[comp.sys.ti.explorer] Booting Problems

karlson@ERNIE.BERKELEY.EDU (Eric Karlson) (07/01/89)

   We are having a SERIOUS problem with getting some of our TIs to boot.
The problem is coming from two sources. The first is the result of a disk crash
on the unit 0 disk of one of our machines. The disk *finally* got fixed and
put back on the machine, but of course it is completely data free. s a result,
there are no bands on the disk to use for booting it. In the booting
process, one possible boot device is the ethernet, but we have never been able
to get a TI to boot by picking up things over the ethernet (and of course TI
never thought of documenting something as mundane as what options are open
when booting a machine, or at least, its not anywhere that I can find).
   The second problem is some strange disk partition problem on a different
TI. The disk label on unit 0 was changed (including the PTBL, FMT and SAVE
partitions). No when the machine boots, it can read the disk that was changed
and pick up the correct bands from that disk, but the screen then blanks
and the machine hangs. In fooling around with the various options that I know
about in the boot menu I have discovered that the machine cannot read the
disk partition table on the disk THAT WAS NOT CHANGED... This I do not 
understand. I think the problem is that it is perhaps trying to do something
with unit 1 somewhere early in the boot process and cannot read the partition
table and therfor hangs.
   If anyone has ANY ideas on how to get these systems to boot I would appreciate
it no end. Thanks.
							Eric Karlson

acuff@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Richard Acuff) (07/07/89)

   You message about your disk problems seemed to indicate that you had
problems getting your disk fixed.  Was the problem with TI?

   Re. booting over the net.  I would like to be able to do this, but alas,
I've been told by those that should know that the ENET option is only a stub
with nothing behind it.  *sigh*

   I expect that you're right that during the boot process the "changed"
(damaged?) label on the other machine is causing the system to choke while
looking for PAGE bands, but I can't be sure.  I've had damaged disks and
labels before, but nothing like that.

	-- Rich