[gnu.emacs.bug] ATTENTION: diff-18.51-18.52.Z compromised !!!

krebs@CS.UTAH.EDU (Randall S. Krebs) (09/26/88)

A thousand pardons.  I don't beleive that I really did this.

I broke the diff file for the release of gnu emacs from version 51 to
version 52.  Please recreate the correct diffs file and make it
unwritable to idiots like myself.

Here is what I did.  I logged on with an anonymous ftp and requested
that the diffs file be sent to my local machine.  Something on the
net caused it to abort before it completed.  I reopened the connection
and meant to start the transmission again, but I mistakenly typed:

	send diff-18.51-18.52

AKKK!  The reason that this didn't immediately fail is that I had a
partial diffs file named diff-18.51-18.52 AND the file on your end
is world writable.  Hey, I know that you are pro information exchange,
but isn't this just a wee bit like tickling a dragon's tail?

Anyway I am really, really sorry and I feel like a first-class dork, but
accidents do happen.  (At least that's what my parents tell me.)  Please
fix my mistake and warn the world about the possible problems this will
cause.  I really appreciate the work that you guys are doing there and
am sorry to cause you such unnecessary hassle.

randall s. krebs

karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (09/27/88)

Hm.  I saw this note about the inadvertent destruction of the 51->52
diff file, so I ftp'd over to prep to see what the state of the world
is.  I find that the file there is thus:

-r--r--r--  1 rms      wheel      545949 Sep 25 18:29 diff-18.51-18.52.Z

That's dated yesterday 6:29pm.  However, when 18.52 was first
released, we picked up the diff file, which is in our FTPable area as:

-rw-r--r--  2 bob      root       546005 Sep  5 12:27 diff-18.51-18.52.Z

Please note the size difference.  Any ideas as to which is right?
