[gnu.emacs.bug] Administering Emacs

mlittman@WIND.BELLCORE.COM (Michael Littman) (10/14/88)


	...to all who sent responses to me about administerin emacs.
Not only did your messages provide valuable information (which I have
put to use) but they also reassured me that I'm not working in a
vacuum.  If someone here comes to me with emacs problem that I can't
answer, I have someplace to turn.

	And on that note... does anyone know about NeWS support for
emacs?  I think we the ability to use the mouse in emacs on our suns
under SunTools, XWindows and mgr.  Has anyone tackled the problem of
getting NeWS to work?



mlittman@WIND.BELLCORE.COM (Michael Littman) (10/21/88)

Hi all,

	A few weeks ago I sent a message asking some questions to get
me started in administering Emacs.  People have asked me to summarize
so here goes:

* How do you get emacs to load site specific files?
=> Use site-load.el and site-init.el when compiling emacs.
=> Use default.el for run time changes (sort of a global .emacs file).

* How does one learn to program in emacs lisp?
=> Learn Lisp (Touretzky or Winston and Horne).
=> Read the code in $EMACS/lisp (try simple.el for starters).
=> Emacs Lisp manual via anonymous ftp from a.cs.uiuc.edu in
	~ftp/pub/gnuemacs/elisp.  Get the README file first.
=> Experiment.

* Is there any way to tell rnews to read remote news (stored on
	another machine)? 
=> Remote mount the other machine.
=> Get GNUWS .

* How do you edit a remote file?
=> Use "ftp-find-file" and "ftp-write-file" (standard emacs commands).
=> I am working on simpler functions that use rcp to do the transfer. 

* How do you edit a compressed file?
=> I now have a copy of "z-mode.el" for doing this.  I'll send it if
	anyone wants. 
=> I'm working on my own which will save the file as compressed also.

	To help myself to learn emacs lisp better, I wrote a function
called "big" which allows you to type in big letters:

#      ###  #   # #####       ##### #   #  ###   ####   #   
#       #   #  #  #             #   #   #   #   #       #   
#       #   ###   ###           #   #####   #    ###    #   
#       #   #  #  #             #   #   #   #       #       
#####  ###  #   # #####         #   #   #  ###  ####    # 

	If anyone wants it as an example of a simple-minded function
(or just for fun) let me know.

Michael S. Littman (MSL) +==>              "An evening without chocolate...
    mlittman@Bellcore.COM                     is like an afternoon without
                                                 chocolate- only later!"
    ((lambda (x) (list (eval x) (list (quote quote) x)))
     (quote (quote (lambda (x) (list (eval x) (list (quote quote) x))))))