[comp.protocols.iso.x400] Initial PP tables available for Orgs in PRMD XNREN

Allan.Cargille@pilot.cs.wisc.edu (Allan Cargille) (05/31/91)

I have prepared initial PP configuration tables for organizations
who choose to join PRMD XNREN.  Other interested parties are welcome
to work with those files too, of course.  I have provided the
following tables.  If you think others would be helpful, please let me


I have also made available a recent copy of the tables which are used
by the PRMD XNREN I-WEP (Internet Well-Known Entry Point).  These
tables are more complex.

To get the tables, ftp to mhs-relay.cs.wisc.edu.  Ftp login is
"anonymous", password is "guest".  Look in the following directories:

    pub/pp.startup             for new Orgs in PRMD XNREN
    pub/pp.xnren               for PRMD XNREN IWEP tables

Below I include the "README" file for the startup files.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email them to
    /pn=pp/ou=cs/o=uw-madison/prmd=xnren/admd= /c=us/

Hope this helps,

XNREN Manager

======= README file for PP startup tables ============================

These are initial PP configuration tables intended to help new
organizations in XNREN bringing up PP.

Any organization which wishes to join PRMD XNREN and receive
experimental PRMD services from us must register with PRMD XNREN.
For information on registering with us, ftp the following documents
from mhs-relay.cs.wisc.edu (login is anonymous, password is guest)


The text string "CHANGE-THIS" indicates entries in the tables which
must be modified for your local environment.  It appears on the line
that must be changed, or the immediately above it.


    All of these files can go in your TBLDIR except for the tailor
    file, which should go in the PRIDIR.  (These names are variables
    set in your pp-src/config/pickle.make configuration file.)

*** WARNING ***
    If you have already started your own configuration, be sure not to
    over-write your own files with these ones!


If you have questions or suggestions for improvement, please email

    /pn=pp/ou=cs/o=uw-madison/prmd=xnren/admd= /c=us/

or call Allan Cargille or Alf Hansen at +1 608 262 5084.