[net.games.rogue] To Jamie re: possible bug?

ken@qantel.UUCP (Ken Nichols@ex6193) (10/09/84)


> Recently, I was exploring level 17 when I happened upon a what I assume to
> have been a party room, which looked like this from the doorway:
> 		UFY
> 		-@-
> 		 #
> 		 #
> I recoiled instinctively, though as I did I realized that I probably wouldn't
> be able to move because the Venus' Flytrap was likely to be holding me (we
> have 5.3, if you haven't guessed by now).
>    However, I did manage to back up, *but the flytrap followed me into the
> corridor*!  After that move, I was in fact held, and had to fight my way loose.
>                          The Great Green Arkleseizure
>                                  Jamie Green

No, this is not a bug.  The venus flytrap does not have to hold you when you
first encounter it.  It is a random thing (like everything else in rogue :-)
It simply didn't hit you the first time.

                                           Ken Nichols

mkr@CS-Arthur (Mahesh K Rathi) (10/12/84)

  Ofcourse the venus flytrap doesn't have to hold you when you first evcounter
you.. it HAS TO hit you once to be able to hold you.. BUT it certainly IS a bug
if it MOVED!!!!!!!!