[alt.sources.amiga] Writing Demos

hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Moriland) (03/02/91)

	I've been trying to learn to write my own Demos in C mainly
because I'd like to do a nice one up to promote my BBS in Michigan. I
haven't been able to find any source code anywhere, though, so I have
nothin to study. Can folks offer assistance on where to look for
instructional text on the subject?

Also, if anyone like to do up a demo for me out of boredom, I'd be
most grateful. It would probably be better than anything I could do.


| hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu |    __                                | 
|                               | __/// Viva Amiga!                    |
| Founder Of: Evil Young        | \XX/                                 |
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