[comp.sources.x] v07i086: sm - a session manager, Patch1, Part01/01

mikew@maui.fx.com (Mike Wexler) (06/02/90)

Submitted-by: mikew@maui.fx.com (Mike Wexler)
Posting-number: Volume 7, Issue 86
Archive-name: sm/patch1
Patch-To: sm: Volume 7, Issue 78, 79

Here is the first patch to the version of SM that I just posted to
comp.sources.x here are the highlights:
1. Fixed bug where pressing Save State while the state was being saved 
   caused a core dump. 
2. Fixed several incompatibilities with ANSI C.
3. Ported to SGI.
4. Changed confirmation stuff to a dialog widget.
5. Added fallback resources so when the resource file can't be found, the
   problem is more obvious.
6. Changed the confirmPopup from a vendorShell to a transientShell.
7. Added a strdup function for those systems that don't have one.

After you apply the patch, you should delete these files, PropUtils.h 
and xdefs.h.

*** R4+/PatchLevel.h	Fri Jun  1 12:38:13 1990
--- ./PatchLevel.h	Fri Jun  1 13:05:07 1990
*** 24,28 ****
! #define PATCHLEVEL 4
  #define VERSION 4.0
--- 24,28 ----
! #define PATCHLEVEL 5
  #define VERSION 4.0
*** R4+/Actions.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:24 1990
--- ./Actions.c	Fri Jun  1 12:45:18 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: Actions.c,v 1.1 90/04/16 15:55:02 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: Actions.c,v 1.2 90/05/25 11:42:35 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 85,96 ****
  String	   *params;	/* params from the translation table */
  Cardinal   *numParams;	/* the number of params */
!     State        state;
      if (StateGet(&state, XtDisplay(homeForm)) >= 0)
  	(void) StateSave(&state);
  /* ARGSUSED */
--- 85,102 ----
  String	   *params;	/* params from the translation table */
  Cardinal   *numParams;	/* the number of params */
!     State       state;
!     static Bool	inProcess = False;
+     if (inProcess)
+ 	return;
+     inProcess = True;
      if (StateGet(&state, XtDisplay(homeForm)) >= 0)
  	(void) StateSave(&state);
+     inProcess = False;
+     return;
  /* ARGSUSED */
*** R4+/ICC.h	Fri Jun  1 12:38:12 1990
--- ./ICC.h	Fri Jun  1 12:46:08 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: ICC.h,v 3.0 89/11/20 09:24:42 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: ICC.h,v 3.1 90/06/01 12:48:35 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 29,32 ****
      Window          icon;
  }               WM_STATE;
- #define WithdrawnState 0
--- 29,31 ----
*** R4+/ICCUtils.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:12 1990
--- ./ICCUtils.c	Wed May 30 10:39:12 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: ICCUtils.c,v 3.1 90/04/16 16:39:28 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: ICCUtils.c,v 3.2 90/05/30 10:41:39 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 32,38 ****
  #include "Atoms.h"
  #include "ICC.h"
  #include "ICCUtils.h"
- #include "xdefs.h"
  #include "WinInfo.h"
  #include "State.h"
--- 32,37 ----
*** 94,100 ****
      /* do a zero length append to WM_PROTOCOLS to get a time stamp. */
      XSelectInput(display, window, PropertyChangeMask);
      XChangeProperty(display, window, wmProtocolsAtom, XA_ATOM, 32,
! 	 	    PropModeAppend, data, 0);
      for (;;) {
  	XtAppNextEvent(myAppContext, &event);
  	if (event.type == PropertyNotify && pEvent->window == window &&
--- 93,99 ----
      /* do a zero length append to WM_PROTOCOLS to get a time stamp. */
      XSelectInput(display, window, PropertyChangeMask);
      XChangeProperty(display, window, wmProtocolsAtom, XA_ATOM, 32,
! 	 	    PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) data, 0);
      for (;;) {
  	XtAppNextEvent(myAppContext, &event);
  	if (event.type == PropertyNotify && pEvent->window == window &&
*** 119,127 ****
  Window          window;		/* the window to be checked */
  Atom            protocol;	/* protocol to check for */
!     int             i;
!     Atom *protocols;
!     unsigned long numProtocols;
      protocols = NULL;
      /* Get the WM_PROTOCOLS property on the clients top-level window. */
--- 118,126 ----
  Window          window;		/* the window to be checked */
  Atom            protocol;	/* protocol to check for */
!     int		i;
!     Atom       *protocols;
!     long	numProtocols;
      protocols = NULL;
      /* Get the WM_PROTOCOLS property on the clients top-level window. */
*** 164,170 ****
      XSelectInput(display, window, PropertyChangeMask);	
      if ((cc = XSendEvent(display, window, False, NoEventMask,
! 	 &saveYourselfMessage)) != 1) {
  	Warning("SaveYourself", "XSendEvent failed to send client message.\n");
  	return (cc);
--- 163,169 ----
      XSelectInput(display, window, PropertyChangeMask);	
      if ((cc = XSendEvent(display, window, False, NoEventMask,
! 	 (XEvent *) &saveYourselfMessage)) != 1) {
  	Warning("SaveYourself", "XSendEvent failed to send client message.\n");
  	return (cc);
*** 183,189 ****
      State          *state;	/* anchor for the list of windows */
      Window          rootWindow, *childList, parentWindow;
!     int             childListLen;
      WinInfo        *wi;
      int             i;
--- 182,188 ----
      State          *state;	/* anchor for the list of windows */
      Window          rootWindow, *childList, parentWindow;
!     unsigned int    childListLen;
      WinInfo        *wi;
      int             i;
*** R4+/Imakefile	Fri Jun  1 12:38:26 1990
--- ./Imakefile	Fri Jun  1 12:48:01 1990
*** 1,7 ****
         PROGRAMS = sm
           SM_DIR = $(LIBDIR)/sm
          DEFINES = -DSM_DIR=\"${SM_DIR}\"
!   SYS_LIBRARIES = -lXaw -lXt -lXmu -lX11
            SRCS = Actions.c Atoms.c Globals.c \
                     ICCUtils.c PropUtils.c SM.c \
  		   StateMisc.c StateGet.c StateExecute.c StateRead.c \
--- 1,7 ----
         PROGRAMS = sm
           SM_DIR = $(LIBDIR)/sm
          DEFINES = -DSM_DIR=\"${SM_DIR}\"
            SRCS = Actions.c Atoms.c Globals.c \
                     ICCUtils.c PropUtils.c SM.c \
  		   StateMisc.c StateGet.c StateExecute.c StateRead.c \
*** R4+/Makefile	Fri Jun  1 12:38:27 1990
--- ./Makefile	Wed May 30 12:59:46 1990
*** 228,234 ****
         PROGRAMS = sm
           SM_DIR = $(LIBDIR)/sm
          DEFINES = -DSM_DIR=\"${SM_DIR}\"
!   SYS_LIBRARIES = -lXaw -lXt -lXmu -lX11
            SRCS = Actions.c Atoms.c Globals.c \
                     ICCUtils.c PropUtils.c SM.c \
  		   StateMisc.c StateGet.c StateExecute.c StateRead.c \
--- 228,234 ----
         PROGRAMS = sm
           SM_DIR = $(LIBDIR)/sm
          DEFINES = -DSM_DIR=\"${SM_DIR}\"
            SRCS = Actions.c Atoms.c Globals.c \
                     ICCUtils.c PropUtils.c SM.c \
  		   StateMisc.c StateGet.c StateExecute.c StateRead.c \
*** R4+/PropUtils.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:14 1990
--- ./PropUtils.c	Wed May 30 10:39:55 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: PropUtils.c,v 3.0 89/11/20 09:25:06 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: PropUtils.c,v 3.1 90/05/30 10:42:21 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 29,36 ****
  #include <X11/Xatom.h>
  #include "X11/Xutil.h"
  #include "ICC.h"
- #include "xdefs.h"
- #include "PropUtils.h"
  #include "Atoms.h"
--- 29,34 ----
*** 48,54 ****
      unsigned char **windowName;	/* window name(ISO Latin 1) */
      unsigned char **iconName;	/* icon name (ISO Latin 1) */
      Pixmap         *iconPixmap;	/* icon pixmap */
!     unsigned char ***argv;	/* command line argument list */
      int            *argc;	/* number of command line arguments */
      XSizeHints     *hints;	/* WM_NORMAL_HINTS */
      unsigned char **clientMachine;	/* WM_CLIENT_MACHINE */
--- 46,52 ----
      unsigned char **windowName;	/* window name(ISO Latin 1) */
      unsigned char **iconName;	/* icon name (ISO Latin 1) */
      Pixmap         *iconPixmap;	/* icon pixmap */
!     char 	 ***argv;	/* command line argument list */
      int            *argc;	/* number of command line arguments */
      XSizeHints     *hints;	/* WM_NORMAL_HINTS */
      unsigned char **clientMachine;	/* WM_CLIENT_MACHINE */
*** 65,71 ****
      else {
  	*clientMachine = NULL;
  	if (textProperty.value)
! 	    XFree(textProperty.value);
      XGetWMNormalHints(display, window, hints, &supplied);
      XGetWMName(display, window, &textProperty);
--- 63,69 ----
      else {
  	*clientMachine = NULL;
  	if (textProperty.value)
! 	    XFree((char *) textProperty.value);
      XGetWMNormalHints(display, window, hints, &supplied);
      XGetWMName(display, window, &textProperty);
*** 74,80 ****
      else {
  	*windowName = NULL;
  	if (textProperty.value)
! 	    XFree(textProperty.value);
      return (1);
--- 72,78 ----
      else {
  	*windowName = NULL;
  	if (textProperty.value)
! 	    XFree((char *) textProperty.value);
      return (1);
*** R4+/SM.ad	Fri Jun  1 12:38:26 1990
--- ./SM.ad	Fri Jun  1 12:48:36 1990
*** 29,54 ****
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()saveState()\n
  SM.homeForm.saveStateButton.fromHoriz:		quitButton
- SM.confirmPopup.geometry:				174x80+500+400
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.borderWidth:		0
! SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.confirmLabel.label:	Save State?
! SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.confirmLabel.borderWidth:	0
- SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitYesButton.fromVert:	confirmLabel
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitYesButton.label:	Yes
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitYesButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()saveState()exit()\n
- SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.fromHoriz: exitYesButton
- SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.fromVert:	confirmLabel
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.label:	No
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()exit()\n
- SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.fromHoriz:	exitNoButton
- SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.fromVert:	confirmLabel
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.label:	Cancel
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()cancel()\n
--- 29,46 ----
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()saveState()\n
  SM.homeForm.saveStateButton.fromHoriz:		quitButton
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.borderWidth:		0
! SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm*label:	Save State?
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitYesButton.label:	Yes
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitYesButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()saveState()exit()\n
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.label:	No
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.exitNoButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()exit()\n
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.label:	Cancel
  SM.confirmPopup.confirmForm.cancelButton.translations:#override \
  	<Btn1Up>:	notify()unset()cancel()\n
*** R4+/SM.h	Fri Jun  1 12:38:15 1990
--- ./SM.h	Wed May 30 12:01:56 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: SM.h,v 3.1 90/04/16 17:20:59 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: SM.h,v 3.4 90/05/30 12:04:22 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 56,59 ****
--- 56,61 ----
  extern void     Warning();
  extern void     PWarning();
  extern void     Usage();
+ #if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(sgi)
  extern char    *strdup();
+ #endif
*** R4+/StateGet.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:17 1990
--- ./StateGet.c	Wed May 30 10:41:44 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: StateGet.c,v 3.1 90/04/16 17:19:06 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: StateGet.c,v 3.3 90/05/30 10:44:14 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 31,39 ****
  #include <X11/Xutil.h>
  #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include "xdefs.h"
  #include "Top.h"
- #include "PropUtils.h"
  #include "ICCUtils.h"
  #include "WinInfo.h"
  #include "State.h"
--- 31,37 ----
*** 122,128 ****
  	if (event.type == PropertyNotify && pEvent->atom == XA_WM_COMMAND) {
  	    wi = StateGetWinInfoByRid(state, pEvent->window);
  	    if (wi && wi->saveYourselfState == Saving) {
! 		if (XGetCommand(display, wi->rid, &wi->argv, &wi->argc) != 1) {
  		    StateRemoveWinInfo(state, wi);
--- 120,127 ----
  	if (event.type == PropertyNotify && pEvent->atom == XA_WM_COMMAND) {
  	    wi = StateGetWinInfoByRid(state, pEvent->window);
  	    if (wi && wi->saveYourselfState == Saving) {
! 		if (XGetCommand(display, wi->rid, (char ***) &wi->argv, 
! 				&wi->argc) != 1) {
  		    StateRemoveWinInfo(state, wi);
*** 130,138 ****
  		  wi->saveYourselfState = Saved;
- 	XSelectInput(display, wi->rid, NoEventMask);
      return (SM_SUCCESS);
--- 129,137 ----
  		  wi->saveYourselfState = Saved;
+ 	    XSelectInput(display, wi->rid, NoEventMask);
      return (SM_SUCCESS);
*** 223,235 ****
      XGetWindowAttributes(display, wi->rid, &attr);
      XGetWindowAttributes(display, wi->parentRid, &parentAttr);
      if (XGetStandardProperties(display, wi->rid, &wmName, &wmIconName,
! 			       &iconPixmap, &wi->argc, &wi->argv,
  		       &wmNormalHints, &wi->wmClientMachine) != 1)
  	return (SM_FAILURE);
      ComputeGeometry(&attr, &parentAttr, &wmNormalHints, 
  		    &wi->x, &wi->y, &wi->height, &wi->width);
      if (wmIconName) 
! 	XFree(wmIconName);
      /* If the guy doesn't have a WM_COMMAND property, we can't restart him. */
      if (!wi->argv != NULL || !wi->argv[0]) {
  	if (!wmName)
--- 222,234 ----
      XGetWindowAttributes(display, wi->rid, &attr);
      XGetWindowAttributes(display, wi->parentRid, &parentAttr);
      if (XGetStandardProperties(display, wi->rid, &wmName, &wmIconName,
! 			       &iconPixmap, &wi->argc, (char ***) &wi->argv,
  		       &wmNormalHints, &wi->wmClientMachine) != 1)
  	return (SM_FAILURE);
      ComputeGeometry(&attr, &parentAttr, &wmNormalHints, 
  		    &wi->x, &wi->y, &wi->height, &wi->width);
      if (wmIconName) 
! 	XFree((char *) wmIconName);
      /* If the guy doesn't have a WM_COMMAND property, we can't restart him. */
      if (!wi->argv != NULL || !wi->argv[0]) {
  	if (!wmName)
*** 239,245 ****
  	wi->argc = 1;
      if (wmName)
! 	XFree(wmName);
      (void) XGetClassHint(display, wi->rid, &wi->wmClass);
      if ( XGetWMState(display, wi->rid, &wi->wmState) != 1)
  	return (SM_FAILURE);
--- 238,244 ----
  	wi->argc = 1;
      if (wmName)
! 	XFree((char *) wmName);
      (void) XGetClassHint(display, wi->rid, &wi->wmClass);
      if ( XGetWMState(display, wi->rid, &wi->wmState) != 1)
  	return (SM_FAILURE);
*** R4+/StateRead.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:23 1990
--- ./StateRead.c	Fri Jun  1 12:47:00 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: StateRead.c,v 1.1 90/04/16 17:20:22 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: StateRead.c,v 1.2 90/06/01 12:49:30 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 126,132 ****
      *p = 0;
!     *result = (unsigned char *) XtMalloc(p - temp + 1);
      strcpy(*result, temp);
--- 126,132 ----
      *p = 0;
!     *result = (unsigned char *) XtMalloc((char *) (p - temp + 1));
      strcpy(*result, temp);
*** 285,292 ****
--- 285,294 ----
  char *file;
      struct passwd  *pw;
+ #ifndef FUNCPROTO
      int             endpwent();
      struct passwd  *getpwuid();
+ #endif
      char           *home;
      static char     path[256];
*** R4+/StateSave.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:19 1990
--- ./StateSave.c	Fri Jun  1 12:47:17 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: StateSave.c,v 3.1 90/04/16 17:20:04 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: StateSave.c,v 3.2 90/06/01 12:49:49 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 31,39 ****
  #include <X11/Xutil.h>
  #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include "xdefs.h"
  #include "Top.h"
- #include "PropUtils.h"
  #include "ICCUtils.h"
  #include "WinInfo.h"
  #include "State.h"
--- 31,37 ----
*** R4+/TODO	Fri Jun  1 12:38:08 1990
--- ./TODO	Fri Jun  1 10:29:52 1990
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,5 ----
+ 0. Create a NullString define that is defined as ((char *) 0)
  1. Create a better way of starting remote clients.
  [If anyone has any idea or code on how to start clients on a remote machine
  that is portable, please let me know. -mcw]
*** 35,37 ****
--- 37,43 ----
      was started by sm.
  14. Implement a display state function that displays the current state.
+ 15. Add a resource to control the default path on the remote machine. This
+     is very important for people who use sh and its derivatives since these
+     shells won't set the path automatically when rsh is executed.
*** R4+/Top.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:19 1990
--- ./Top.c	Wed May 30 10:41:11 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: Top.c,v 3.1 90/04/16 17:20:44 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: Top.c,v 3.2 90/05/30 10:43:36 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 30,36 ****
  #include <X11/Shell.h>
  #include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
  #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
! #include <X11/Vendor.h>
  #include "ICC.h"
  #include "Top.h"
--- 30,36 ----
  #include <X11/Shell.h>
  #include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
  #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
! #include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
  #include "ICC.h"
  #include "Top.h"
*** 72,77 ****
--- 72,86 ----
  	 XtOffset(ApplicationDataPtr, metaChars), XtRString, "*#\"\\"},
+ static char *fallbackResources[] = {
+  "SM.homeForm.quitButton.translations:	#override \\n   <Btn1Up>: exit()",
+  "SM.homeForm.quitButton.Label:                 Quit",
+  "SM.homeForm.saveStateButton.sensitive:        FALSE",
+  "SM.homeForm.saveStateButton.fromHoriz:        quitButton",
+  "SM.homeForm.saveStateButton.Label:            No app-defaults file found",
+  NULL,
+ };
   * Description: Create the top-level widgets.
*** 110,119 ****
      Widget          exitNoButton;
      Widget          cancelButton;
!     confirmPopup = XtCreatePopupShell("confirmPopup", vendorShellWidgetClass,
  				      parent, NULL, 0);
!     confirmForm = XtCreateManagedWidget("confirmForm", formWidgetClass, 
  					NULL, 0);
--- 119,129 ----
      Widget          exitNoButton;
      Widget          cancelButton;
!     confirmPopup = XtCreatePopupShell("confirmPopup", 
! 				      transientShellWidgetClass,
  				      parent, NULL, 0);
!     confirmForm = XtCreateManagedWidget("confirmForm", dialogWidgetClass, 
  					NULL, 0);
*** 153,159 ****
      n = 0;
      topShell = XtAppInitialize(&myAppContext, "SM",
  			       options, XtNumber(options), 
! 			       &argc, argv, NULL, args, n);
      if (argc != 1)
      XtGetApplicationResources(topShell, (XtPointer) &applData, tsResources,
--- 163,169 ----
      n = 0;
      topShell = XtAppInitialize(&myAppContext, "SM",
  			       options, XtNumber(options), 
! 			       &argc, argv, fallbackResources, args, n);
      if (argc != 1)
      XtGetApplicationResources(topShell, (XtPointer) &applData, tsResources,
*** R4+/Utils.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:20 1990
--- ./Utils.c	Wed May 30 12:01:24 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: Utils.c,v 3.1 90/04/16 17:20:41 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: Utils.c,v 3.2 90/05/30 12:03:52 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 100,102 ****
--- 100,116 ----
+ #if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(sgi)
+ char *
+ strdup(str)
+ char	*str;
+ {
+     char *dup;
+     dup = malloc(strlen(str) + 1);
+     if (dup == NULL)
+ 	return (NULL);
+     strcpy(dup, str);
+     return(dup);
+ }
+ #endif
*** R4+/WinInfo.c	Fri Jun  1 12:38:21 1990
--- ./WinInfo.c	Wed May 30 13:00:50 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: WinInfo.c,v 3.0 89/11/20 09:25:45 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
  and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: WinInfo.c,v 3.1 90/05/30 13:03:15 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
  and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
*** 64,70 ****
      WinInfoPtr        winInfo;	/* pointer to the WinInfo structure to free */
!     XtFree(winInfo);
      return (SM_SUCCESS);
--- 64,70 ----
      WinInfoPtr        winInfo;	/* pointer to the WinInfo structure to free */
!     XtFree((char *) winInfo);
      return (SM_SUCCESS);
*** R4+/osdefs.h	Fri Jun  1 12:38:25 1990
--- ./osdefs.h	Wed May 30 10:40:39 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! $Header: osdefs.h,v 3.0 89/11/20 09:25:48 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
--- 1,6 ----
! $Header: osdefs.h,v 3.2 90/05/30 10:43:00 mikew Exp $
  Copyright 1989 by Mike Wexler, Santa Clara, Ca.
*** 24,36 ****
! extern int      exit();
! extern int      fprintf();
  extern char    *sprintf();
- extern int      perror();
- extern int      gethostname();
- extern int      fclose();
- extern int      getuid();
  extern char    *getenv();
! extern int      access();
! extern int      system();
--- 24,30 ----
! #ifndef FUNCPROTO
  extern char    *sprintf();
  extern char    *getenv();
! #endif

O'Reilly && Associates   argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.