[nlnet.general] Symposium on Computer Architecture & Graphics

root@dutent8.UUCP (The System Administrator) (05/12/89)

IEEE Symposium on
                       Delft, Thursday 15 June 1989

In recent times, the use of Computer Graphics as a  multi-purpose  interac-
tive tool is finding an increasing level of acceptance.  Already, a variety
of application domains are demanding high-resolution complex  pictures,  to
be  rendered  at  high  speed.  The question arises: how can the supporting
computer systems keep  up  with  these  growing  demands.   In  search  for
answers,  the  construction  of  novel  algorithms  and architectures is an
active research area.

In order to address these questions, IEEE Student Branch Delft is  organiz-
ing,  in  cooperation  with  IEEE Benelux and KIVI, a symposium on Computer
Architecture and Real Time Graphics, to be held at 15 June 1989 in Delft.

The symposium will cover various issues related to modeling and  real  time
visualization.  To this end, topics like model representation, manipulation
and display are discussed, as  well  as  user  interfaces,  algorithms  and
hardware  architectures.   Also,  the use of Computer Graphics as a tool in
animation and simulation will be shown. The last session will  be  a  forum
discussion among manufacturers of workstations regarding the question "What
does the ideal graphical workstation look like".


The symposium includes an exhibition that showcases  a  broad  spectrum  of
graphical  workstations,  special  purpose hardware, and software packages.
The following companies are participating: Alliant, Apollo,  Ardent,  Atari
Workstation, Automated Images, Control Data, Convex, Digima, Gould, Hewlett
Packard, Inducom, Raster Technologies, SCAN, Silicon  Graphics,  Sun,  Tek-
tronix and TNO.


Registrations  are  requested by 8 June 1989. Please  complete  the form
below and return to IEEE Student Branch Delft.


The symposium will be held in lecture room A  at  the  building  for  Civil
Engineering, Stevinweg 1, Delft University of Technology, Delft.


For more information, please contact  ir.  A.J.  van  der  Veen  or  M.A.J.
Bloemendaal,  IEEE  Student  Branch,  department of Electrical Engineering,
Delft University of Technology, 2628 CD Delft. Telephone 015-781442.


9.00    Registration, Coffee

9.30    Introduction
        dr. ir. F.W. Jansen, TU-Delft

10.00   Modeling and Visualization of 3D Objects
        ir. F.H. Post, TU-Delft

10.30   User Interfaces
        drs. P.J.W. ten Hagen, CWI Amsterdam

11.00   Coffee Break

11.30   Computer System Expectations Given Evolving Architectures and Tech-
        dr. A.L. Thomas, Sussex University, UK

12.15   Graphical Lunch, Demonstrations

13.45   Research Topics
          =  A VLSI System Architecture for the Radiosity Method
             ir. S. Hagestein and A.C. Yilmaz, TU-Delft
          =  Point Driven Generation of Images  from  a  Hierarchical  Data
             ir. D.J. de Jong, Philips Research Labs

14.25   Simulation in 3D Computer Animation, the Poda and Flock Systems
        dr. M. Girard and S. Amkraut M.Sc., SCAN

15.00   Tea Break

15.30   Transputers: Towards Real Time Visual Systems
        ir. A.A.J. Langenkamp, FEL-TNO

16.00   Forum Discussion
        "What does the ideal graphical workstation look like?"

17.15   Social Event, Demonstrations

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ADVANCE REGISTRATION IEEE Symposium "Computer Architecture & Real Time Graphics"

Business Affiliation:
Postal Code and City:
Country:                        Telephone:

[]  fl. 65.00   IEEE or KIVI members (including lunch and proceedings)
[]  fl. 90.00   Other attendants (including lunch and proceedings)

[]  fl.  7.50   Students (no lunch/proceedings)
[]  fl. 15.00   Lunch         []    fl. 10.00    Proceedings

Please make payment before 8 June 1989 to:
     IEEE Student Branch Delft
     Postbank account# 4314755
Make mention of "Symposium 1989" and name of attendant

Date:                    Signature:

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Return registration form to:
     IEEE Student Branch Delft		email: allejan@dutentb
     Antwoordnummer 10219
     2600 WB  Delft
     The Netherlands

Delft University of Technology              Phone: 3115 - 786234
Department of Electrical Engineering        Telefax: 3115 - 783622
Mekelweg 4, Delft 2628 CD                   email: ..!mcvax!hp4nl!dutentb!root
The Netherlands