[aus.computers] Laser Printing in a Student Lab Environment

s902255@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (A. Vanderstock) (06/20/91)

We use a combination of HP Laserjet IIs and Apple LaserWriter IINTs, with
four printers in total. Last year we did not charge for printouts, but
with widespread abuse of the system (unnecessary drafts, big printouts that
could have been printed on the line printer, etc) we had to introduce a
$0.10/page charge. I do not feel that this will recover the costs of
purchase, maintance, toner, paper, but simply discourages waste prinouts.

We print approximately 3-4 reams of paper/day depending on assignment load.
Things that need to be fixed are :
	1) better print server. The IBM PC (the sort with 64kb motherboard
	   ram!) is simply overburdened with some graphic jobs. 
	2) You'll need, if you can get it, large paper feeds that can preferably
	   hold an entire ream. Otherwise you'll be filling them too often.
	3) Enough printers to cope with the estimated load. Our printers are
	   rated at 8 ppm, but still our queues are about 5 minutes during
	   the day. We solve this by only collecting printouts every fifteen
	4) Something worked out with Admin to fine defaulters. Otherwise you'll
	   have no legs to stand on to charge for printouts.

	This is for a lab of, at the moment, 17 Mac SE/30s, and 29 Compaq

Problems you are likely to encounter :

	Macs do not print banner pages without the user selecting the "Print
Cover Page" radio button in the "Print" menu. Page Maker does not have even
this choice.

	WordPerfect 5.1 will make your life **very** miserable if you do not
set it up correctly and inform each and every PC user that uses WordPerfect
to ensure that they use "Standard - A4" paper selection. If they use or even
have a style sheet from a department that has different settings than you,
your printer will go off-line after *every* single page asking for manual
feed. My advice : do not install WordPerfect. Especially if you have to help
users with the product. It is very badly designed and not very intuitive for
casual users, which you'll find most people are. Wait until the Windows version
is released. It should fix up most of the problems, for it will be very like
the Macintosh version (which I recommend heartily - it is vastly superior to
Microsoft Word 4.0d), and be easy to use to boot.

	If you are going to charge for pages, make sure you have extra toner 
cartridges available. People expect you to have nice fresh, crisp pages for
you, not faded or funny running edges... 

	If you are going to have a line printer - make sure Lotus
1 2 3 users know not to send graphs there. 

	Sorry I couldn't help you with the HP IIIsi series : we do not have
any installed. Sounds like a nice printer though.

Andrew Vanderstock, s902255@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au
Student Assistant, Kay House. RMIT
These are my opinions and observations. They are in no way RMIT's.

rchui@neptune.nswc.navy.mil (Chui) (06/20/91)

3.  How does the IIIsi behave in a mixed environment (Macs and PC's)?  Can
    it switch between postscript and HPGL automatically?


	I am really interesting this question. I have installed a PostScript
cartridge in HP LaserJet III. I am try to write a output filter file in
C for my
Sun3 os 4.0 system. This output file performed:

1) chech if there any print job on tty## printer port?
2) check if that print file is a postscript file? (this is option)
3) if no print job and is a postscript file, then sent signal to printer to
   switch to PostScript mode, print postscript file. 
4) Reset to PCL mode.

	Here is my C code. After I compiled the file, and modify the /etc/printcap
I try to print by "lpr -h -Pprintername filename". where -h is suppress the
burst page which is not in postscript code.

This program is work to detect the print jobs and set signal to switch to
postscript mode, after that the printer just do nothing, the postscript file 
never print. But when run this program by input a file("ofps <
filename), it works fine, it works everything what I want! 

 Is there anyone out there know why is that? 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>

char *SD="/usr/spool/lpd/hplp";

int argc;
char *argv[];
        register char *cp;
        register int ch;

        /* 'of' filters are only passed width and length arguments from lpd */
        while (--argc)
                if (*(cp = *++argv) == '-' )
                        switch (cp[1])
                        case 'w':
                                /* this filter does nothing with width */

                        case 'l':
                                /* this filter does nothing with length */


        while (checkq()) /* If there any print job on tty## port? */
                system("sleep 20");
        printf("\033&l1057.32259J"); /*  reset and switch to PCL */
        (void) fflush(stdout);
        system("sleep 50");         /* printer takes 45 sec to reset */
        printf("\033&l5257.1058J"); /* to PS mode */
        (void) fflush(stdout);
        system("sleep 50");
        while ((ch=getchar()) != EOF) {
int checkq()
        register struct direct *d;
        DIR *dirp;
        int nitems=0;

        if ((dirp = opendir(SD)) == NULL) /* open the lpq directory */
        while ((d = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) /* list the files */
                if (d->d_name[0] == 'c' && d->d_name[1] == 'f')
                        nitems++; /* If there are files begin with "cf"
print jobs

trump@qut.edu.au (06/20/91)

I am in a situation where I am preparing a report on laser printing in 
a student computer laboratories.  Here are some some details about the

	- Available 24 hours a day
	- Contain PC Connected to Novell Networks
	- Present printing is either print queue or stand-alone (draft)

Laser printing services have now been requested for the labs.  Has anyone
had any experiences or information to share.  I actually have the following

1.  Has anyone used the HP IIIsi with the ethernet interface in the above

2.  Has anyone instigated a cost recovery system?  It is reliable, available
    24 hours, mechanical or human?

3.  How does the IIIsi behave in a mixed environment (Macs and PC's)?  Can
    it switch between postscript and HPGL automatically?

4.  Has anyone prepared a report on offering laser printing facilities?

Any further information would also be greatly appreciated.

Jason Trump


             JASON TRUMP                   E-Mail:      j.trump@qut.edu.au
     Teaching and Research Support         Snail Mail:  Locked Bag No2
  Queensland University of Technology                   Red Hill Qld 4059
         Kelvin Grove Campus               Voice Ph:    +61 7 864-3452