(John Carter) (07/19/88)
Has anybody ported the GNU C compiler to run under V? Has anybody done any work to make the C compiler generate faster code or understand 68020 instructions. In short, is there any better C compiler than the one that went out with 6.0? I was hoping that somebody else had done the legwork, otherwise we may do it here. I've been off the air for a while, so I haven't been keeping up on what's going to change with version 7.0. Is it a complete rewrite or are just parts getting changed? Our kernel and libraries are so heavily modified that I doubt we'll bring 7.0 up, but I'd like to know what's been added/sped up so that we can decide if it'll be worthwhile. Thanks, John Carter Internet: Dept of Computer Science UUCP: {internet node or backbone}!rice!retrac Rice University Houston, TX Rootin' for the: Rockets, Reds, Dolphins & RedWings (07/24/88)
I have V6.0 sources (got it in the summer of '86). The sun2 (m68k) version of cc68 is full of bugs. We spent a whole semester to make cc68 work on our sun2 (unix version still not working because there are libraries missing). I wonder if V7.0 could make life a little easier for us. By the way I am really glad that we finally has this news board set up. -Ron Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign uiucdcs!rchen
johnw@astroatc.UUCP (John F. Wardale) (07/26/88)
In article <> writes: >By the way I am really glad that we finally has this news board set up. Since this is about articale #5 for this group, could someone post a description/summary/etc. of "V" When I saw the newsgroup activation message, I thought it might by System-V, but "V6.0 and V7.0" seem to prove that wrong! Thanks in Advance -- John Wardale ... {seismo | harvard | ihnp4} ! {uwvax |} ! astroatc!johnw To err is human, to really foul up world news requires the net!