Submitted-by: Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 88 Archive-name: xstrek/part02 #!/bin/sh # To unshare, sh or unshar this file echo xstrek/f_changed/strek_db_subs.f 1>&2 sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/f_changed/strek_db_subs.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_db_subs.f' X subroutine strek_write (new, ship_name, user_name, capt_name, X & nick_name, X & key_file, ship_avail, last_score, X & cum_score, ship_active, top_ten) Xc Xc Xc ******************************************************************* Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** STAR TREK VERSION 3.0 ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** written by ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** Justin S. Revenaugh ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** 7/87 ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** Massachussetts Institute of Technology ***** Xc ***** Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ******************************************************************* X Xc STREK_WRITE updates the two STREK info files (strek_info and Xc strek_top_scores). If (new) then a name is appended, else the Xc name is updated. Xc Xc X integer*4 ship_avail(3), last_score, cum_score, ship_retired X integer*4 num_lines, count, top_scores(10) X logical ship_active, new, fyn, top_ten X character ship_name*30, user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, temp*30 X character my_tmp(10)*10 X character ctemp(10)*10, stemp(10)*30, key_file*256 Xc Xc if ship name is blank then return Xc X if (ship_name.eq.' ') then X top_ten = .false. X return X end if Xc Xc open up strek_info file Xc X inquire(file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info',exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X status = 1 X return X end if X open (unit=1,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info', X & access ='direct',form = X & 'unformatted', status='old',recl=1000) X inquire(file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_top_scores', exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X status = 1 X return X end if X open (unit=2,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_top_scores', X & status='old',recl=1000, X & form='formatted') Xc Xc if new then update num_lines and append info Xc X if (ship_active) then X ship_retired = 0 X else X ship_retired = 1 X end if X if (new) then X read (1,rec=1) num_lines X num_lines = num_lines + 1 X write (1,rec=1) num_lines X write (1,rec=num_lines+1) ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & key_file, (ship_avail(i),i=1,3), last_score, X & cum_score, ship_retired X close(1) X else Xc Xc name is old, find it and update Xc X read(1,rec=1) num_lines X count = 1 X 10 continue X read(1,rec=count+1) temp X if (temp.eq.ship_name) then X write (1,rec=count+1) ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & key_file, (ship_avail(i),i=1,3), last_score, X & cum_score, ship_retired X goto 20 X end if X if (count.eq.num_lines) then X close(1) X end if X count = count + 1 X goto 10 X 20 continue X close(1) X end if Xc Xc determine if the score is a top ten score Xc X do 30 j=1,10 X read (2,110) my_tmp(j),ctemp(j), stemp(j), top_scores(j) X 30 continue X rewind(2) X110 format(a10,a10,a30,i10) X i = 1 X top_ten = .false. X 40 continue X if ( then X top_ten = .true. X goto 50 X end if X if (i.eq.10) goto 50 X i = i + 1 X goto 40 X 50 continue X if (top_ten) then Xc Xc see if ship is already on the list Xc X do 55 j = 1,i-1 X if (stemp(j).eq.ship_name) then X top_ten = .false. X close(2) X return X end if X 55 continue X do 60 j = i,10 X if (stemp(j).eq.ship_name) then Xc Xc move everybody up one to delete the duplicate entry Xc X do 70 k = j,9 X my_tmp(k) = my_tmp(k+1) X stemp(k) = stemp(k+1) X ctemp(k) = ctemp(k+1) X top_scores(k) = top_scores(k+1) X 70 continue X end if X 60 continue Xc Xc write out the new list, note that a ship that was previously Xc on the list and who's score drops as a result of a mission Xc will remain on the list. Xc X do 80 j = 1,i-1 X write (2,110) my_tmp(j),ctemp(j), stemp(j), top_scores(j) X 80 continue X write (2,110) user_name,capt_name, ship_name, cum_score X do 90 j = i,9 X write (2,110) my_tmp(j),ctemp(j), stemp(j), top_scores(j) X 90 continue X end if X close(2) X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_review (ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & ship_avail, cum_score, last_score, X & ship_active, key_file, status) Xc Xc STREK_REVIEW reviews the STREK database which includes Xc ships, shipnames, captains, cumulative scores, ship avail- Xc ability times and last outing scores. File is hardwired to Xc be STREK_INFO. The file structure is as follows: Xc Xc line 1 number of lines (i8) Xc Xc lines 2 - last: Xc Xc shipname (char*30), captain (char*10), nickname (char*10), Xc ship availability (3i*4), last outing score (i*10), cumu- Xc lative score (i*10), ship active toggle (i*1). Xc Xc The file is direct access, and all new entries are appended Xc to the end. Xc Xc A second file called STREK_TOP_SCORES is maintained. In it Xc are the current ten best scores (ascii). The file is struct- Xc ered: Xc Xc lines 1 - 10 captains name (char*10), shipname (char*30), and Xc cumulative score (i*10). Xc Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc X integer*4 ship_avail(3), cum_score, ship_retired, last_score X integer*4 status, num_lines, count X logical ship_active, fyn X character ship_name*30, user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, temp*30 X character key_file*256 Xc Xc open up strek_info file Xc X status = 0 X inquire(file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info',exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X status = 1 X return X end if X open (unit=1,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info', X & access = 'direct',form = X & 'unformatted', status='old',recl=1000) Xc Xc read number of lines Xc X read(1, rec=1) num_lines X count = 1 X 10 continue X read(1,rec=count+1) temp X if (temp.eq.ship_name) then X read(1,rec=count+1) temp, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, key_file, X & (ship_avail(i),i=1,3), last_score, cum_score, ship_retired X goto 20 X end if X if (count.eq.num_lines) then X close(1) X status = 2 X return X end if X count = count + 1 X goto 10 X 20 continue X close(1) X if (ship_retired.eq.1) then X ship_active = .false. X else X ship_active = .true. X end if X return X end X X X X X X X subroutine strek_question (user_name, capt_name, X & nick_name, ship_name, X & key_file, new) Xc Xc STREK_QUESTION determines if the player has a ship or if he Xc is new (or just a new ship). Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc X logical new, found X character user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30 X character answer*1, key_file*256, means(256)*1 Xc Xc key definition common Xc X common /key_defs/ means X nick_name = ' ' X call getusername(user_name) Xc Xc question captains Xc X print*,'STAR TREK v.3' X print*,' ' X print*,'What is your name, captain?' X read (*,'(a)') capt_name X call strek_search_name (user_name, X & capt_name, ship_name, key_file, new) X if (new) then X print*,' ' X print*, 'What do your friends call you sir?' X read(*,'(a)') nick_name X 10 continue X print*,' ' X print*,'Enter pathname of your key definition file.' X print*,'<return> for no file.' X read (*,'(a)') key_file X if (key_file .ne. ' ') then X call strek_parse_key_defs (key_file, found) X if (.not.found) then X print*,'The key definition file was not found, try again.' X goto 10 X end if X else X do 20 j = 1, 256 X means(j) = char(j) X 20 continue X end if X else X if (key_file .ne. ' ') then X call strek_parse_key_defs (key_file, found) X if (.not.found) then X print*,' ' X print*,'The key definition file was not found,' X print*,'enter the pathname of another file.' X print*,'<return> for no file.' X print*,' ' X read(*,'(a)') key_file X if (key_file .ne. ' ') then X call strek_parse_key_defs (key_file, found) X end if X if (.not. found .or. key_file .eq. ' ') then X do 30 j = 1, 256 X means(j) = char(j) X 30 continue X end if X end if X else X do 40 j = 1, 256 X means(j) = char(j) X 40 continue X end if X end if X print*,' ' X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_ships Xc Xc STREK_SHIPS outputs the current ship list including the Xc scores of their last outings. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 decoded_clock(6) X integer*4 num_lines, last_score, cum_score, ship_avail(3) X integer*4 ship_retired X logical fyn X character ship_name*30, user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, retired*10 X character key_file*256 X save retired X data retired /'retired'/ Xc Xc get local time Xc X call caldecodelocaltime (decoded_clock) Xc Xc open database Xc X inquire(file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info',exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X status = 1 X return X end if X open (unit=1,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info', X & access ='direct',form = X & 'unformatted', status='old',recl=1000) Xc Xc print out header Xc X print*,' ' X print*,' ' X write (*,100) (decoded_clock(i),i=1,3) X100 format ('STAR TREK Ship Registry as of ',i4,'/',i2,'/',i2) X print*,' ' X print*,'SHIP NAME LAST SCORE AVAILABLE X &SCORE' X print*,' ' X read (1,rec=1) num_lines X do 10 j=2,num_lines+1 X read (1,rec=j) ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, key_file, X & (ship_avail(i), i=1,3), last_score, X & cum_score, ship_retired X if (ship_retired.eq.1) then X write (*,120) ship_name, last_score, retired, cum_score X else X write (*,130) ship_name, last_score, (ship_avail(i), i=1,3), X & cum_score X end if X 10 continue X120 format (1x,a30,x,i10,5x,a7,i10) X130 format (1x,a30,x,i10,2x,i4,'/',i2,'/',i2,i10) X print*,' ' X print*,' ' X close(1) X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_scores Xc Xc STREK_SCORES prints out the list of top scores currently Xc in STREK_TOP_SCORES. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' X integer*2 decoded_clock(6) X integer*4 top_scores X logical fyn X character dummy1*34, dummy2*34 X character user_name*10, capt_name*10, ship_name*30 X save dummy1 X save dummy2 X data dummy1 /' User CAPTAIN SHIP NA'/ X data dummy2 /'ME SCORE'/ Xc Xc get local time Xc X call caldecodelocaltime (decoded_clock) Xc Xc open up top scores file and read Xc X inquire(file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_top_scores', exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X status = 1 X return X end if X open (unit=2,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_top_scores', X & status='old',recl=1000, X & form='formatted') Xc Xc print out header Xc X print*,' ' X write (*,100) (decoded_clock(i),i=1,3) X100 format (' Top 10 STAR TREK Scores as of ',i4,'/',i2,'/',i2) X print*,' ' X write (*,130) dummy1, dummy2 X print*,' ' X do 10 j=1,10 X read (2,110) user_name, capt_name, ship_name, top_scores X write (*,120) j, user_name, capt_name, ship_name, top_scores X 10 continue Xc print*,' ' X write (*,'(a1)') ' ' Xc print*,' ' X write (*,'(a1)') ' ' X110 format(a10,a10,a30,i10) X120 format(i2,'.',2x,a10,x,a10,x,a30,x,i10) X130 format(a34,a34) X close(2) X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_damage_date (damage_days, ship_avail) Xc Xc STREK_DAMAGE_DATE computes the ship availability date Xc given the damage repair time in whole days. This is Xc used after a game but before updating STREK_INFO via Xc STREK_WRITE. Note that damage date can't exceed 1 year Xc and is not adjusted for leap years encountered when Xc damage occurs in a non-leap year. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 decoded_clock(6) X integer*4 ship_avail(3), damage_days, days(12) Xc Xc days in months data Xc X data days/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ Xc Xc get local time Xc X call caldecodelocaltime (decoded_clock) Xc Xc if a leap year change days(2) Xc X ichk = mod(decoded_clock(1),4) X if (ichk.eq.0) then X days(2) = 29 X ichk1 = mod(decoded_clock(1),100) X ichk2 = mod(decoded_clock(1),400) X if (ichk1.eq.0) then X if (ichk2.eq.0) then X days(2) = 29 X else X days(2) = 28 X end if X end if X end if Xc Xc add damage days to local time Xc X iday = damage_days + decoded_clock(3) X imonth = decoded_clock(2) X if ( then X iday = iday - days(imonth) X imonth = decoded_clock(2) + 1 X end if X if (imonth.le.12) then X iyear = decoded_clock(1) X else X iyear = decoded_clock(1) + 1 X imonth = imonth - 12 X end if Xc Xc load ship availability date Xc X ship_avail(1) = iyear X ship_avail(2) = imonth X ship_avail(3) = iday X return X end X X X X X X X subroutine strek_startup (user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, ship_name, X & last_score, cum_score, key_file, new) Xc Xc STREK_STARTUP initializes the strek system. The order Xc of calls is: Xc Xc STREK_QUESTION - get captain info and ship name, Xc Xc STREK_REVIEW - if ship is old get it's stats. Xc Xc options: STREK_SHIPS - review the current ship registry, Xc and STREK_SCORES - review the top 10 scores. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc X integer*4 ship_avail(3), last_score, cum_score, status X logical ship_active, open, new, avail X character user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30, answer*1 X character*256 key_file Xc Xc STREK is open so question the captain Xc X call strek_question (user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, ship_name, X & key_file, new) Xc Xc if this is a new ship or captain set up scores Xc X if (new) then X cum_score = 0 X last_score = 0 X else Xc Xc this is an old ship, check her status in the registry Xc X call strek_review (ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, ship_avail, X & cum_score, last_score, ship_active, key_file, X & status) X if (status.eq.1) then X print*,'STREK_INFO doesn''t exist, execution stops!' X print*,'Run XSTREK_STARTUP_DB to initialize the database.' X print*,' ' X stop X end if X end if Xc Xc review the registry or scores? Xc X 10 continue X print*,'Enter <r> to view the ship registry,' X print*,' <s> to view the top ten scores or' X print*,' <return> to start.' X print*,' ' X read (*,'(a)') answer X if (answer.eq.'r') then X call strek_ships X goto 10 X else if (answer.eq.'s') then X call strek_scores X goto 10 X else X print*,' ' X end if X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_ship_avail (ship_avail, avail) Xc Xc STREK_SHIP_AVAIL decodes the ship available time from Xc STREK_INFO and decides if the ship is ready or not. Xc Dead ships are flagged in STREK_INFO and needn't Xc be processed herein. Xc Xc If (avail) then the ship is available. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 decoded_clock(6) X integer*4 ship_avail(3) X logical avail Xc Xc get local time Xc X call caldecodelocaltime (decoded_clock) Xc Xc compare dates and see if ship is ready Xc X if (ship_avail(1).gt.decoded_clock(1)) then X avail = .false. X return X else if (ship_avail(1).lt.decoded_clock(1)) then X avail = .true. X return X else if (ship_avail(2).gt.decoded_clock(2)) then X avail = .false. X return X else if (ship_avail(2).lt.decoded_clock(2)) then X avail = .true. X return X else if (ship_avail(3).gt.decoded_clock(3)) then X avail = .false. X return X else X avail = .true. X end if X return X end X X X X X subroutine strek_dock (d_pct, score, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & ship_name, cum_score, key_file, new_ship) Xc Xc STREK_DOCK updates the STREK database after docking Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 clock(3) X integer*4 score, cum_score, days, ship_avail(3), status X integer*4 seconds X real*4 d_pct(6), time(6), damage X character*80 message(3) X character user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30, key_file*256 X logical new_ship, active, top_ten X data time /1.25, 1.25, .75, 0.5, .75, 0.5/ X data active /.true./ X data seconds /2/ Xc Xc do house keeping Xc X cum_score = cum_score + score X call calsectoclock (seconds, clock) Xc Xc add up damage times Xc X damage = 0.5 X do 10 j = 1,6 X damage = damage + (1.00 - d_pct(j))*time(j) X 10 continue X days = nint(damage) X call strek_damage_date (days, ship_avail) Xc Xc write update info to STREK_INFO Xc X call strek_write (new_ship, ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & key_file, ship_avail, score, cum_score, X & active, top_ten) Xc Xc write messages to screen Xc X message(1) = ' ' X message(2) = 'Awaiting permission to dock.' X message(3) = ' ' X call strek_message (message, 3) X call timewait (timerelative, clock, status) X message(2) = 'Docking completed, good going captain. ' X call strek_message (message, 3) X call timewait (timerelative, clock, status) Xc Xc terminate graphics Xc X call gprterminate (.true., status) X print*,' ' X if (' ') then X write (*,100) (ship_avail(i), i=1,3) X end if X100 format(' Your ship will be ready on ',i4,'/',i2,'/',i2) X print*,' ' X print*,'Score for this mission: ',score X print*,'Cumulative score: ',cum_score X print*,' ' X if (top_ten) then X call strek_scores X print*,' ' X print*,'Congratulations! Your score places you in the Top 10.' X print*,' ' X end if X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_no_energy (num_times, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & ship_name, key_file, score, X & cum_score, new) Xc Xc STREK_NO_ENERGY advises the captain to cut energy use. Messages Xc become more and more urgent as the number of turns w/o energy Xc increases. After 150 turns the ship is retired and the database Xc updated. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 clock(3) X integer*4 num_times, score, cum_score, status, ship_avail(3) X integer*4 seconds X character user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30, key_file*256 X character*80 message_1(3), message_2(3), message_3(3), blank(3) X logical top_ten, new X save message_1, message_2, message_3, seconds, ship_avail X data seconds, ship_avail /5, 3*0/ Xc Xc data for message strings Xc X data message_1 /'Message from engineering:', X & 'Sir, the battery reserves are critically low.', X & 'Non-vital subsystems being dropped.'/ X data message_2 /'Message from engineering:', X & 'Main system shutdown occuring on all decks.', X & 'Life-support system is in danger of failure.'/ X data message_3 /'Message from engineering:', X & 'Life-support system is down, oxygen content is dr X &opping.', X & 'Main system shutdown complete.'/ X if (num_times.eq.1) then X call strek_message (message_1, 3) X else if (num_times.eq.50) then X call strek_message (message_2, 3) X else if (num_times.eq.100) then X call strek_message (message_3, 3) X else if (num_times.eq.150) then X blank(1) = 'Message from chief engineer Scotty:' X blank(2) = 'Sir, aye can''t hold on much longah.' X write (blank(3),'(a30, a10)') 'It looks like the game''s over ', X & nick_name X call strek_message (blank, 3) Xc Xc do house keeping Xc X cum_score = cum_score + score X call calsectoclock (seconds, clock) X call strek_write (new, ship_name, user_name, X & capt_name, nick_name, X & key_file, ship_avail, score, cum_score, X & .false., top_ten) X call timewait (timerelative, clock, status) Xc Xc terminate graphics Xc X call gprterminate (.true., status) X print*,' ' X print*,'Score for this mission: ',score X print*,'Cumulative score: ',cum_score X print*,' ' X if (top_ten) then X call strek_scores X print*,' ' X print*,'Congratulations! Your score places you in the Top 10.' X print*,'A rather hollow victory I would think.' X print*,' ' X end if X print*,' ' X if (' ') then X print*,'Your ship, the ',ship_name X print*,'was decommissioned after being found by Federation sco X &uts.' X print*,' ' X end if X stop X end if X return X end X X X X X X X X subroutine strek_search_name (user_name, X & capt_name, ship_name, key_file, new) Xc Xc STREK_SEARCH_NAME searches for the names of ships for a certain Xc captain. To fly a certain ship he need only type the number Xc associated with it. Xc Xc 4/86 -jsr Xc X integer num_lines, ship_avail(3), last_score, cum_score X integer ship_retired, count X logical new, avail, ready(10) X character user_name*10 X character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30 X character key_file*256, temp1*30, temp2*10, practice*30 X character temp3*10 X character ships(10)*30, nick(10)*10, key(10)*256 Xc Xc open the info file and read off all ship names Xc X open (unit=1,file='/usr/lib/X11/xstrek/strek_info', X & access = 'direct',form = X & 'unformatted', status='old',recl=1000) Xc Xc read number of lines Xc X read(1, rec=1) num_lines X count = 2 X do 10 i = 2, num_lines + 1 X read(1,rec = i) temp1, temp3, temp2 X if ((temp2.eq.capt_name).and.(temp3.eq.user_name)) then X read(1,rec=i) ships(count), temp3, X & temp2, nick(count), key(count), X & (ship_avail(j),j=1,3), last_score, cum_score, ship_retired X call strek_ship_avail (ship_avail, avail) X if (avail) then X ready(count) = .true. X else X ready(count) = .false. X end if X count = count + 1 X end if X 10 continue X close(1) X count = count - 1 X practice = 'practice flight' X ships(1) = 'initiate new ship' X ready(1) = .true. X print*,' ' X print*,'Ships available:' X print*,' ' X write(*, 100) 0, practice X do 20 i = 1, count X if (ready(i)) then X write(*, 100) i, ships(i) X end if X 20 continue X 30 continue X100 format (x, i1, '. ', a30) X print*,' ' X print*,'Enter the number of the ship you wish to fly.' X print*,' ' X read*,number X if (number .eq. 1) then X print*,' ' X print*,'What do you want to call your ship sir?' X read(*,'(a)') ship_name X new = .true. X else if (number .gt. 1 .and. ready(number)) then X new = .false. X ship_name = ships(number) X nick_name = nick(number) X key_file = key(number) X else if (number .eq. 0) then X new = .true. X ship_name = ' ' X else X goto 30 X end if X return X end E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_db_subs.f echo xstrek/f_changed/strek_graphics_subs.f 1>&2 sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/f_changed/strek_graphics_subs.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_graphics_subs.f' X subroutine strek_screen_init (bitmap_desc, font_3, font_4) Xc Xc Xc ******************************************************************* Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** STAR TREK VERSION 3.0 ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** written by ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** Justin S. Revenaugh ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** 7/87 ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ***** Massachussetts Institute of Technology ***** Xc ***** Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science ***** Xc ***** ***** Xc ******************************************************************* X Xc STREK_SCREEN_INIT sets up the static display panels for Xc STREK. Used prior to any other graphics calls. Xc Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 config, size(2) X integer*4 font_1, font_2, font_3, font_4 X integer*2 window(2,2), xpt, ypt, pt1(2), radius X integer*4 status, bitmap_desc, value(2) X character text*30 Xc Xc data for screen panels Xc X data size /1024, 1024/ X data value /0, 16777215/ Xc Xc init screen in borrow mode (1024x1024) Xc X call gprinqconfig (config, status) Xc X call gprinit (gprborrow, 1, size, 0, X & bitmap_desc, status) X if ( then Xc call errorprint (status) X stop X end if Xc X if (config.eq.gprcolor1024x1024x4.or. X & config.eq.gprcolor1024x1024x8.or. X & config.eq.gprcolor1024x800x4.or. X & config.eq.gprcolor1024x800x8) then X call gprsetcolormap (0, 2, value, status) X end if Xc Xc load all fonts needed Xc X call gprloadfontfile ('/sys/dm/fonts/nonie.r.8',23, X & font_1,status) X call gprloadfontfile ('/sys/dm/fonts/scvc8x16.i.r',26, X & font_2,status) X call gprloadfontfile ('/sys/dm/fonts/scvc5x10.r.b',26, X & font_3,status) X call gprloadfontfile ('/sys/dm/fonts/f5x9',18, X & font_4,status) X call gprsettextpath (gprright,status) Xc call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (-1,status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (1,status) Xc Xc set values for draws and fills Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (1,status) X call gprsetfillvalue (1,status) Xc Xc fill in rectangular border Xc X window(1,1) = 0 X window(2,1) = 0 X window(1,2) = 900 X window(2,2) = 800 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X call gprsetfillvalue (0,status) X window(1,1) = 100 X window(2,1) = 100 X window(1,2) = 700 X window(2,2) = 600 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X window(1,1) = 100 X window(2,1) = 710 X window(1,2) = 700 X window(2,2) = 80 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X call gprsetfillvalue (1,status) Xc Xc put in text on all static panels Xc Xc call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X xpt = 15 X ypt = 25 X call gprsettextfont (font_2,status) X call gprsettextvalue (0,status) X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Star Trek Version 3.0' X call gprtext (text,21,status) X call gprsettextfont (font_1,status) X xpt = 10 X ypt = 150 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Speed' X call gprtext (text,5,status) X xpt = 10 X ypt = 250 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Energy' X call gprtext (text,6,status) X xpt = 10 X ypt = 350 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Photons' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 10 X ypt = 450 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Phasers' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 10 X ypt = 550 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Tractor' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 17 X ypt = 755 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Com:' X call gprtext (text,4,status) X xpt = 110 X ypt = 75 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'X-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 310 X ypt = 75 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Y-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 510 X ypt = 75 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Z-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 125 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Scanner' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 200 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'X-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 275 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Y-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 350 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Z-Coor:' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 425 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Range:' X call gprtext (text,6,status) Xc Xc insert scanner windows Xc X call gprsetfillvalue (0,status) X pt1(1) = 850 X pt1(2) = 540 X radius = 45 X call gprcirclefilled (pt1, radius, status) X pt1(2) = 650 X call gprcirclefilled (pt1, radius, status) X call gprsettextfont (font_4,status) X xpt = 708 X ypt = 33 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Enemy 1' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 708 X ypt = 73 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Enemy 2' X call gprtext (text,7,status) X xpt = 819 X ypt = 33 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Low E' X call gprtext (text,5,status) X xpt = 815 X ypt = 73 X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X text = 'Nav On' X call gprtext (text,6,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 490 X text = 'X' X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X call gprtext (text,1,status) X xpt = 885 X ypt = 490 X text = 'Y' X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X call gprtext (text,1,status) X xpt = 810 X ypt = 600 X text = 'Z' X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X call gprtext (text,1,status) X xpt = 885 X text = 'Y' X call gprmove (xpt,ypt,status) X call gprtext (text,1,status) X call gprsettextfont (font_2,status) Xc Xc put logo in lower right corner Xc X window(1,1) = 810 X window(2,1) = 710 X window(1,2) = 80 X window(2,2) = 80 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X pt1(1) = 850 X pt1(2) = 765 X radius = 18 X call gprcircle (pt1,radius,status) X pt1(1) = 850 X pt1(2) = 765 X radius = 6 X call gprcircle (pt1,radius,status) X call gprsetfillvalue (1,status) X window(1,1) = 832 X window(2,1) = 715 X window(1,2) = 5 X window(2,2) = 30 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X window(1,1) = 863 X call gprrectangle (window,status) X window(1,1) = 847 X window(2,1) = 730 X window(1,2) = 6 X window(2,2) = 17 X call gprrectangle (window,status) Xc Xc load permanent font Xc X call gprsettextfont (font_4, status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (1, status) X call gprsetdrawvalue (1, status) Xc Xc set clipping window limits Xc X window(1,1) = 100 X window(2,1) = 100 X window(1,2) = 700 X window(2,2) = 600 X call gprsetclipwindow (window,status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) Xc Xc return to main program Xc X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_update_panel (speed, power, photons, phase, X & tract, xc, yc, zc, scan, txc, tyc, X & tzc, trange, scan_ob) Xc Xc STREK_UPDATE PANEL writes the revised panel data (not com line). Xc Assumes the proper font and text value are loaded. Font Xc background shouldn't be transparent. Handles clipping window. Xc Only certain portions are refreshed each pass (this routine Xc or GPR text to be more specific is slow). Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 x_pt(15), y_pt(15), xpt, ypt, wind_1(2,2) X integer*4 length X integer*2 dest_1(2) X integer*4 speed, photons, xc, yc, zc, txc, tyc, tzc, trange X integer*4 status, power, azm, angle, scan_ob X logical phase, tract, scan, absol X character*7 text, active, down X save active down, x_pt, y_pt, length, n, absol Xc Xc data for move statements Xc X data x_pt /10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 200, 400, 600, 820, 810, 810, X & 810, 810, 770, 770/ X data y_pt /190, 290, 390, 490, 590, 75, 75, 75, 155, 230, 305, X & 380, 455, 35, 75/ Xc Xc data for text lines Xc X data active, down /' active', ' down'/ X data length, n / 7, 1/ X data wind_1 / 695, 18, 72, 24/ X data dest_1 / 695, 18/ X data absol / .true./ Xc Xc deactivate clipping window Xc X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) Xc Xc panel numbers are encoded into text which is then written Xc X if (n .eq. 1) then X write (text,100) speed X call gprmove (x_pt(1), y_pt(1), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) power X call gprmove (x_pt(2), y_pt(2), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) photons X call gprmove (x_pt(3), y_pt(3), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X if (phase) then X text = active X else X text = down X end if X call gprmove (x_pt(4), y_pt(4), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X else if (n.eq.2) then X if (absol) then X write (text,100) xc X call gprmove (x_pt(6), y_pt(6), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) yc X call gprmove (x_pt(7), y_pt(7), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) zc X call gprmove (x_pt(8), y_pt(8), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X end if X absol = .not. absol X else if (n.eq.3) then X if (tract) then X text = active X else X text = down X end if X call gprmove (x_pt(5), y_pt(5), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X if (scan) then X write (text, '(4x, i1)') scan_ob X else X text = down X end if X call gprmove (x_pt(9), y_pt(9), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) txc X call gprmove (x_pt(10), y_pt(10), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X else X n = 0 X write (text,100) tyc X call gprmove (x_pt(11), y_pt(11), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) tzc X call gprmove (x_pt(12), y_pt(12), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X write (text,100) trange X call gprmove (x_pt(13), y_pt(13), status) X call gprtext (text, length, status) X end if X n = n + 1 Xc Xc formats Xc X100 format (i7) X110 format (i4) Xc Xc reactivate clipping Xc X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) Xc Xc return to main Xc X return X end X X X X X X X subroutine strek_flashers (object, lock_on, energy, bitmap_desc) Xc Xc STREK_FLASHERS flashes warning lights for ships and Xc low energy. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr Xc X integer*2 wind_1(2,2), wind_2(2,2), wind_3(2,2), wind_4(2,2) X integer*2 dest_1(2), dest_2(2), dest_3(2), dest_4(2) X integer*2 zero, three, ten X integer*4 bitmap_desc, status, count X real energy X logical object(0:9), lock_on, old(4), low_e X save old, wind_1, wind_2, wind_3, wind_4, count X save dest_1, dest_2, dest_3, dest_4, zero, three, ten X data old / 4 * .false./ X data count / 0/ X data wind_1 / 695, 18, 72, 24/ X data wind_2 / 695, 58, 72, 24/ X data wind_3 / 799, 58, 72, 24/ X data wind_4 / 799, 18, 72, 24/ X data dest_1 / 695, 18/ X data dest_2 / 695, 58/ X data dest_3 / 799, 58/ X data dest_4 / 799, 18/ X data zero, three, ten / 0, 3, 10/ Xc Xc cycle through the four warning lights, if they need Xc to be reversed then reverse them, simple huh? Xc X count = count + 1 X if (count .gt. 4) then X count = 0 X if (object(2) .and. (.not. old(1))) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_1, zero, dest_1, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(1) = .not. old(1) X else if ((.not. object(2)) .and. old(1)) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_1, zero, dest_1, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(1) = .not. old(1) X end if X if (object(3) .and. (.not. old(2))) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_2, zero, dest_2, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(2) = .not. old(2) X else if ((.not. object(3)) .and. old(2)) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_2, zero, dest_2, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(2) = .not. old(2) X end if X if (lock_on .and. (.not. old(3))) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_3, zero, dest_3, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(3) = .not. old(3) X else if ((.not. lock_on) .and. old(3)) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_3, zero, dest_3, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(3) = .not. old(3) X end if X low_e = .false. X if (energy .lt. 50.0) low_e = .true. X if (low_e .and. (.not. old(4))) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_4, zero, dest_4, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(4) = .not. old(4) X else if ((.not. low_e) .and. old(4)) then X call gprsetrasterop (zero, ten, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) X call gprbitblt (bitmap_desc, wind_4, zero, dest_4, X & zero, status) X call gprsetrasterop (zero, three, status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X old(4) = .not. old(4) X end if X end if X return X end X X X X X X X subroutine strek_x_hairs Xc Xc STREK_X_HAIRS draws the cross-hairs at the screen center. Xc Since these don't move and should superimpose upon other Xc objects they are redrawn instead of bit blt'ed. Assumes Xc draw value is 1. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 x_pts(4), y_pts(4) X integer*4 num_pos X integer*4 status, count X save x_pts, y_pts, num_pos, yes X data x_pts / 440, 460, 460, 440/ X data y_pts / 410, 390, 410, 390/ X data num_pos, count / 4, 1/ Xc Xc call multiline for cross-hairs Xc X if (count .eq. 3) then X call gprmultiline (x_pts, y_pts, num_pos, status) X count = 0 X end if X count = count + 1 X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_message (message, num_lines) Xc Xc STREK_MESSAGE prints a message in the com window. Xc Message is an array of 3 char*80 strings, num_lines is the Xc number to print on this call (0-3). Zero lines implies Xc clearing the message block of all current messages. Xc Handles the clipping window and a text value commands Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 window(2,2), x_pt, y_pt(3) X integer*4 length X integer*4 num_lines,status X character*80 message(3) X save window, x_pt, y_pt, length Xc Xc text placement data Xc X data window(1,1), window(2,1), window(1,2), window(2,2) / X & 100, 710, 700, 80/ X data x_pt / 110/ X data y_pt / 730, 750, 770/ X data length / 80/ Xc Xc deactivate clipping window Xc X call gprsetclippingactive (.false.,status) Xc Xc if num_lines is zero erase message block Xc X if (num_lines.eq.0) then X call gprsetfillvalue (0,status) X call gprrectangle (window,status) X call gprsetfillvalue (1,status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) X return X end if Xc Xc set text values and write message Xc X call gprsettextvalue (1,status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (0,status) X do 10 j = 1,num_lines X call gprmove (x_pt,y_pt(j),status) X call gprtext (message(j),length,status) X 10 continue Xc Xc reset text values and clipping window Xc X call gprsettextvalue (0,status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (1,status) X call gprsetclippingactive (.true.,status) Xc Xc return to main program Xc X return X end X X X X X subroutine strek_draw_phasers (x_pt, y_pt) Xc Xc STREK_DRAW_PHASERS - draws the phasers to the target point Xc (x_pt,y_pt). This is all done in stop action (light speed Xc and everthing like that there). Handles all gpr actions Xc needed and returns them to normal. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 xpt_l, xpt_r, ypt X integer*4 x_pt, y_pt, status X real*4 xoff_l, xoff_r, yoff Xc Xc find the incremental offsets of rays Xc X xoff_l = (x_pt - 100)/20.0 X xoff_r = (x_pt - 800)/20.0 X yoff = (y_pt - 700)/20.0 Xc Xc begin drawing lines using move and line Xc X X do 10 j = 1,20 X xpt_l = 100 + (j-1)*xoff_l X ypt = 700 + (j-1)*yoff X call gprmove (xpt_l, ypt, status) X xpt_l = xpt_l + xoff_l X ypt = ypt + yoff X call gprline (xpt_l, ypt, status) X xpt_r = 800 + (j-1)*xoff_r X ypt = 700 + (j-1)*yoff X call gprmove (xpt_r, ypt, status) X xpt_r = xpt_r + xoff_r X ypt = ypt + yoff X call gprline (xpt_r, ypt, status) X 10 continue Xc Xc erase lines slowly Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (0, status) X do 20 j = 1,20 X xpt_l = 100 + (j-1)*xoff_l X ypt = 700 + (j-1)*yoff X call gprmove (xpt_l, ypt, status) X xpt_l = xpt_l + xoff_l X ypt = ypt + yoff X call gprline (xpt_l, ypt, status) X xpt_r = 800 + (j-1)*xoff_r X ypt = 700 + (j-1)*yoff X call gprmove (xpt_r, ypt, status) X xpt_r = xpt_r + xoff_r X ypt = ypt + yoff X call gprline (xpt_r, ypt, status) X 20 continue Xc Xc return to calling sub Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (1, status) X return X end X X X X X X X subroutine strek_damage_info (d_pct, capt_name, nick_name) Xc Xc STREK_DAMAGE_INFO documents on the com line the current Xc ship damages including a diagnostic from Scotty. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc X real*4 d_pct(6), total X character*10 capt_name, nick_name X character*80 message(3) X data message(1) /' engine 1 engine 2 phaser battery scann X &er tractor'/ Xc Xc encode damage pecentiles Xc X write (message(2),'(6f10.2)') (d_pct(i), i=1,6) Xc Xc add percents Xc X total = 0.0 X do 10 j = 1,6 X total = total + d_pct(j) X 10 continue Xc Xc pick Scotty's message Xc X if ( then X message(3) = 'Aye, there''s no problem captain '//capt_name X else if ( then X message(3) = 'She''ll hold together '//nick_name X else X message(3) = X & 'She can''t take much more of this abuse '//nick_name X end if X call strek_message (message, 3) X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_number_objects (pos_store, orange, object, dir) Xc Xc STREK_NUMBER_OBJECTS writes the unique STREK object number Xc next to screen objects. Assumes proper font, raster_op and Xc clip window status. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 x_pt, y_pt X integer*4 pos_store(0:9,2), status X real*4 orange(0:9) X logical object(0:9), dir X character*1 text(0:9) X save text X data text/'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/ X if (dir) then X call gprsettextvalue (1, status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (0, status) X else X call gprsettextvalue (0, status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (0, status) X end if Xc Xc loop over objects Xc X do 10 j = 0,9 X if (object(j) then X x_pt = pos_store(j,1) X y_pt = pos_store(j,2) X call gprmove (x_pt, y_pt, status) X call gprtext (text(j), 1, status) X end if X 10 continue X call gprsettextvalue (0, status) X call gprsettextbackgroundvalue (1, status) X return X end X X X X X X subroutine strek_scanner (rox, roy, roz, object, dir) Xc Xc STREK_SCANNER maintains the scanner windows. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc X integer*2 xpt(0:9), ypt(0:9), xpt2(0:9), ypt2(0:9) X integer*2 xt, yt X integer*4 status X real*4 rox(0:9), roy(0:9), roz(0:9), max, check, scale X logical object(0:9), dir, erase(0:9) X save xpt, ypt, xpt2, ypt2, max, check, scale, erase X data max, check, scale /360000.0, 600.0, 0.0666666/ X data xpt, ypt, xpt2, ypt2 /40*0/ X data erase /10*.false./ Xc Xc turn off clipping Xc X call gprsetclippingactive (.false., status) Xc Xc if refreshing then compute projected postions Xc X if (dir) then X do 10 j= 0,9 X erase(j) = .false. X if (object(j)) then X if ((abs(rox(j)).lt.check.and.abs(roy(j)).lt.check).and. X & (abs(roz(j)).lt.check)) then X check1 = rox(j)**2 + roy(j)**2 X if ( then X check1 = roz(j)**2 + roy(j)**2 X if ( then X erase(j) = .true. X xpt(j) = rox(j) * scale + 850 X ypt(j) = - roy(j) * scale + 540 X xpt2(j) = roy(j) * scale + 850 X ypt2(j) = - roz(j) * scale + 650 X call gprmove (xpt(j), ypt(j), status) X xt = xpt(j) + 1 X yt = ypt(j) + 1 X call gprline (xt, yt, status) X call gprmove (xpt2(j), ypt2(j), status) X xt = xpt2(j) + 1 X yt = ypt2(j) + 1 X call gprline (xt, yt, status) X end if X end if X end if X end if X 10 continue Xc Xc plot a dot at the center of each (player ship) Xc X xt = 850 X yt = 540 X call gprmove (xt, yt, status) X call gprline (xt, yt, status) X yt = 650 X call gprmove (xt, yt, status) X call gprline (xt, yt, status) Xc Xc using previous position erase the current lines by redrawing Xc in black Xc X else X do 20 j = 0,9 X if (erase(j)) then X call gprmove (xpt(j), ypt(j), status) X xt = xpt(j) + 1 X yt = ypt(j) + 1 X call gprline (xt, yt, status) X call gprmove (xpt2(j), ypt2(j), status) X xt = xpt2(j) + 1 X yt = ypt2(j) + 1 X call gprline (xt, yt, status) X end if X 20 continue X end if X call gprsetclippingactive (.true., status) X return X end X X X X X subroutine strek_phaser_ship (x1, y1, pcen, seed) Xc Xc STREK_PHASER_SHIP draws phasers fire lines from an enemy Xc ship to the player ship in stop time action. Lines are Xc then erased. Handles all GPR calls needed . Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 xpt1, xpt2, ypt1, ypt2, pcen(2) X integer*4 status, px_1, px_2, py_1, py_2 X real*4 xoff_1, xoff_2, yoff_1, yoff_2, seed, x_pt, y_pt Xc Xc if ship is to far off the screen or behind the player ship Xc then don't execute. Xc X x_pt = x1 X y_pt = y1 X if (x_pt.eq.1000.and.y_pt.eq.1000) return X x_pt = pcen(1) X y_pt = pcen(2) Xc Xc randomly find position of hit on screen Xc X call rand (seed) X if ( then X px_1 = 800 X call rand (seed) X py_1 = 100 + 600 * seed X else if ( then X px_1 = 100 X call rand (seed) X py_1 = 100 + 600 * seed X else if ( then X py_1 = 100 X call rand (seed) X px_1 = 100 + 700 * seed X else X py_1 = 700 X call rand (seed) X px_1 = 100 + 700 * seed X end if X call rand (seed) X if ( then X px_2 = 800 X call rand (seed) X py_2 = 100 + 600 * seed X else if ( then X px_2 = 100 X call rand (seed) X py_2 = 100 + 600 * seed X else if ( then X py_2 = 100 X call rand (seed) X px_2 = 100 + 700 * seed X else X py_2 = 700 X call rand (seed) X px_2 = 100 + 700 * seed X end if Xc Xc find the incremental offsets of rays Xc X xoff_1 = (px_1 - x_pt)/20.0 X xoff_2 = (px_2 - x_pt)/20.0 X yoff_1 = (py_1 - y_pt)/20.0 X yoff_2 = (py_2 - y_pt)/20.0 Xc Xc begin drawing lines using move and line Xc X do 10 j = 1,20 X xpt1 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_1 X ypt1 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_1 X call gprmove (xpt1, ypt1, status) X xpt1 = xpt1 + xoff_1 X ypt1 = ypt1 + yoff_1 X call gprline (xpt1, ypt1, status) X xpt2 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_2 X ypt2 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_2 X call gprmove (xpt2, ypt2, status) X xpt2 = xpt2 + xoff_2 X ypt2 = ypt2 + yoff_2 X call gprline (xpt2, ypt2, status) X 10 continue Xc Xc erase lines slowly Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (0, status) X do 20 j = 1,20 X xpt1 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_1 X ypt1 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_1 X call gprmove (xpt1, ypt1, status) X xpt1 = xpt1 + xoff_1 X ypt1 = ypt1 + yoff_1 X call gprline (xpt1, ypt1, status) X xpt2 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_2 X ypt2 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_2 X call gprmove (xpt2, ypt2, status) X xpt2 = xpt2 + xoff_2 X ypt2 = ypt2 + yoff_2 X call gprline (xpt2, ypt2, status) X 20 continue Xc Xc return to calling sub Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (1, status) X return X end X X X X X subroutine strek_phaser_nemian (pro_x, pro_y) Xc Xc STREK_PHASER_NEMIAN draws the klingon phaser fire towards Xc Nemian freighters in stop action time. Xc Xc version 1 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*2 x_pt, y_pt X integer*4 status X real*4 pro_x(0:9), pro_y(0:9), xoff, yoff Xc Xc check that phasers need to be drawn Xc X if (pro_x(1).eq.1000.0.or.pro_y(1).eq.1000.0) return Xc Xc form offsets Xc X xoff = (pro_x(1) - pro_x(2))/20.0 X yoff = (pro_y(1) - pro_y(2))/20.0 Xc Xc draw phasers (1 line only) Xc X x_pt = pro_x(2) X y_pt = pro_y(2) X call gprmove (x_pt, y_pt, status) X do 10 j = 1,20 X x_pt = x_pt + xoff X y_pt = y_pt + yoff X call gprline (x_pt, y_pt, status) X 10 continue Xc Xc erase lines by redrawing in black Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue (0, status) X x_pt = pro_x(2) X y_pt = pro_y(2) X call gprmove (x_pt, y_pt, status) X do 20 j = 1,20 X x_pt = x_pt + xoff X y_pt = y_pt + yoff X call gprline (x_pt, y_pt, status) X 20 continue Xc Xc reset color and return Xc X call gprsetdrawvalue(1, status) X return X end X X X X X E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_graphics_subs.f echo xstrek/f_changed/strek_keydef_subs.f 1>&2 sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/f_changed/strek_keydef_subs.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_keydef_subs.f' X subroutine strek_parse_key_defs (key_file, found) Xc Xc STREK_PARSE_KEY_DEFS interprets the user input key Xc definitions file in terms of the actual keys and Xc KBD.INS.FTN parameters Xc Xc version 2 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc modified 11/20/85 Xc Xc % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' Xc % include '/sys/ins/kbd.ins.ftn' Xc X integer*4 number X character*1 means(256), temp, pf(32) Xc character*1 means(256), temp, pf(90) X character*256 key_file X logical fyn, found Xc Xc common block of key def's Xc X common /key_defs/ means X data pf /'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', X & 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', X & 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', X & ' ', ',', '.', '/', ';', '['/ Xc data pf /'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', Xc & 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', Xc & 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', kbdl1, kbdl2, Xc & kbdl3, kbdl4, kbdl5, kbdl6, kbdl7, kbdl8, Xc & kbdl9, kbdla, kbdlb, kbdlc, kbdld, kbdle, Xc & kbdlf, kbdl1a, kbdl2a, kbdl3a, kbdl1u, Xc & kbdl2u, kbdl3u, kbdl4u, kbdl5u, kbdl6u, Xc & kbdl7u, kbdl8u, kbdl9u, kbdlau, kbdlbu, Xc & kbdlcu, kbdldu, kbdleu, kbdlfu, kbdl1au, Xc & kbdl2au, kbdl3au, kbdf1, kbdf2, kbdf3, kbdf4, Xc & kbdf5, kbdf6, kbdf7, kbdf8, kbdf1u, kbdf2u, Xc & kbdf3u, kbdf4u, kbdf5u, kbdf6u, kbdf7u, Xc & kbdf8u, kbdr1, kbdr2, kbdr3, kbdr4, kbdr5, Xc & kbdr6, ' ', ',', '.', '/', ';', '['/ Xc Xc read in file Xc X inquire (file = key_file, exist=fyn) X if (.not.fyn) then X found = .false. X return X end if X found = .true. X do 10 j = 1, 256 X means(j) = char(j) X 10 continue X open (unit = 1, file = key_file) X read (1,'(a)') temp X read (1,'(a)') temp X do 20 j = 1, 90 X read (1, 100) temp X if (temp .ne. ' ') then X means(ichar(pf(j))) = temp X end if X 20 continue X100 format (6x, a) X close(1) X return X end X X X X X subroutine strek_interpret_key (t_key) Xc Xc STREK_INTERPRET_KEY interprets an keystroke event datum Xc in terms of it's users defined key. Xc Xc version 2 Xc -jsr 8/85 Xc modified 11/20/85 Xc X character*1 t_key, means(256) X common /key_defs/ means X t_key = means(ichar(t_key)) X end X X E!O!F! xstrek/f_changed/strek_keydef_subs.f exit ===== @work: | Matthias Pfuetzner | @home: ZGDV, Wilhelminenstrasse 7 | 6100 Darmstadt, FRG | Lichtenbergstrasse 73 +49 6151 155-164 or -101 \ <- -> / +49 6151 75717 pfuetzner@zgdvda.UUCP XBR1YD3U@DDATHD21.BITNET -- Dan Heller ------------------------------------------------ O'Reilly && Associates ZipCode Software Senior Writer President