[gnu.emacs.bug] Order Form Please

NAGIST%vax.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK (03/14/89)

Dear GNU,

This is not a bug report but I have no other netmail address for you.
My apologies if use of this was inappropriate.

We wish to obtain the most recent version of GNU Emacs (currently we are
using 18.48) but the order form we have dates from early 1987.  Therefore
could you please netmail us a copy of your current order form.  My net
address is nagist%vax.oxford.ac.uk (or alternatively,
nagist%uk.ac.oxford.vax@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk).  If you are unable to netmail
it could you please send it airmail to:

        Malcolm Cohen
        Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.,
        Wilkinson House,
        Jordan Hill Road,

.....................................Malcolm Cohen.