[comp.sources.x] v10i089: xv - display and manipulate images, Patch3, Part01/01

bradley@grip.cis.upenn.edu (John Bradley) (12/01/90)

Submitted-by: bradley@grip.cis.upenn.edu (John Bradley)
Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 89
Archive-name: xv/patch3
Patch-To: xv: Volume 10, Issue 79-88

The following takes XV from patchlevel 2 to patchlevel 3.  Apply with 
'patch -p <patch3'.  

Please reread the README file after applying this patch.

Changes since patchlevel 2:
Changed 'CCOPTIONS' to 'DEFINES' in Imakefile

Fixes for use with virtual root window managers (ie, tvtwm)
	(only cares about virtual root when using '-root' option,
	 negative geometry's correctly handled.)
			(Andreas Stolcke   (stolcke@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU))

Modifications for Sequent machines (no 'mem*() routines)
			(Daniel Pommert    (daniel@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu))

Modifications to avoid bug in certain optimizers, most notably the default
optimization (-O) in Sun's C compiler.  (Incorrectly handles lines of the
sort "*p = array[*p]")

Modification to get around 'when I shift my arrow keys (to adjust the
cropping rectangle), my keyboard generates numbers instead' problem
			(Mark Horstman     (mh2620@sarek.sbc.com)

Modification to allow 'xsetroot' and 'xloadimage' to cleanup any
xv-displayed images in the root window, and vice-versa.
		(suggestion from Richard Bingle    (bingle@cs.purdue.edu))

John Bradley  -  GRASP Lab  -  University of Pennsylvania

--------------------(cut here)---------------------
*** ../xv.dist2/Imakefile	Mon Nov 26 18:47:35 1990
--- ./Imakefile	Thu Nov 29 14:27:51 1990
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,35 ----
+ /* If your machine doesn't have the 'strchr', 'memset' and 'memcpy'
+  * functions, but does have 'bcopy', uncomment the following line:
+  */
  /* IF YOUR MACHINE DOESN'T HAVE 'vprintf()' OR 'vsprintf()'
*** 77,83 ****
  SYS_LIBRARIES=        $(XLIB) -lm
  SYS_LIBRARIES=	-lX11 -lm
--- 81,88 ----
  SYS_LIBRARIES=        $(XLIB) -lm
  SYS_LIBRARIES=	-lX11 -lm

*** ../xv.dist2/Makefile	Mon Nov 26 19:34:33 1990
--- ./Makefile	Thu Nov 29 13:07:07 1990
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,40 ----
+ # If your machine doesn't have the 'strchr', 'memset' and 'memcpy' functions,
+ # but does have 'bcopy', uncomment the following line:
+ #
  # IF YOUR MACHINE DOESN'T HAVE 'vprintf()' OR 'vsprintf()'
*** 87,94 ****
! 	$(UNIX)
  LIBS = -lX11 -lm
--- 91,98 ----
! 	$(UNIX) $(USEMEM)
  LIBS = -lX11 -lm

*** ../xv.dist2/Makefile.std	Mon Nov 26 18:47:54 1990
--- ./Makefile.std	Thu Nov 29 13:06:53 1990
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,40 ----
+ # If your machine doesn't have the 'strchr', 'memset' and 'memcpy' functions,
+ # but does have 'bcopy', uncomment the following line:
+ #
  # IF YOUR MACHINE DOESN'T HAVE 'vprintf()' OR 'vsprintf()'
*** 88,94 ****
! 	$(UNIX)
  LIBS = -lX11 -lm
--- 92,98 ----
! 	$(UNIX) $(USEMEM)
  LIBS = -lX11 -lm

*** ../xv.dist2/PATCHLEVEL	Mon Nov 26 18:55:42 1990
--- ./PATCHLEVEL	Thu Nov 29 13:48:36 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! Current patchlevel:  2
  Rev: 10/9/90    (patchlevel 0  -  initial release)
--- 1,4 ----
! Current patchlevel:  3
  Rev: 10/9/90    (patchlevel 0  -  initial release)
*** 33,39 ****
  fixed problem with using '-max' and '-fixed' at same time
  			(Greg Spencer   greg@longs.lance.colostate.edu)
  modification to work with Virtual Root Windows (ala swm and tvtwm)
  			(Bill Kucharski  kucharsk@solbourne.com)
--- 33,38 ----
*** 56,58 ****
--- 55,84 ----
  AutoCrop command added:  (Crops out solid borders.)
  Potential support for 32-bit displays.  (Hasn't been tested.  Don't have one.)
+ Rev: 11/29/90  (patchlevel 3)
+ -----------------------------
+ Changed 'CCOPTIONS' to 'DEFINES' in Imakefile
+ Fixes for use with virtual root window managers (ie, tvtwm)
+ 	(only cares about virtual root when using '-root' option,
+ 	 negative geometry's correctly handled.)
+ 			(Andreas Stolcke   (stolcke@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU))
+ Modifications for Sequent machines (no 'mem*() routines)
+ 			(Daniel Pommert    (daniel@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu))
+ Modifications to avoid bug in certain optimizers, most notably the default
+ optimization (-O) in Sun's C compiler.  (Incorrectly handles lines of the
+ sort "*p = array[*p]")
+ Modification to get around 'when I shift my arrow keys (to adjust the
+ cropping rectangle), my keyboard generates numbers instead' problem
+ 			(Mark Horstman     (mh2620@sarek.sbc.com)
+ Modification to allow 'xsetroot' and 'xloadimage' to cleanup any
+ xv-displayed images in the root window, and vice-versa.
+ 			(Richard Bingle    (bingle@cs.purdue.edu))

*** ../xv.dist2/README	Mon Nov 26 18:47:45 1990
--- ./README	Thu Nov 29 13:46:00 1990
*** 13,18 ****
--- 13,24 ----
  Otherwise, check the Imakefile, and make the program however you normally 
  would.  Be sure to 'make depend' before building the program.
+ NOTE:  If you like the program and decide to use it, *please* send me a short
+ email message to that effect.  Be sure to mention the full name of your
+ organization.  When our sponsors ask us 'what have you been doing', it would
+ be most handy to be able to come up with a nice long list of organizations
+ that are using code developed in the GRASP Lab.  Brownie points, as it were.

*** ../xv.dist2/vprintf.c	Mon Nov 26 18:48:11 1990
--- ./vprintf.c	Thu Nov 29 12:57:53 1990
*** 1,7 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  /* Portable vsprintf  by Robert A. Larson <blarson@skat.usc.edu> */
  /* Portable vfprintf  by Robert A. Larson <blarson@skat.usc.edu> */
--- 1,6 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  /* Portable vsprintf  by Robert A. Larson <blarson@skat.usc.edu> */
  /* Portable vfprintf  by Robert A. Larson <blarson@skat.usc.edu> */
*** 304,306 ****
--- 303,346 ----
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ char *strchr(s1,c)
+ char *s1;
+ int c;
+ {
+     char *p;
+     p=s1;
+     while(*p)
+        if(*(p++) == c)
+            return p-1;
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ void *memset(s,c,n)
+ char *s;
+ int c;
+ size_t n;
+ {
+     char *p;
+     for (p=s; n--;)
+        *(p++) = c;
+     return;
+ }
+ #endif  /* NEED_MEMROUTINES */

*** ../xv.dist2/xv.c	Mon Nov 26 19:35:12 1990
--- ./xv.c	Thu Nov 29 13:44:53 1990
*** 445,473 ****
    dispDEEP  = DisplayPlanes(theDisp,theScreen);
!   /* go look for a virtual root */
!   __SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom(theDisp, "__SWM_VROOT", False);
!   XQueryTree(theDisp, rootW, &rootReturn, &parentReturn, &children,
! 	     &numChildren);
!   for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
!     Atom actual_type;
!     int actual_format;
!     unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
!     Window *newRoot = NULL;
!     XWindowAttributes xwa;
!     if (XGetWindowProperty (theDisp, children[i], __SWM_VROOT, 0, 1,
            False, XA_WINDOW, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
  	  &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &newRoot) == Success && newRoot) {
!       rootW = *newRoot;
!       XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp, rootW, &xwa);
!       dispWIDE = xwa.width;  dispHIGH = xwa.height;
!       dispDEEP = xwa.depth;
!       break;
-   }
    /* have enough info to do a '-clear' now */
-   if (clrroot || useroot) {
      XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, rootW, None);
      XClearWindow(theDisp, rootW);
--- 445,473 ----
    dispDEEP  = DisplayPlanes(theDisp,theScreen);
!   if (clrroot || useroot) {
!     /* go look for a virtual root */
!     __SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom(theDisp, "__SWM_VROOT", False);
!     XQueryTree(theDisp, rootW, &rootReturn, &parentReturn, &children,
! 	       &numChildren);
!     for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
!       Atom actual_type;
!       int actual_format;
!       unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
!       Window *newRoot = NULL;
!       XWindowAttributes xwa;
!       if (XGetWindowProperty (theDisp, children[i], __SWM_VROOT, 0, 1,
            False, XA_WINDOW, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
  	  &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &newRoot) == Success && newRoot) {
! 	rootW = *newRoot;
! 	XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp, rootW, &xwa);
! 	dispWIDE = xwa.width;  dispHIGH = xwa.height;
! 	dispDEEP = xwa.depth;
! 	break;
!       }
    /* have enough info to do a '-clear' now */
      XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, rootW, None);
      XClearWindow(theDisp, rootW);
*** 1306,1315 ****
  	stlen = XLookupString(key_event,buf,128,&ks,&status);
  	/* do non-character processing (arrow-keys, that is) */
! 	if      (ks==XK_Left)  CropKey(-1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
! 	else if (ks==XK_Right) CropKey( 1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
! 	else if (ks==XK_Up)    CropKey( 0,-1, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
! 	else if (ks==XK_Down)  CropKey( 0, 1, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
  	if (!stlen) break;
--- 1306,1319 ----
  	stlen = XLookupString(key_event,buf,128,&ks,&status);
  	/* do non-character processing (arrow-keys, that is) */
! 	if      (ks==XK_Left  || ks==XK_KP_4)  
! 	  { stlen = 0;  CropKey(-1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask); }
! 	else if (ks==XK_Right || ks==XK_KP_6) 
! 	  { stlen = 0;  CropKey( 1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask); }
! 	else if (ks==XK_Up    || ks==XK_KP_8)
! 	  { stlen = 0;  CropKey( 0,-1, key_event->state & ShiftMask); }
! 	else if (ks==XK_Down  || ks==XK_KP_2)
! 	  { stlen = 0;  CropKey( 0, 1, key_event->state & ShiftMask); }
  	if (!stlen) break;
*** 2147,2154 ****
    riPix = XCreatePixmap(theDisp, rootW, 1, 1, 1);
    if (!riPix) return;   /* unable to save.  thankfully, unlikely to happen */
!   prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XV_PIXMAP", False);
!   if (!prop) FatalError("couldn't create _XV_PIXMAP atom");
    XChangeProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, XA_PIXMAP, 32, PropModeReplace,
  		  (unsigned char *) &riPix, 1);
--- 2151,2158 ----
    riPix = XCreatePixmap(theDisp, rootW, 1, 1, 1);
    if (!riPix) return;   /* unable to save.  thankfully, unlikely to happen */
!   prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XSETROOT_ID", False);
!   if (!prop) FatalError("couldn't create _XSETROOT_ID atom");
    XChangeProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, XA_PIXMAP, 32, PropModeReplace,
  		  (unsigned char *) &riPix, 1);
*** 2160,2166 ****
  static void KillOldRootInfo()
!   /* get the pixmap ID from the _XV_PIXMAP property, and kill it */
    Atom           prop, type;
    int            format;
--- 2164,2170 ----
  static void KillOldRootInfo()
!   /* get the pixmap ID from the _XSETROOT_ID property, and kill it */
    Atom           prop, type;
    int            format;
*** 2167,2173 ****
    unsigned long  length, after;
    unsigned char *data;
!   prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XV_PIXMAP", True);
    if (!prop) return;    /* no old pixmap to kill */
    if (XGetWindowProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, 0L, 1L, True, AnyPropertyType,
--- 2171,2177 ----
    unsigned long  length, after;
    unsigned char *data;
!   prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XSETROOT_ID", True);
    if (!prop) return;    /* no old pixmap to kill */
    if (XGetWindowProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, 0L, 1L, True, AnyPropertyType,

*** ../xv.dist2/xv.h	Mon Nov 26 19:16:26 1990
--- ./xv.h	Thu Nov 29 13:45:35 1990
*** 16,22 ****
   * This software is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.
! #define REVDATE   "Rev: 11/26/90  (Patchlevel 2)"
  #ifdef SVR4             /* SysV release 4 uses dirent */
  #ifndef sgi             /* but Silicon Graphics doesn't */
--- 16,22 ----
   * This software is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.
! #define REVDATE   "Rev: 11/29/90  (Patchlevel 3)"
  #ifdef SVR4             /* SysV release 4 uses dirent */
  #ifndef sgi             /* but Silicon Graphics doesn't */
*** 45,50 ****
--- 45,55 ----
  #include <malloc.h>
+ #endif
+ #if defined(NEED_MEMROUTINES)
+ #define memcpy(d,s,l) bcopy(s,d,l)
*** ../xv.dist2/xvmisc.c	Mon Nov 26 19:12:52 1990
--- ./xvmisc.c	Thu Nov 29 13:53:22 1990
*** 76,83 ****
    hints.flags |= USSize;
!   if (i&XValue && i&XNegative) x = dispWIDE - w - abs(x);
!   if (i&YValue && i&YNegative) y = dispHIGH - h - abs(y);
    hints.x = x;                  hints.y = y;
    hints.width = w;              hints.height = h;
--- 76,85 ----
    hints.flags |= USSize;
!   if (i&XValue && i&XNegative)
!     x = DisplayWidth(theDisp,theScreen) - w - abs(x);
!   if (i&YValue && i&YNegative)
!     y = DisplayHeight(theDisp,theScreen) - h - abs(y);
    hints.x = x;                  hints.y = y;
    hints.width = w;              hints.height = h;
*** 297,303 ****
    for (i=0; i<numcols; i++) trans[ c1[i].oldindex ] = i;
    /* modify 'pic' to reflect the new colormap */
!   for (i=pWIDE*pHIGH, p=pic; i; i--, p++) *p = trans[*p];
    /* and copy the new colormap into *the* colormap */
    for (i=0; i<numcols; i++) {
--- 299,305 ----
    for (i=0; i<numcols; i++) trans[ c1[i].oldindex ] = i;
    /* modify 'pic' to reflect the new colormap */
!   for (i=pWIDE*pHIGH, p=pic; i; i--, p++) { j = trans[*p];  *p = j; }
    /* and copy the new colormap into *the* colormap */
    for (i=0; i<numcols; i++) {

O'Reilly && Associates   argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.
O'Reilly && Associates   argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.