[gnu.emacs.bug] Small problems on Apollo/SR10.1

jnp@tele.nokia.fi (J|rgen N|rgaard) (05/09/89)

Having upgraded a Gnu-Emacs from 18.52 to 18.54 through 18.53 on
an Apollo DN3500 SR10.1/BSD4.3 I have encountered some problems.

First of all: for some reason it is now possible to run a inferior
shell (Fine).

I have some problems with the etc/server.c which I'm looking into now.
Latter more if I succeed.

Problem 1:
in 18.53 the change in src/sysdep.c which was adding:
  + #ifdef TIOCSTART
  +       if (!flow_control) ioctl (0, TIOCSTART, 0);
  + #endif
resulted in as segmentation fault. Changing it into:
  + #ifndef APOLLO /* Don't know why int zero=0; ioctl (&zero,...) works */
  + #ifdef TIOCSTART
  +       if (!flow_control) ioctl (0, TIOCSTART, 0);
  + #endif
  + #endif
made it work, not very surprising. As I didn't understand why the work-around
ran ok I left it out.

Problem 2:
was the change in src/malloc.c in 18.54:
The way the change was introduced made at least my BSD4.3 machine try
to include <sys/vlimit> which does not exist on my machine.
My work-around was to return it original shape; as long as I do not
understand I'll not make any changes.

My Emacs is is plain Emacs only utilizing Leonard N. Zubkoff's 

Works quite nice.

Could you please connect my to other users running plain Emacs under
SR10.1 ? I would really appreciate some contacts.

			Regards J|rgen N|rgaard ('|' is '\o{}' in \LaTeX{})
				e-mail: jnp@tele.nokia.fi
				telephone: <..>-358-0-511-5671