[comp.sources.x] v05i048: golddig2 -- A game for X11, Part04/04

kent@ssbell.uu.net (Kent Landfield) (12/14/89)

Submitted-by: Alexander Siegel <siegel@cs.cornell.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 5, Issue 48
Archive-name: golddig2/part04

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 4 (of 4)."
# Contents:  golddig2/golddig.c
# Wrapped by kent@ssbell on Wed Dec 13 20:37:02 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'golddig2/golddig.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/golddig.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/golddig.c'\" \(17923 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/golddig.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989   */
X/* at Cornell University.  It may may copied freely for private use or */
X/* public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed.  This  */
X/* program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this     */
X/* program may not be sold or traded for financial gain.               */
X/* Modified by Josh Siegel to work with NeWS/X11 */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
X#include <X11/keysym.h>
X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include "golddig.h"
Xextern char player_bits[];
X#include "bitmap/fly.bits"
X#include "bitmap/hang1.bits"
X#include "bitmap/hang2.bits"
X#include "bitmap/up1.bits"
X#include "bitmap/up2.bits"
X#include "bitmap/left1.bits"
X#include "bitmap/left2.bits"
X#include "bitmap/right1.bits"
X#include "bitmap/right2.bits"
Xlong random();
X#define EVMASK KeyPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | FocusChangeMask
Xint newlevel = 0;       /* Non-zero if a new level was just drawn */
Xstruct itimerval cycletime; /* Structure used when setting up timer */
X/* These are the graphics cursors used for drawing the player at */
X/* various times. */
XGC standgc,flygc,hang1gc,hang2gc,up1gc,up2gc;
XGC left1gc,left2gc,right1gc,right2gc;
Xenum directs curorder = STAND;  /* Current order which player has */
X                                /* typed at the keyboard. */
X/* Plug into original block type definitions in shared.c */
Xextern struct symbs_s symbs[];
Xextern int numholes;        /* Total number of holes */
X/* This routine is called whenever the player dies. */
Xvoid died(whydie)
Xchar *whydie;       /* Textual description of reason for death */
X  /* Prevent timer from firing inside of sleep */
X  cycletime.it_value.tv_sec = cycletime.it_interval.tv_sec = 10;
X  setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&cycletime,(struct itimerval *) NULL);
X  signal(SIGALRM,SIG_DFL);      /* Turn off timer signal */
X  XSync(disp,False);            /* Synchronize with display */
X  if(strcmp(whydie,"was abandoned"))
X    sleep(2);                   /* Pause for 2 seconds to let player */
X                                /* see situation */
X  xend();                       /* Terminate X windows */
X  /* Add score to high score list */
X  add_score(whydie);
X  exit(0);
X/* Redraw the player.  The graphics cursors all use the GXor function */
X/* so they will not erase what is underneath. */
Xvoid draw_player()
X  GC drawgc;
X  register int lpos,code;
X  /* Get position of level array of player */
X  lpos = (player.xpos >> 1)*ysize + (player.ypos >> 1);
X  /* Get the control code describing block underneath player */
X  code = fast_lookup[level[lpos]].code;
X  /* If the block is inactive, use the code for empty space */
X  if((code & INACTIVE) && goldleft > 0)
X    code = fast_lookup[SPACE].code;
X  /* Compute the graphics cursor appropriate to the player's current */
X  /* state */
X  drawgc = NULL;
X  /* Check if player is hanging from a rope */
X  if((player.ypos & 1) == 0) {
X    if((code & DLEAVE) && ! (code & (ULEAVE | DFALL))) {
X      if(player.xpos & 1)
X        drawgc = hang2gc;
X      else
X        drawgc = hang1gc;
X    }
X  }
X  else if((player.ypos & 1) && (code & DFALL))
X    drawgc = flygc;
X  if(drawgc == NULL)
X    switch(player.dir) {
X    case UP:    case DOWN:
X      if(player.ypos & 1)
X        drawgc = up2gc;
X      else
X        drawgc = up1gc;
X      break;
X    case LEFT:
X      if(player.xpos & 1)
X        drawgc = left2gc;
X      else
X        drawgc = left1gc;
X      break;
X    case RIGHT:
X      if(player.xpos & 1)
X        drawgc = right2gc;
X      else
X        drawgc = right1gc;
X      break;
X    case STAND:
X      if(code & ULEAVE)
X        drawgc = up1gc;
X      else
X        drawgc = standgc;
X      break;
X    default:
X      drawgc = standgc;
X    }
X  /* Fill the rectangle surrounding the player with the chosen */
X  /* graphics cursor. */
X  if(drawgc != NULL)
X    XFillRectangle(disp,wind,drawgc,player.xpos << 3,player.ypos << 3,16,16);
X/* Erase the player by redrawing the block(s) underneath him */
Xvoid drawmove_player()
X  register int x,y; 
X  /* Do not erase redraw player if it is not nessary */
X  if(! player.redraw)
X    return;
X  /* Draw block covering at least half of player */
X  x = player.xold;
X  y = player.yold;
X  draw_block(x >> 1,y >> 1);
X  /* If player is offset horizontally, redraw block to the right */
X  if(x & 1)
X    draw_block((x >> 1) + 1,y >> 1);
X  /* If player is offset vertically, redraw block below */
X  if(y & 1)
X    draw_block(x >> 1,(y >> 1) + 1);
X  draw_player();
X/* Handle a key stroke by the user. */
Xvoid handle_key(keyhit)
XKeySym keyhit;     /* Key symbol for key stroke provided by X windows */
X  /* Now that a key is hit, really begin the level */
X  newlevel = 0;
X  /* Do action depending on which key was hit */
X  switch(keyhit) {
X  /* If it is a 'h', '?', or '/', print out a list of commands */
X  case XK_H:    case XK_h:    case XK_question:   case XK_slash:
X    puts("Control the player using keyboard keys or the mouse.");
X    puts("<space>,R11 - stop");
X    puts("a,j,left arrow - move left");
X    puts("d,l,right arrow - move right");
X    puts("w,i,up arrow - move up");
X    puts("s,k,down arrow - move down");
X    puts("z,<,q,u,R13 - make hole left");
X    puts("x,>,e,o,R15 - make hole right");
X    puts("r,y,R7 - put down any held item");
X    puts("1-9 - change the game speed");
X    puts("\n^S,^Z - pause the game");
X    puts("^Q,^Y - reactivate the game");
X    puts("^C - kill the game");
X    puts("^R - redraw the screen");
X    break;
X  /* A space bar changes the command to STAND */
X  case XK_space:    case XK_R11:
X    curorder = STAND; break;
X  /* A 'z', ',', '<', 'q', or 'u' digs holes to the left */
X  case XK_Z:    case XK_comma:  case XK_less:   case XK_Q: case XK_U:
X  case XK_R13:  case XK_z:      case XK_q:      case XK_u:
X    curorder = DIGLEFT; break;
X  /* A 'x', '.', '>', 'e', or 'o' digs holes to the right */
X  case XK_X:    case XK_period: case XK_greater: case XK_E: case XK_O:
X  case XK_R15:  case XK_x:      case XK_e: case XK_o:
X    curorder = DIGRIGHT; break;
X  /* A 'j' or 'a' changes the command to LEFT */
X  case XK_J:    case XK_A:  case XK_Left:   case XK_j:  case XK_a:
X    curorder = LEFT; break;
X  /* A 'i' or 'w' changes the command to UP */
X  case XK_I:    case XK_W:  case XK_Up:     case XK_i:  case XK_w:
X    curorder = UP; break;
X  /* A 'k' or 's' changes the command to DOWN */
X  case XK_K:    case XK_S:  case XK_Down:   case XK_k:  case XK_s:
X    curorder = DOWN; break;
X  /* A 'l' or 'd' changes the command to RIGHT */
X  case XK_L:    case XK_D:  case XK_Right:  case XK_l:  case XK_d:
X    curorder = RIGHT; break;
X  /* A 'r' or 'y' drops whatever is being held */
X  case XK_R:    case XK_Y:  case XK_R7:     case XK_r:  case XK_y:
X    curorder = PUTDOWN; break;
X  }
X/* Redraw everything.  This routine is called whenever something major */
X/* changes or the window is exposed. */
Xvoid redrawall()
X  draw_level();
X  draw_player();
X  draw_badguys();
X  XFlush(disp);
X/* Initialize a level from the current level file */
Xvoid init_level()
X  register int x,y,pos;
X  /* Allow level sizes to be changes by new level */
X  xsize = ysize = -1;
X  /* Load the level data itself from the data file. */
X  load_level();
X  numholes = 0;
X  /* Initialize player information */
X  player.xpos = player.ypos = player.xstart = player.ystart = goldleft = 0;
X  player.dir = STAND;
X  player.hold = SPACE;
X  curorder = STAND;
X  pos = 0;
X  for(x=0;x<xsize;++x)
X    for(y=0;y<ysize;++y) {
X      /* Count the total number of treasures */
X      if(fast_lookup[level[pos]].code & TREASURE)
X        goldleft ++;
X      /* Look for player blocks and remove them.  The last one */
X      /* encountered sets the player position. */
X      if(level[pos] == PLAYER) {
X        player.xpos = player.xstart = x << 1;
X        player.ypos = player.ystart = y << 1;
X        level[pos] = SPACE;
X      }
X      pos ++;
X    }
X  printf("Collect %d gold dubloons.\n",goldleft);
X  /* Initialize bad guy information and other things. */
X  start_badguy();
X  regen_allow();
X  regen_tree();
X  /* Freeze action until a key is pressed */
X  newlevel = 1;
X/* Move player one movement */
Xvoid move_player()
X  register int i,code;
X  /* Attempt to move player according to his standing orders */
X  code = movething(&player,curorder,-1);
X  /* If digging completed, or if the player fell, and he was trying to move */
X  /* in the same direction, change the current order to STAND */
X  if(code == 4 || (code == 2 && curorder == player.dir))
X    curorder = STAND;
X  /* Redraw player if he dropped something (which will overwrite the */
X  /* block) */
X  if(code == 3)
X    player.redraw = 1;
X  /* If player is in the middle of a block, interesting things can */
X  /* happen. */
X  if((player.xpos & 1) == 0 && (player.ypos & 1) == 0)  {
X    /* If the player has picked up a gold piece, consume it and */
X    /* increment the score. */
X    if(fast_lookup[player.hold].code & TREASURE) {
X      player.hold = SPACE;
X      score++;
X      goldleft--;
X      /* If that was the last gold piece, escape ladder and other */
X      /* stuff may need to appear. */
X      if(goldleft == 0) {
X        regen_allow();      /* Regenerate the allowable movement array */
X        redrawall();        /* Refresh the entire screen */
X      }
X      /* Redraw the score line */
X      else
X        draw_score();
X    }
X    /* Get the control code for the block direction underneath the */
X    /* player */
X    i = (player.xpos >> 1)*ysize + (player.ypos >> 1);
X    code = fast_lookup[level[i]].code;
X    /* If the control code shows an active UPLEVEL block, or the */
X    /* player is at the top of the screen, and there is no more gold */
X    /* left, goto the next level. */
X    if((goldleft == 0 && 
X    (player.ypos == 0 || (code & UPLEVEL))) ||
X       ((code & UPLEVEL) && ! (code & INACTIVE)))  {
X      /* Increment the level number */
X      levelnum ++;
X      /* Load the next level in if the current one is done */
X      init_level();
X      /* Redraw the level */
X      redrawall();
X      /* Flush all the many X windows operations out to the server.  This */
X      /* is the only flush in all the operations in this procedure. */
X      XFlush(disp);
X      return;
X    }
X    /* If the block is a killer block, kill the player */
X    if(code & KILLIN)
X      died("was crushed");
X  }
X  /* Do not let PUTDOWN order stay after movement has started */
X  else if(curorder == PUTDOWN)
X    curorder = STAND;
X/* Move everything one movement (or less).  This is the basic function */
X/* which is called on every timer signal. */
Xvoid moveall()
X  /* Remember old position of player */
X  player.xold = player.xpos;
X  player.yold = player.ypos;
X  /* Assume that the player does not need to be redrawn initially */
X  player.redraw = 0;
X  /* Do player movement */
X  move_player();
X  /* If the level has changed, do not move other stuff */
X  if(newlevel)
X    return;
X  /* Do secondary movement if player is sped up */
X  if(fast_lookup[player.hold].code & SPEED)
X    move_player();
X  /* If the level has changed, do not move other stuff */
X  if(newlevel)
X    return;
X  /* Prevent time from advancing for bad guys if a TIMESTOP item is */
X  /* held by player */
X  if(! (fast_lookup[player.hold].code & TIMESTOP)) {
X    /* Regenerate bad guys movement tree periodically */
X    if((curtick & 0xf) == 0)
X      regen_tree();
X    /* Only move bad guys every other tick */
X    if(curtick & 1)
X      move_badguys();
X  }
X  /* Check if the player is overlapping one of the bad guys while not */
X  /* holding armor. */
X  if(! (fast_lookup[player.hold].code & ARMOR) &&
X     overlap_badguy(player.xpos,player.ypos,-1))
X    died("was eaten");
X  /* Redraw player if he moved.  Redraw occasionally anyway. */
X  if(player.xpos != player.xold || player.ypos != player.yold ||
X     (curtick & 0xf) == 0)
X    player.redraw = 1;
X  /* Erase and draw player if necessary */
X  drawmove_player();
X  /* Flush all the many X windows operations out to the server.  This */
X  /* is the only flush in all the operations in this procedure. */
X  XFlush(disp);
X/* Function which is called whenever the timer signal goes off */
Xvoid ticker(sig)
Xint sig;
X  /* Ignore any signal which is not an alarm.  Ignore alarm signals */
X  /* after a new level has been drawn until a key is hit. */
X  if(sig != SIGALRM || newlevel)
X    return;
X  /* increment the tick counter if time is advancing */
X  if(! (fast_lookup[player.hold].code & TIMESTOP))
X    curtick ++;
X  /* age all the holes */
X  change_holes();
X  /* move the player and all the bad guys. */
X  moveall();
X/* main procedure for game */
Xvoid main(argc,argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar **argv;
X  int keycount,i,gamestop = 0,gcfunc,firstevent;
X  static XEvent xev;
X  KeySym keyhit;
X  char buf[50];
X  printf("type h for help.\n");
X  /* set up level and world description defaults */
X  worldname = DEFWORLD;
X  levelnum = 1;
X  score = 0;
X  speed = 5;
X  /* scan the command line for executing parameters and flags */
X  for(i=1;i<argc;++i) {
X    if(argv[i][0] == '-') {
X      /* look for the level number */
X      if(argv[i][1] == 'l') {
X        if(argv[i][2] == '\0' && i+1 < argc) {
X          sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&levelnum);
X          i++;
X        }
X        else
X          sscanf(argv[i]+2,"%d",&levelnum);
X      }
X      /* look for the level number */
X      else if(argv[i][1] == 's') {
X        if(argv[i][2] == '\0' && i+1 < argc) {
X          sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&speed);
X          i++;
X        }
X        else
X          sscanf(argv[i]+2,"%d",&speed);
X      }
X      else {
X        printf("usage: golddig [-l <level>] [-s <speed 1-9>] [<world name>]\n");
X        exit(1);
X      }
X    }
X    /* if it doesn't start with a -, it must be the name of the world */
X    else {
X      worldname = argv[i];
X      break;
X    }
X  }
X  /* remember what the starting level was */
X  levelstart = levelnum;
X  /* start up x windows and all graphics cursors for drawing level */
X  xstart(EVMASK);
X  /* reassemble the graphics cursors to prepare for actual play */
X  for(i=0;symbs[i].symb != '\0';++i)
X    fast_lookup[symbs[i].symb].gc  =
X      fast_lookup[symbs[i].inplay].gc;
X  /* Decide whether to use GXand or GXor depending on screen type */
X  if((BlackPixel(disp,0) & WhitePixel(disp,0)) == BlackPixel(disp,0))
X    gcfunc = GXand;
X  else
X    gcfunc = GXor;
X  /* compute all the graphics cursors for drawing the player in his */
X  /* various states. */
X  standgc = makegc(gcfunc,player_bits);
X  flygc = makegc(gcfunc,fly_bits);
X  hang1gc = makegc(gcfunc,hang1_bits);
X  hang2gc = makegc(gcfunc,hang2_bits);
X  up1gc = makegc(gcfunc,up1_bits);
X  up2gc = makegc(gcfunc,up2_bits);
X  left1gc = makegc(gcfunc,left1_bits);
X  left2gc = makegc(gcfunc,left2_bits);
X  right1gc = makegc(gcfunc,right1_bits);
X  right2gc = makegc(gcfunc,right2_bits);
X  /* initialize the bad guy's graphics cursors */
X  init_badguy();
X  /* name the game window */
X  XStoreName(disp,wind,"gold digger 2.0");
X  /* do the rest of the level initialization */
X  init_level();
X  /* initialize timer structure according to speed */
X  if(speed <= 0)
X    speed = 1;
X  if(speed <= 5)
X    cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = (5-speed) * 50000 + 125000;
X  else
X    cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = 625000 / speed;
X  cycletime.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
X  cycletime.it_value = cycletime.it_interval;
X  /* start the system timer.  the timer signal catcher will be set */
X  /* after the first x event is received. */
X  setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&cycletime,(struct itimerval *) NULL);
X  /* main event loop */
X  firstevent = 1;
X  while(1) {
X    /* get the next x window event */
X    XWindowEvent(disp,wind,EVMASK,&xev);
X    /* suppress the timer to prevent race conditions */
X    signal(SIGALRM,SIG_IGN);
X    /* If the window is exposed or the level is complete redraw the */
X    /* entire level.  Also redraw everything if it is the first window */
X    /* event to handle window managers which capture expose events in */
X    /* an unfriendly way. */
X    if((xev.type == Expose && xev.xexpose.count == 0) || firstevent) {
X      /* Redraw the level */
X      redrawall();
X      /* Events after this are not the first event */
X      firstevent = 0;
X    }
X    else if(xev.type == KeyPress) {
X      keycount = XLookupString(&xev,buf,50,&keyhit,(XComposeStatus *) NULL);
X      /* Check for special control command */
X      if(xev.xkey.state & ControlMask)
X        switch(keyhit)  {
X        /* ^S and ^Z freeze the game in place */
X        case XK_S: case XK_Z: case XK_s: case XK_z:
X          gamestop = 1;
X          break;
X        /* ^Q and ^Y reactivate the game */
X        case XK_Q: case XK_Y: case XK_q: case XK_y:
X          gamestop = 0;
X          break;
X        /* ^C, ^U, and ^/ kill the game */
X        case XK_C: case XK_U: case XK_c: case XK_u: case XK_backslash:
X          goto game_over;
X        /* ^R redraws the level */
X        case XK_R: case XK_r:
X          redrawall();
X          break;
X        }
X      /* Pressing a number changes the game speed */
X      else if(keyhit >= XK_1 && keyhit <= XK_9) {
X        speed = (int) (keyhit - XK_0);
X        /* Compute new cycle delay */
X        if(speed <= 5)
X          cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = (5-speed) * 50000 + 125000;
X        else
X          cycletime.it_interval.tv_usec = 625000 / speed;
X        cycletime.it_value = cycletime.it_interval;
X        /* Reset the timer cycle time */
X        setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&cycletime,(struct itimerval *) NULL);
X        /* Redraw score line with new speed */
X        draw_score();
X      }
X      /* If it was a normal key stroke, hand it off to the handle_key */
X      /* procedure */
X      else
X        handle_key(keyhit);
X    }
X    /* flush out pending x windows commands */
X    XFlush(disp);
X    /* reenable the alarm signal if game should be active */
X    if(! gamestop)
X      signal(SIGALRM,ticker);
X  }
X  /* go to died procedure */
X game_over:
X  died("was abandoned");
if test 17923 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/golddig.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'golddig2/golddig.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'golddig2/golddig.c'
echo shar: End of archive 4 \(of 4\).
cp /dev/null ark4isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0