[gnu.emacs.bug] bug in 18.51 `unlock_file' ??

eric@CSE.OGC.EDU (Eric Hanchrow) (07/26/89)

Emacs dumped core on me. I doubt if I can give enough information to be useful, but it can't hurt
to try.

The version of Emacs was 18.51; I was using a Sun386i under SunOS 4.0.1. In my `config.h' file,
I used s-bsd4-2.h and m-sun386.h.

I marked a part of my *shell* buffer, and then did `write-region', giving as filename `tmp'. I
already had a buffer looking at a file called `tmp'; emacs asked me something to the effect of
`do you really want to edit this buffer?'. I said yes, and then Unix said `illegal instruction'.

Unfortunately, since this computer has hardly any available disk space, I don't have source available
(I got rid of it after I made emacs). But in the spirit of adventure, I ran dbx over the remains and
at least got a stack trace, which I present for your entertainment:

	  (dbxtool) debug /usr/local/bin/emacs
	  Reading symbolic information...
	  Read 2340 symbols
	  warning: core file read error: data space address too high
	  error while reading shared library
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found
	  (dbxtool) where
	  unlock_file(0x3120580, 0x5) at 0x13d14
	  Fwrite_region(0x355, 0x5c6, 0x3120580, 0x1076808, 0x1076808) at 0x182bc
	  Ffuncall(0x4, 0xfbfff8b0) at 0x2a075
	  Fcall_interactively(0x107f598, 0x1076830) at 0x27752
	  Fcommand_execute(0x107f598, 0x1076830) at 0xe47e
	  Fexecute_extended_command(0x1076808, 0x1) at 0xe6b8
	  Ffuncall(0x2, 0xfbfffb18) at 0x29ff5
	  Fcall_interactively(0x107f81c, 0x1076808) at 0x27752
	  Fcommand_execute(0x107f81c, 0x1076808) at 0xe47e
	  command_loop_1() at 0xd643
	  internal_condition_case(0xd15d, 0x10768f8, 0xcda3) at 0x28cab
	  command_loop_2(0x1076808, 0x10768e4) at 0xd04b
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found
	  internal_catch(0x10768e4, 0xd035, 0x1076808) at 0x288c5
	  command_loop() at 0xd013
	  Frecursive_edit() at 0xcd35
	  main(0x3, 0xfbfffde4, 0xfbfffdf4) at 0xc81c
	  start1() at 0x111c
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found
	  warning: object file read error: text address not found

If this letter is more an annoyance than a help, or whatever, please let me know and I will cease
sending every little gripe... Perhaps in the future I'll have enough disk space to hold the source,
and I can debug it myself... Perhaps also I'll be able to log in to Ohio State successfully and
get the latest distribution and won't need to fuss with all this.