julie@cos.com ("Julie C. Weihe") (05/22/91)
HELP! What does the acronym COSINE stand for? ... and What is COSINE? Thanks, - julie weihe - -- -------------------------------------------------------------- Julie Weihe - Corporation for Open Systems 1750 Old Meadow Road, McLean, VA 22102-4306 703/883-2717 julie@cos.COM or julie%cos.com@uunet.uu.net or uunet!cos!julie
dave@ecrc.de (Dave Morton) (05/22/91)
>================== >HELP! > >What does the acronym COSINE stand for? ... and >What is COSINE? > Cooperation for Open Systems Interconnection Networking in Europe. Funded by the EC and a total of 18 countries in Europe - probably PTT's (anyone else know better ?) Brief is supposed to be provision of a computer networking infrastructure based on OSI protocols for the R&D community in Euorpe. Note the supposed. Dave Morton, European Computer Research Centre Tel. + (49) 89-92699-139 Arabellastr 17, 8000 Munich 81. Germany. Fax. + (49) 89-92699-170 E-mail: dave@ecrc.de
Erik.Huizer%SURFNET.NL@pucc.princeton.edu (05/22/91)
Dave is right about the acronym. Some more background: The Cosine project consists of three phases: - specification phase (lastet until 1988, published in 7 "blue" books) - Implementation phase (now going on, until 31-12-1992) - Exploitation phase (here the project results should be self-financing) The Implementation phase is contracted to RARE (Association for Reaserach networks in Europe) and consists of several sub-projects: IXI - An International X.25 interconnection network MHS - The X.400 coordination service 987 gateway FTAM-FTP gateway Pilot Directory Services European User Information Service Support for SIGs CLNS pilot Full screen VTP services For more info, or the specifacation phase books contact: raresec@nikhef.nl Erik Huizer SURFnet BV