[comp.society.women] Survey

jet@pyr.gatech.edu (JEANETTE D. ALLEN) (07/27/88)

I am a grad student in computer science at Georgia Tech. As a class project,
I am developing a low level computer-assisted education package on
prenatal care.  This package is designed to begin by getting basic statistics
from the user (such as age, height, weight, medical history, weeks pregnant
so far, etc).  This information would be stored, so that each time the person
used the package, they would not need to reenter all this data.  The data
would be used to indicate to the person the current state of her body,
her emotions, and her child. Then a prepackaged tutorial on a preselected
topic deemed appropriate for that stage of development would be offered.
The person would have the opportunity to choose to view that topic and/or
any others in the package. This would be a menu-based program with graphics
and some animation.        

I was just wondering if anybody out there thought this was a good idea. 
If you have any opinion, (and I know everybody in netland does) please send
me mail.  Your responses will be kept confidential.  

I am particularly interested in the following questions.
Even incomplete responses are welcome.

_______________ cut here __________________

1.  What is your gender?

2.  What is your age?

3.  What is your marital status?

4.  What is your income? (I know this is a very personal question to ask. If
    you are offended, omit the question.)

5.  How many children do you have?

6.  What is your computer experience?

7.  Do you own a computer?  If so, what kind?

8.  What are your opinions about the product described above?

The following questions are applicable only to female people.

9.  Are you pregnant now? If not, are you planning on becoming pregnant?

10.  Where did you learn about the progression of pregnancy: your doctor,
     your friends, the library, magazines, books, etc.

11.  Have you ever bought any material about pregnancy, such as video tapes,
     books, magazines, or pamphlets?  These could be either for yourself or
     for someone else.

12.  How much did you pay for that material in total?

Jeanette D. Allen
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!jet
ARPA: jet@pyr.gatech.edu