[gnu.emacs.bug] Auto-save files not generated in /tmp

kayvan@APPLE.COM (Kayvan Sylvan) (12/02/88)

In GNU Emacs 18.52.4 of Wed Nov 30 1988 on satyr (usg-unix-v)

Starting emacs in my home directory, I do C-x C-f ho (to find a new
file ho). I type some characters and save the file. I type some more
characters and save the file.

Dired shows that both ho and ho~ exist. Great so far.

M-x cd /tmp (change directory to /tmp)

Now, I do C-x C-f ho. I type some characters. I save the buffer. I type
some more charaters.

Dired shows only the file ho (there is no ho~).

Relevant lines from my .emacs:

(setq auto-save-default t)		; auto-save
(setq backup-before-writing t)		; backup before writing

Any ideas, GNUrus???
