[dcs.csgss] Paul Thagard on analogical thinking

pratt@zztop.rutgers.edu (Lorien Y. Pratt) (11/01/88)

		      (Rutgers University)

Date: 9 November 1988
Time: 4:30 PM
Place: Room 307, Psychology Building, Busch Campus

Paul Thagard, Cognitive Science Program, Princeton University

                      ANALOGICAL THINKING
Analogy is currently a very active area of research in both cognitive
psychology  and artificial  intelligence.  Keith  Holyoak and  I have
developed connectionist  models of  analogical retrieval  and mapping
that  are consistent  with the  results of  psychological experiments.
The  new models  use localist  networks to  simultaneously  satisfy a
set  of  semantic,  structural,  and  pragmatic  constraints.   After
providing  a  general  view  of  analogical  thinking, this talk will
describe our model of analog retrieval.
Lorien Y. Pratt                            Computer Science Department
pratt@paul.rutgers.edu                     Rutgers University
                                           Busch Campus
(201) 932-4634                             Piscataway, NJ  08854