -- they are too unstable).

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include "xtb.h"

#define MAXKEYS		10

#ifdef __STDC__
#define FNPTR(fname, rtn, args)	rtn (*fname)args
#include <stdarg.h>
#define VARARGS(func, rtn, args)	rtn func args
#define FNPTR(fname, rtn, args)	rtn (*fname)()
#include <varargs.h>
#define VARARGS(func, rtn, args)	/*VARARGS*/ rtn func(va_alist) va_dcl

typedef struct h_info {
    FNPTR(func, xtb_hret, (XEvent *evt, xtb_data info)); /* Function to call */
    xtb_data info;		/* Additional info  */

static Display *t_disp;		/* Display          */
static int t_scrn;		/* Screen           */

static unsigned long norm_pix;	/* Foreground color */
static unsigned long back_pix;	/* Background color */

static XFontStruct *norm_font;	/* Normal font      */

extern char *malloc();
#define STRDUP(str)	(strcpy(malloc((unsigned) (strlen(str)+1)), (str)))
extern char *strcpy();
extern void free();


void xtb_init(disp, scrn, foreground, background, font)
Display *disp;			/* Display          */
int scrn;			/* Screen number    */
unsigned long foreground;	/* Foreground color */
unsigned long background;	/* Background color */
XFontStruct *font;		/* Normal font      */
 * Sets default parameters used by the mini-toolbox.
    t_disp = disp;
    t_scrn = scrn;
    norm_pix = foreground;
    back_pix = background;
    norm_font = font;

static GC set_gc(win, fg, bg, font)
Window win;			/* For creating GC  */
unsigned long fg;		/* Foreground pixel */
unsigned long bg;		/* Background pixel */
Font font;			/* Font             */
 * Sets and returns the fields listed above in a global graphics context.
 * If graphics context does not exist,  it is created.
    static GC t_gc = (GC) 0;
    XGCValues gcvals;
    unsigned long gcmask;

    gcvals.foreground = fg;
    gcvals.background = bg;
    gcvals.font = font;
    gcmask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
    if (t_gc == (GC) 0) {
	t_gc = XCreateGC(t_disp, win, gcmask, &gcvals);
    } else {
	XChangeGC(t_disp, t_gc, gcmask, &gcvals);
    return t_gc;


static XContext h_context = (XContext) 0;

void xtb_register(win, func, info)
Window win;
FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (XEvent *evt, xtb_data info) );
xtb_data info;
 * Associates the event handling function `func' with the window
 * `win'.  Additional information `info' will be passed to `func'.
 * The routine should return one of the return codes given above.
    struct h_info *new_info;

    if (h_context == (XContext) 0) {
	h_context = XUniqueContext();
    new_info = (struct h_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct h_info));
    new_info->func = func;
    new_info->info = info;
    XSaveContext(t_disp, win, h_context, (caddr_t) new_info);

xtb_data xtb_lookup(win)
Window win;
 * Returns the associated data with window `win'.
    xtb_data data;

    if (!XFindContext(t_disp, win, h_context, &data)) {
	return ((struct h_info *) data)->info;
    } else {
	return (xtb_data) 0;

xtb_hret xtb_dispatch(evt)
XEvent *evt;
 * Dispatches an event to a handler if its ours.  Returns one of
 * the return codes given above (XTB_NOTDEF, XTB_HANDLED, or XTB_STOP).
    struct h_info *info;

    if (!XFindContext(t_disp, evt->xany.window, h_context, (caddr_t *) &info)) {
	if (info->func) return (*info->func)(evt, info->info);
	else return XTB_NOTDEF;
    } else return XTB_NOTDEF;

int xtb_unregister(win, info)
Window win;
xtb_data *info;
 * Removes `win' from the dialog association table.  `info' is
 * returned to allow the user to delete it (if desired).  Returns
 * a non-zero status if the association was found and properly deleted.
    struct h_info *hi;

    if (!XFindContext(t_disp, win, h_context, (caddr_t *) &hi)) {
	(void) XDeleteContext(t_disp, win, h_context);
	*info = hi->info;
	free((char *) hi);
	return 1;
    } else return 0;


#define BT_HPAD	3
#define BT_VPAD	2
#define BT_LPAD	3
#define BT_BRDR	1

typedef struct b_info {
    FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window win, int state, xtb_data val) );
				/* Function to call */    
    char *text;			/* Text of button   */
    int flag;			/* State of button  */
    int line_y, line_w;		/* Entry/Exit line  */
    xtb_data val;		/* User defined info */

static void bt_draw(win, ri)
Window win;
struct b_info *ri;
 * Draws a button window
    if (ri->flag) {
	XDrawImageString(t_disp, win,
			 set_gc(win, back_pix, norm_pix, norm_font->fid),
			 BT_HPAD, BT_VPAD+norm_font->ascent,
			 ri->text, strlen(ri->text));
    } else {
	XDrawImageString(t_disp, win,
			 set_gc(win, norm_pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
			 BT_HPAD, BT_VPAD+norm_font->ascent,
			 ri->text, strlen(ri->text));

static void bt_line(win, ri, pix)
Window win;
struct b_info *ri;
unsigned long pix;
 * Draws a status line beneath the text to indicate the
 * user has moved into the button.
    XDrawLine(t_disp, win,
	      set_gc(win, pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
	      BT_HPAD, ri->line_y, BT_HPAD+ri->line_w, ri->line_y);

static xtb_hret bt_h(evt, info)
XEvent *evt;
xtb_data info;
 * Handles button events.
    Window win = evt->xany.window;
    struct b_info *ri = (struct b_info *) info;
    xtb_hret rtn;

    switch (evt->type) {
    case Expose:
	bt_draw(win, ri);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case EnterNotify:
	bt_line(win, ri, norm_pix);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case LeaveNotify:
	bt_line(win, ri, back_pix);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case ButtonPress:
	/* Nothing - just wait for button up */
    case ButtonRelease:
	rtn = (*ri->func)(win, ri->flag, ri->val);
	rtn = XTB_NOTDEF;
    return rtn;

void xtb_bt_new(win, text, func, val, frame)
Window win;			/* Parent window     */
char *text;			/* Text in button    */
FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window, int, xtb_data) ); /* Callback */
xtb_data val;			/* User data         */
xtb_frame *frame;		/* Size (RETURN)     */
 * Makes a new button under `win' with the text `text'.  The
 * window, size, and position of the button are returned in `frame'.
 * The initial position is always (0, 0).  When the
 * button is pressed,  `func' will be called with the button
 * window,  the current state of the button,  and `val'.
 * It is up to `func' to change the state of the button (if desired).  
 * The routine should return XTB_HANDLED normally and XTB_STOP if the 
 * dialog should stop.  The window will be automatically mapped.
    XCharStruct bb;
    struct b_info *info;
    int dir, ascent, descent;

    XTextExtents(norm_font, text, strlen(text), &dir, &ascent, &descent, &bb);
    frame->width = bb.width + 2*BT_HPAD;
    frame->height = norm_font->ascent + norm_font->descent + BT_VPAD + BT_LPAD;
    frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
    frame->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(t_disp, win,
				     frame->x_loc, frame->y_loc,
				     frame->width, frame->height,
				     BT_BRDR, norm_pix, back_pix);
    XSelectInput(t_disp, frame->win, ExposureMask|
    info = (struct b_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct b_info));
    info->func = func;
    info->text = STRDUP(text);
    info->flag = 0;
    info->val = val;
    info->line_y = frame->height - 2;
    info->line_w = frame->width - 2*BT_HPAD;
    xtb_register(frame->win, bt_h, (xtb_data) info);
    XMapWindow(t_disp, frame->win);
    frame->width += (2*BT_BRDR);
    frame->height += (2*BT_BRDR);

int xtb_bt_get(win, stuff)
Window win;
xtb_data *stuff;
 * Returns the state of button `win'.  If provided,  the button
 * specific info is returned in `info'.
    struct b_info *info = (struct b_info *) xtb_lookup(win);

    if (stuff) *stuff = info->val;
    return info->flag;

int xtb_bt_set(win, val, stuff)
Window win;
int val;
xtb_data stuff;
 * Changes the value of a button and returns the new state.
 * The button is drawn.  If set,  the button specific info
 * will be set to `info'.  This doesn't allow you to set
 * the state to zero, but that may not be important.  The
 * change in button appearance will be immediate.
    struct b_info *info = (struct b_info *) xtb_lookup(win);

    info->flag = (val != 0);
    if (stuff) info->val = stuff;
    bt_draw(win, info);
    return info->flag;

void xtb_bt_del(win, info)
Window win;
xtb_data *info;
 * Deletes the button `win' and returns the user defined information
 * in `info' for destruction.
    struct b_info *bi;

    if (xtb_unregister(win, (xtb_data *) &bi)) {
	*info = bi->val;
	free((char *) bi->text);
	free((char *) bi);
	XDestroyWindow(t_disp, win);


#define BR_XPAD		2
#define BR_YPAD		2
#define BR_INTER	2

typedef struct br_info {
    Window main_win;		/* Main button row    */
    int which_one;		/* Which button is on */
    int btn_cnt;		/* How many buttons   */
    FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window win, int prev, int this, xtb_data val) );
    xtb_data val;		/* User data          */
    Window *btns;		/* Button windows     */

static xtb_hret br_h(win, val, info)
Window win;
int val;
xtb_data info;
 * This handles events for button rows.  When a button is pressed,
 * it turns off the button selected in `which_one' and turns itself
 * on.
    struct br_info *real_info = (struct br_info *) info;
    int i, prev;

    prev = real_info->which_one;
    if ((prev >= 0) && (prev < real_info->btn_cnt)) {
	(void) xtb_bt_set(real_info->btns[prev], 0, (xtb_data) 0);
    for (i = 0;  i < real_info->btn_cnt;  i++) {
	if (win == real_info->btns[i]) {
	    real_info->which_one = i;
    (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 1, (xtb_data) 0);
    /* Callback */
    if (real_info->func) {
	return (*real_info->func)(real_info->main_win,
				  prev, real_info->which_one,
    } else {
	return XTB_HANDLED;

void xtb_br_new(win, cnt, lbls, init, func, val, frame)
Window win;			/* Parent window    */
int cnt;			/* Count of buttons */
char *lbls[];			/* Button labels    */
int init;			/* Initial button   */
FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window, int, int, xtb_data) ); /* Callback */
xtb_data val;			/* User data        */
xtb_frame *frame;		/* Returned size    */
 * This routine makes a new row of buttons in the window `win'
 * and returns a frame containing all of these buttons.  These
 * buttons are designed so that only one of them will be active
 * at a time.  Initially,  button `init' will be activated (if
 * init is less than zero,  none will be initially activated).
 * Whenever a button is pushed, `func' will be called with the
 * button row window,  the index of the previous button (-1 if
 * none),  the index of the current button,  and the user data, `val'.
 * The function is optional (if zero,  no function will be called).
 * The size of the row is returned in `frame'.  The window
 * will be automatically mapped.  Initially,  the window containing
 * the buttons will be placed at 0,0 in the parent window.
    struct br_info *info;
    xtb_frame sub_frame;
    int i, x, y;

    frame->width = frame->height = 0;
    frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
    frame->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(t_disp, win, 0, 0, 1, 1,
				     0, back_pix, back_pix);
    info = (struct br_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct br_info));
    info->main_win = frame->win;
    info->btns = (Window *) malloc((unsigned) (sizeof(Window) * cnt));
    info->btn_cnt = cnt;
    info->which_one = init;
    info->func = func;
    info->val = val;
    /* the handler is used simply to get information out */
    xtb_register(frame->win, (xtb_hret (*)()) 0, (xtb_data) info);
    x = BR_XPAD;  y = BR_YPAD;
    for (i = 0;  i < cnt;  i++) {
	xtb_bt_new(frame->win, lbls[i], br_h, (xtb_data) info, &sub_frame);
	info->btns[i] = sub_frame.win;
	XMoveWindow(t_disp, info->btns[i], x, y);
	x += (BR_INTER + sub_frame.width);
	if (sub_frame.height > frame->height) frame->height = sub_frame.height;
	if (i == init) (void) xtb_bt_set(info->btns[i], 1, (xtb_data) 0);
    frame->width = x - BR_INTER + BR_XPAD;
    frame->height += (2 * BR_YPAD);
    XResizeWindow(t_disp, frame->win, frame->width, frame->height);
    XMapWindow(t_disp, frame->win);

int xtb_br_get(win)
Window win;
 * This routine returns the index of the currently selected item of
 * the button row given by the window `win'.  Note:  no checking
 * is done to make sure `win' is a button row.
    struct br_info *info = (struct br_info *) xtb_lookup(win);

    return info->which_one;

void xtb_br_del(win)
Window win;
 * Deletes a button row.  All resources are reclaimed.
    struct br_info *info;
    int i;

    if (xtb_unregister(win, (xtb_data *) &info)) {
	for (i = 0;  i < info->btn_cnt;  i++) {
	    xtb_bt_del(info->btns[i], (xtb_data *) &info);
	free((char *) info->btns);
	free((char *) info);
	XDestroyWindow(t_disp, win);


/* Text widget */

#define TO_HPAD	1
#define TO_VPAD	1

typedef struct to_info {
    char *text;			/* Text to display */
    XFontStruct *ft;		/* Font to use     */

static void to_draw(win, ri)
Window win;
struct to_info *ri;
 * Draws the text for a widget
    XDrawImageString(t_disp, win,
		     set_gc(win, norm_pix, back_pix, ri->ft->fid),
		     TO_HPAD, TO_VPAD+ri->ft->ascent,
		     ri->text, strlen(ri->text));

static xtb_hret to_h(evt, info)
XEvent *evt;
xtb_data info;
 * Handles text widget events
    Window win = evt->xany.window;
    struct to_info *ri = (struct to_info *) info;
    switch (evt->type) {
    case Expose:
	to_draw(win, ri);
	return XTB_HANDLED;
	return XTB_NOTDEF;

void xtb_to_new(win, text, ft, frame)
Window win;			/* Parent window */
char *text;			/* Text          */
XFontStruct *ft;		/* Font to use   */
xtb_frame *frame;		/* Returned size */
 * Makes a new text widget under `win' with the text `text'.
 * The size of the widget is returned in `w' and `h'.  The
 * window is created and mapped at 0,0 in `win'.  The font
 * used for the text is given in `ft'.
    struct to_info *info;
    XCharStruct bb;
    int dir, ascent, descent;

    XTextExtents(ft, text, strlen(text), &dir, &ascent, &descent, &bb);
    frame->width = bb.width + 2*TO_HPAD;
    frame->height = bb.ascent + bb.descent + (2 * TO_VPAD);
    frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
    frame->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(t_disp, win, 0, 0,
				     frame->width, frame->height, 0,
				     back_pix, back_pix);
    XSelectInput(t_disp, frame->win, ExposureMask);
    info = (struct to_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct to_info));
    info->text = STRDUP(text);
    info->ft = ft;
    xtb_register(frame->win, to_h, (xtb_data) info);
    XMapWindow(t_disp, frame->win);

void xtb_to_del(win)
Window win;
 * Deletes an output only text widget.
    struct to_info *info;

    if (xtb_unregister(win, (xtb_data *) &info)) {
	free((char *) info->text);
	free((char *) info);
	XDestroyWindow(t_disp, win);

 * Input text widget

#define TI_HPAD	2
#define TI_VPAD	2
#define TI_LPAD	3
#define TI_BRDR 2
#define TI_CRSP	1

typedef struct ti_info {
    FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window win, int ch, char *textcopy, xtb_data *val) );
    				/* Function to call   */
    int maxlen;			/* Maximum characters */
    int curidx;			/* Current index pos  */
    int curxval;		/* Current draw loc   */
    char text[MAXCHBUF];	/* Current text array */
    int line_y, line_w;		/* Entry/Exit line    */
    int focus_flag;		/* If on, we have focus */
    xtb_data val;		/* User info          */

static int text_width(font, str, len)
XFontStruct *font;		/* What font       */
char *str;			/* Character array */
int len;			/* Length of array */
 * Returns the width of a string using XTextExtents.
    XCharStruct bb;
    int dir, ascent, descent;

    XTextExtents(font, str, len, &dir, &ascent, &descent, &bb);
    return bb.width;

static void ti_cursor_on(win, ri)
Window win;
struct ti_info *ri;
 * Draws the cursor for the window.  Uses pixel `pix'.
    XFillRectangle(t_disp, win,
		   set_gc(win, norm_pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
		   ri->curxval + TI_HPAD + TI_CRSP, TI_VPAD,
		   (ri->focus_flag ? 2 : 1),
		   norm_font->ascent + norm_font->descent - 1);

static void ti_cursor_off(win, ri)
Window win;
struct ti_info *ri;
 * Draws the cursor for the window.  Uses pixel `pix'.
    XFillRectangle(t_disp, win,
		   set_gc(win, back_pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
		   ri->curxval + TI_HPAD + TI_CRSP, TI_VPAD,
		   (ri->focus_flag ? 2 : 1),
		   norm_font->ascent + norm_font->descent - 1);

static void ti_draw(win, ri, c_flag)
Window win;
struct ti_info *ri;
int c_flag;
 * Draws the indicated text widget.  This includes drawing the
 * text and cursor.  If `c_flag' is set,  the window will
 * be cleared first.
    if (c_flag) XClearWindow(t_disp, win);
    /* Text */
    XDrawImageString(t_disp, win,
		     set_gc(win, norm_pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
		     TI_HPAD, TI_VPAD+norm_font->ascent,
		     ri->text, strlen(ri->text));
    /* Cursor */
    ti_cursor_on(win, ri);

static void ti_line(win, ri, pix)
Window win;
struct ti_info *ri;
unsigned long pix;
 * Draws a status line beneath the text in a text widget to indicate
 * the user has moved into the text field.
    XDrawLine(t_disp, win,
	      set_gc(win, pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
	      TI_HPAD, ri->line_y, TI_HPAD+ri->line_w, ri->line_y);

/* For debugging */
XEvent *evt;
    switch (evt->xfocus.mode) {
    case NotifyNormal:
    case NotifyGrab:
    case NotifyUngrab:
    printf(", detail = ");
    switch (evt->xfocus.detail) {
    case NotifyAncestor:
    case NotifyVirtual:
    case NotifyInferior:
    case NotifyNonlinear:
    case NotifyNonlinearVirtual:
    case NotifyPointer:
    case NotifyPointerRoot:
    case NotifyDetailNone:

static xtb_hret ti_h(evt, info)
XEvent *evt;
xtb_data info;
 * Handles text input events.
    Window win = evt->xany.window;
    struct ti_info *ri = (struct ti_info *) info;
    char keys[MAXKEYS], textcopy[MAXCHBUF];
    xtb_hret rtn;
    int nbytes, i;

    switch (evt->type) {
    case Expose:
	ti_draw(win, ri, 0);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case KeyPress:
	nbytes = XLookupString(&evt->xkey, keys, MAXKEYS,
			       (KeySym *) 0, (XComposeStatus *) 0);
	for (i = 0;  i < nbytes;  i++) {
	    (void) strcpy(textcopy, ri->text);
	    if ((rtn = (*ri->func)(win, (int) keys[i],
				   textcopy, ri->val)) == XTB_STOP)
    case FocusIn:
	if (evt->xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer) {
	    ti_cursor_off(win, ri);
	    ri->focus_flag = 1;
	    ti_cursor_on(win, ri);
    case FocusOut:
	if (evt->xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer) {
	    ti_cursor_off(win, ri);
	    ri->focus_flag = 0;
	    ti_cursor_on(win, ri);
    case EnterNotify:
	ti_line(win, ri, norm_pix);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case LeaveNotify:
	ti_line(win, ri, back_pix);  rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
    case ButtonPress:
	/* Wait for release */
    case ButtonRelease:
	/* Set input focus */
	XSetInputFocus(t_disp, win, RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
	rtn = XTB_NOTDEF;
    return rtn;

void xtb_ti_new(win, text, maxchar, func, val, frame)
Window win;			/* Parent window      */
char *text;			/* Initial text       */
int maxchar;			/* Maximum characters */
FNPTR( func, xtb_hret, (Window, int, char *, xtb_data *) ); /* Callback */
xtb_data val;			/* User data          */
xtb_frame *frame;		/* Returned size      */
 * This routine creates a new editable text widget under `win'
 * with the initial text `text'.  The widget contains only
 * one line of text which cannot exceed `maxchar' characters.
 * The size of the widget is returned in `frame'.  Each
 * time a key is pressed in the window,  `func' will be called
 * with the window, the character, a copy of the text, and `val'.  
 * The state of the widget can be changed by the routines below.
 * May set window to zero if the maximum overall character width 
 * (MAXCHBUF) is exceeded.
    struct ti_info *info;

    if (maxchar >= MAXCHBUF) {
	frame->win = (Window) 0;
    frame->width = XTextWidth(norm_font, "8", 1) * maxchar + 2*TI_HPAD;
    frame->height = norm_font->ascent + norm_font->descent + TI_VPAD + TI_LPAD;
    frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
    frame->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(t_disp, win, 0, 0,
				     frame->width, frame->height, TI_BRDR,
				     norm_pix, back_pix);
    XSelectInput(t_disp, frame->win, ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|
    info = (struct ti_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct ti_info));
    info->func = func;
    info->val = val;
    info->maxlen = maxchar;
    if (text) (void) strcpy(info->text, text);
    else info->text[0] = '\0';
    info->curidx = strlen(info->text);
    info->curxval = text_width(norm_font, info->text, info->curidx);
    info->line_y = frame->height - 2;
    info->line_w = frame->width - 2 * TI_HPAD;
    info->focus_flag = 0;
    xtb_register(frame->win, ti_h, (xtb_data) info);
    XMapWindow(t_disp, frame->win);
    frame->width += (2 * TI_BRDR);
    frame->height += (2 * TI_BRDR);

void xtb_ti_get(win, text, val)
Window win;			/* Widget widnow  */
char text[MAXCHBUF];		/* Filled in text */
xtb_data *val;			/* User info      */
 * This routine returns the information associated with text
 * widget `win'.  The text is filled into the passed buffer
 * `text' which should be MAXCHBUF characters in size.  If
 * `val' is non-zero,  the user supplied info is returned there.
    struct ti_info *info = (struct ti_info *) xtb_lookup(win);

    if (val) *val = info->val;
    (void) strcpy(text, info->text);

int xtb_ti_set(win, text, val)
Window win;			/* Widget window    */
char *text;			/* Replacement text */
xtb_data val;			/* User info        */
 * This routine sets the text of a text widget.  The widget
 * will be redrawn.  Note:  for incremental changes,  ti_ins and
 * ti_dch should be used.  If `val' is non-zero,  it will replace
 * the user information for the widget.  The widget is redrawn.
 * Will return zero if `text' is too long.
    struct ti_info *info = (struct ti_info *) xtb_lookup(win);
    int newlen;

    if (text) {
	if ((newlen = strlen(text)) >= info->maxlen) return 0;
    } else {
	newlen = 0;
    info->curidx = newlen;
    if (text) (void) strcpy(info->text, text);
    else info->text[0] = '\0';
    info->curxval = text_width(norm_font, info->text, info->curidx);
    if (val) info->val = val;
    ti_draw(win, info, 1);
    return 1;

int xtb_ti_ins(win, ch)
Window win;			/* Widget window */
int ch;				/* Character     */
 * Inserts the character `ch' onto the end of the text for `win'.
 * Will return zero if there isn't any more room left.  Does
 * all appropriate display updates.
    struct ti_info *info = (struct ti_info *) xtb_lookup(win);
    char lstr[1];

    if (info->curidx >= info->maxlen-1) return 0;
    info->text[info->curidx] = ch;
    info->text[info->curidx+1] = '\0';
    /* Turn off cursor */
    ti_cursor_off(win, info);
    /* Text */
    lstr[0] = (char) ch;
    XDrawImageString(t_disp, win,
		     set_gc(win, norm_pix, back_pix, norm_font->fid),
		     info->curxval+TI_HPAD, TI_VPAD+norm_font->ascent,
		     lstr, 1);
    info->curidx += 1;
    info->curxval += text_width(norm_font, lstr, 1);
    ti_cursor_on(win, info);
    return 1;

int xtb_ti_dch(win)
Window win;			/* Widget window */
 * Deletes the character at the end of the text for `win'.  Will
 * return zero if there aren't any characters to delete.  Does
 * all appropriate display updates.
    struct ti_info *info = (struct ti_info *) xtb_lookup(win);
    int chw;

    if (info->curidx == 0) return 0;
    /* Wipe out cursor */
    ti_cursor_off(win, info);
    info->curidx -= 1;
    chw = text_width(norm_font, &(info->text[info->curidx]), 1);
    info->curxval -= chw;
    /* Wipe out character */
    XClearArea(t_disp, win, info->curxval+TI_HPAD, TI_VPAD,
	       (unsigned int) chw + 1,
	       (unsigned int) norm_font->ascent + norm_font->descent,
    info->text[info->curidx] = '\0';
    ti_cursor_on(win, info);
    return 1;

void xtb_ti_del(win, info)
Window win;
xtb_data *info;
 * Deletes an input text widget.  User defined data is returned in `info'.
    struct ti_info *ti;

    if (xtb_unregister(win, (xtb_data *) &ti)) {
	*info = ti->val;
	free((char *) ti);
	XDestroyWindow(t_disp, win);

 * Simple colored output frame - usually used for drawing lines

void xtb_bk_new(win, width, height, frame)
Window win;			/* Parent window */
unsigned width, height;		/* Size          */
xtb_frame *frame;		/* Returned size */
 * This routine creates a new frame that displays a block
 * of color whose size is given by `width' and `height'.
 * It is usually used to draw lines.  No user interaction
 * is defined for the frame.  The color used is the default
 * foreground color set in xtb_init().
    frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
    frame->width = width;
    frame->height = height;
    frame->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(t_disp, win,
				     frame->x_loc, frame->y_loc,
				     frame->width, frame->height,
				     0, norm_pix, norm_pix);
    XMapWindow(t_disp, frame->win);

void xtb_bk_del(win)
Window win;
 * Deletes a block frame.
    XDestroyWindow(t_disp, win);


 * Formatting support

#define ERROR(msg) printf("%s\n", msg); abort();

xtb_fmt *xtb_w(w)
xtb_frame *w;
 * Returns formatting structure for a widget.
    xtb_fmt *ret;
    ret = (xtb_fmt *) malloc((unsigned) sizeof(xtb_fmt));
    ret->wid.type = W_TYPE;
    ret->wid.w = w;
    return ret;

VARARGS(xtb_hort, xtb_fmt *, (xtb_just just, int padding, int interspace, ...))
 * Builds a horizontal structure
    va_list ap;
    xtb_fmt *ret, *val;
#ifdef __STDC__
    va_start(ap, interspace);
    xtb_just just;
    int padding, interspace;

    just = va_arg(ap, xtb_just);
    padding = va_arg(ap, int);
    interspace = va_arg(ap, int);
    ret = (xtb_fmt *) malloc((unsigned) sizeof(xtb_fmt));
    ret->align.type = A_TYPE;
    ret->align.dir = HORIZONTAL;
    ret->align.just = just;
    ret->align.padding = padding;
    ret->align.interspace = interspace;
    /* Build array of incoming xtb_fmt structures */
    ret->align.ni = 0;
    while ((val = va_arg(ap, xtb_fmt *)) != (xtb_fmt *) 0) {
	if (ret->align.ni < MAX_BRANCH) {
	    ret->align.items[ret->align.ni] = val;
	} else {
	    ERROR("too many branches\n");
    return ret;

VARARGS(xtb_vert, xtb_fmt *, (xtb_just just, int padding, int interspace, ...))
 * Builds a vertical structure
    va_list ap;
    xtb_fmt *ret, *val;
#ifdef __STDC__
    va_start(ap, interspace);
    xtb_just just;
    int padding, interspace;

    just = va_arg(ap, xtb_just);
    padding = va_arg(ap, int);
    interspace = va_arg(ap, int);
    ret = (xtb_fmt *) malloc((unsigned) sizeof(xtb_fmt));
    ret->align.type = A_TYPE;
    ret->align.dir = VERTICAL;
    ret->align.just = just;
    ret->align.padding = padding;
    ret->align.interspace = interspace;
    /* Build array of incoming xtb_fmt structures */
    ret->align.ni = 0;
    while ((val = va_arg(ap, xtb_fmt *)) != (xtb_fmt *) 0) {
	if (ret->align.ni < MAX_BRANCH) {
	    ret->align.items[ret->align.ni] = val;
	} else {
	    ERROR("too many branches\n");
    return ret;

static void xtb_fmt_setpos(def, x, y)
xtb_fmt *def;
int x, y;
 * Sets all position fields of widgets in `def' to x,y.
    int i;

    switch (def->type) {
    case W_TYPE:
	def->wid.w->x_loc = x;
	def->wid.w->y_loc = y;
    case A_TYPE:
	for (i = 0;  i < def->align.ni;  i++) {
	    xtb_fmt_setpos(def->align.items[i], x, y);
	ERROR("bad type");

static void xtb_fmt_addpos(def, x, y)
xtb_fmt *def;
int x, y;
 * Adds the offset specified to all position fields of widgets in `def'.
    int i;

    switch (def->type) {
    case W_TYPE:
	def->wid.w->x_loc += x;
	def->wid.w->y_loc += y;
    case A_TYPE:
	for (i = 0;  i < def->align.ni;  i++) {
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(def->align.items[i], x, y);
	ERROR("bad type");

static void xtb_fmt_hort(nd, defs, widths, heights, just, pad, inter, rw, rh)
int nd;				/* Number of children     */
xtb_fmt *defs[];		/* Definitions themselves */
int widths[];			/* Widths of children     */
int heights[];			/* Heights of children    */
xtb_just just;			/* Justification          */
int pad, inter;			/* Padding and interspace */
int *rw, *rh;			/* Returned size          */
 * Formats items horizontally subject to the widths and heights
 * of the items passed.
    int i;
    int max_height = 0;
    int tot_width = 0;
    int xspot;

    /* Find parameters */
    for (i = 0;  i < nd;  i++) {
	if (heights[i] > max_height) max_height = heights[i];
	tot_width += widths[i];
    /* Place items -- assumes center justification */
    xspot = pad;
    for (i = 0;  i < nd;  i++) {
	switch (just) {
	case XTB_TOP:
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], xspot, pad);
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], xspot, max_height - heights[i] + pad);
	    /* Everyone else center */
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], xspot, (max_height - heights[i])/2 + pad);
	xspot += (widths[i] + inter);
    /* Figure out resulting size */
    *rw = tot_width + (nd-1)*inter + (2 * pad);
    *rh = max_height + (2 * pad);

static void xtb_fmt_vert(nd, defs, widths, heights, just, pad, inter, rw, rh)
int nd;				/* Number of children     */
xtb_fmt *defs[];		/* Definitions themselves */
int widths[];			/* Widths of children     */
int heights[];			/* Heights of children    */
xtb_just just;			/* Justification          */
int pad, inter;			/* Padding and interspace */
int *rw, *rh;			/* Returned size          */
 * Formats items vertically subject to the widths and heights
 * of the items passed.
    int i;
    int max_width = 0;
    int tot_height = 0;
    int yspot;

    /* Find parameters */
    for (i = 0;  i < nd;  i++) {
	if (widths[i] > max_width) max_width = widths[i];
	tot_height += heights[i];
    /* Place items -- assumes center justification */
    yspot = pad;
    for (i = 0;  i < nd;  i++) {
	switch (just) {
	case XTB_LEFT:
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], pad, yspot);
	case XTB_RIGHT:
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], max_width - widths[i] + pad, yspot);
	    /* Everyone else center */
	    xtb_fmt_addpos(defs[i], (max_width - widths[i])/2 + pad, yspot);
	yspot += (heights[i] + inter);
    /* Figure out resulting size */
    *rw = max_width + (2 * pad);
    *rh = tot_height + (nd-1)*inter + (2 * pad);

static void xtb_fmt_top(def, w, h)
xtb_fmt *def;
unsigned *w, *h;
 * Recursive portion of formatter
    unsigned widths[MAX_BRANCH];
    unsigned heights[MAX_BRANCH];
    int i;

    switch (def->type) {
    case A_TYPE:
	/* Formatting directive */
	/* place children and determine sizes */
	for (i = 0;  i < def->align.ni;  i++) {
	    xtb_fmt_top(def->align.items[i], &(widths[i]), &(heights[i]));
	/* now format based on direction */
	switch (def->align.dir) {
	    xtb_fmt_hort(def->align.ni, def->align.items, widths, heights,
			 def->align.just, def->align.padding,
			 def->align.interspace, w, h);
	    xtb_fmt_vert(def->align.ni, def->align.items, widths, heights,
			 def->align.just, def->align.padding,
			 def->align.interspace, w, h);
	    ERROR("bad direction");
    case W_TYPE:
	/* Simple widget - return size */
	*w = def->wid.w->width;
	*h = def->wid.w->height;
	ERROR("bad type");

xtb_fmt *xtb_fmt_do(def, w, h)
xtb_fmt *def;
unsigned *w, *h;
 * Actually does formatting
    /* First zero out all positions */
    xtb_fmt_setpos(def, 0, 0);
    /* Now call recursive portion */
    xtb_fmt_top(def, w, h);
    return def;

void xtb_fmt_free(def)
xtb_fmt *def;
 * Frees resources associated with formatting routines
    int i;

    if (def->type == A_TYPE) {
	for (i = 0;  i < def->align.ni;  i++) {
    free((char *) def);

void xtb_mv_frames(nf, frames)
int nf;				/* Number of frames */
xtb_frame frames[];		/* Array of frames  */
 * Moves frames to the location indicated in the frame
 * structure for each item.
    int i;

    for (i = 0;  i < nf;  i++) {
	XMoveWindow(t_disp, frames[i].win, frames[i].x_loc, frames[i].y_loc);
  echo "will not over write ./xgraph-11/xtb/xtb.c"
echo "Finished archive 3 of 6"