[gnu.emacs.bug] bug? starting up emacs from .rootmenu

mattie@SUN1.CHEM.UPENN.EDU (Renee Mattie) (06/02/89)

First of all, I am using
GNU Emacs 18.54.1 
on a sun 3/50.
The version I am using was built on our server
Everything is running under Sun OS 4.0-1

Here's what happens:
I have the following line in my .rootmenu:
"Gnu2"                    shelltool -B invert -I exec\ /home/local/bin/emacs                               -Wp 0 74 -Ws 732 657 -WP 1088 84                                               -WI /home/emacs/dist-18.54/etc/emacs.icon

That's all one line -- .rootmenu wouldn't have it any other way.
the space after 'exec' is escaped because the man pages recommended
I do it that way.

When I select this entry from the .rootmenu, Here's what happens:
1) the shelltool opens up with namestripe 
"shelltool - /home/local/bin/emacs"
and at the top of the blank screen the string
The cursor is at the beginning of the next line

2) at approximately the same time:
   a) the cursor moves to be right after the \
   b) the status line appears, identifying the buffer as *scratch*
   c) I get a beep, and in the message window
     "Symbol's value as variable is void: exec\377"
   d) The "startup message" -- GNU EMacs 18.54.1 of ... Type C-h t for a tutorial on using Emacs.

Here's what happened when I copied that command out of the .rootmenu 
and executed it from a shelltool:

1)  The shelltool window opened as above, but with the name stripe
shelltool - /bin/csh  and the line
"exec /home/local/bin/emacs"
in the window. The cursor was on the line following

2)  My shell prompt sun1% appeared.

3)  Emacs appeared to start up normally, with its "startup message"
    and everything.

There is nothing in my .emacs file but
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
There is no defaults.el file for our system.
The term/*.el files have not been modified.

Is this a bug, or some confusing (to me) interaction between what 
suntools does with .rootmenu commands and  what emacs does with
the command line?

Renee Peloquin Mattie
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6323