rms@UUNET.UU.NET (11/01/88)
From: tege@osiris.sics.se If two distinct variables are undeclared in two different functions, only one error message is omittted. Like this for example: foo (int x) {c = x; return c;} bar (int x) {c = x; return c;} Since it's impossible to tell whether the undefined variable was supposed to be local or not, there is no correct number of error messages to give. The question is, what is most useful? Some possibilities are: * Give one error message for each use. * Give one error message for each function where the variable is used. * Give just one message. I implemented the last, in order to minimize the bulk of messages, figuring that it is easy enough to search for all uses of the variable once you know they exist. If users in general would prefer a different alternative, then I will change it. Please reply (to tower@wheaties.ai.mit.edu) saying what you prefer, and why. (Len, I hope you don't mind my volunteering you for this; I want to minimize my incoming mail while I am away.)