[net.games.rogue] Sordid Rogue hacks

carlton@genrad.UUCP (Carl Hommel) (08/20/84)

Here are a couple of points I would like to make about rogue.  They are
based on my perusal of the 3.7 version, and might have been addressed either
by the Unknown Implementors, or by this newsgroup.  Please forgive me
my ignorance; I am new to net.rogue.

The following is a list of Bugs/Features.
Some of them I even wasted time twiddling the code.

1.  You can confuse a monster by hitting it with a thrown or missile weapon.
    I changed this.

2.  Monsters are not affected by traps.  My pet peeve, and the first one I
    changed when I got a chance to.
    I used the following effects:
	Trap Door:  bye bye monster.
	Bear Trap:  monster becomes held.  (You can't set up a daemon them)
	Sleep Trap: monster gets a random attribute - invisible, greedy, hasted,
			slowed, etc.
	Arrow Trap: monster gets hit.
	Teleport:   monster gets teleported, and has the equivalent of a ring
			of teleportation.
	Dart Trap:  monster's armor class decreases.

3.  Wraiths have a straight 15% chance of draining a level per hit, rather
    than a saving throw.  (See my previous submission for an explaination.)

4.  Scrolls are readable while blind.  Suuurre they are.

5.  In AD&D, a key tactic in using sticks of bolt damage is to bounce them off
    walls and get double damage.  However, only the unlucky rogue will be hit
    after a bounce.  Further, the bolt hits everyone in its path.

6.  Again, in AD&D, rings of protection add to your saving throw, as well as
    improving your armor class.

More as I think of them.

			Carl Hommel

Wife:  Why do I have to use the hjkl keys?
Husband:  Would you believe braindamaged adm3a's at Berkeley?