[comp.sys.ti.explorer] MicroExplorer Boot Sequence

raghu@mimsy.umd.edu (Raghu Karinthi) (01/16/90)

  I thank everyone for the comments on my previous posting on
 Prolog. We have been able to fix this problem ourselves, here.
 It turns out that one of the patch files, had a line
 referencing a file that didnt exist and I had commented out that line
 and recompiled it. This probably has got a different set of macros,
 and whatever the reason; it worked when I used the original TI's
 XLD file.
   My question now is about Micro Explorer boot sequence. This problem
  has appeared all of a sudden  and is as follows:
  1. I Double Click on Micro Explorer file to boot Micro Explorer.
  2. I get a few messages, and the last message I get is about
     loading MX96.MCR After that,
     The MAC window props up, saying;
        System Error has occured. (with the picture of the Bomb).
        The only option now is to restart MAC itself.
    I have tried loading microcode and load band from diskettes and
  rebooting; but no avail.
   Does anyone have any ideas on this problem?