harald.alvestrand@elab-runit.sintef.no (02/25/91)
Hello out there, I know that a *lot* of you are working on PP based UAs and such stuff. I wonder if anyone is making the mail system *I* want to have...... This is a system "for end-users only" or something like that. Critical points: USER INTEREST: - X.400 only, no gateways. - Talks P1(88) to its neighbours - X based user interface to the UA - Well defined interface (preferably P7) where other UIs can be added MANAGER INTEREST: - No tables in system setup!!!!!!!!!!!!! - "Crashes gracefully" without loss of messages when system failures like shutdowns and full disks occur - Able to get *all* its information from remote info sites (preferably X.500, but specialized infoservers are a possibility) - Support for at least X.25 and RFC1006 network layers - Provides enough log to make it possible to trace messages across the network The main purpose of this kind of software is to have a well-behaved "distribute and forget" type of mail system, "X.400 for the masses" if you like. If nobody is doing it, that *might* be reason enough to start somethihg.... My main comments on some other systems: - EAN: Too many licenses. Too many bugs. - M.PLUS: Too many licenses. No user interface. (RFC-822 only) - PP: Too big. Too many tables. Despite my points about "licenses", I *would* like to know also of commercial systems that fit at least some of my points above..... Harald Tveit Alvestrand Harald.Alvestrand@elab-runit.sintef.no C=no;PRMD=uninett;O=sintef;OU=elab-runit;S=alvestrand;G=harald +47 7 59 70 94