----- Begin Included Message ----- X400-Received: by /PRMD=emse/ADMD=atlas/C=fr/; Relayed; 24 Oct 90 18:02:05+0100 Date: 24 Oct 90 18:02:05+0100 From: Mark Sitler <> Message-ID: <> To: Autoforwarded: True Status: RO I have two questions about Forwarded IP Messages. A Forwarded IP Message is shown in the 1984 CCITT X.400 recommendation Figure 11/X.400 in section I. Bodypart - Previous Delivery Information (not always present) - Heading - Bodypart . . . - Bodypart 1. What is "Previous Delivery Information", and is it defined in any recommendation or standard? It is defined as being the P3 delivery envelope, but X.400 '84 P3 which means bullshit... You will find it in X.411 Fig 20 &4.3... but I guess this will seldom be used... 2. Is there any recommendation on flattening a Forwarded IP Message for display purposes? Not to my knowledge, it is too deeply related to the look and feel of your UA (window based, form oriented, text oriented) and must be consistent with the presentation choosen for std messages. ----- End Included Message ----- -- PAP