[alt.sources.amiga] Steve Visard Demo.

ins940x@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au (mr s.e. raik) (06/01/91)

>>> 	Is there anyone who know about the Steve Vizard demo? I have an
>>> Amiga 500, A590 HD, and an 1/2meg expansion. I followed the unpacking
>>> instructions correctly but I keep getting a message something like this:
>>> 	"No External drive.1 Meg need.bigmac/DECAY...."
>>> Anyone know how to get around this?
>>  If it says "1 Meg needed," it NEEDS 1 meg (of CHIP RAM) to run. There's NO
>>way to get around that-- you've got to run it on an A2000 or higher.
>Honestly, Im not too sure. Ive seen games advertised that say "1 meg needed" to
>run and they ran fine on my 500 with 1 meg <1/2 meg chip>

Yep, Thanks guys. All I did was pull out the HD and away she went...

Not sure how impressed I was with the demo though....
I mean, it was big and impressive and all with the animation and stuff but
really there was'nt much in it
    . Showed Steves face and then then made him talk. Good.
	. Had a drumroll, with the hand and stuff. Very Good.
	. Started fliping scenes. Really Neat.
	. Did all that over and over again. Eh.

Maybe a couple more bits and pieces would have been nice. I dont mean to
be cruel, but I think for the effort that went into it (Which I can see there
was) a few more extras would not have gone astray.
Overall I give it a 6.5-7/10. Not bad.

I have a few words about InnerVisions too, but I'll leave that for later...

 _      _                  _
| \    / |                | |    Remember: No matter where you go,       
|  \  /  |                | | __           There you are.
|   \/   |                | |/ /          
| |\  /| |  _____   ____  |   /            Simon Raik.
| | \/ | | |  _  | |  __| |   \            Monash University, Melbourne
| |    | | | |_| | | |    | |\ \   _       Australia.
|_|    |_| |_____| |_|    |_| \_\ |_|      ins940x@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au