[gnu.emacs.bug] VT200 escape key

warren@UUNET.UU.NET (Warren (not a typewriter) Burstein) (01/17/89)

I'm using 18.41 on a CCI Power 6 (uses m-tahoe.h).  I wanted to use my
VT220 in VT200 mode, but when I hit the F11 key, which I see in
lisp/term/vt200.el is mapped to ESC-prefix, I get 

"Wrong type argument: commandp, (quote ESC-prefix)"

So I took out the quote preceeding ESC-prefix in vt200.el and things
are better now.

I also noticed that in keymap.el, function setup-terminal-keymap, the
THEN part of the if says
	(cons function-keymap (cdr (car translations)) 
Even though it works, function-keymap turns into a very large
monstrosity, each time thru the loop it is stuck back into itself.
I have a feeling that it should be lookup-key, not cons.  Since it
works, I'm not messing with it.

What is the current version, anyhow?  I would imagine these would have
been reported already...