[can.sun-stroke] Welcome to the Sun-Stroke list

Rayan Zachariassen <rayan@neat.ai> (07/06/88)

In fact, welcome to both the mailing list and the newsgroup.

This is intended to be a forum for discussion, announcements, bashing,
problem reports, and general expression related to Sun (the company and
their products).  Discussion about competitive products should also be
encouraged as long as it is relevant to the audience.

First some history: For some time there has been a Sun User's Group
(SUG) at UofT, and there has been a desire to turn the local mailing
list into a newsgroup of some kind.  Moreover, we have apparently had
enquiries from other sites to "be in on" what's going on here, so the
idea was to create a regional or country-wide newsgroup to facilitate
communication between sites.  Then a "Canadian Sun User's Group" got
started up (it still is, see the next message) with representatives
from various southern Ontario sites showing up at the inaugural
meeting.  At that meeting it was agreed to start up a mailing list for
``members''.  In the beginning mostly to have an organized and cheap
way of putting out calls for meetings, but later also as a more timely
(and Canadian) version of Sun-Spots.  The third reason I personally
have for doing this is that the 1-hour Canadian Birds-Of-a-Feather at
Usenix turned into a 3-hour bashing of Sun(s), so obviously there are a
lot of people out there who want to talk (right? right.).

So about a month or two ago I sent out a message to can.general stating
reason #1 above and saying that if I didn't hear any objections I'd
create can.sun-stroke.  I didn't hear any comments at all, although in
retrospect that might have been because the silly B-news sites out there
ate my message.  Grumble.  At the time I attributed it to the notorious
Canadian Lack Of Passion (aka apathy).

When I got the list of attendees at the first meeting, it seemed like
an appropriate time to make good on my threat to create the newsgroup,
and decided to set up bi-directional gatewaying to the list of CanSUG
people.  Consequently the following addresses now exist on ai.toronto.edu:

sun-stroke		feeds mailing list and newsgroup with can distribution
sun-stroke-ont		feeds mailing list and newsgroup with ont distribution
sun-stroke-people	feeds mailing list only

and by convention:

sun-stroke-request	administrivia requests for mailing list

I'm not sure how people will want to use these options, but I suggest
we stick to just 'sun-stroke' until someone complains about the
predictable meeting announcements coming out of Moosehead...

Now, as for those of you not in southern Ontario... you will probably
already have experience with "Canadian" organizations that aren't.  I
suspect that below a certain critical mass, this is an endemic
problem.  Having no affiliation with any such organization, I feel free
to suggest that you might want to set up regional mailing lists,
meetings or feeds into the sun-stroke group with a regional
distribution.  Someone from the "Canadian Sun User's Group" should
probably address the issue in this forum, perhaps after the next

Incidentally, I have no affiliation with these guys other than offering
utai as the mail relay (if messages are going to go through us anyway,
better they only do so once...; besides we can get to every network there is).

For people without news access, the address to mail to is:






At least the following UUCP hosts know about utai:


Don't feel bashful about posting.
