kph@dustbin.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (Kevin Paul Herbert) (03/21/90)
I may have missed some of the notes in this group; my newsfeed has been flakey lately. I noticed an introduction from Ted Sarbin which quoted notes from Alfred Thompson and Martin Minnow. Hi there... I'm Kevin Herbert. I've used RSTS since V06A and been hacking at the monitor since V06C. I used to work for the RSTS group, doing such fun things as the new BACKUP, new terminal driver, LAT port driver, and monitor support for Phase IV DECnet. I don't have access to a RSTS system right now, but I like thinking about it. :-) I'm still hacking at timesharing operating systems. I'm doing terminal server software for cisco Systems, which has a timesharing kernel that they wrote to run on their routers and terminal servers. I've been adding all sorts of RSTS flavor to the kernel, such as ^P to get into the kernel debugger that I added. I've been thinking about putting in Control/T support as well. I'm a real Control/T junkie; that's why V9.0 has the additional data reported by Control/T. :-) I guess we're ready for the '90s. Kevin
kph@dustbin.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (Kevin Paul Herbert) (03/21/90)
One of my newsreaders is broken; I'm actually, working for cisco Systems, Inc. I thought that I fixed this. :-) Kevin