[net.games.rogue] Question about Scare Monster scrolls...

gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) (08/04/84)

The scare monster scroll can be safely picked up ONCE.  Once you
drop it, it will turn to dust when you attempt to pick it up again.
However, you can move onto it over and over.  You'll have to leave
it behind when you move on to another level..

The wand of cancellation seems to be useful against dragons, or you
could polymorph them into easier monsters.

ron@wjvax.UUCP (Ron Christian) (08/07/84)

From: gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>)

The scare monster scroll can be safely picked up ONCE.  Once you
drop it, it will turn to dust when you attempt to pick it up again.
However, you can move onto it over and over.  You'll have to leave
it behind when you move on to another level..

Well, if you're not running 5.3, you need a full pack to move onto
the scare monster scroll to avoid it crumbling to dust.  In 3.6 I
have used it the second time by dancing around it while I gained
hit points.  This works with one monster.  With two, you're in a
sticky spot.  Let's do the monster mash!

	"Trivia is important."		Ron Christian
					Watkins-Johnson Co.
					San Jose, Calif.

wall@ucbvax.UUCP (Steve Wall) (08/10/84)

[ they pelted us with rocks and garbage ]

Um, this may be a simple question, but is it possible
to "pick up" a scare monster scroll, carry it around
with you, drop it whenever needed, move onto it (via 'm'),
pick it up again, etc.,etc....

It seems that I've tried this and get a message that
says "The scroll turns to dust" or something like that.

While I have you here, one more question....I got down to
"dragon country" for the first time last night and had
a helluva time with a dragon. What is a good strategy for
these guys? Will a wand of cold put out their flame?

Thanks a lot,

Steve Wall