[net.games.rogue] **** BIGGEST SPOILER EVER ****

lee@unmvax.UUCP (05/07/84)

 Ha, I know how to piss some people off. What follows here (in shar format)
is a program to diddle with rogue 5.3 score files. Add new postings! Delete
your enemies! Relace them if you'ld like! 

 Go ahead, flame me. See if I care...

			--Lee (Ward)

   To install, remove the first line through and
 including the dashed line. Get the .signature at the end too. Then type:

   % sh <thisfilename>

: Run this with sh NOT csh!
echo extracting README
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > README
----------------- 5.3 rogue score file manipulation -----------

Just type make to make the mess. The binary will be called "score". It prompts
for commands with an asterisk. Invoke the binary with:

score    location_of_scorefile    number_of_entries_kept_in_the_score_file

(e.g. I use: score /usr/games/lib/rogue_roll 10)

The commands:
	add		add a posting (if legal)
	replace		a position with a new postng (no checks)
	delete		delete an entry
	list		list the score file out
	write		update the score file from in core copy. No locks!
	quit		back to shell

echo extracting Makefile
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > Makefile

OBJ= main.o encread.o data.o encwrite.o

SRC= main.c encread.c data.c encwrite.c

score: \$(OBJ)
	cc \$(CFLAGS) -o score \$(OBJ)

	-rm -f \$(OBJ) score

main.o: rogue.h
echo extracting rogue.h
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > rogue.h
struct scorefilefmt {
	int	sc_uid;
	int	sc_gold;
	int	sc_space1;
	short	sc_killindex;
	char	sc_name[80];
	short	sc_level;
	int	sc_space2;
echo extracting main.c
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > main.c
# include <stdio.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include "rogue.h"

# define PROMPTSTR	"* "

extern int errno;

char *malloc();
struct passwd *getpwuid();
struct scorefilefmt *buildent();

main (argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	char *file;
	int fd;
	char cbuf[BUFSIZ];
	struct scorefilefmt *buf;
	int numscores;
	int x,y;
	int done = 0;

	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s rogue_roll numscores\\n", argv[0]);
		exit (1);
	file = argv[1];
	numscores = atoi(argv[2]);

	if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
		exit (errno);

	if ((buf =
	    (struct scorefilefmt *)malloc(sizeof(struct scorefilefmt) *
	    numscores)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed!\\n");
		exit (errno);

	encread ((char *)buf, sizeof(struct scorefilefmt) * numscores, fd);

	while (!done) {
		fputs(PROMPTSTR, stdout);
		if (gets(cbuf) == NULL)
			exit (0);
		printf ("command is \\"%s\\"\\n", cbuf);
		if (strcmp(cbuf, "list") == 0) {
			report (buf, numscores);
		} else if (strcmp(cbuf, "replace") == 0) {
			struct scorefilefmt *newent;

			newent = buildent();
			do {
				getstring("Position? ", cbuf);
			} while ((x = atoi(cbuf)) <= 0 || x >= numscores);
			bcopy((char *)newent, (char *)(buf + x - 1),
		} else if (strcmp(cbuf, "delete") == 0) {
			do {
				getstring("Position? ",  cbuf);
			} while ((x = atoi(cbuf)) <= 0 || x >= numscores);
			if (x != numscores) {
				bcopy((char *)(buf + x), (char *)(buf + x - 1),
				    (numscores - x) * sizeof(*buf));
			(buf + numscores)->sc_uid = -1;
		} else if (strcmp(cbuf, "add") == 0) {
			struct scorefilefmt *newent;

			newent = buildent();
			x = 0;
			while (x < numscores  &&
			    (buf + x)->sc_gold > newent->sc_gold &&
			    (buf + x)->sc_uid != newent->sc_uid)
			if (x < numscores &&
			    (buf + x)->sc_uid == newent->sc_uid &&
			    (buf + x)->sc_gold > newent->sc_gold)
				x = numscores;
			y = x;
			while (y < numscores) {
				if ( (buf + y)->sc_uid == newent->sc_uid) {
					if (y < numscores - 1)
						bcopy((char *)(buf + y + 1),
						    (char *)(buf + y),
						    sizeof(*buf) * (numscores
						    - 1 - y));
			if (x < numscores) {
				if (x < numscores - 1 &&
				    (buf + x)->sc_uid != newent->sc_uid)
					for (y = numscores - 2; y >= x ; y--)
						bcopy((char *)(buf + y),
						    (char *)(buf + y + 1),
				bcopy((char *)newent, (char *)(buf + x),
		} else if (strcmp (cbuf, "quit") == 0) {
		} else if (strcmp (cbuf, "write") == 0) {
			FILE *sd;

			getstring ("File? ", cbuf);
			file = *cbuf == NULL ? file : cbuf;
			if ((sd = fopen(file, "w")) != NULL) {
				encwrite ((char *)buf,
				    sizeof(struct scorefilefmt) * numscores,
			} else
		} else {
			printf ("Illegal command.\\n");
		fflush (stdout);

struct scorefilefmt *buildent ()
	static struct scorefilefmt ent;
	struct passwd *pwent;
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	int x;

	for (x = 0; x < sizeof(ent.sc_name); x++)
		ent.sc_name[x] = NULL;
	do {
		getstring("User name? ", buf);
	} while ((pwent = getpwnam(buf)) == NULL);
	ent.sc_uid = pwent->pw_uid;
	getstring("Rogue name? ", buf);
	strncpy(ent.sc_name, buf, sizeof(ent.sc_name) - 1);
	do {
		getstring("Died where? ", buf);
	} while ((ent.sc_level = atoi(buf)) <= 0);
	getstring("How? ", buf);
	ent.sc_killindex = atoi(buf);
	do {
		getstring("Gold? ", buf);
	} while ((ent.sc_gold = atoi(buf)) <= 0);
	return (&ent);

getstring(prompt, bufp)
	char *prompt;
	char *bufp;

	fputs(prompt, stdout);
	while (gets(bufp) == NULL)

report (scores, numscores)
	struct scorefilefmt *scores;
	int numscores;
	struct passwd *pwent;

	while (numscores--) {
		if ((pwent = getpwuid(scores->sc_uid)) != NULL) {
			printf ("%8s (\\"%s\\"):",
			    pwent->pw_name, scores->sc_name);
			printf ("\\n\\tkilled on level: %d", scores->sc_level);
			printf ("\\n\\twith %d pieces of gold", scores->sc_gold);
			printf ("\\n\\tby monster number %d\\n",
		} else
			printf ("**** Inactive record ****\\n");

bcopy (src, dst, count)
	register char *src;
	register char *dst;
	register int count;

	while (count--)
		*dst++ = *src++;
echo extracting data.c
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > data.c
/* encstr, Frob and statlist as ripped from the rogue 5.3 binary

char Frob = 0;

char encstr[] = {
	0xc0,	0x6b,
	0x7c,	0x7c,
	0x60,	0xa9,
	0x59,	0x2e,
	0x27,	0xc5,
	0xd1,	0x81,
	0x2b,	0xbf,
	0x7e,	0x72,
	0x22,	0x5d,
	0x13,	0x38,
	0x5f,	0x93,
	0x3d,	0x31,
	0xe1,	0x29,
	0x92,	0x8a,
	0xa1,	0x74,
	0x3b,	0x9,
	0x24,	0xb8,
	0xcc,	0x2f,
	0x3c,	0x23,
	0x81,	0xac,
	0,	0,
	0,	0,

char statlist[] = {
	0xed,	0x6b,
	0x6c,	0x7b,
	0x2b,	0x84,
	0xad,	0xcb,
	0x69,	0x64,
	0x4a,	0xf1,
	0x8c,	0x3d,
	0x34,	0x3a,
	0xc9,	0xb9,
	0xe1,	0x77,
	0x4b,	0x3c,
	0xca,	0x19,
	0x39,	0x8b,
	0x2c,	0x2c,
	0x37,	0xb9,
	0x2f,	0x52,
	0x6b,	0x25,
	0x08,	0xca,
	0x0c,	0xa6,
	0,	0,
echo extracting encread.c
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > encread.c
/* This is a C version of encread from Rogue. The 5.3 binary was
 * disassembled and then turned into this mess.

extern char Frob;
extern char encstr[];
extern char statlist[];

encread (bufp,numbytes,fd)
	char *bufp;
	int numbytes;
	int fd;
	char x;
	char *encptr;
	char *statp;
	int rtn;

	x = Frob;
	rtn = read (fd, bufp, numbytes);
	if ( rtn == 0 || rtn == -1)
		return (rtn);
	encptr = encstr;
	while (1) {
		statp = statlist;
		while (*statp) {
			if (numbytes-- == 0)
				return (0);
			*(bufp++) ^= *encptr ^ *statp ^ x;
			x = (char )((int )x +
			    ((int )*encptr++ * (int )*statp++));
			if (*encptr == 0)
				encptr = encstr;
echo extracting encwrite.c
cat << //*FUNKYSTUFF*// > encwrite.c
/* Encwrite, to write (encrypted) the rogue score file for 5.3

# include <stdio.h>

extern char Frob;
extern char encstr[];
extern char statlist[];

encwrite (bufp,numbytes,sd)
	char *bufp;
	int numbytes;
	FILE *sd;
	char x;
	char *encptr;
	char *statp;

	x = Frob;
	encptr = encstr;
	while (1) {
		statp = statlist;
		while (*statp) {
			if (numbytes-- == 0) {
				return (0);
			fputc (*bufp++ ^ *encptr ^ *statp ^ x, sd);
			x = (char )((int )x +
			    ((int )*encptr++ * (int )*statp++));
			if (*encptr == 0)
				encptr = encstr;
			--Lee (Ward)