[comp.sys.ti.explorer] Explorer/UNIX compatibility

kroger@glinda.cognet.ucla.edu (James Kroger) (10/14/90)

Please excuse what probably seems like a very simple 
question to most of you. I am afraid I am
a bit of a novice to Explorers. 

I have an opportunity to inherit a TI 
Explorer I. I like its development environment, but
have to consider whether it can fulfill my other needs 
as well. We generally use a UNIX network here with 
Suns and Apollos connected by ethernet. I am wondering 
if it is worth the trouble to try and hook the Explorer up to
the ethernet (means I will have to find an ethernet card). 
I know the Explorer can act as a VT100 terminal. Is 
this the extent of it's ability to interact with the 
UNIX machines? Is it possible to open more than one 
UNIX window on the Explorer? Can more than one VT100
session go on simultaneously over the ethernet? 

Is there any way to use a modem with the Explorer? 

Thanks very much in advance for any info 
or pointers. At this point, I don't
know whether to take the Explorer or pass it up. 


cerys@BBN.COM (Dan Cerys) (10/15/90)

Sure, you can use your Explorer as a terminal emulator for you UNIX boxes.
You can have as many VT100 windows/connections as you can deal with.  Just
type "SYSTEM Control-V" to create new ones.

As you may have noticed, the Explorer comes with a rather nice editor.  It
would be a shame not to use it, so you should when editting your files on
remote UNIX boxes.  I'd recommend checking out the NFS that is available on
the Explorer.

Lastly, sure you can use a modem with your Explorer.  Just connect it to
the serial port.  If you want to use it from a VT100 window, you used to
need a patch that could be found in the sys:public; directory.  Yes, in
addition to your modem VT100 session, you can still maintain a number of
them via ethernet.


killoran@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (10/16/90)


I use the X window feature of my Explorer I most of the time.  This
lets me log into any machine on our ethernet as well as allowing
all of the nice Xwindow tools and window managers.  One problem I
have had is the version of X I have with my Explorer is Release 3 of
Xwindows and all of the other systems here are using Release 4.  This
still works with alot of programs but I have some problems.  Terminal
windows and that type of thing are fine however.  If anyone knows where
I could get a copy of Release 4 for the Explorer I, please let me know.

Mike Killoran

Rice@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (James Rice) (10/16/90)

Well you've already heard from a number of people on this
issue so I'll just fill in a couple of gaps that you might
not be aware of.

>>  I have an opportunity to inherit a TI Explorer I.  I
>>  like its development environment, but have to consider
>>  whether it can fulfill my other needs as well.  We
>>  generally use a UNIX network here with Suns and
>>  Apollos connected by ethernet.  I am wondering if it
>>  is worth the trouble to try and hook the Explorer up
>>  to the ethernet (means I will have to find an ethernet
>>  card).

I believe that it is well worth the effort.  You may not
have to hunt around for an Ethernet board.  Almost every
Explorer sold had one, so if you're inheriting one and
don't know the configuration then you may well be in luck.

You will need an Ethernet tranceiver but the machine will
probably come with the appropriate drop-cable.

Explorers know about Unix boxes on the same Ethernet and
can talk TCP and NFS if need be.  If you choose to run NFS
then you end up with a huge security hole in your network
but that may be ok if it's not well connected to the
outside world.  Actually, this is a bit of a problem with
Suns anyway, I believe, but at least you need some sort of
password to get onto a Sun as a rule.  This is not the
case with an Explorer, as you might have detected.

>>  I know the Explorer can act as a VT100
>>  terminal.  Is this the extent of it's ability to
>>  interact with the UNIX machines?  Is it possible to
>>  open more than one UNIX window on the Explorer?  Can
>>  more than one VT100 session go on simultaneously over
>>  the ethernet?

Yes, you can have an arbitrary number of VT100 windows
open to an arbitrary number of hosts as long as you have
entered them into the Explorer namespace (we have a good
patch that allows you to make the vt100 window any size
you want and so that it doesn't take over the whole
screen) but this is typically not the way that people
interact with unix boxes from Explorers here at least.

Because Explorers can talk to unix file systems (over TCP
or NFS), you usually need never have a VT100 window unless
it is important to you to type unix commands to the unix
machines.  The sorts of things that you want to do on a
unix box are (typically) sufficiently different from those
that you would do on an Explorer that you normally need
not worry about anything other than file service.  A
simple bit of code is available that allows you to have a
Common-Lisp functional interface to running REXEC commands
on the remote unix hosts if this is important.

Explorers also Support X windows (both clients and
servers).  I have never used it and I gather that it's a
little slow and conses like a bear, but that may not be a
problem to you.  If you are wedded to using GNU on unix
boxes then you might choose to do so under X from an

>>  Is there any way to use a modem with the Explorer?

Yes, though given that you already have a heterogeneous
net and the fact that you can talk to/from the Explorer
from your unix machines it's not obvious why you would
want to do this, unless your Explorer is going to be your
primary machine.  Unix machines (typically) don't crash as
often so if you want to dial in then you will probably get
less burned by fixing it to some other machine.  If you
want to dial out then it doesn't really make much
difference, I suspect.  Telnet to the Explorer works but
the debugger isn't really accessible, so it is inadvisible
to mistype anything.

>>  Thanks very much in advance for any info or pointers.
>>  At this point, I don't know whether to take the
>>  Explorer or pass it up.

Explorers are wonderful machines for LISP development.
Sadly, the Explorer I is the slow, old version, but it's
still not unreasonable to believe that your development
time, relative to that on a unix machine for Common-Lisp
applications would be better on an Explorer.  The Explorer
supports CL in such a way that it is really pretty easy to
develop pure CL programs, so there's nothing to stop you
from using the Explorer for development and then porting
your code to run under some stock machine's Lisp.

Explorers are complex and sophisticated machines, so if
you don't really want to do Lisp work then it may not be
worth getting up the learning curve.  Since TI has pulled
out of the Lisp machine business you might well expect to
find cheap second-hand Explorer hardware on the market, so
you may well have an upgrade path if you like the machine
and choose to go that route.

>>  --Jim

I use an Explorer II as my primary computing facility (I
use a Mac for writing papers and such) and, at least for
the time being, I wouldn't willingly swap it for anything
other than a better equipped Explorer.
