[comp.sources.x] v06i005: xdvi, Patch7

argv%turnpike@Sun.COM (Dan Heller) (02/28/90)

Submitted-by: vojta@guinness.ias.edu (Paul A Vojta)
Posting-number: Volume 6, Issue 5
Archive-name: xdvi/patch7
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 3, Issue 37-39,46,57
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 4, Issue 44,96
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 5, Issue 35-36

This is patch 7 for xdvi.  It replaces the -pagewidth and -pageheight
options with a -paper option which is more convenient to use.

Thanks to iis!prl, bingle@cs.purdue.edu, boaz@neutron.lcs.mit.edu, and
others for fixes and bug reports.

--Paul Vojta, vojta@guinness.ias.edu

-- cut here --
diff -cr old/README new/README
*** old/README	Sun Feb  4 13:09:22 1990
--- new/README	Sun Feb  4 12:50:09 1990
*** 42,48 ****
  			the left.  For performance reasons, it would be best
  			to set this to coincide with what your server uses.
  			Use the keystroke '^P' to find information in this
! 			regard.
  	BMSHORT		(X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c)  Store
  			bitmaps in short integers instead of bytes.  See
  			MSBITFIRST for other relevant comments.  To check
--- 42,52 ----
  			the left.  For performance reasons, it would be best
  			to set this to coincide with what your server uses.
  			Use the keystroke '^P' to find information in this
! 			regard.  Generally, you should use MSBITFIRST if and
! 			only if '^P' reports bitord = 1, and BMSHORT/BMLONG
! 			(below) should be set to match whatever '^P' reports
! 			under "Unit =".  But, if bitord = byteord, then the
! 			latter setting should not matter much.
  	BMSHORT		(X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c)  Store
  			bitmaps in short integers instead of bytes.  See
  			MSBITFIRST for other relevant comments.  To check
*** 50,58 ****
  				time xdvi -d 8 file.dvi
  	BMLONG		(X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c)  Store
  			bitmaps in long integers instead of bytes.
! 	ALTFONT		Default font to use if the font named in the dvi file
! 			cannot be found.  Can be set to NULL.  By default, it
! 			is "cmr10".
  	NOTOOL		(X11 only; xdvi.c)  Compile using raw X calls.
  	BUTTONS		(xdvi.c)  Put radio buttons on the right side of the
  			window for commonly used commands.
--- 54,62 ----
  				time xdvi -d 8 file.dvi
  	BMLONG		(X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c)  Store
  			bitmaps in long integers instead of bytes.
! 	ALTFONT		(xdvi.c)  Default font to use if the font named in the
! 			dvi file cannot be found.  Can be set to NULL.  By
! 			default, it is "cmr10".
  	NOTOOL		(X11 only; xdvi.c)  Compile using raw X calls.
  	BUTTONS		(xdvi.c)  Put radio buttons on the right side of the
  			window for commonly used commands.
*** 168,172 ****
--- 172,178 ----
     19.  Added -pagewidth and -pageheight command line options and A4
  	compilation option.
     20.  Added a yet more robust font finding algorithm.
+ --  Patchlevel 7:  --
+    21.  Replaced -pagewidth and -pageheight options with -paper.
  Paul Vojta, vojta@math.berkeley.edu
diff -cr old/dvi_draw.c new/dvi_draw.c
*** old/dvi_draw.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:25 1990
--- new/dvi_draw.c	Mon Jan 29 22:48:24 1990
*** 303,309 ****
  	if (ch > maxchar ||
  		(g = &current_font->glyph[ch])->bitmap.bits == NULL) {
  	    if (ch > maxchar || g->addr == 0)
! 		oops("Character %d not defined in font %s\n", ch,
  	    Fseek(current_font->file, g->addr, 0);
--- 303,309 ----
  	if (ch > maxchar ||
  		(g = &current_font->glyph[ch])->bitmap.bits == NULL) {
  	    if (ch > maxchar || g->addr == 0)
! 		oops("Character %d not defined in font %s", ch,
  	    Fseek(current_font->file, g->addr, 0);
*** 361,367 ****
  	    fontp->file = fopen(fontp->filename, OPEN_MODE);
  	    if (fontp->file == NULL)
! 		oops("Font file disappeared:  %s\n", fontp->filename);
--- 361,367 ----
  	    fontp->file = fopen(fontp->filename, OPEN_MODE);
  	    if (fontp->file == NULL)
! 		oops("Font file disappeared:  %s", fontp->filename);
diff -cr old/dvi_init.c new/dvi_init.c
*** old/dvi_init.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:27 1990
--- new/dvi_init.c	Sun Dec 10 20:50:19 1989
*** 69,78 ****
  static	long	last_page_offset;
! #ifndef	ANSI_LIB
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif
! char	*malloc(), *strcpy();
  FILE	*pxl_open();
--- 69,79 ----
  static	long	last_page_offset;
! #ifdef	sun
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif	sun
! char	*malloc();
  FILE	*pxl_open();
diff -cr old/mksedscript new/mksedscript
*** old/mksedscript	Sun Feb  4 13:09:30 1990
--- new/mksedscript	Sun Feb  4 13:01:47 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! #! /bin/csh
  unset	x10 buttons a4
  set	noglob
  foreach x ($argv[3-])
--- 1,4 ----
! #! /bin/csh -f
  unset	x10 buttons a4
  set	noglob
  foreach x ($argv[3-])
*** 16,22 ****
  if (! $?buttons)	echo /^\#ifbuttons/,/^\#/d
  echo	/^\#/d
  if ($?a4) then
! 	echo	s/%%defaultpagesize%%/8.3 x 11.7 inches (A4 size)/
  	echo	s/%%defaultpagesize%%/8.5 x 11 inches/
--- 16,22 ----
  if (! $?buttons)	echo /^\#ifbuttons/,/^\#/d
  echo	/^\#/d
  if ($?a4) then
! 	echo	's/%%defaultpagesize%%/21 x 29.7 cm (A4 size)/'
  	echo	s/%%defaultpagesize%%/8.5 x 11 inches/
diff -cr old/patchlevel.h new/patchlevel.h
*** old/patchlevel.h	Sun Feb  4 13:09:31 1990
--- new/patchlevel.h	Sun Dec 10 21:52:09 1989
*** 1 ****
! #define PATCHLEVEL 6
--- 1 ----
! #define PATCHLEVEL 7
diff -cr old/pk.c new/pk.c
*** old/pk.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:33 1990
--- new/pk.c	Mon Jan 29 22:49:58 1990
*** 105,111 ****
  	    case PK_NOOP :
  	    default :
! 	      oops("Unexpected %d in PK file %s\n", PK_flag_byte,
--- 105,111 ----
  	    case PK_NOOP :
  	    default :
! 	      oops("Unexpected %d in PK file %s", PK_flag_byte,
*** 131,140 ****
      Printf("Reading header for PK pixel file %s\n", fontp->filename);
    if (one(fontp->file) != PK_PRE)
!     oops("File %s lacks preamble command\n", fontp->fontname);
    if (one(fontp->file) != PK_ID)
!     oops("File %s has wrong PK id\n", fontp->fontname);
    Fseek(fontp->file, (long) one(fontp->file), 1);	/* skip comment */
--- 131,140 ----
      Printf("Reading header for PK pixel file %s\n", fontp->filename);
    if (one(fontp->file) != PK_PRE)
!     oops("File %s lacks preamble command", fontp->fontname);
    if (one(fontp->file) != PK_ID)
!     oops("File %s has wrong PK id", fontp->fontname);
    Fseek(fontp->file, (long) one(fontp->file), 1);	/* skip comment */
*** 143,149 ****
    hppp = sfour(fontp->file);
    vppp = sfour(fontp->file);
    if( debug && hppp != vppp )
!     oops("Warning: aspect ratio not 1:1 for font %s\n", fontp->fontname);
    /*fontp->f_scale = (int)((((float) hppp * 72.27) / (float) 65536) + 0.5);*/
    /*if (fontp->f_scale == 0) fontp->f_scale = 1000;*/
--- 143,149 ----
    hppp = sfour(fontp->file);
    vppp = sfour(fontp->file);
    if( debug && hppp != vppp )
!     oops("Warning: aspect ratio not 1:1 for font %s", fontp->fontname);
    /*fontp->f_scale = (int)((((float) hppp * 72.27) / (float) 65536) + 0.5);*/
    /*if (fontp->f_scale == 0) fontp->f_scale = 1000;*/
*** 224,230 ****
  	w = num(fp, n);
  	h = num(fp, n);
  	if (w > 0x7fff || h > 0x7fff)
! 	    oops("Too large character (%d) in file %s\n", ch, fontp->fontname);
  	g->bitmap.w = w;
  	g->bitmap.h = h;
--- 224,230 ----
  	w = num(fp, n);
  	h = num(fp, n);
  	if (w > 0x7fff || h > 0x7fff)
! 	    oops("Too large character (%d) in file %s", ch, fontp->fontname);
  	g->bitmap.w = w;
  	g->bitmap.h = h;
*** 354,362 ****
  	      paint_switch = 1 - paint_switch;
  	  if (cp != ((BMUNIT *) (g->bitmap.bits + bytes_wide * g->bitmap.h)))
! 	    oops("Wrong number of bits stored:  char. %d, font %s\n", ch,
  	  if (rows_left != 0 || h_bit != g->bitmap.w)
! 	    oops("Bad pk file (%s), too many bits\n", fontp->fontname);
--- 354,362 ----
  	      paint_switch = 1 - paint_switch;
  	  if (cp != ((BMUNIT *) (g->bitmap.bits + bytes_wide * g->bitmap.h)))
! 	    oops("Wrong number of bits stored:  char. %d, font %s", ch,
  	  if (rows_left != 0 || h_bit != g->bitmap.w)
! 	    oops("Bad pk file (%s), too many bits", fontp->fontname);
diff -cr old/pxl.c new/pxl.c
*** old/pxl.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:34 1990
--- new/pxl.c	Mon Jan 29 22:50:14 1990
*** 63,69 ****
  	    Printf("Reading header for PXL file %s\n", fontp->filename);
  	fontp->read_char = read_char;
  	if (four(fp = fontp->file) != 1001)
! 	    oops("File %s has wrong PXL magic number.\n", fontp->filename);
  	/* seek to trailer info */
  	Fseek(fp, (long) -5 * 4, 2);
  	(void) four(fp);	/* checksum */
--- 63,69 ----
  	    Printf("Reading header for PXL file %s\n", fontp->filename);
  	fontp->read_char = read_char;
  	if (four(fp = fontp->file) != 1001)
! 	    oops("File %s has wrong PXL magic number.", fontp->filename);
  	/* seek to trailer info */
  	Fseek(fp, (long) -5 * 4, 2);
  	(void) four(fp);	/* checksum */
diff -cr old/pxl_open.c new/pxl_open.c
*** old/pxl_open.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:36 1990
--- new/pxl_open.c	Sun Dec 10 20:50:59 1989
*** 33,40 ****
--- 33,53 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifndef X10
+ #include <X11/Xos.h>	/* same as below */
+ #else X10
+ #ifdef	SYSV
  #include <string.h>
+ #define index strchr
+ #define rindex strrchr
+ #else /* SYSV */
+ #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /* SYSV */
+ #endif X10
  #include <errno.h>
+ extern	int	errno;
  #define	PATH_SEP	':'
  #define	DEFAULT_TAIL	"/%f.%d%p"
*** 57,67 ****
  read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
! #ifndef	ANSI_LIB
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif
! char	*malloc(), *index(), *getenv();
  double	atof();
  #define	Strcpy	(void) strcpy
--- 70,80 ----
  read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
! #ifdef	sun
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif	sun
+ char	*malloc(), *getenv();
  double	atof();
  #define	Strcpy	(void) strcpy
diff -cr old/xdvi.c new/xdvi.c
*** old/xdvi.c	Sun Feb  4 13:09:45 1990
--- new/xdvi.c	Sat Feb  3 18:51:25 1990
*** 39,49 ****
  #endif	ALTFONT
  #ifndef	A4
! #define	DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH	"8.5"
! #define	DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT	"11"
  #else	A4
! #define	DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH	"8.3"
! #define	DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT	"11.7"
  #endif	A4
  #if	!defined(X10) && !defined(NOTOOL)
--- 39,47 ----
  #endif	ALTFONT
  #ifndef	A4
! #define	DEFAULT_PAPER		"us"
  #else	A4
! #define	DEFAULT_PAPER		"a4"
  #endif	A4
  #if	!defined(X10) && !defined(NOTOOL)
*** 143,150 ****
  int	density = 40;
  int	pixels_per_inch = 300;
  int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
! static	char	*arg_page_w	= DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH;
! static	char	*arg_page_h	= DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT;
  static	char	*margins, *sidemargin, *topmargin;
  static	Boolean	reverse;
  static	Dimension	bwidth	= 2;
--- 141,147 ----
  int	density = 40;
  int	pixels_per_inch = 300;
  int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
! static	char	*paper		= DEFAULT_PAPER;
  static	char	*margins, *sidemargin, *topmargin;
  static	Boolean	reverse;
  static	Dimension	bwidth	= 2;
*** 187,193 ****
  #endif X10
  int	page_w, page_h;
- static	int	screen_w, screen_h;
  #define	clip_w	mane.width
  #define	clip_h	mane.height
  static	Dimension	window_w, window_h;
--- 184,189 ----
*** 229,235 ****
  	{XtNbottom,	(XtArgVal) XtChainBottom},
  	{XtNleft,	(XtArgVal) XtChainLeft},
  	{XtNright,	(XtArgVal) XtChainRight},
- 	{XtNresizable,	(XtArgVal) True},
  #endif	BUTTONS
  	{XtNallowHoriz,	(XtArgVal) True},
  	{XtNallowVert,	(XtArgVal) True},
--- 225,230 ----
*** 262,271 ****
  	command_table[] = {
  		{"Quit",	"quit",		'q',		50},
! 		{"X1 Mag",	"sh1",		1 << 8 | 's',	150},
! 		{"X2 Mag",	"sh2",		2 << 8 | 's',	200},
! 		{"X3 Mag",	"sh3",		3 << 8 | 's',	250},
! 		{"X4 Mag",	"sh4",		4 << 8 | 's',	300},
  		{"Next",	"next",		'n',		400},
  		{"Page+5",	"next5",	5 << 8 | 'n',	450},
  		{"Page+10",	"next10",	10 << 8 | 'n',	500},
--- 257,266 ----
  	command_table[] = {
  		{"Quit",	"quit",		'q',		50},
! 		{"Shrink1",	"sh1",		1 << 8 | 's',	150},
! 		{"Shrink2",	"sh2",		2 << 8 | 's',	200},
! 		{"Shrink3",	"sh3",		3 << 8 | 's',	250},
! 		{"Shrink4",	"sh4",		4 << 8 | 's',	300},
  		{"Next",	"next",		'n',		400},
  		{"Page+5",	"next5",	5 << 8 | 'n',	450},
  		{"Page+10",	"next10",	10 << 8 | 'n',	500},
*** 287,294 ****
  	{XtNlabel,	NULL},
  	{XtNvertDistance, (XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNfromHoriz,	(XtArgVal) NULL},
! 	{XtNhorizDistance, (XtArgVal) 9},
! 	{XtNwidth,	(XtArgVal) 60},
  	{XtNheight,	(XtArgVal) 30},
  	{XtNtop,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
  	{XtNbottom,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
--- 282,289 ----
  	{XtNlabel,	NULL},
  	{XtNvertDistance, (XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNfromHoriz,	(XtArgVal) NULL},
! 	{XtNhorizDistance, (XtArgVal) 7},
! 	{XtNwidth,	(XtArgVal) 64},
  	{XtNheight,	(XtArgVal) 30},
  	{XtNtop,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
  	{XtNbottom,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
*** 307,318 ****
  	{XtNbottom,	(XtArgVal) XtChainBottom},
  	{XtNleft,	(XtArgVal) XtChainRight},
  	{XtNright,	(XtArgVal) XtChainRight},
- 	{XtNresizable,	(XtArgVal) True},
  static	Arg	strut_args[] = {
  	{XtNfromHoriz,	(XtArgVal) NULL},
  	{XtNwidth,	(XtArgVal) 78},
  	{XtNmappedWhenManaged, (XtArgVal) False},
  	{XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNtop,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
--- 302,313 ----
  	{XtNbottom,	(XtArgVal) XtChainBottom},
  	{XtNleft,	(XtArgVal) XtChainRight},
  	{XtNright,	(XtArgVal) XtChainRight},
  static	Arg	strut_args[] = {
  	{XtNfromHoriz,	(XtArgVal) NULL},
  	{XtNwidth,	(XtArgVal) 78},
+ 	{XtNheight,	(XtArgVal) 2},
  	{XtNmappedWhenManaged, (XtArgVal) False},
  	{XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNtop,	(XtArgVal) XtChainTop},
*** 373,383 ****
  #endif	X10
  #endif	lint
! #ifndef	ANSI_LIB
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif
! char	*malloc(), *index(), *rindex(), *strcpy(), *strcat();
  double	atof();
--- 368,378 ----
  #endif	X10
  #endif	lint
! #ifdef	sun
  char	*sprintf();
! #endif	sun
+ char	*malloc();
  double	atof();
*** 733,745 ****
  	    DarkenArea(x_bar, new_x_bgn, 1, new_x_end - new_x_bgn, BAR_WID);
  	else {		/* this stuff avoids flicker */
! 	    if (x_bgn <= new_x_bgn)
  		ClearArea(x_bar, x_bgn, 1, new_x_bgn - x_bgn, BAR_WID);
! 	    else
  		DarkenArea(x_bar, new_x_bgn, 1, x_bgn - new_x_bgn, BAR_WID);
! 	    if (new_x_end <= x_end)
  		ClearArea(x_bar, new_x_end, 1, x_end - new_x_end, BAR_WID);
! 	    else
  		DarkenArea(x_bar, x_end, 1, new_x_end - x_end, BAR_WID);
  	x_bgn = new_x_bgn;
--- 728,740 ----
  	    DarkenArea(x_bar, new_x_bgn, 1, new_x_end - new_x_bgn, BAR_WID);
  	else {		/* this stuff avoids flicker */
! 	    if (x_bgn < new_x_bgn)
  		ClearArea(x_bar, x_bgn, 1, new_x_bgn - x_bgn, BAR_WID);
! 	    else if (x_bgn > new_x_bgn)
  		DarkenArea(x_bar, new_x_bgn, 1, x_bgn - new_x_bgn, BAR_WID);
! 	    if (new_x_end < x_end)
  		ClearArea(x_bar, new_x_end, 1, x_end - new_x_end, BAR_WID);
! 	    else if (new_x_end > x_end)
  		DarkenArea(x_bar, x_end, 1, new_x_end - x_end, BAR_WID);
  	x_bgn = new_x_bgn;
*** 757,769 ****
  	    DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_bgn, BAR_WID, new_y_end - new_y_bgn);
  	else {		/* this stuff avoids flicker */
! 	    if (y_bgn <= new_y_bgn)
  		ClearArea(y_bar, 1, y_bgn, BAR_WID, new_y_bgn - y_bgn);
! 	    else
  		DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_bgn, BAR_WID, y_bgn - new_y_bgn);
! 	    if (new_y_end <= y_end)
  		ClearArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_end, BAR_WID, y_end - new_y_end);
! 	    else
  		DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, y_end, BAR_WID, new_y_end - y_end);
  	y_bgn = new_y_bgn;
--- 752,764 ----
  	    DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_bgn, BAR_WID, new_y_end - new_y_bgn);
  	else {		/* this stuff avoids flicker */
! 	    if (y_bgn < new_y_bgn)
  		ClearArea(y_bar, 1, y_bgn, BAR_WID, new_y_bgn - y_bgn);
! 	    else if (y_bgn > new_y_bgn)
  		DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_bgn, BAR_WID, y_bgn - new_y_bgn);
! 	    if (new_y_end < y_end)
  		ClearArea(y_bar, 1, new_y_end, BAR_WID, y_end - new_y_end);
! 	    else if (new_y_end > y_end)
  		DarkenArea(y_bar, 1, y_end, BAR_WID, new_y_end - y_end);
  	y_bgn = new_y_bgn;
*** 1140,1146 ****
  	    case '\b':
  	    case '\177':	/* Del */
  		/* scroll backward */
! 		next_page = current_page - 1;
  	    case 'g':
  		/* go to absolute page */
--- 1135,1141 ----
  	    case '\b':
  	    case '\177':	/* Del */
  		/* scroll backward */
! 		next_page = current_page - (arg0 ? number0 : 1);
  	    case 'g':
  		/* go to absolute page */
*** 1259,1270 ****
  		XMapWindow(DISP, (Window) mane.win);
! 		return;
  #else	TOOLKIT
- 		break;
  #endif	TOOLKIT
  	    case 'S':
  		if (!arg0) goto bad;
  		if (number0 < 0) goto bad;
--- 1254,1270 ----
  		XMapWindow(DISP, (Window) mane.win);
! 		/* Wait for next event; this will likely be an expose event,
! 		   so we don't redraw the window twice. */
! 		{
! 		    XEvent event;
! 		    XPeekEvent(DISP, &event);
! 		}
  #else	TOOLKIT
  #endif	TOOLKIT
+ 		break;
  	    case 'S':
  		if (!arg0) goto bad;
  		if (number0 < 0) goto bad;
*** 1459,1473 ****
  		    if (XANY(event).window == top_level &&
  			(XCONFIG(event).width != window_w ||
  			XCONFIG(event).height != window_h)) {
! 			    register Dimension old_window_w = window_w;
  			    window_w = XCONFIG(event).width;
  			    window_h = XCONFIG(event).height;
! 			    if (old_window_w == 0) home(False);
  		case KeyPress:
  #ifndef X10
  		    string = trbuf;
--- 1459,1482 ----
  		    if (XANY(event).window == top_level &&
  			(XCONFIG(event).width != window_w ||
  			XCONFIG(event).height != window_h)) {
! 			    register caddr_t old_mane_win = mane.win;
  			    window_w = XCONFIG(event).width;
  			    window_h = XCONFIG(event).height;
! 			    if (old_mane_win == NULL) home(False);
+ #ifndef X10
+ 		case MapNotify:		/* if running w/o WM */
+ 		    if (mane.win == NULL) {
+ 			reconfig();
+ 			home(False);
+ 		    }
+ 		    break;
+ #endif X10
  		case KeyPress:
  #ifndef X10
  		    string = trbuf;
*** 1657,1665 ****
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
! 	[-pagewidth <inches>] [-pageheight <inches>] [-mgs[n] <size>]\n\
! 	[-altfont <font>] [#<geometry>] [-geometry <geometry>]\n\
! 	[-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n", stderr);
  #else X10
  Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-rv]\n\
--- 1666,1674 ----
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
! 	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[#<geometry>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-display <host:display>]\n\
! 	[-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n", stderr);
  #else X10
  Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-rv]\n\
*** 1666,1673 ****
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
! 	[-pagewidth <inches>] [-pageheight <inches>] [-mgs[n] <size>]\n\
! 	[-altfont <font>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
  	[-display <host:display> | <host:display>] dvi_file\n", stderr);
  #endif X10
--- 1675,1682 ----
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
! 	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
  	[-display <host:display> | <host:display>] dvi_file\n", stderr);
  #endif X10
*** 1735,1744 ****
    (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
  {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
! {"pageWidth", "PageWidth", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
!   (Cardinal) &arg_page_w, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH},
! {"pageHeight", "PageHeight", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
!   (Cardinal) &arg_page_h, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT},
  {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &alt_font, XtRString, (caddr_t) ALTFONT},
  {"listFonts", "ListFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
--- 1744,1751 ----
    (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
  {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
! {"paper", "Paper", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
!   (Cardinal) &paper, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAPER},
  {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &alt_font, XtRString, (caddr_t) ALTFONT},
  {"listFonts", "ListFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
*** 1855,1862 ****
  {"-sidemargin",	"sideMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &sidemargin},
  {"-topmargin",	"topMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &topmargin},
  {"-altfont",	"altFont",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &alt_font},
! {"-pagewidth",	"pageWidth",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &arg_page_w},
! {"-pageheight",	"pageHeight",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &arg_page_h},
  {"-l",		"listFonts",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
  {"+l",		NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
  {"-rv",		"reverseVideo",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &reverse},
--- 1862,1868 ----
  {"-sidemargin",	"sideMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &sidemargin},
  {"-topmargin",	"topMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &topmargin},
  {"-altfont",	"altFont",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &alt_font},
! {"-paper",	"paper",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &paper},
  {"-l",		"listFonts",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
  {"+l",		NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
  {"-rv",		"reverseVideo",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &reverse},
*** 1968,1978 ****
  #ifndef X10
  	if ((DISP = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL)
! 	    oops("Can't open display\n");
  	SCRN = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(DISP);
  #else X10
  	if (XOpenDisplay(display) == NULL)
! 	    oops("Can't open display\n");
  #endif X10
  	for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
  	    if (opt->resource &&
--- 1974,1984 ----
  #ifndef X10
  	if ((DISP = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL)
! 	    oops("Can't open display");
  	SCRN = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(DISP);
  #else X10
  	if (XOpenDisplay(display) == NULL)
! 	    oops("Can't open display");
  #endif X10
  	for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
  	    if (opt->resource &&
*** 1997,2002 ****
--- 2003,2106 ----
  #endif	TOOLKIT
+ static	char	*paper_types[] = {
+ 	"us",		"8.5x11",
+ 	"usr",		"11x8.5",
+ 	"legal",	"8.5x14",
+ 	"foolscap",	"13.5x17.0",	/* ??? */
+ 	/* ISO `A' formats, Portrait */
+ 	"a1",		"59.4x84.0cm",
+ 	"a2",		"42.0x59.4cm",
+ 	"a3",		"29.7x42.0cm",
+ 	"a4",		"21.0x29.7cm",
+ 	"a5",		"14.85x21.0cm",
+ 	"a6",		"10.5x14.85cm",
+ 	"a7",		"7.42x10.5cm",
+ 	/* ISO `A' formats, Landscape */
+ 	"a1r",		"84.0x59.4cm",
+ 	"a2r",		"59.4x42.0cm",
+ 	"a3r",		"42.0x29.7cm",
+ 	"a4r",		"29.7x21.0cm",
+ 	"a5r",		"21.0x14.85cm",
+ 	"a6r",		"14.85x10.5cm",
+ 	"a7r",		"10.5x7.42cm",
+ 	/* ISO `B' formats, Portrait */
+ 	"b1",		"70.6x100.0cm",
+ 	"b2",		"50.0x70.6cm",
+ 	"b3",		"35.3x50.0cm",
+ 	"b4",		"25.0x35.3cm",
+ 	"b5",		"17.6x25.0cm",
+ 	"b6",		"13.5x17.6cm",
+ 	"b7",		"8.8x13.5cm",
+ 	/* ISO `B' formats, Landscape */
+ 	"b1r",		"100.0x70.6cm",
+ 	"b2r",		"70.6x50.0cm",
+ 	"b3r",		"50.0x35.3cm",
+ 	"b4r",		"35.3x25.0cm",
+ 	"b5r",		"25.0x17.6cm",
+ 	"b6r",		"17.6x13.5cm",
+ 	"b7r",		"13.5x8.8cm",
+ 	/* ISO `C' formats, Portrait */
+ 	"c1",		"64.8x91.6cm",
+ 	"c2",		"45.8x64.8cm",
+ 	"c3",		"32.4x45.8cm",
+ 	"c4",		"22.9x32.4cm",
+ 	"c5",		"16.2x22.9cm",
+ 	"c6",		"11.46x16.2cm",
+ 	"c7",		"8.1x11.46cm",
+ 	/* ISO `C' formats, Landscape */
+ 	"c1r",		"91.6x64.8cm",
+ 	"c2r",		"64.8x45.8cm",
+ 	"c3r",		"45.8x32.4cm",
+ 	"c4r",		"32.4x22.9cm",
+ 	"c5r",		"22.9x16.2cm",
+ 	"c6r",		"16.2x11.46cm",
+ 	"c7r",		"11.46x8.1cm",
+ };
+ static	Boolean
+ set_paper_type() {
+ 	char	temp[21];
+ 	int	i;
+ 	double	factor	= 1.0;
+ 	char	c;
+ 	char	**p;
+ 	char	*q;
+ 	if (strlen(paper) > 20) return False;
+ 	i = 0;
+ 	for (;;) {	/* convert to lower case */
+ 	    c = paper[i];
+ 	    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c ^= ('a' ^ 'A');
+ 	    temp[i] = c;
+ 	    if (c == '\0') break;
+ 	    ++i;
+ 	}
+ 	/* perform substitutions */
+ 	for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2)
+ 	    if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
+ 		(void) strcpy(temp, p[1]);
+ 		break;
+ 	    }
+ 	if (i > 2 && strcmp(temp + i - 2, "cm") == 0) {
+ 	    factor = 1.0 / 2.54;
+ 	    temp[i - 2] = '\0';
+ 	}
+ 	q = index(temp, 'x');
+ 	if (q == NULL) return False;
+ 	*q = '\0';
+ 	factor *= pixels_per_inch;
+ 	unshrunk_page_w = atof(temp) * factor + 0.5;
+ 	unshrunk_page_h = atof(q + 1) * factor + 0.5;
+ 	return (unshrunk_page_w != 0 && unshrunk_page_h != 0);
+ }
   *	main program
*** 2015,2022 ****
--- 2119,2128 ----
  	char	def[32];
  	int	mouspix;
  	Color	cdef;
+ 	int	x_thick, y_thick;
  #endif X10
  #endif	TOOLKIT
+ 	int	screen_w, screen_h;
  	prog = rindex(*argv, '/');
  	if (prog != NULL) ++prog; else prog = *argv;
*** 2055,2062 ****
  	if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
  	if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
  	if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
! 	unshrunk_page_w = atof(arg_page_w) * pixels_per_inch + 0.5;
! 	unshrunk_page_h = atof(arg_page_h) * pixels_per_inch + 0.5;
--- 2161,2167 ----
  	if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
  	if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
  	if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
! 	if (!set_paper_type()) oops("Don't recognize paper type %s", paper);
*** 2228,2250 ****
  	size_hints.x = size_hints.y = 0;
  	if (geometry != NULL) {
  	    int flag = XParseGeometry(geometry, &size_hints.x, &size_hints.y,
! 		&size_hints.width, &size_hints.height);
  	    if (flag & (XValue | YValue))
! 		size_hints.flags |= USSize | USPosition;
  	    if (flag & (WidthValue | HeightValue))
  		size_hints.flags |= USSize;
! 	    if (flag & XNegative) size_hints.x += screen_w - size_hints.width;
! 	    if (flag & YNegative) size_hints.y += screen_h - size_hints.height;
  	if (!(size_hints.flags & USSize)) {
  	    size_hints.flags |= PSize;
- 	    size_hints.width = page_w < screen_w ? page_w : screen_w;
- 	    size_hints.height = page_h < screen_h ? page_h : screen_h;
  	top_level = XCreateSimpleWindow(DISP, RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
! 		size_hints.x, size_hints.y, size_hints.width, size_hints.height,
! 		bwidth, fore_Pixel, back_Pixel);
  	XSetStandardProperties(DISP, top_level, dvi_name, prog, NULL,
  		argv, argc, &size_hints);
--- 2333,2366 ----
  	size_hints.x = size_hints.y = 0;
  	if (geometry != NULL) {
  	    int flag = XParseGeometry(geometry, &size_hints.x, &size_hints.y,
! 		&window_w, &window_h);
  	    if (flag & (XValue | YValue))
! 		size_hints.flags |= USPosition;
  	    if (flag & (WidthValue | HeightValue))
  		size_hints.flags |= USSize;
! 	    if (flag & XNegative) size_hints.x += screen_w - window_w;
! 	    if (flag & YNegative) size_hints.y += screen_h - window_h;
  	if (!(size_hints.flags & USSize)) {
+ 	    int x_thick = 0;
+ 	    int y_thick = 0;
+ 	    if (screen_w < page_w) x_thick = BAR_THICK;
+ 	    if (screen_h < page_h + x_thick) y_thick = BAR_THICK;
+ 	    window_w = page_w + y_thick;
+ 	    if (window_w > screen_w) {
+ 		x_thick = BAR_THICK;
+ 		window_w = screen_w;
+ 	    }
+ 	    window_h = page_h + x_thick;
+ 	    if (window_h > screen_h) window_h = screen_h;
  	    size_hints.flags |= PSize;
+ 	size_hints.width = window_w;
+ 	size_hints.height = window_h;
  	top_level = XCreateSimpleWindow(DISP, RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
! 		size_hints.x, size_hints.y, window_w, window_h, bwidth,
! 		fore_Pixel, back_Pixel);
  	XSetStandardProperties(DISP, top_level, dvi_name, prog, NULL,
  		argv, argc, &size_hints);
*** 2331,2338 ****
  	frame.bdrwidth = bwidth;
  	screen_w = DisplayWidth() - 2*bwidth;
  	screen_h = DisplayHeight() - 2*bwidth;
! 	frame.width = (page_w < screen_w ? page_w : screen_w);
! 	frame.height = (page_h < screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
  	frame.border = bdrmap;
  	frame.background = backmap;
  	frame.x = 0;
--- 2447,2462 ----
  	frame.bdrwidth = bwidth;
  	screen_w = DisplayWidth() - 2*bwidth;
  	screen_h = DisplayHeight() - 2*bwidth;
! 	x_thick = y_thick = 0;
! 	if (screen_w < page_w) x_thick = BAR_THICK;
! 	if (screen_h < page_h + x_thick) y_thick = BAR_THICK;
! 	frame.width = page_w + y_thick;
! 	if (frame.width > screen_w) {
! 	    x_thick = BAR_THICK;
! 	    frame.width = screen_w;
! 	}
! 	frame.height = page_h + x_thick;
! 	if (frame.height > screen_h) frame.height = screen_h;
  	frame.border = bdrmap;
  	frame.background = backmap;
  	frame.x = 0;
diff -cr old/xdvi.h new/xdvi.h
*** old/xdvi.h	Sun Feb  4 13:09:47 1990
--- new/xdvi.h	Sun Dec 10 20:29:55 1989
*** 7,13 ****
--- 7,23 ----
  #include <X11/Xos.h>	/* same as below */
  #else X10
  #include <sys/types.h>	/* for sites without X11 */
+ #ifdef	SYSV
+ #include <string.h>
+ #define index strchr
+ #define rindex strrchr
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #else /* SYSV */
+ #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /* SYSV */
+ #include <sys/file.h>
  #endif X10
  #include <setjmp.h>
  #define	OPEN_MODE	"r"
diff -cr old/xdvi.man.sed new/xdvi.man.sed
*** old/xdvi.man.sed	Sun Feb  4 13:09:50 1990
--- new/xdvi.man.sed	Sun Feb  4 13:28:33 1990
*** 12,19 ****
  [\-l] [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-margins \fIinches\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIinches\fP] [\-topmargin \fIinches\fP]
! [\-pagewidth \fIinches\fP] [\-pageheight \fIinches\fP]
! [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP] [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
  [#\fIgeometry\fP] [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-display \fIdisplay\fP]
  [-copy] [-thorough]
--- 12,18 ----
  [\-l] [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-margins \fIinches\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIinches\fP] [\-topmargin \fIinches\fP]
! [\-paper \fIpapertype\fP] [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP] [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
  [#\fIgeometry\fP] [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-display \fIdisplay\fP]
  [-copy] [-thorough]
*** 156,162 ****
  still cannot fit in the window, then the page is put in the window such that
  the top and left margins are hidden, and presumably the upper left-hand corner
  of the text on the page will be in the upper left-hand corner of the window.
! Otherwise, the text is centered in the window.  See also `\fBH\fR' under
  the KEY\%STROKES section.
  .BI \-sidemargin " inches"
--- 155,161 ----
  still cannot fit in the window, then the page is put in the window such that
  the top and left margins are hidden, and presumably the upper left-hand corner
  of the text on the page will be in the upper left-hand corner of the window.
! Otherwise, the text is centered in the window.  See also `\fBM\fR' under
  the KEY\%STROKES section.
  .BI \-sidemargin " inches"
*** 167,180 ****
  Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
! .BI \-pagewidth " inches"
! (%%dot%%pageWidth)
! Specifies the width of the printed page.
! .TP
! .BI \-pageheight " inches"
! (%%dot%%pageHeight)
! Specifies the height of the printed page.  By default, the page size
! is %%defaultpagesize%%.
  .BI "\-mgs[n]" " size"
--- 166,180 ----
  Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
! .BI \-paper " papertype"
! (%%dot%%paper)
! Specifies the size of the printed page.  This may be of the form
! \fIw\fRx\fIh\fR (or \fIw\fRx\fIh\fRcm), where \fIw\fR is the width in
! inches (or cm) and \fIh\fR is the height in inches (or cm), respectively.
! There are also synonyms which may be used:  us (8.5x11), usr (11x8.5),
! legal (8.5x14), foolscap (13.5x17), as well as the ISO sizes a1-a7,
! b1-b7, c1-c7, a1r-a7r (a1-a7 rotated), etc.  The default size is
! %%defaultpagesize%%.
  .BI "\-mgs[n]" " size"

		    O'Reilly && Associates
		argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
	   632 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol, CA 95472 
     800-338-NUTS, in CA: 800-533-NUTS, FAX 707-829-0104
    Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.