[comp.sys.ti.explorer] X server

mvm@FRLRI61.BITNET (02/07/90)

In response to the previous mail, there is a mode in X11R4 that is
100% compatible with X11R3. You might want to try this and, if your
problems persist, I would suspect a bug in the X implementation on
the explorer.

It is my understanding that the X server does not run on the microExplorer
and that TI is waiting for Apple to release their X server on the mac
(under MacOS). My question is: has anyone tried to make it run with
alternative X servers on the mac (for example Exodus). What would be
involved in making it work (i.e. how much work).

Also, I was rather surprised not to find any predefined CLUE widgets/contacts
in release 6 (no buttons, scrollbars etc...). I understand that we have
to wait for CLIO to get the full stuff, but could something preliminary
be made available, at our own risk, via ftp so that we can at least
start working?

At this point, it really seems like what was delievered with release 6 (CLX
without an X server for the microExplorer, CLUE without any predefined
widgets) is TOTALLY useless and that if we want to be compatible with SLE
in the future we should look for alternative Lisp environments such as
Harlequin on the sun. Do you feel that my position is too extreme?

                                                Michel Manago

Disclaimer : my opinion does not necessarily reflect etc...